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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

There's a Reason Steve Barron Handles NorCo's Money

Steve Barron, Northampton County's former Controller, is currently Director of Fiscal Affairs. He's got the right job, too. He can squeeze a buck.

I called him over the weekend about six union contracts approved by NorCo Council Thursday night, trying to make sure my story was accurate. I heard back from him late Sunday. He told me that he had taken his family to see Hamilton on Broadway. Those are $1,000 tickets, so I demanded an explanation. His youngest daughter, who is going to be an actress when she grows up, really wanted to go. He checked repeatedly for sales and was able to get four tickets at a price that even I could afford.

Today, he let me in on another secret. There's also a daily online lottery that opens up the first four rows for just $10. The only drawback is that it is for a next day performance.

I've already applied.


Anonymous said...

PC nonsense. This nothing to do with reality or history. Sorry but it is a waste of time unless you like new age nonsense.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I happen to like history, read Chernow’s Hamilton and am fascinated by the musical.

Anonymous said...

Was Mr. Barron able to provide Ms. Cozze's salary?

Bernie O'Hare said...

Hamilton is far from "PC nonsense." It is our history. It has awakened many young minds to a time when this young country was inspired by some men to be more than a mere appendage of the British empire. Chernow's Hamilton was the source of much of the musical. I have the CD set and have watched some of the musical on Youtube. It is very close to Chernow's tome. This musical has led to an appreciation of our history by our youth. It has given a wonderful assessment of that period's most fascinating man - George Washington. Hamilton was smarter and Jefferson a better politician, but they all looked up to the planter from Virginia.

You condemn this wonderful story bc of your disdain for some members of the cast. You confuse actors with the story they tell. You can follow your instructions from Founding Father Rush Limbaugh and wallow in your ignorance.

Bernie O'Hare said...

7:01, Your question is off topic. Ms. Cozze's salary is very low, and that is why I did not update my post about her hire.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have no obligation to host nonsense.

Anonymous said...

PC nonsense? Its a musical. Its based on the facts of Hamilton's life and the American revolution. What the hell is that guy talking about?

Anonymous said...

Bread and Circuses now at a bargain. Good luck Bernie.

Anonymous said...

PC nonsense?

Can't imagine why people might think that.

"It works because the historically white, male founding fathers are being played by a predominantly non-white cast of blacks and Latinos (there are also plans to cast women in the roles of men)."


"“It is essential to the storytelling of Hamilton that the principal roles, which were written for nonwhite characters (excepting King George), be performed by nonwhite actors,” they wrote in a statement."


Anonymous said...

Pretending that the founders of our Nation were not who they were is not reality. No wonder our children do not know history. Like it or not White men founded this nation. Pretending that is not true is as bad as the climate change deniers.

Anonymous said...

How about an appreciation for the Arts? Or would you rather play a role in the dumbing down of America? Sadly, that is a play that is dominating today's culture.

MarcusBrandt(never fixed an All Star Vote) said...

Not surprised,Bernie prefers Minority Characters representing white guys,In your next life=hope you are born African American !

Bernie O'Hare said...

This is Bob Ryan who has likely been fired by Japanese KDDI. He is a bigot.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Our school kids are not thought American History . Song and dance ,fine ! Being an artillery officer and having crossed the Delaware ,Alexander Hamilton rolls a cannon down Nassau Street in Princeton,N.J. And shoots at the school that he couldn’t get into because he was not a blue blood. (Not to be confused by today’s blues) The war had rolled there after Trenton,many dead and wounded at the Clarke Farm . Blood all over the snow in front yard. I can see it ,1777 alive with exuberance. Instead we a captivated by “song and dances “,or whom can afford to go see one.

Anonymous said...

I loved the tale that Hamilton fired the cannonball into the main hall at Princeton University where the British soldiers were quartered as revenge of not getting into the school and that Aaron Burr Sr. was the President of the College when this occurred. Of course, Aaron Burr Jr. killed Hamilton in a duel years later. Alas, Burr Sr. was deceased by the time Hamilton applied to Princeton. Still a good story though!

Anonymous said...

Pete, Alexander Hamilton was a terrorist/freedom fighter depending on perspective not history, would it be so bad if today we spoke proper English?

War is a force that gives many of us meaning. Personally I'd rather dance.

Peter J.Cochran said...

Anon 9:30 ,Good question . I don’t do my own taxes for the same reason. I was not interested in high school like many kids are not interested now. . This is why I think it’s so important that paid teachers really understands a subject matter and is able to make relationships to something else. I have failed in the past to make a grade in formative years . Hamilton was immigrated from the Virgin Islands, to learn as a trader of commerce. The building his people shot at 3 times was then The College of New Jersey. War is a force ,that’s what happens when diplomacy fails or you have had enough of somebody ,i this case and cause as you know it was the Brits. Terrorist? No ,he was out front and visably defiant. Days earlier in Trenton relatively no casualties on the side of the Americans. Hamilton caused as anon 5:45 says , to empty out the place and command structure after a cannon ball comes thru a window and decapatates a painting of the King - like an message from the almighty. Nothing has changed. Patriot people in power still don’t like each other ,but don’t like Other issues more, so they tolerate with suits and ties on .And I can sign my name, as a result of American History, Brits or Taliban aren’t getting in here !

Anonymous said...

Pete, you and I agree as much as we disagree and the fact that you sign your name indicates to me that you are a person, I, on the other hand, am a nobody, more idea than ego, and would never attack a person. I am only interested in the battle of ideas and appreciated that Bernie makes room for a nobody like me. I do me best not to abuse that privilege.

Just to put you at ease, both my parents wore combat boots, although one of those pairs was British, and the other pair has lineage back to the beginning of the republic.

Merry Christmas Sir, I hope The New Year brings you a little song and dance.

Peter JCochran said...

Anon 2:44your not a nobody like me. Your educated and consistently paying attention to details.Youhave insights that most can’t have. Your most likely a great parent and have ethical values. . You are my friend and we don’t know itt.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, most of the historical points above are IN THE MUSICAL. Its use of non-white characters is not a slight but a celebration of these great men.

This premise is rooted by the fact that Hamilton was from the Caribbean (non-white) and General Lafayette was of course Frnech, both key figures in the revolution. ("Immigrants, we get the job done" being a famous line from the show.).