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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, December 13, 2018

And You Think I'm a Bastard

I can be tough on public officials, as some of my more recent stories make clear. But as I often tell people, the real bastard was my father. Whether it was a judge or Bethlehem's three top cops, he took no prisoners. I'm the nice O'Hare.

(My thanks to fellow troublemaker Steve Antalics for sending me that clipping. My dad took a lot of heat when he went after the three highest ranking police officers in Bethlehem. He didn't give a shit. He got them, too.) 


Anonymous said...

I can't make out the date.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Nov '67

Anonymous said...

I bet daddy would be proud of his little boy, the disbarred drunk. Oh how he would be beaming!

Anonymous said...

Tough to tell on my cell phone, but that photo of your dad looks a lot like Lenin.

That probably explains a lot of your posts.


Bernie O'Hare said...

"I bet daddy would be proud of his little boy, the disbarred drunk"

I was a disappointment to my parents, to be sure. But they did forgive me. I am pretty sure my dad would have encouraged my blogging. My mom would have liked some of it.

Anonymous said...

at 8:36 AM - Say what you want about Bernie, but I respect that he stepped up and owned his problem like a man. He has never blamed anyone or anything for his past problems. Personally, I think he provides a great service for us. I guess you have a nice view from your glass house.

Anonymous said...

Looks like your dad wouldn't have been afraid to press charges against NNM and John Brown.

Colin said...

I find it amusing that some of the same folks are on here taking time out of there day to constantly remind Bernie of his past, as if he didn't live it. I try and check in once a week or so and never fail to see the "Bernie is a drunk remarks". I would hope/think that people have better things to do with their life than constantly sing the same old song. If you dislike Bernie so much, and he is that dastardly, what purpose does making idiotic statements with regularity serve? If I had that big of a problem with someone, I'd stop in and visit them in person and let them know, then carry on with what ever I have going on with my life.

Just some food for thought.

For what its worth, you do amuse the rest of us, but if you haven't figured it out by now, Bernie couldn't really care less. (An assumption no doubt.)

Anonymous said...

Great post Bernie, always enjoy hearing more about your dad. I agree, I think both your parents would be proud.

The Banker

Bernie O'Hare said...

I think my dad would be and my mom would like some of it. She would not like my mean streak.

Bernie O'Hare said...

And no, the disbarred drunk shit never bothers me. For one thing, it’s true. In many ways, this blog is a attempt to make up for my past.

Canary_In_Coalmine said...

@8:36 a.m.

Hate corrodes the vessel that carries it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Bill Villa, you should know.

Anonymous said...

I can be tough on politicians, what I like the most is when you say, ! like so-and-so they're doing a good job, then you find out that so-and-so is far from doing a good job. And on the other side of that coin oh so-and-so is a real jerk and then you find out that so-and-so is not a jerk.

Canary_In_Coalmine said...

Yes, he probably does. I am not him.

I heard second-hand this powerful quote from George H.W. Bush's funeral and thought of it on seeing the comment by 8:36.

Anonymous said...

Thank you disbarred lawyer now you like your father have contributed to political parasites citizens arrests. My hopes is that this life long work continues until the dirt napp calls from your bed in gracedale.
Anonymous freind

X said...

Bernie is villa imbibing from that vessel of hate having his relapse in debauchery?

Anonymous said...

People that criticize Bernie with flagrant disparities must be “the perfect citizen “ type. They don’t drink too much ,run around on their spouse,gamble the paycheck or stealing from an employer. Don’t worry - We all got something ya kind a don’t want someone else to know ya kind a not proud of . We all got it coming.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Bill Villa, for years, and on your own blog, that is one of the many monikers you use. It is little wonder you were sued for defamation. You are a nonstop liar.

Canary_In_Coalmine said...

Bernie, I've sent you an e-mail from my personal e-mail account which contains my contact information. You're welcome to call and verify that I'm not Bill Villa.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have just called “Canary,” and he is correct. He is not Bill Villa. I apologize to him and to Villa.

Consigliere said...

Bill Villa is a GOD in the local blogosphere, you Bernie are more mythical beast like the cyclops. Cant wait for him to win his case against Jumbo Martini Will you eat the humble pie blog boy and write about the Silver Foxes big W? V stands for victory btw!

Geoff said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Geoff said...

Speaking of your father, I hope you saw the s:


Bernie O'Hare said...

yep. saw it.