Tom Dietrich unlikely |
Among the five incumbents, it is rumored that neither Barb Thierry nor Bruce Gilbert plan to seek re-election. Four years of County politics is enough.
Peg Ferraro, known as everybody's mom, is probably safe. Cusick is far more vulnerable, despite having two terms under his belt. Dietrich, in my view, is toast.
Here's some of the people being mentioned.
Easton City Council member Jeff Warren, a legislative aide to State Senator Lisa Boscola. Now you know why he opposed Easton's commuter tax. A real profile in courage there.
Former Council member and Human Services Director Ron Heckman and former County Exec Jerry Seyfried. If they decide against the full-time job as Exec, one or both might seek a Council seat so they can serve without all the headaches.
Randy Galiotto. Unlike Seinfeld's George Costanza, this guy really is an architect! That would be a first for Northampton County Council. In addition to his business world perspective, Randy is a South Side Easton boy who remains very close to Mayor Sal Panto. I'll be writing a separate post about Randy in the next few days.
John Stoffa. After eight years as Executive and all his years in Human Services, it's going to be hard for him to spend his retirement building birdhouses. He's toying with the idea.
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Will the Bulldog return? |
The Wicked Witch of West Easton, Tricia Mezzacappa, has told some of her GOP pals that she'll be running. But she's also running for West Easton Boro Council, State Rep, Controller and a host of other offices. She's currently facing disorderly conduct and harassment charges as a result of death threats. She's living proof that Republicans screw up, too.
Word has it that Pawlowski's campaign manager, Mike Fleck, is putting together a dream team. That way he can bill them.
What names are you hearing??
Bernie I rarely comment here, but the Jim Schlener crack was in poor taste if for no other reason than he lives in Lehigh County.
Bernie I rarely comment here, but the Jim Schlener crack was in poor taste if for no other reason than he lives in Lehigh County.
I've heard rumor of a COB candidate, but until such time as they decide to announce I'll keep it to myself so it is on their terms, or it turns out to be just that, rumor.
12:08, The word I'm hearing is that he was going to use his father's residence as an address. It would be in poor taste if he ran. He deserves every piece of shit I am slinging at him. It's my way of thanking an anonymous troll.
OH I so hope Stoffa and Angle run. I want to see them both get rejected bigtime by the voters.
Stoffa is so full of himself. It will be great to see him tossed on the trash with his loyal henchman.
Randy would be a great choice. smart guy
I nominate Charles!
I'd gladly support and campaign for Ron Angle if he runs. We need his voice of sanity in all fiscal matters back in NorCo.
Is Stoffa running as a Republican
or an Independent?? The great thing is that all the Dems need is one seat, which they certainly will win if Seyfried or Heckman run for council. Then it really doesn't matter who the executive is. Angle couldn't win county wide if he can't even win in his own district..And if Bill Wallace runs again, he won't get knoocked off by any REpublican..It's not going to be their year..It's as simple as that..Their gracedale support will crush them all. People and employees won't be sleeping through this election as they did in 2009..
Cusick should worry... his campaign propaganda had him standing in front of Gracedale,then he votes to sell it!! That will be posted on his re election!!!!!
I think Cusick is in trouble. The knife in the back he sunk into Angle is going to come back at him.
Please not Bill Wallace. He is like 0 and 5 in elections.
Interesting group thus far.
8:52, Stoffa is probably more of a Democrat than you. He just does not kiss the asses of local party bosses. Their lack of power is demonstrated by their inability to elect any of their chosen candidates. Bill Wallace should steer clear of the Garvins and Dertingers and run as a real Democrat, the way Werner or Parsons did.
Galiotto is for real , would be a great choice for County , but he should run for County Executive , he's the real deal , Ran panto's campaign twice and make all the right moves , has no baggage and is articulate , smart young man, he's a businessman and iis the hardest t working man I know , He a true democrat who is looked up to from other heavy hitters ,
Yeah - Randy is a good guy. I'm surprised to hear his name thrown around but happy at the same time.
Let's say Stoffa is a Dem..What Democratic organization would support him? What union would support him after the Gracedale debacle? Could he win without the party or union or gracedale support in a crowded field?? Sure, on name recognition alone..But to say he's a Democrat? By what measure? Saying it doesn't make it so..You can say he 's more of a Democrat than say, Bill Clinton..Or anybody for that matter..Why dont you do a poll and compare him to any DEm..Then ask your readers who they think is more of a Democrat..The results will put an end to your bullshit, Bernie.
Isn't that the Panto guy? He is the one that keeps telling people Easton is Heaven on Earth and not a drug infested shooting gallery. Yeah, we need more of that honesty in government.
Pure and simple, We need new blood. The Dems will win the majority of at large and there is not a chance in Hell that Angle will get elected!!
Word on the street is Callahan wants a "slate" of county council candidates. So if Fleck is pushing it, it must be Fleck working for the Callahan campaign.
That's probably accurate.
John, He'd get the R vote and might get some Ds who like his no-nonsense approach in Nazareth. I think he'd make for an interesting race, and is a better choice than Bangor's Brown.
Not exactly a political all-star team. Just more of the same.
Callahan should worry about getting elected and not forming a slate of county council candidates.
If he wins , he will have a DEm council to work with for sure but not one who will roll over for him..Most will have much more county experience than him..Talking about a slate of candidates is rather arrogant and comical..neither Heckman, Seyfried,
Wallace or Warren will need any help from Callahan to get elected. They all supported Gracedale and they will win if they choose to run for council..
The last thing we need is any more "slates" of candidates. For the past four years we have had a "no-show county council", that just sat there and nodded their heads to anyhting the Admistration told them.
Now O'Hare is OK with a rubber stamp counil. No thanks, we had enough of that with the clowns who were Stoffa dummies.
I heard all three former members from the slate belt are running. Angle Cappozolo Dirtinger. That is if Joe Cap loses state rep.
Dirtinger - That will be fun to watch.
This is going to be interesting
My money is on the underdog if this is the group.
Not one of the three will win county wide.
Word on the street is people are begging John Stofa to run.
It's going to be an interesting cycle. Who do you like so far?
Jerry, Randy G and Heckman would be my top three. I also like Kelly Gross in West Easton, who has maintained poise and dignity through some very vicious attacks and is very knowledgeable about the county. I'd like to see some people from other municipal government run, whether it is Republican Fred Daugherty, Democrat Jack Herbst and just about any of the BT or HT elected officials. I would like to see Stoffa return to serve on Council. And the bulldog.
That's more than 5. Oh well.
Dietrich will win reelection is a walk. YOur new mancrush Randy?, will come in last.
Top three Dem's will get in and that is it.
Stoffa is a joke!
This is a very interesting list of candidates you come up with. I can see some logic in your picks, however, unlike Callaghan, the careers of the likes of Seyfried, Heckman, Stoffa, Panto are over or stalemated. They have no where to go. They aren't interested in being Congreasemen, Slimeators, or anything else. I like that ticket for Council. Now if we can get the "egos" of these gentlemen to settle for Council instead of Executive we will finally have a group of legislators that will work for us instead of themselves. Notice I didn't include McClure in this group.
Since you conveniently cut out the above names gentlemen for county execuitve, who by chance should run for it?
It was a Callahan supporter, of course.
George Speros Maniatty has trashed Callahan here and Panto in another "anonymous" comment.
Who is george
Nice O'Hare. When all else fails attack a mentally challanged young man that enjoys getting involved in politics. You are truely still an angry alcohoilic.
George Speros Maniatty is a malicious troll. I agree he is mentally challenged.
Not cool to trash Jimmy, let it go already Bernie. The man is trying to better himself now, we all wish we could take back some things I’m sure.
I have heard of more people turning down the chance to run than contemplating a run. It is going to be difficult to gather a good team to field. It is a pretty thankless job although quite necessary to get the county moving in the right direction.
Seamus, I will trash a wife beating drunk driver who lies about being sick so he can go on a toot. I don't really give a rat's ass that you think he's a nice guy. He is also a public employee, and what he did was a rip off.
Point taken, but now let him heal.
Does that O'Hare hissy fit apply to Joe Brennan?
Nope, and for lots of reasons that I've explained before.
Yeah Brennan is an O'Hare mancrush. Means he gets a pass.
I can tell you right now who the top vote getter will be in the county council race. O'hare won't like it but is is church.
What it means is that I am not going to repeat myself the way you do. But I can understand why you'd defend an anonymous troll since that's what you are.
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