"[W]hat I need to do, and what I'm going to do, working with others in my district is keeping that coalition together that worked on my race--feminists, Greens, unions, environmentalists--and forming a federal PAC and putting up our own blog. Right now the blogosphere in my district is uniquely dominated by the regressives not the progressives."
Do you think she's talking about me? Funny, I don't feel like Benjamin Button. Maybe she means fellow blogger Pam Varkony, who does look like she's getting younger every day.
Whoever they are, diabolical "regressives" painted Charlie Dent as a "moderate." "My guy is so UNmoderate, he makes Gerlach look like a tree hugger!" But here's the thing. Charlie Dent really is a moderate. And Sam really is a primal-screaming lunatic whose campaign was so idiotic she had to ask broadcasters of her televised debate to insert a disclaimer to protect voters from her own remarks.
But in her interview, Bennett's loss is blamed on those damnable "regressives."
"Believe it or not, the blogsphere in this district is dominated by ‘regressives’ not progressives. So we are looking forward to getting our own progressive blog up “LV Blue Values” so we can get our voice and our values out there — and make sure local folks know exactly what Dent’s and other R’s voting records truly are."
Bennett was asked, "Do you already have a local blogger lined up? It’s quite a commitment to run a blog."
Her answer? "Understood how time consuming it is to do a good job — but we are determined not to let the 'regressives' continue to dominate."
Wow, we regressives must be pretty bad. But we make great Geico insurance reps. Bashing Sam Bennett? So easy a caveman can do it.
In addition to the regressive blogosphere, Bennett takes aim at the local news industry.
"Another challenge we face in PA-15 is the local paper in Lehigh County (PA-15 is very UNjerrymandered with two counties Lehigh and Northampton predominating) that is so wedded to Dent, they allow themselves to be part of a Rovian cycle of Dent sends a press release, they write about it, Dent makes a mail piece out of it. 'Half truths, lies and inuendos (sic)'. I often felt myself a character straight out of that excellent movie, 'The Contender' when as a candidate for Congress here in PA-15."
Funny thing. Sam blames blogs and newspapers for her failure at the polls when perhaps she should be looking in the mirror. Her parting words? "[D]on’t worry, I WILL RUN AGAIN!" And lose again. I'm not worried.
Those of you who regularly trash this blog should contact Sam Bennett immediately. Why not get paid by a federal PAC for your bon mots? Gee, maybe I'll apply and trash myself. I know lots of dirt about me. It's so easy a caveman can do it.
Pam Varkony the female O'Hare is jsut catty by attacking Bennet. Varkony is a plastic fake with no core, isn't she a 'consultant', I mean really.
By the way O'Hare makes the caveman look like Gegory Peck by comparison
Dude, apply for the job. Why not get paid and be called a "progressive" instead of a troll, which is what you really are?
I can't wait for Sam to come back to the spotlight.
I have a feeling your wish will be granted.
I'm sure there will be plenty of money for "progressive" bloggers buried somewhere in President Obama's "stimulus" bill.
LOL!!! I like the caveman reference. In reality, though, this blogosphere is a VERY powerful entity and tool to a certain extent. I have taken my bumps and bruises for having a "wrong" opinion, but it's okay because it still allows me to get my thoughts and points out to the public.
Alfonso Todd
Will our President's "change" require a doctrine of fairness be imposed on trouble making bloggers like of Bernie?
Nancy Pelosi says it's about to happen to trouble making radio personalities and stations. The President has already targeted the kingpin of "unfair" radio.
Disregarding the advice of George McGovern and others, President Obama says he'll sign a bill that eliminates workers' rights to private balloting.
Given our new era of change, and despite the humorous take, I believe Sam's confidence, even arrogance on the issue, is well founded.
One political side erodes liberty under the Orwellian terms like "Patriot Act." The other employs similar doublespeak like, "Employee Free Choice" and "Fairness Doctrine."
" ...they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;
And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."
and when they came for the whack-jobs, I didn't speak up because I am a whack job
you guys are hilarious.
There's one Bennett voter. Will the other two check in as well? Sam? Joe?
Anonymous said...
I can't wait for Sam to come back to the spotlight.
2:58 AM
Yes, it is great fun, and always assures her opponent's (or target's) positions are taken more seriously than they otherwise might be.
yawn... sam bennett opens mouth, jams foot in it. this isn't news. It isn't worth the effort to comment. 30 secs of my time wasted reading this.
Just like a school yard bully, ignore her and she goes AWAY!
"regressive" local bloggers? hasn't she read michael donovan's blog....so grotesquely politically correct that one at first thinks he is writing a parody, only to reaize he is absolutely serious?
It is a crying shame that all those "progressive" bloggers that enable Sam Bennett will never realize how bat s**t crazy she really is.
Sure she got 126,000 votes and spent $900+ thosand dollars -- BUT -- she ran close to 30 points (!) behind the head of the ticket in the Congressional District, in a Presidential election where an African-American candidate for the most powerful job in the world won the District!!!!
That kind of performance is not only a failure of epic proportions. It is a total repudiation of her as a "political leader".
She should be sued for malpractice.
Are you hitting on Pam?
Bennett's own statements prove how out of touch she is. She had pretty much an all access pass to your blog, and she even screwed that up!
if you read her firedoglake blog carefully, you see that she is planning to go out and raise a tone of money to start a progressive blog. and guess who will be drawing a salary for overseeing this blog?
A new label for the next election - last go around, it was "change." This go around it's "progressive."
She's a loon, and we're stuck w/ her.
The Banker
Nice Pic Bernie, much better than the old one!
The Banker
"She's a loon, and we're stuck w/ her."
No we're not. She's not elected. She can hang around and be a pest, but if we ignore the school yard bully, she will go away.
And don't let her try to own the word progressive. She's a wacko liberal. She uses the word progressive but doesn't live up to the values of civility, opportunity and fairness. She lives on fear of the right, scorn and disdain. Most Democratic leaders are not progressive: they are partisans.
That's the thing though - I don't think she'll ever go away. Ran for Mayor. Ran for state office. Ran for federal office. She's a serial campaigner and as long as "progressives" are dumb enough to fund her campaigns, she'll run and we'll never be rid of her.
I hope I'm wrong.
The Banker
Also, how big is her ego that she starts out by insulting bloggers who have already established their own readership, presence, etc. to launch a new blog that may or may not function?
This will be very very entertaining indeed.
The Banker
what state office did she run for?
I'm sorry, that was a mistake - she ran for Allentown mayor twice (2001 and 2005)and for Dent's seat. She did not run for a state office.
My mistake.
The Banker
"if you read her firedoglake blog carefully, you see that she is planning to go out and raise a tone of money to start a progressive blog. and guess who will be drawing a salary for overseeing this blog?"
ding ding. give that astute reader a cookie.
"Also, how big is her ego that she starts out by insulting bloggers who have already established their own readership, presence, etc. to launch a new blog that may or may not function?"
I guess would say the same about people who blame the media for our nation's problems. It takes a big ego indeed.
Plenty of money to go around for PC Thought Police....
4 billion in stimulus package for ACORN (how does that stimulate the economy?)
Can you spell payback?
200 million for contraceptives? Oh yeah, every thing is cool on that now because Obama canceled that. Good thing he is so wonderful.
Money to go after non-politically correct bloggers - NO PROBLEM!
I just hope Bennett can figure out which banks are and are not failing next time BEFORE she goes on TV to show us all what a fool Charlie Dent is and what an awesome leader she would make!
Progressive. Progressing towards what? Implosion by bailout? Global warming?
I hope Sam Bennett thinks I am regressive.
From what I have been seeing lately...everyone in America should be ashamed right now. EVERYONE!
Explain how four billion for ACORN stimulates the economy please, liberals. Educate me. Obviously, I am in dire peril.
I like your new picture. It isn't as scary as the old one.
I'll bet Sam will go out with you now!
Anon 4:49, maybe, maybe not; can you offer an argument that supports your assertion?
Mr. O'Hare,
The new image reminds me of what you looked like 1990's. I worked for the Sheriff's Dept. doing court house security.
What kind of commitment are the 'progressive' folks looking at? How much time do you put into this blog on a weekly basis? There's all the investigative journalism, the fine writing that you do, and then you've got some house cleaning to do with all the griefers and name callers. Are we talking 20-30 hours a week?
I'm thinking that a 'progressive' blog will take at least twice that effort.
Wouldn't you agree?
Anon 4:44,
Uh oh. If you did courthouse security in the 90's, I think you may have had to hog-tie me once or twice. But the picture is much better than I ever looked.
I love the comments feature of the blog, even with the name-calling. I learn a lot from it and people often provide good tips that lead into stories. But it does consume a lot of time, a good thirty hours per week and sometimes even more.
I'd love to see a good progressive blog out there, but hate the idea that it has to be funded by a federal PAC. Right off the bat, the blog's credibility would be questionable. Would it be a blog or propaganda? An indie blog would be better, but party types (and this applies to both parties) will detest that because they want to control the message.
A good indie progressive blog would take a lot of work - they all do. But I would love it. I'd also love a good indie conservative blog. MM is good, but focuses on A-town.
I think I actually lean left on most issues, but don't lean to local Dems who treat their positions like private feifdoms.
"I have taken my bumps and bruises for having a "wrong" opinion,"
Alfonso, Opiniuons are neither wrong nor right. They are opinions. You may have taken lumps for having a politically unpopular opinion but that should just tell you that you're making an impact.
"She should be sued for malpractice."
That's funny. How about a Democratic class action?
"Are you hitting on Pam?"
AJ, Don't tell MM.
As far as I'm concerned, Sam Bennett is ALMOST worth keeping around as long as she promises to run for office again. For me, she's the gift that keeps on giving to be trite about it. I'd like to go live on the same contrived planet that she does. My life would certainly be easier.
BTW - Bernie, you're cute just the way you are!
"Most Democratic leaders are not progressive: they are partisans."
You really hit that one on the head, especially when it applies here locally. There are some great Dems out there, but just as many whop are just interested in the perpetuation of other Dems, even if they are horribly unfit.
"BTW - Bernie, you're cute just the way you are!"
LadyRep, You've just destroyed your credibility and it will probably take youa year to get it back.
"I like your new picture. It isn't as scary as the old one.
I'll bet Sam will go out with you now!"
Sorry, I'm going out with LadyRep now.
Uncle Grinny,
I deleted the comment attacking the reader. You're right. There was no argument to back it up.
See what happens when Planet Bennett hits the atmosphere?
I suspect it will have the same success as any propaganda or puff blog - none. People do not like being insulted by being told how to think, and they tend to recongnize contrived bullshit very quickly. Now my blog is sometimes bullshit, too, but it's sincere bullshit. It's still bullshit, but at least no one thinks I'm trying to punk them. They just think I'm nutz.
Man, those high school prom pics always come back to haunt.
Boonie, Sam makes a mistake if she tries to label your politics. You generally are left to far left of center politically. However, you have Republican fetishes like your mancrush on Dent or your almost blind worship of the racist bigot Angle.
Sam who?
She will fit right into the world of bloggers. The world of crazy, egomaniacs. A world where truth is sacrificed for vicious attacks on the characters of people who the Blogmister does not like. In other words, whomever doesn't kiss the Bloggies azz.
Yea, she will fit right in.
Dear Lord. I just read that blog interview. How can a person lose an election (her third consecutive, mind you) as horrendously as Ms. Bennett did and still speak of herself as if she were some sort of razor-sharp political expert? Is she completely incapable of humility or introspection at any level? Can she really believe that the media and blogosphere's are to blame for how poorly she did?
Even the very last poster on FDL's interview page manages to point out one of many tactical flaws of Ms. Bennett's campaign, and it had nothing to do with the local media or "regressive" bloggers. She and her team simply did not do their homework.
bernie, to say that you are authentic is an understatement. why just in the last few weeks you have written an encomium to beat poet charles bukowski, and just recently trashed the pope.
Will some local Democrat come out of the woodwork and defeat this woman and her nefarious plan?
Anon 11:38,
Take it easy on me. I was abused in my childhood.
Who can we get to tell the local union folks to make sure they and their national unions don't give Bennett any money for her latest scam in the making -- the federal Pac she is going to use to fund the "progressive" blog that she will no doubt run and from which she will collect a six figure salary?
Are there any local labor leaders who have not drunk the Sam Bennett Kool Aid and will tell her what reality is or are they all that blind?
To Oh for Pete's Sake...
It isn't the interogative "Is she completely incapable of humility or introspection at any level?" but rather the impertive "She is completely incapable of humility or introspection at any level."
And, to counter you on your assertion that she and her team didn't do their homework - yes, the team did it's homework. It was the candidate that did not abide by the advice. This is a problem in many campaigns where the candidate thinks he/she/it knows more than the professionals hired to ge the job done. Worse yet is when they win and go on to become Mayor.
I'll bet you a dollar and a doughnut that Sam runs for Mayor.
Six-figure salary from blogging? Sign me up!
yes, the team did it's homework. It was the candidate that did not abide by the advice. This is a problem in many campaigns where the candidate thinks he/she/it knows more than the professionals hired to ge the job done.--Campaign Insider
These are not characteristics of an effective politician, elected or appoiinted.
Campaign Insider:
Should we interpret your post to indicate that you were part of Sam's team? If so, I'm certain that everyone here would enjoy and appreciate hearing more about what occurred within the Bennett Bunker.
I have always imagined it as something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkUzfAfwP1A , perhaps with dialogue like "the undecideds are breaking" and "because of Charlie's ads, my name rec is way up" spliced in. But, then again, I have a very vivid imagination.
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