"We are beginning to regard Arlen as the Glenn Close (what WAS that movie with Michael Douglas?) of PA politics — you just can’t kill him." Bennett later adds, "I meant to say 'you just CAN’T kill him' in reference to the unfortunately indomitable Arlen Spector.[sic]"
Nice person, isn't she? Not a single "progressive" condemned her insensitive remark.
I'll have more to say about Sammy tomorrow.
maybe she'll run against him. It fits her MO.
If anyone reminds me of Glenn Close in Basic Instinct, it would be Sam Bennett.
Bernie beating a dead horse.
How original. tune in tomorrow for his expose on how she failed to call the police while living in Allentown, with Tony Phillips soliciting hookers on 6th street
Hey, O'Hatebag!
I'm staying at the Days INN on 309 nfor a week.
Come on by, I'll buy you a drink! And bring all the people in your head! I'll buy for them too!
why of all people, would firedoglake be talking to her?
Bennett makes a hateful remark, and people attack o'hare? we are thru the looking glass indeed.
Yeah, silly me, chastising someone who calls herself a LV leader for wishing that Arlen Specter would just do us all a favor and die already. What the hell could I be thinking? She's a "progressive,: damn it!
It's high time I get on the "progressive" bandwagon so I can wish people are dead and claim, falsely, that Tony Phillips is soliciting hookers, even though he's never been charged.
Who knows? Maybe I can get a pay to play job and throw people out of their homes.
But I'd rather be doing what I'm doing any day of the week. The fact that it annoys people like Anon 4:21 & 4:33 is all the reward I need.
Kicking Sam when she is down - how nice. Your behavior is almost as crass as her remark. But that shouldn't be surprising as you waste cyberspace lauding and applauding an widely known and recognized anti-semite and bigot Ron Angle.
Sam's supporters certainly are ardent. If there had been more of them than can fit in a VW bus, she wouldn't be such a miserable laughing stock. I'm still trying to figure out how any PA D lost his or her election in '08.
Notice the bait and switch. No one can really defend Bennett's remark. So they immediately slam Tony Phillips, Ron Angle and ... moi.
Now had Ron uttered a remark like that, he'd be swinging from a tree by now.
Bait 'n switch. The topic here is Bennett.
Bennett is becoming more irrelevant as time goes by. Her vicious hate mongering rhetoric may work in Chicago or North Korea but not the L.V. She is a disgrace to her party. The sooner she and Blagojevich are removed from the political stage, the better.
The topic is your worn out ability to tell fact from fiction.
No, the topic is Bennett's insensitive remark about Specter.
you know, i just read most of her postings at firedoglake; she's laying the groundwork for another campaign!!! she is going to run for either congress, again or us. senate next time.
Yes indeedy!
The election is over. I am really interested in why Charley Dent voted against HR384 which calls for tighter bailout rules for the remaining &700B TARP. The bill pressures banks to use large protion of the bailout funds for new lending and also to curb the rate of foreclosures (the original intent of the TARP). This bill also limits executive compensation and curbs the use of TARP funds for mergers and acquistions. The bill passed 260 to 166.
The subject here is Bennett's snark at Senator Specter.
Yes, the topic is Sam Bennett.Please God, don't let her run for anything, except the exits.
But BO, they have a point. she is old news, and why give her any press?
Because that interview tells the voters they were right to reject her. Anyone who speaks that way about someone who has fought illness like Specter does not belong in ANY office. The interview also reveals her political ambitions and a very telling remark about the local blogosphere.
BO 941,
Sorry to highjack your thread but the CD vote has me scratching my head.
I do not support the SB comments if true. I would hope her comments were a miserable attempt at humor and not true feelings.
No need to apologize and I will try to get an answer to your question within the next two days. Something like that requires a separate post.
Bennett always means to say something else...
A couple of examples: Her stories regarding the situation with her paper boy and the bank error during her televised debate that had to be edited.
Now this...
And to reply to Anon 6:34,
It's not that people like Bennett, it's that they hate O'Hare. Two separate issues there...
Bennett -- Class -- Intelligence
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things does not belong. Can you guess whch one before my song is done? And now my song is done.
She was telling a joke O'Hare, get a life.
Sort of like Angle joking about sending African-Americans back to Africa. Oh, I forgot, he was serious. But I hear he was going to give them a crate of Twinkes for the trip.
Yeah, she sounds just hilarious, doesn't she?
yawn... sam bennett opens mouth, jams foot in it. this isn't news. It isn't worth the effort to comment. 30 secs of my time wasted reading this.
Just like a school yard bully, ignore her and she goes AWAY!
would you buy a used car from this woman?
Sam who?
Yeah, silly me, chastising someone who calls herself a LV leader for wishing that Arlen Specter would just do us all a favor and die already. What the hell could I be thinking? She's a "progressive,: damn it!
Do you really infer THAT from her statement? Are you that obtuse?
Bait 'n switch. The topic here is Bennett.
I believe you raised the point of Angle.
Anonn 11:37 You are right but with the scruples O'Hare has he is immune to truth. He plies in half-truths and deception. Trying to destroy the chartacter of good people who he does not like or who won't kiss his backside.
Lsat three Anons,
Learn how to read.
A fair reading of Bennett's interview is clearly insulting and insensitive.
Additionally, the first reference to Angle and attempt to conduct a bait 'n switch occurred with Anon 7:21 PM, not me.
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