Secretary: "Angelos law offices, how may I direct your call?"
"Lamont McClure, please."
Secretary: "Who shall I say is calling?"
"Charles Dertinger."
McClure: "What's up, Charles?"
"Lamont, this is Ron Angle. You're 0 for 2 and about to strike out. I skunked you on the Council VP, the Council appointment and next time it will be the solicitor."
McClure: "Let me put you on hold."
Angle tells me he has also sent Hallmark cards to McClure and Dertinger. "They have to be Hallmark. That's when they know you really care." I decided to confirm whether this really happened, and called McClure.
Secretary: "Angelos law offices. Asbestos is our game. We'll find someone to blame."
"Is Lamont there?"
Secretary: "Who shall I say is calling?"
"It's me, damn it. Joe Long, Democratic Party Chair, Chair of the Northeast Democratic Caucus and Bethlehem Housing Authority Commissioner. Get McClure on the phone now!"
Secretary: "Right away, sir."
"Right away, what?"
Secretary: "Right away, Your Magnificence."
"That's better."
McClure: "Hello, your Wonderfulness."
"Lamont, it's me, Bernie. Is your refrigerator running?"
If Angle skunked him why did lamont nominate Angles guy after voting against him? And why did the other Dem's vote for him the second time around?
Hmmm. Let me ask you a question. Is your refrigerator running?
Is your refrigerator running. That's funny. Always will be.
I got a million of 'em.
Slow news day BO?
Annoys the hell out of you, doesn't it?
Do I need to say a word?
I was in the Daily Show's book. "America".
right next to clarence thomas or was it ruth ginsberg.
Knock off that juvenile humor.
This is STUPID makes Northampton look like a bunch of child!
Yes, I agree completely. This childish nonsense does not belong here.
God some people are so immature!
Is Bernie there?
I brought this on myself, but I have to admit I'm laughing my ass off.
C'mon now.
I am really upset to see people take this once fine blog and just drag it through the mud. Have you no decency?
I'm a noted Irish fashion critic. Bernie always looks fetching.
Is this Moe's Tavern???
Yes who are you looking for?
I'm looking for a Homer.
Homer Sexuall.
Is there a "Homer Sexuall" here?
Anyone know a HOMOSEXUAL !?
Gee Moe you've never been married! HaHaHa
If I ever find out who you little spamming rats are!!!!
I'll rip your skull off and paint my walls, with yer brains!!!
And shove starving dogs up your butts!!!
My name is SIR HARDEN THICKE and I am shocked and appalled by your comments. I have Mr. O'Hare's back and I will be the first to stick it to him if necessary.
Stop picking on Moe.
I'm upset no one was "Ivana Tinkle"!
phone rings..."if its for me im not here" :):) favorite line at the Two Guys Hotel in south Bernie street in Nazareth, Pa
I am 1:52 pm.. I will fess up. It was a bit of a trivia question. I wanted to see if anyone remembered the Two Guys Hotel on S Main st in nazareth. It later became the Shamrock for many years and I think it is now apartments. Back in the 1970's I worked at Kraemer textiles.... I loved that old place.
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