Contributions to Other Pols
* Brennan for State Representative, Bethlehem PA 18015, 08/16/2008, $250.00. (Joe Brennan's campaign had given Pawlowski $425.00 over the same period)
* Friends of Jennifer Mann, Allentown PA 18105, 10/18/2008, $250.00
* Friends of Mike D'Amore, Allentown PA 18104, 08/16/2008, $100.00
* PA for Kanjorski, Wilkes Barre PA 18701, 09/25/2008, $500.00
* DayPac, Bryn Mawr PA 19010, (Daylin Leach) 9/25/2008, $500.00. (Leach was elected to the state senate).
* PA Democratic Party, Harrisburg PA 17101, 10/21/2008, $1,000.00 (for Obama)
(Note that Pawlowski gave nothing to failed Congressional candidate Sam Bennett even though she used her personal funds to support Mayor Ed. He also gave nothing to Democratic Attorney General candidate John Morganelli or aspiring gubernatorial candidate Don Cunningham.)
Let's Eat, Drink & Be Merry
Allentown Brew Works, Shared cost of Democratic Ladies Luncheon of 6/22/07, Date: 02/28/2008, Amount: $500.00
Johnny Mananas, 1300 Food, 700 tips, Annual fundraiser, 01/31/2008, $7,000.00
Robata of Tokyo, Campaign Dinner, Date 09/25/2008, Amount $234.05
Saucon Valley Country Club, (Bethlehem PA 18015), Expenses for food/drink/staff at 10/22 FR, 11/07/2008, $5,702.25.
Lehigh County Democratic Committee, Election rally & victory party contribution, 11/03/2008, $650.00
Tickets for PA Society Dinner, 10/07/2008, $600.00
Those Damn Cell Phones
* 3 Campaign Cell phones, 11/13/2008, $295.46
* campaign cell phones, 06/13/2008, $240.54
* campaign cell phones, 07/10/2008, $238.92
* Cell phones, 07/29/2008, $252.59
* Cell phone, 04/29/2008, $234.24
* Cell phone usage 04/29/2008 $495.76
* Cell phone usage 03/10/2008 $113.12
* Cell Phone usage 2 mo 02/12/2008 $331.42
Popsicles, Candy & Junk Food for the Masses
* Popsicles, 09/15/2008, $55.57
* Popsicles, 07/07/2008, $28.46
* St. Pats Parade Candy, 03/18/2008, $51.30
* Halloween Candy, 10/10/2008, $81.88
* Popsicles for crowd, 09/15/2008, $8.07
* Popsicles for crowd, 06/10/2008, $13.50
* Donuts for community meeting, 09/15/2008, $15.15
* Pizza for first responders in blizzard, 01/02/2008, $74.20
* Pizza for first responders during blizzard, 02/25/2008, $80.70
Election Day Activities
* Donuts and coffee for voters in long lines, 11/04/2008, $106.46
* Umbrellas for elderly voters in long lines, 11/04/2008, $22.24
childcare for campaign event, 01/23/2008, $25
childcare for Snow Ball, 02/09/2008, $28
childcare for campaign event, 04/05/2008, $38
childcare for camp, 04/19/2008, $25
childcare for 2 events, 05/01/2008, $50
childcare for Midway Manor FR, 05/10/2008 , $32
childcare for Good Shep. Gala, 05/31/2008, $30
childcare for Obama event, 6/13/08, $30
childcare for event, 09/13/2008, $40
childcare during Mann FR Date, 10/24/2008, $38
childcare for campaign event, 11/08/2008, $50
childcare reimbursement to Lisa Pawlowski for Joe Biden Rally, 10/27/2008, $55
childcare reimbursement to Lisa Pawlowski, 10/22 FR , 10/31/2008, $99
How Much Does a Big Cardboard Check Cost?
Fast Signs, Creation of large donation check for senior center, 07/10/2008, $47.70
Taking Care of Some Pals
* Joseph McDermott, Allentown PA 18103, Media Services - writing, 04/29/2008, $260.00
(McDermott, a former Morning Call reporter, is also Pawlowski's former media relations guru. Now, he's a "consultant" and the mayor is his sole client.)
* Rob Hopkins is a local Dem activist from the boonies of Bethlehem. His blog, Keystone Politics, was selected by the DNC to cover the Pennsylvania delegation at the Democratic convention. Pawlowski gave Rob $100 towards transportation costs. He also paid him $920 for his work on a January fundraiser.
* Mike Fegley, a Democratic state committeeman and ABW principal, was also given $100 towards transportation costs to the Presidential Democratic Convention.
* Minority Network of PA, owned by city employee Kevin Easterling, was paid $240 on February 12, for four email blasts concerning some fundraiser.
A Must For Every Pol
purchase of a portable amplifier & microphone system on 08/25/2008 for $339.47.
Ed Pawlowski, Philanthropist and Sensitive Guy
Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Allentown PA 18103, contribution to bowling fundraiser, 03/10/2008, $100.00
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church, Allentown PA 18102, Church Fundraiser, 06/23/2008, $50.00
Community Services for Children, Allentown PA 18109, Fundraiser - Photo Pkg for Wilson Black, 11/13/2008, $130.00
Whitehall Democratic Club, Whitehall PA 18052, Contribution, 08/16/2008, $20.00
Sympathy Flowers for a dead voter, 01/22/2008, $49.80
Keeping the Unions Happy
Lehigh Valley Labor Council, Allentown PA 18104, sponsorship for golf outing fund raiser, 08/16/2008, $500.00
I'm a Star!
Dan Simrell, Scranton PA 18510, Video and photo shoot on 10/3, 09/29/2008, $531.00
Internet Campaign
Andy MacBride, Bethlehem PA 18018
Database & FR invitation project 08/13/2008 $1,050.00
Database work, letterhead design 09/23/2008 $920.00
designing, printing; web design and data mgmt 07/29/2008 $1,560.00
FR Work, database & letterhead design 10/03/2008 $810.00
Inv. 1866, staff work 10/18/2008 $410.00
Project mgmt; database work; invitation design for fr 08/13/2008 $840.00
Website design, fundraiser work and reimbursement 09/04/2008 $931.00
GoDaddy.com, Scottsdale AZ 85260, Web URL Renewal, 02/12/2008, $99.90
Nitty, Gritty Campaign Expenses
Deluxe Small Business Services, St. Paul MN 55164, New campaign checks, deposit slips, endorsement stamp 07/10/2008 $219.25
KCA Financial Services, Inc., Geneva IL 60134, Old campaign debt for Verizon phone hookup in campaign, 02/12/2008, $395.67 & $28.46
Lisa Pawlowski, Mrs. Hizzoner,
* 2 Tablecloths for FR (Kohls) and Name badges for fr office 03/10/2008, $255.41
* Reimburse envelopes purchased at Office Depot, 01/28/2008, $377.00
* Reimburse for portable coat rack (Target), 06/13/2008, $52.99
* Reimburse for DSPS Stamps & invitations for annual fr, 02/05/2008, $984.00
Mercedes Tonne, Allentown PA 18102
* August Staff work, 09/25/2008, $662.50
* Camp staff work, 08/13/2008, $285.00
* July staff work, 08/27/2008, $225.00
* Sept Staff work, 10/07/2008, $734.55
* Staff costs October, 11/07/2008, $825.00
Andy MacBride, Bethlehem PA 18018, Oct 22nd FR staffing, 10/23/2008, $530.00
Office Depot, Allentown PA 18103, Office Supplies, 01/04/2008 - $39.73, 03/24/2008 - $105.99
Postmaster of Allentown, Allentown PA 18101, PO Box Rental, 12 mo, 02/15/2008, $68.00
The Mail Room, Allentown PA 18109, Inv. 892,
1st installment for bulk printed envelopes 08/13/2008, $4,028.00
2nd installment printing bulk envelopes, 09/05/2008, $4,028.00
invitations, response cards, name tags, & sponsor poster 09/05/2008, $235.52
printing invitations for Oct 22 fr 09/25/2008, $1,272.00
Printing invitations, response cards, fold/stuff/mail, 08/13/2008, $559.15
Printing Invites for 1/31 FR, 01/22/2008, $596.20
Printing letterhead and fr name tags, 10/23/2008, $652.54
USPS, Allentown PA 18101,
Extra PO Box key 09/29/2008, $6
Stamps for fr invitations 08/01/2008, $504
stamps for Oct 22 FR 09/26/2008, $504
County of Lehigh, Allentown PA 18101, Purchase Voter Registration CD, 10/27/2008,
Yawn. So what?
Was it so long ago when the media/Democrats decried the notion of “too much money in politics”? Now that the money is in “the correct hands” the issue is off the table. What is the word that best describes this blatant lack of principle?
Scott Armstrong
Mercedes Tonne is Mike Fegley's wife (BrewWorks)
Nothing hard hitting in those expenses. O'hare swings and misses.
"What is the word that best describes this blatant lack of principle?"
Scott, That word would be hypocrisy. We're not supposed to look at campaign finance or ask ay questions.
"Mercedes Tonne is Mike Fegley's wife (BrewWorks)"
That's very interesting. Fegley seems to make out very well with Hizzoner.
"Nothing hard hitting in those expenses."
Not really, no. But it's something people like to know. I find it very interested that Pawlowski did NOT give to certain Dem campaigns. I find it interesting that he gave to two nonlocal campaigns. I find it interesting that he would not help Sam Bennett, even though she helped him. I find it interesting to note the people he is using, like Hopkins, Fegley & Easterling.
I am often accused of being paid to advocate for or against someone, something I won't do. KP's executive editor, Rob Hopkins, was paid $1,020 by Mayor Ed in 2008. When he was working for Hillary Clinton, and he was, he took a leave of absence from KP. I suspect he will refrain from writing about the Pawlowski race or make full disclosure if he does bc Rob is a class act. But it's nice to know these things.
Follow the money. It's always interesting. Learning about Mercedes Tonne alone made it worth it to me.
Hope hisssssssss honor issued a 1099 to Mercedes to claim income on her taxes
I found the amount of money given to Johnny Manana's interesting while Roboto's and other local restaurants were barely or not even utilized.
My only true concern with A-town politics is that it continues to be it's not WHAT you know, but WHO you know; and I don't have a problem with that as long as WHO you know is being productive and making strides and positive changes for the City and its' residents.
I am letting EVERONE know that we as residents and communities need to get to work and "heal thyself" when it comes to crime, poverty, and education; but the City is "supposed" to be the backbone and support the people, no matter WHERE they live or IF they are voters or non-voters or WHAT nationality they may be or WHAT lifestyle they choose to live.
Alfonso Todd
"Lisa Pawlowski, Mrs. Hizzoner,
* 2 Tablecloths for FR (Kohls) and Name badges for fr office 03/10/2008, $255.41 "
$200 + Dollars for two tablecloths !!! Please.
And what is going on with Joe McDermott. Isn't he still employed by LVEDC as media relations director?
The Kevin Easterling connection continues to cause concern only because he is a city employee. His newsletter provides an excellent opportunity for the city's African American community to publicize special events and awards.
To: 8:48 A.M. Wow. Had no idea.
How long did he renew the domain for I wonder?
If it's about 2 bucks as stated on godaddy, sorry Bernie it looks like you still have more work to do...
oh look, now we are going to label a table cloth too expensive or his domain registry excessive.
the trolls are out in force. the issue of how his campaign money is spent is between the candidate and the contributors. I'm glad bernie exposed the information but if people want to disect each expenditure, you are going to look like idiots.
". the issue of how his campaign money is spent is between the candidate and the contributors"
Wrong. That issue is between Pawlowski and the public, who have the right to look at it all. I've already learned that Mercedes Tonne is Fegley's wife. i've seen a few things that interest me.
bernie, pick through the info. The public has a right to know. But if you are going to pick through how much a table cloth costs and how much is spent on domain registry, you're going to look sad and petty. Stick with questions of p2p.
oh, and congrats for learning that a pregnant, work from home mother who is capable as a professional is getting paid for being a professional.
I did not raise those questions concerning godaddy.com and tablecloths. Of course, when somebody goes into minutiae, one can end up looking very petty.
But guess what? The law requires full disclosure. And I find this incestuous Fegley relationship to be highly interesting. Guess what else? While I'm delighted to learn that Fegley's wife is both pregnant and a work at home mom, that has nothing to do with any of this.
I don't think there is any significance to Mayor Pawlowski not donating any money to Exec. Cunningham, as the race is still quite a few months from now.
I have deleted two of the anonymous personal attacks that inexorably follow anything remotely critical of Allentown or its mayor.
you were 100% correct to list the
tablecloths. you did not highlight them nor add commentary. you simply listed items.
as a regular KOHLS shopper, it is almost impossible to believe any KOHLS tablecloth would cost
$100.00, so the purchase begs concern.
You fear judgements critical of your ability to view Pawlowski objectively.
I was curious about the GoDaddy.com purchase as well. I wish we could see an actual invioce for that.
The name edpawlowski.com is registered with godaddy.com through 2013. Renewing the registration until 2013 might explain the $99.
Here's the WHOIS information:
Friends of Ed Pawlowski
P.O, Box 9366
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105
United States
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 13-Feb-05
Expires on: 13-Feb-13
Last Updated on: 12-Feb-08
Administrative Contact:
Pawlowski, Ed admin@AllentownMayor.com
Friends of Ed Pawlowski
P.O, Box 9366
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105
United States
Technical Contact:
Pawlowski, Ed admin@AllentownMayor.com
Friends of Ed Pawlowski
P.O, Box 9366
Allentown, Pennsylvania 18105
United States
That url redirects to allentownmayor.com. That domain is registered to Robert Hopkins. That registration also expires in 9 days.
It would appear based on the WHOIS that Mr. Hopkins is doing the web hosting/web development for the mayor.
Mr. O'Hare, in nine days, if the registration is not renewed, you could own that domain and have it point to this blog... :)
It's interesting. The first comment here was an attempt to steer peple away. That was followed by all sorts of comments that provide all kinds of information, including this little tidbit about Rob Hopkins. Thanks.
Anon 6:14, thanks for the info.
The redirection is also a great idea!
Looks like Mayor Ed, just today, (1/22) has renewed the web registration at allentownmayor.com.
Must have read the comment posted by Anon 6:14
Mr. O'Hare,
I would also like to point out that the site allentownmayor.com fails almost all Section 508 Accessibility Standards. Anyone using a screen reader cannot access all content on the site.
Bernie, It must have taken you hours to dig up all this. So.. I am going to donate $3 to you for your time and hard work. It will be in nickles and dimes and all the green pennies I found under the sofa cushions. It is a meaningful and proud donation for you to keep up the many toiling hours spent on your own agenda. Thanks so much.
Hey, 1:38 p.m. Those are MY green pennies you are giving away so freely. I'd recognize them anywhere.
1:06 p.m. You have forgotten that the rules simply do not apply to this bunch.
"Looks like Mayor Ed, just today, (1/22) has renewed the web registration at allentownmayor.com.
Must have read the comment posted by Anon 6:14"
don't humor yourself. I forwarded the comment to his staff.
Regardless of any individual's feelings towards the mayor, I want Allentown to succeed. You say you do, too. Yet, can you imagine what a company prez would think, if they were looking into Allentown, and linked to this site? Shit like this keeps people out of the city and perpetuates the gross development of Macungie and Saucon valley, which are disasters in their own right but there are no brown people there so there is no position to criticize. (not you, others, I actually have faith that you are not racist like most Atown haters)
and I verge OT.
You need more hugs, BO.
Oh, the site registration was reneweed bc you forwarded this blog to Pawlowski's staff? Gee, does that mean city workers are being paid to engage in political activity?
Thankfully, I know why the site registationm was renewed, but I thank you for spreading the word.
Let me get this straight. You want everyone to lie about A-town bc some CEO somewhere might get his panties in a twist at ... horrors ... criticism!
Do you realize how frickin' silly that is? A CEO who saw nothing but "Allentown Good News" would think his workers were moving into a Stepford community and run like hell. Any half intelligent CEO, and I'm sure there are still one or two of them, would want his staff to work in a vibrant community where free expression is tolerated, not discouraged.
You are right about one thing. Many Allentown crticis are bigots. But guess what? So are most A-town cheerleaders. And Pawlowski has been a major disappointment to the minority community.
NO! you misunderstand me. I do not work for or with the city, but I am a perpetually hopeful city resident.
I'm trying to express a different point of view, that I don't think is that different from yours, but I'm definitely rebuffed by your aggression, so I'll remove myself from the setting.
It sucks, because
at moments you are borderline likable- and feel like you have a sense of humor. you DO need more hugs. I'll leave you to the pie in the eyes and straight up haters.
Perpetually Hopeful City Resident,
Never claimed you were a city worker. I just noted that you had claimed you forwarded this blog to Pawlowski's staff. That certainly raises the question whether his office staff is working for the city or Pawlowski's reelection, does it not?
Your different point of view is certainly welcome, but the notion that people should brush all bad news under the rug is, in the end, self-defeating.
Take Philly. That city has plenty of problems, but I love it. People don't try to pretend there's no problem.
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