Grucela has just announced his decision, and it's to continue serving the people in Nazareth and the slate belt who elected him as their voice in Harrisburg. "After rather long and careful consideration, I have decided not to run for Northampton County Executive this year. I am both humble and grateful to the many people who encouraged me and offered their time, talent and financial assistance. I look forward to continue serving Northampton County in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives."
Earlier this month, Julian Stolz had reported a "well placed source" claiming that Grucela is "definitely running."
Definitely not. My well placed source is Grucela himself.
Having one of the safest seats in the legislature, he'd have been insane to step into the fetid swamp of NorCo council politics.
Leave the swamp to its swamp things. Good call Rich.
That is a shame, it was his to lose!
Doesn't mean he won't try for it in the future...
I'm posting a retraction at the cooler as we speak. I trusted the source. He found out later he was incorrect as well but I could not post at that time
Julian, Your well placed source was not placed as well as he though he was.
I know. Mistakes happen in blogging. You know that.
Mistakes? Moi? All the time, baby.
"Having one of the safest seats in the legislature,"
Excuse me, but I think you've left your brain somewhere. Rich Grucela's seat is one of the two least safe seats in the LV. The other is currently held by karen Beyer. Both districts have a good mix of both parties.
Julian, when you get that knife out of your back, take a good log look at who put it there.
This is sad news. Grucela would have easilly defeated the incompetent Stoffa. Stoffa according to long time county insiders is the worst County Executive in history. Call people who have been around for 30 years and people in Administrative positions. They will tell you the guy is terrible.
Anon 7:50,
You see, I have this silly notion that we have an obligation to try to get my facts right. I will not let misinformation or disinformation stand simply bc it might embarrass a fellow blogger. This is important news and what Julian had put out there was absolutely wrong.
Julian is doing the right thing and correcting his error. When I make a mistake, that's what I do, too.
You, on the other hand, support lying to the public.
Anon 7:57, I am a county insider and Stoffa is one of the best people we've ever had.
Dear 7:57,
Will you PLEASE tell us all where you are getting your hallucinogens?
Stoffa is vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. A Lehigh County pension plus a Northampton County pension pluse $65000.00 a year salary as County Executive. Incidentally, Triple Dip Stoffa gets at twenty thousand dollar pay raise if he wins.
He earned his pensions, he earns his salary, and Council approved the pay raise.
Don't be an ass. If you want those benefits, earn them - nobody is denying you anything.
You are a county insider because you live there O'Hare. Hate to burst your mancrush bubble but Stoffa IS considered the worst County Executvie since the inseption of the Home Rule Charter.
Look up incompetent in the dictionary and there is a picture of Stoffa.
Grucella had a shot but certainly no shoe in, outside of his district.
Bernie is no Backstabbing coward and certainly not who I was refering to on Facebook.
Creepy that you read my status though.
Julian Stolz. Wrong again. Anyone see a trend here?
Yes. The trend I see is that someone is anonymously taking shots at Julian. Julian got his facts wrong and will update his post. It happens.
If you're catching flak you must be over the target.
Plenty of fellow School Board members and insider R's to anonymously attack me for a variety of reasons.
I knew one of those would pop up.
I've also already done the post on it.
I looked up incompetent in the dictionary and there was no picture. Are you still reading picture books?
I heard from a good source that Panto is pondering a run.
"Excuse me, but I think you've left your brain somewhere. Rich Grucela's seat is one of the two least safe seats in the LV. The other is currently held by karen Beyer. Both districts have a good mix of both parties."
The guy has been glued to the seat for 10 years. They'll have to bury his House chair with the rest of him when he goes. What a ridiculous statement.
Not qualified. While he is a good man and a good LEGISLATOR, what EXECUTIVE experience does he have. Especially something remotely similiar to running "business" Northampton County? This would be similiar to Afflerbach making the jump from law maker to Mayor of the third largest city in the Commonwealth.
Anon 8:40, The fact that Grucela has had no opposition is an indication of his popularity, but not an indication that his seat is safe. His is one of two districts in the LV that could easily go to either party.
How many pensions does Stoffa really have ? How much is he earning ? How much does he actually earn as Northampton Executive ?
Bernie math:
10-year incumbency + popularity + no opposition = seat that could go to either party.
I think you better brush up on your gozintas.
After the big race with Gruppo where the Dems pumped over $1 million into his State House Seat win, he became locked in. Rich is a good guy but be real O'Hare his was one of the most most expensive races at that time and bought the seat for a long time to come.
You really have to get some mental health treatment and some medication, you clearly live in the Twilight Zone.
The race against Stoffa will be a dsicussion about his multiple pensions while pushing for a twenty thousand dollar pay raise for himself.
Triple Dipper Stoffer. All the money for him - none for you. Oh, that's right he raised your taxes, oh and he wants to reacess your house too.
When I accuse Bernie of lying, he erases my comment. Why? because I point out exactly what he is.
He encouraged Julian to run that post, and then pulled the rug out from under him. No one should be surprised. Bernie made himself look good at Julian's expense, and my saying that makes him crazy. So my comment went poof!
Everytime he does that, so does some of his credibility.
Keep creating all these fictional sins you say I accused you of, Bernie. I don't mind.
I'm not the one writing them, you are. You take other comments anapply them as attacks on you.
Is that because you have a guilty conscience?
I wonder.
I give this comment a couple of hours. If I check back Sunday night during the Super Bowl, I'm sure all dissent with Christ O'hare will be removed.
My offer still stands, you and coward boy Armstrong can walk right in my office and confront me. 11th and Hamilton, come on down!
Volvo Driving Soccer Mom,
Hey just to clear things up, Bernie did not encourage me to run that post. In fact, he also told me he'd have to check to wait to hear it from Grucela til he posted on it. I don't really feel he pulled the rug out from under me either. I ruffle feathers. Someone was going to use this as a chance to say "ah hah! Wrong again Stolz!". Being an elected official puts me in that position.
It's worth it
Panto will annouce CE run if Fleck is unopposed in his City Council Bid.
Panto is mayor of Easton and Happy. Give it a rest.
""Keep creating all these fictional sins you say I accused you of, Bernie."--Volvo Driving Soccer Mom (6:11 PM)
Apparently, the fictional sins here are those you created, according to Mr. Stolz's own words (at 6:20 PM) which come immediately after your comment. You wrote:
"He encouraged Julian to run that post, and then pulled the rug out from under him. No one should be surprised. Bernie made himself look good at Julian's expense..."
Mr. Stolz then categorically refuted all of that:
"Hey just to clear things up, Bernie did not encourage me to run that post. In fact, he also told me he'd have to check to wait to hear it from Grucela til he posted on it. I don't really feel he pulled the rug out from under me either."
It is blindingly apparent that Mr. Stolz is not offended by Mr. O'Hare's post and that Mr. O'Hare meant no ill will in mentioning an error (now corrected) on Mr. Stolz's blog, which readers might have seen prior to visiting LVR on Friday.
I suspect that when you check back Sunday, you'll find that Mr. O'Hare has left your comment up.
"When I accuse Bernie of lying, he erases my comment. Why?"
I can answer that. My comments policy is to delete anonymous personal attacks, especially when directed at a third person.
"He encouraged Julian to run that post, and then pulled the rug out from under him."
I was not even aware of Julian's post until he sent me a link to it. I never encouraged him to publish it, as Julian himself has now told you. In fact, I told him I suspected his source was flawed. You've just been caught in a lie.
"Keep creating all these fictional sins you say I accused you of, Bernie."
The person creating fictional sins is you. On Villa's hate blog, you specifically state, "I better stop, I don't want him following me or my sister in law around again." Your ex and brother have made the same allegations. This is yet another blatant lie and does a disservice to women who actually are stalked, not that you care much about anyone besides yourself.
"My offer still stands, you and coward boy Armstrong can walk right in my office and confront me. 11th and Hamilton, come on down!"
That tells me nothing. 11th & Hamilton has approximately 24 different businesses. You remain an anonymous coward until you identify yourself.
What specific office? What specific name?
I'm not sure he is as well liked in the Courthouse as you may think Bernie. Since he's been in office union employees at the top of the scale are getting paid around $6,000 less than the non-union employees in a matching pay grade (prior to the union they were paid equally). How does the fair and compassionate Stoffa rectify the problem? He has a Hay study completed for non-union employees. The union employees will have to wait till the mess is finally made official - and then hopefully they'll look at the union employees. Also, the union employees are paying a higher rate for health insurance than the non-union employees. You tell me how that would make the majority of the County employees feel...Sounds like the fair CE that you've made him out to be.
Many courthouse employees may not like Stoffa, because he's a procratinator on many decisions, however, as a voter, If he decides to run i will vote for him. He has saved Northampton County a ton of money. In 2009, county taxes did not go up. All across the lehigh valley many municipalities raised taxes like Bethlehem Township 16%. County insiders like pay for play but Stoffa is not like that. He's a common sense guy and he does a good job as county executive. He inherited many problems from the Glenn Reibman administration and it takes time to unravel all those problems.
Actually Stoffa has cost the County money. An unnecessary tax increase in 2006 and he is milking the huge cash suroplus Reibman left him.
Problems? As a voter I am concerned that this guy shoots first and checks facts later. He was going to buy a building for Human Services then quits the minute not everyone on Council agrees. He may be a nice guy but he is a terrible leader and Northampton Counties problems have been put on hold for three years.
There's a rumor going around that Mike Fleck is going to announce for County Exec. on Thursday. Is this true Bernie?!!!!
"Since he's been in office union employees at the top of the scale are getting paid around $6,000 less than the non-union employees in a matching pay grade (prior to the union they were paid equally)."
That's not Stoffa's fault. That's the faulty of the idiots you hire to negotiaite contracts. They're good at whipping you up to wear green T-shirts and go to a council meetinmg to demand resignations, but not so hot when it comes to getting you a buck.
Stoffa has to deal w/ 11 unions, is prounion, is a Dem, and is a liberal. If you can't do well w/ him, get new idiots to negotiate for you. Or dumpt the union,
"10-year incumbency + popularity + no opposition = seat that could go to either party."
Look at the party registrations. It is fairly even in Grucela's district, as well as Beyers. It is why neither is safe ... ever. If gruclea gets an opponent, he will have to spendf gobs of money. His race against Gruppo was possible the most expensive state house race ever.
"His is one of two districts in the LV that could easily go to either party."
Add Julie Harhart and Pat Browne to your list. They both represent majority Dem districts. Check the numbers.
Is Stoffa collecting social security and a Lehigh County pension ? He was collection his Norco pension before he became County Executive. How is that pension being handled now ? Is he a quadruble dipper or is he only receiving his $65000 salary plus his Lehigh County pension ?
"I heard from a good source that Panto is pondering a run."
Sal Panto would certainly be a formbidable candidate, but loves what he is doing, and is making a difference in Easton.
"Add Julie Harhart and Pat Browne to your list. They both represent majority Dem districts. Check the numbers."
"Is Stoffa collecting social security and a Lehigh County pension ?"
When employess were mad at Reibman, O'Hare palyed the employees champion. Now that he and Angles stooge is elected and Stoffa broke the promises he made to the unions to get the nomination, the same employees are evil and greedy.
The real O'Hare is evident and he is nutz.
What's with the Buddy Christ picture, are you truly our messiah, "Bernie of Nazareth?"
Fleck is running for city council not county exec and he will be announcing his run for the city seat this week at home with his wife allison. Make no mistakes about it....Panto will be our county exec. Bernie, you can bet your parking ticket debt on that. It will happen 4 years from now. Stoffa for one more term then Panto. And yes, he is making a difference in Easton.
Fleck is running for city council not county exec and he will be announcing his run for the city seat this week at home with his wife allison. Make no mistakes about it....Panto will be our county exec. Bernie, you can bet your parking ticket debt on that. It will happen 4 years from now. Stoffa for one more term then Panto. And yes, he is making a difference in Easton.
Stoffa will never win one more term.
John Stoffa, if he chooses to run, will win easily.
I know one difference Panto is making --- my local taxes are now 1.75% instead of the 1% they were in 2008. Nice jump! I believe Easton now has the highest local tax rate in the LV.
As far as the unions? It is Stoffa that determined the non-union employees would have the job studies done first. It is Stoffa that can make right with the union employees with the gap in salary - nice 7.5% raise for the non-union employees this year. We'll see this coming year how friendly and fair Stoofa is...Think it's out of line that the union employees get paid as much as non-union, Bernie?
Stoffa cannot do that withou being charged with an unfair labor practice. That's the way it is. Like I said, your beef is not with Stoffa, but the nitwits you choose to negotiate on your behalf. If they had any brains, they would also reduce the number of unions. There's no reason for 13 different unions in a county as small as Northampton. That just means more money for agents and lawyers and less for the workforce.
To quote O'Hare, Bullshit.
Again the Spin Zone goes into action.
What the county unions need is a hard-core Republican executive.
Republicans always have the 'Businessman Dream', problem is that is not the reality of government.
When Stoffa supporter Jack Bradt was made Director of Human Services everyone praised his successful business experience but he was a disaster. He had no clue what the County did, he overpaid consultants that flatttered him and he begged for input but ignored it when we told him what he didn't want to hear. He wasted tons of money on endless meetings and junkets that accomplished nothing.
Probably the worst Director the County had. So much for the businessman model.
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