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Monday, February 24, 2025

Will Philadelphia Eagles Visit White House?

The heads of MAGA world are exploding. "GO F YOURSELVES EAGLES,” proclaims right wing podcaster Megyn Kelly. supposedly in response to an Eagles snub of a White House invitation. Here's what I know.

Only one source, The Sun, has made this claim, citing just one anonymous source. I am unable to locate the story and am unsure whether it it's still there. Nevertheless, in the very fast world of 15-minute news cycles, this rumor is now all over the net and mainstream. 

I have no idea whether the Eagles have been invited. Trump disinvited the team in 2018 after several players said they would boycott. So I have no idea whether he's even invited the team for a visit. 

I do know that following the AFC championship, Trump congratulated both the Kansas City Chiefs and Buffalo Bills but had nothing to say concerning the NFC championship game played early that day between the Philadelphia Eagles and Washington Commanders. Trump is petty like that, a small man, but this could simply have been an oversight.

I do know that Trump rooted for Kansas City in the Super Bowl, and lavished praise on QB Patrick Mahomes before the game. But after the game, he acknowledged that the Eagles played "flawless football."

I do know that Eagles OT Lane Johnson said it would be an "honor," to be invited, but added these are team decisions. 

Eagles QB Jalen Hurts said Trump was free to do what he wants when asked about Trump attending the Super Bowl, but I believe that is just his way of blocking out the noise before a big game. I would not conclude animus based on one guarded remark by a QB known for a stoic approach. 

Eagles' owner Jeff Lurie contributed to Hillary Clinton in 2016, and his ex-wife is a Democratic donor. He has contributed to both parties. 

My conclusions? 1) We have no idea whether the Eagles have been invited to visit Trump. 2) We do not know for certain that the Eagles have voted to snub a visit if an invitation has been extended. 3) Trump rooted for the wrong team in the Super Bowl. I previously stated a President should stay neutral. ... Unless he's rooting for the Eagles. 


Anonymous said...

It shouldn’t matter who the president is, go visit if invited and enjoy yourself. If you think Trump is petty this makes the Eagles look petty also. Rise above the noise.

Anonymous said...

Watch his interview with Bret Baier, tapped before the Super Bowl. He spoke highly of both teams. He said "two great teams".

Anonymous said...

Jeffery Laurie is a liberal democrat. You glossed that over with the statement he’s donated to both parties. He was a huge Obama, Hillary, and Biden supporter. If they refuse the invite they look just as petty as Trump IMO.

Anonymous said...

I read no this morning

Anonymous said...

BAD look for the Eagles not to attend in some fashion. They would be treated very well at the Whitehouse. After all, the very first time in history a US president chose to attend a Super Bowl, was when President Trump attended an EAGLES game! Kansas City really didn’t show up did they?

Anonymous said...

Much ado about nothing. It’s a pointless tradition anyway.
Move on.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely correct- Bernie conveniently glossed over that- Lurie is a Big liberal supporter that hates Trump!

Anonymous said...

Eagles look very petty- doesn't surprise me though, the owner is a big liberal!

Anonymous said...

The eagles like their fans make asses of themselves.. Let's hear it for the city of brotherly love aka drug infested dem ghetto.

Anonymous said...

I’m an Eagles fan and 3X Trump voter and I don’t give a sh#t about this at all.

Bernie O'Hare said...

You Eagles bashers are missing the point of this story.

1) It is unclear whether the Eagles have even been invited to the White House.
2) The only source reporting that the Eagles declined an invitation is a gossip rag that cites one anonymous source.

Based on this flimsiest of evidence, you immediately begin to trash the team.

Anonymous said...

"We're Eagles, fucking Eagles. Trump don't like us we don't care! E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!"

Anonymous said...

Who cares-Anyone who cares is an asshole.

Anonymous said...

This stupid event needs to stop, like who cares, just like the Pro Bowl! It’s outdated ! Not like they need the recognition, 180 million people watched them! God, move on I don’t give a dame who is in the White House!

Anonymous said...

Very proud if the Eagles snub the Orange Menace. Principles always win. It would be nice to see Brandon Graham sack the petty little punk in the Oval, though.

Anonymous said...

They are now saying they will accept if invited. Trump should extend the invitation and everyone should have fun. Put the politics aside for a day.

Anonymous said...

I didn't need another reason to despise the National Felons League or classless Philadelphia and its horrible sportsball followers. I hate mixing any politics with any sports - and vice versa. I also hate stadiums full of obnoxious drunks singing the National Anthem before sportsball. That practice should be discontinued. It's embarrassing and disrespectful, regardless of which shithole, violent city does it.

Anonymous said...

Why go just for Trump’s ego? They can get McDonald’s in Philadelphia instead of at the White House.

Anonymous said...

SORRY, it's too late. The invitation should have been extended right after the landslide VICTORY. Fly high Eagles. Show the Country what a class act you are and don't lower yourself to such a scumbag president by going to the whitehouse.

Anonymous said...

why would people believe The Sun? Mind as well read the National Inquirer or even CNN. They did fall for a pee pee tape.

Anonymous said...

If I was an Eagle, I would say "Screw Trump!" Who does he think he is wasting money to fly to the Super Bowl while getting rid of employees. NOT MY PRESIDENT! Shame they missed him twice.

Anonymous said...

When asked to endorse a democratic candidate, Michael Jordon responded by saying "Republicans buy sneakers, too". That's where I am on sports overall. Keep politics out of sports and keep sports out of politics. The players have the right to free speech but the teams deciding when to visit the White House and when not to is a slippery slope. I'd wager somewhere in the ballpark of 50% of Eagles fans are Trump voters. It would be crazy for the team to alienate them. Like I said, the players have the right of free speech. If none of them want to attend, that should be respected. If they want to make statements on candidates and issues, that should be respected.

Anonymous said...

....and then picked the Chiefs to win.

LVBriefsEditor said...

I'm an Eagles fan and a 3X voter against Trump and still I agree with you 100% on this.

Anonymous said...

The Eagles should not be pressured to attend if they all agree not to go. It’s simple, they achieved their fame through their winning performance as a team. An invitation to the WH use to be an honorable moment to show appreciation to those who earned it .Im afraid those days are gone.

Anonymous said...

Why is it gone?

Anonymous said...

Trump said this today:

"They will be [invited]. We haven't yet, but we will be," Trump said. "I thought it was a great performance by them. Absolutely, they'll be extended an invitation. We'll do it right away, we'll do it some time today. They deserve to be down here, and we hope to see them."

Anonymous said...

If I was an Eagle….LOL

Anonymous said...

The pearl clutching and angst over this non-story is hilarious. The "Champions visit The White House" is absolutely nothing more than a publicity stunt and photo opportunity. Its good for the league/team visiting and makes the President look like a regular guy. Its a happy occasion for the players and their families and a bit of fluff for the local news.

Sadly we've allowed and even cheered on our media and elected officials to demonize our political opponents and they are now viewed as our enemies instead of our countrymen. It's pathetic. We are pathetic.

Anonymous said...

No one said Trump didn’t like the Eagles ? . Our President and the Eagles are winners .Birds of a feather flock together . The Eagles will show up . I’ll take bets on that !