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Monday, February 10, 2025

Republican Mike Welsh to Run for LC Exec

FROM MIKE WELSH CAMPAIGN (Allentown, PA) Today, Mike Welsh, a longtime Lehigh County resident and small business owner announced his candidacy for Lehigh County Executive.

“It’s an honor to step up to represent the County that I have had the privilege of calling home,” said Welsh. “Lehigh County has given me incredible opportunities — it’s where I’ve raised my family, run a small business, and served my community both in and out of office. Now, as our county grapples with new challenges and faces an uncertain future, it’s time for a steady hand and strong leadership.

“I know how to fight on behalf of residents and taxpayers. When I served as one of the few conservatives on the Allentown School Board, I fought against tax increases and wasteful spending while also working with both sides to get things done for students. And as a small business owner, I know the challenges that taxpayers and working families are facing in our county. I’m looking forward to fighting tax increases, supporting our local law enforcement, ending our status as a sanctuary county, and restoring common sense to the Lehigh County government.”

Welsh also highlighted another critical factor in this race: keeping Lehigh County out of the hands of out-of-touch, left-wing radicals.

“Make no mistake, Josh Siegel is an extremist, an opportunist, and a danger to the people of Lehigh County,” said Welsh. “This career politician has run for five offices in seven years, only ever completing a single two-year term in the process. In between running for office, he’s amassed a record of supporting a myriad of far left positions. He has supported over $100,000,000 million in new taxes on Lehigh County residents, sending social workers to respond to 911 calls, ‘decolonizing the education system,’ and defunding the police. Josh Siegel has no business running the government of Lehigh County.

Mike Welsh is originally from Paoli, Pennsylvania and is a 1985 graduate of DeSales University with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. Welsh has had a near 40 year career in insurance 21 years with Liberty Mutual Insurance in Allentown and for the last 11 years as owner of AC Thompson Insurance in Allentown.

Welsh is a former Allentown School Board Director with a proven record of fighting for fiscal responsibility with a focus on providing the best outcomes for ASD Students. Welsh is the past board president of the Liberty Bell Shrine Museum and the Allentown Flag Day Association. Welsh has been active in the DeSales University Alumni for many years and is a member of the St Catharine of Siena Cathedral Choir in Allentown for over 30 years. Welsh resides in Allentown with his wife Nancy, also a 1985 graduate of DeSales University. They have 3 children and are proud to call Allentown home.

Blogger's Note: Welsh has a primary opponent, Justin Simmons. Now that Welsh has announced, Simmons should back out of this race.


Anonymous said...

Finally, a really good person running for office. I've known Mike for a long time, as County Executive, he would manage Lehigh County with integrity and competence. I couldn't agree more that Justin Simmons should step aside so that Mike Welsh can concentrate on beating Josh Siegel.

Anonymous said...

Welsh gets my vote. The other two can't hold a candle to him.

Anonymous said...

Republicans are much better than democrat the democrats look at the world with a very screwed up approach.

Anonymous said...

Justin Simmons needs to back out. Welsh is a great candidate.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a good man. That’s why he won’t win lol. Politics is a dirty game.

Anonymous said...

Mike is the perfect candidate to oppose Siegel. Older, experienced, non ideological run of the mill Republican beliefs, positive nature, consensus builder. The biggest difference is he could actually do the job of county exec!

scottmccloud said...

I've sure been open to Repubs in the past, but Welsh's rhetoric here sounds like more of the overbaked MAGA culture-war stuff. Enough of the MAGA resentment backlash, esp given how the White House is now operating. If he were a Repub with integrity & inclusive vision like Charlie Dent or a couple of our current Lehigh GOP commissioners I'd see him as credible.

Anonymous said...

scottmccloud isn't every Republican a MAGA Republican to you?

Anonymous said...

Why should Simmons drop out?

Anonymous said...

What sounded 'maga " to you. Please explain your opinion?

scottmccloud said...

"...keeping Lehigh Co. out of the hands of....left-wing radicals?" His other campaign announcement rhetoric was fine & sensible. But where are these "radicals?" Hmm? Look at the moderate Dems on Lehigh Commission now. MAGA loves to demonize Dems as "left radicals" or "communists," I guess he had to throw that simplistic "red-meat" in there. And no, I DON'T pick up this vibe from every Repub., not at all.

Anonymous said...

Scottie me boy, grab your blankie, a mug of hot chocolate and stay in your safe space the next four years. MAGA rules!!!

Anonymous said...

Move to Northampton County, become a Democrat and run for Executive please. Save us all form the incompetent bullhorn zirinski.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. I know Mike Welsh, he's a good person and extremely considerate of opposing viewpoints. As a Democrat Super Voter, I'm supporting him in the general election if he wins the Republican primary. You want overbaked, partisan culture war, then vote for Josh Seigel.

Anonymous said...

Simmons and Siegel = two sides of the same coin. Mirrors of each other. Ambitious career politicians with little to zero real-world experience. Two undisciplined bomb throwers propped up by small and fringy base of ride or die loyalists, yet WIDELY disliked/untrusted within the rank and file of their own parties.

A Siegel vs. Simmons race would be a low enthusiasm, low turnout - uninspiring - throw some dumb money at it and see what happens - turn out respective fringy base exercise. Lose / lose for county residents.

The opportunity is gone for Democrats since they allowed Siegel to bully a much better more qualified candidate out. Maybe this guy can be the serious candidate Republicans need to have a shot but hopefully more choices get in the race.

Anonymous said...

Charlie Dent has integrity or an inclusive vision? You mean the guy who jumped ship to make a few bucks? He's despicable!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a decent guy- Josh Siegel is an embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

You just described Ryan Mackenzie.

Anonymous said...

Scott, do you not consider Josh a left wing radical? Sure talks and act like one.

Anonymous said...

If he talks and act like one He is one.

Anonymous said...

Mike Welsh bombed at the LCRC meeting Tuesday. Guy is clearly doing this bc establishment republicans don’t want an independent conservative that they can’t control like Simmons.

Simmons is running for the right reasons. Welsh is being dragged in to do this because Mackenzie hates Simmons and Simmons had the cajones to tell Dean Browning and Glenn Eckhart that they were no longer acceptable candidates as they consistently lose. We will see where the chips fall because Simmons isn’t scared.

The personal BS doesn’t work anymore.