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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Developing Story: Lawyer Allegedly Brought Drugs into NorCo Juvenile Court

Samuel Culper is the alias that Adam Woodhull used when he spied for George Washington. Late last night, I received an email from this spy informing me that a prominent local lawyer was charged with drug offenses on Tuesday after an appearance in juvenile court. He left without his briefcase, which was opened later to determine who had left it behind, and that's when drugs were discovered. When I can confirm that this story is accurate, I'll let you know. 

In 2019, deputy sheriffs discovered a small glassine envelope that was later determined to be methamphetamine in the well of Courtroom No. 1, near the jury box, following arraignments that day. The only people allowed to sit there are lawyers and an occasional probation officer. 

The drug was destroyed because video was unable to pinpoint anything. 

I believe there are suspects and they consist of every lawyer who was in the well of the court that day, particularly those who were in the jury box. I was even told that some lawyers could name the lawyer who dropped his meth bag.

The lawyer who was allegedly charged yesterday is that very same lawyer.

I will decline publishing comments identifying this attorney until I am certain the information I received is accurate. 


Anonymous said...

Abraham Woodhull not Adam

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Lisa strikes him from her witness list now

Anonymous said...

Wait till it turns out this alleged drug-using lawyer is a republican who voted for Trump! This story will appear in LVR over and over until OHare may get tired of winning! But he's gonna win on this till you tired of winning! And reading it.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, was this lawyer representing the state or child? Than there would be the question as too was the lawyer suppling the children with that drug to act out against the broken system.?

Anonymous said...

Are there any prominent attorneys in the Lehigh Valley? Serious question.

Anonymous said...

It’s not speculation anymore. Check your criminal dockets.

Anonymous said...

I think you just suffer a stroke while writing that.

Anonymous said...

In the vast ocean of stupid comments that appear in this blog, 7:17 am above is amongst the most ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? It is not like any of this will amount to more than a contrite person who apologizes for his misdeeds and vows to be a better person. Cue quivering lower lip and tear forming in the corner of the offender’s eye.

Something avoided here — what made Creazzo spaz so much that he ended up with a license suspension and ex-wife?

Anonymous said...

Adam is the alias for the alias

Anonymous said...

I don’t think this is a surprise to people in the testosterone Northampton court house or Northampton Country Club who knew him, he has been a mess for a while! His world was crashing in and it finally caught up! I hope now he gets the help he needs!