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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

McClure to Make "Major" Announcement Tomorrow. Is He Running For Congress?

NorCo Exec Lamont McClure is expected to make a "major" announcement tomorrow afternoon, 5 pm, at the courthouse in Easton.  I believe he intends to announce he is running for Congress.

Late last year, McClure decided against seeking a third term. He claimed then that he was bothered that doing so would defy the will of the people as recently expressed in a referendum limiting the county executive to two terms. Under this new Charter provision, McClure could have still legally could sought a third term.

I believe he intends to announce he's running for Congress, which is an open secret at the courthouse. 

First, the email notifying me of McClure's announcement comes from a Madison Plamer, who was spent her young career after graduating from the University of Iowa as a professional campaign worker for Democratic Congressional candidates Will Rollins (California), Katie Hobbs (Arizona) and Cora Neumann (Montana).  

Second, McClure was snubbed by former Congress member Susan Wild at a recent MLK celebration in Easton. Wild has denied this and has suggested that I defamed her, but I stand by what I wrote. I'm told by people who know her that she's furious that any Democrat but her would run for the seat she just lost to Ryan Mackenzie.  

Third, Mackenzie has been critical of the way NorCo handles illegal immigrants who are incarcerated. They always notify ICE and tell them when the inmate will be released and even will hold the inmate an extra 48 hours beyond that time. After that time, a warrant is required. This is consistent with both federal law and the Constitution's requirement of due process, which despite what Trumpers may think, is still the law of the land. Mackenzie is vocal about this matter because he perceives McClure as a threat. Otherwise, he wouldn't care. 

Wild insulted Carbon County, but McClure is one of them. His father Lamont was the Executive Director of Carbon County Housing Authority for nearly 40 years. 

I personally believe it's too soon for McClure to announce. By waiting a bit longer, he would be more effective as Executive. But I laud him for deciding against seeking a third term. Although Pa has no "Resign to Run" law, it would be very difficult for him to simultaneously be a Congressional candidate and the county's top administrator.  


Anonymous said...

Wild is a tougher candidate. But it's a perfect opportunity to make him defend deadly Gracedale during CoViD. He closed parks to save us from deadly exercise and fresh air while our elderly died alone. It's the most effective thing he's done in public life; even more effective than putting LEOs and citizens at risk by forcing illegal criminals to be arrested outside secure buildings. Go get 'em, Ryan.

Anonymous said...

If this is true??? As a county employee I will do everything in my power to make sure he is NOT elected. He treats county employees like SH-T... Employees getting second jobs to just live. Employees retiring from the county after 20 and not reach the top of the pay scale. Don't give county employees their raises so not to raise taxes. Oh big tax cut....what did it come out to. A dollar a week per household. But that was done on the backs of county union employees...
Remember that you big true "DEMOCRAT " YOU SCREWED OVER UNION EMPLOYEES. And let me find out Tommy boy is backing you after screwing over county employees for years.
I won't ever give you a Good Luck

Anonymous said...

He has a terrible personality, but is a better executive than Zrinski could ever be, which isn't saying much.

Anonymous said...

McClure/Wild - 2 very sad choices

Anonymous said...

If so, the timing is strange given that we are in the midst of the petition period for 2025 elections. I would guess he's looking to get in front of Susan Wild or some of the ambitious younger Dems over in Lehigh County.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is laughing at BO's man crush

Anonymous said...

May I ask what you mean by “snubbed”? Do you mean she was busy speaking with many other people at a well-attended event, and you didn’t see her speaking with Mr. McClure? Or did you see him approach her and try to engage her in conversation and she rudely dismissed him? Just trying to get your definition of a “snub”.

Anonymous said...

I know Susan Wild’s thinking and you couldn’t be more off, Bernie. Maybe stop trying to get in other people’s heads and stick to what you do best: writing shitty opinion pieces from up upon your high horse.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Mackanzie has already started campaigning against him, probably as good of time as any to announce. .

Anonymous said...

Your comments are WILDLY off.

Anonymous said...

The Gracedale accusations have been brain-dead MAGA nonsense all along.

Anonymous said...

Only a moderate Democrat can win against Mackenzie. Not sure if Lamont fits that profile. Given Trump and Musk’s disregard for Congress and lack of understanding constitutional separation of powers 2026 could be a big Democratic year.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he's dropping his effervescent, bubbling adulation of TaRat-Z and switching his support to the Coz-Ze.

Anonymous said...

Is there a button I can push to make Susie go away? Hmm. What was it that was poured on the Wicked Witch of the West that made her melt? If the pay is so bad and the working conditions are so poor at Northampton County, why don't people learn new skills? It must be that the other offerings in the job market don't match current salaries/benefits. Over my 50-year work career in a number of different fields I never "hated" my employer. If I thought job was not what I wanted and found it untenable I would not have stayed there. It is incumbent on me to find a solution. And maybe at that time there is no other job. So that means I do the best I can at work and make sure the non-work hours fulfill me. Hey, the world is not a "just" place, it is "just a place."

Anonymous said...

Oh here we go! 18 months of Bernie telling us how wonderful half in the bag McClure is.

Anonymous said...

Well McClure should be on board with DOGE given how he treats his employees. He’s arrogant and likes his booze, he’ll fit right in down in the swamp lol.

Anonymous said...

If this is going to be to be a year of just campaigning for Luscious Lamont, please list yourself as an in-kind contributor to his campaign. Your mind reading and glowing accounts of this pol are more sugary than ever. As to "getting" Carbon County conservatives, remember this is the guy who has given us Warren, Keegan and Zirinski so that is about Lefty liberal as you can get. The union bosses love him, but the union members are less than impressed. His personality is terrible, he is not very personable, and his forced smiles don't help.

Anonymous said...

Real politicos know what this announcement will be. Tomorrow, McClure will launch his bid to outblog Lehigh Valley Ramblings with his own substack, The Lamont Logs.

Anonymous said...

McClure to Make "Major" Announcement Tomorrow. Is He Running For Congress?

Unless he’s also announcing that he’s starting the Jenny Craig diet program, he’s not running anywhere.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

MTV had the right idea with their Celebrity Death match skits. We need to bring that to fruition here. McClure vs. Susan Wild. Wild's secret weapon will be The Boot (symbolizing her tendency to usurp handicapped parking spots ("the Leaker" could be a viable second secret weapon but that would make too much of a mess)) and McClure's hidden weapon can be one of Zrinski's solar panels.

Anonymous said...

As soon as I heard these rumors I knew this was bad news. He is machine politics 101. Constantly bullying County staff and others. He is exactly the kind of politician we DON'T need more of in Washington: cynical lawyers who just blow smoke about popular topics. We need more Mr. Smiths.

Anonymous said...

Average County Executive at best, AND he has the worst possible personality of any politician I've ever met!

Anonymous said...

Thank God, a day without a bashing Trump post

Anonymous said...

You're delusional, like Biden understood anything and defied the Supreme Court!

Anonymous said...

McClure is a radical, who will lose

Anonymous said...

Buckle up!

Anonymous said...

Disgraceful that anyone let's themselves go like that

Anonymous said...

Susan Wild, now McClueless- no wonder Dems are in a state of denial

Anonymous said...

Republicans for McClure. Represents ALL regardless of affiliation. Rid our district of "Fed Ed's" lawyer. She is a mess

Anonymous said...

Bernie us MAGA people will not again give an inch to the left for the sake of our country

Anonymous said...

Great post! Spot on!

Anonymous said...

McClure is a radical? He will be a lot more to the center than Wild. The far left has literally ruined the Democratic Party and is responsible for the 2nd Trump Presidency. The large majority of this country is center left and center right. When one party goes to far to the right or left they lose, they get wiped out. Hillary Clinton was more qualified to be President than Harris. Despite what the far right tried to make the country believe, Hillary was more to the center than the far left and she lost to Trump. What in Gods name was the far left thinking that a less qualified and further left candidate in Harris was then going to beat Trump. Dumb, really dumb.

Anonymous said...

Ryan is too busy monitoring his Tinder account to be bothered with this announcement.

Anonymous said...

By the look of that face, I'm guessing the "major" announcement is that he has majorly high blood pressure.

Anonymous said...

You need not Musk and the Orange Trump will "fix" the country. Just not what you expect. 4 Trillion debt limit increase. Wake up!

Anonymous said...

McClure endorses Zrinski, so he can run for higher office- NC is just like the Bethlehem cabal. Terrible candidates scratching each other's backs!

Anonymous said...

McClueless doesn't care about NC employees nor NC so he will not care about PA people/taxpayers. He will NOT get my vote. Just like TRUMP didn't. To me they are both the same.

Anonymous said...

Typical MAGA Kool Aid response.

Anonymous said...

McLures downfall is his ultimate lack of trust in people and he knows best attitude. He would have fit in federal government but maybe not so much now as the tides are changing. Because he knows he is not trustworthy he them assumes no one is. Sad actually but common

Anonymous said...

This is a great way of putting it. His response to someone challenging him is more often than not to shut them down and lock them out. They instantly become "the enemy". You can force your way through on that as a lawyer and as an executive, but that's not going to serve anyone well as a freshman congressman.

Anonymous said...

average at best executive, with a horrible personality- his fake smile, gives it away!

Anonymous said...

typical left wing response- get your head out of your ass, or else you'll never win another election.

Anonymous said...

What are the odds that Lehigh's controller, Pinsley, will also run for that seat next year? Seems like he's ramping up for it with his "DOGE Effect Initiative"

Anonymous said...

President Musk and Agent Orange are gonna give you a lot more than inch, Anon 7:11! And it'll be right up your MAGA hole!

PA voter taxpayer said...

Lamont is a fraud. Voters please retire him!

Anonymous said...

Not a good choice AT ALL!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. McClure for putting women’s sanitary napkins in the men’s bathrooms at the courthouse. Don’t believe me go look

Anonymous said...

There’s just no words.

Anonymous said...

Shit maybe we’ll get a bloodbath for a primary. Hopefully a young far left Soros girl joins in the fun! I’ll change my registration to vote for her lol.

Anonymous said...

Just another narcissist running for higher office. He will not do well. He doesn’t like to take suggestions from anyone else. He thinks he knows it all and is above everyone else. Horrible choice for congress.