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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, February 28, 2025

I Stand With Ukraine


Anonymous said...

BO knows hate

Anonymous said...

Trump America first. Trump is like General Patton the real leaders

Anonymous said...

The people of Ukraine need a new leader not a comedian.

Anonymous said...

The Marine did a good job too'

Anonymous said...

Finally we can be proud of our country

Anonymous said...

Thank the lord Biden wasn't in that meeting.

Anonymous said...

Dems said Harris would have done in the Comedian from Ukraine./

Bluto said...

Trump and Vance are embarrassments to the U.S. It's great to see someone stand up to them.

Anonymous said...

As an American citizen, I never imagined the United States would take sides with pure evil (Vladimir Putin). I'm shocked and devastated.

Carl said...

Same here. Orange Turd berated Zelenskyy to his face in front of cameras. Then says it is great tv. A Russian reporter was mistakenly allowed into briefing. WH said it was a mistake. I wish more people would stand up and question OT's words and facts..... in front of the cameras.

Anonymous said...

I support Ukraine, but I stand with America.

Saying you stand with Ukraine is a meaningless statement. The real question is: Where do you draw the line?

Do you continue to write a blank check to Ukraine without any accountability? Do you continue to send armaments to them, to the point where our reserves are dangerously low? Do you allow the Ukes to shoot the weapons we give them into Russia, and risk escalation? Do you put American advisors (also known as soldiers) on the ground?

I think everyone would love the Ukraine to come out on top with Russia, but there has to be a limit on our involvement and we should clearly state that up front.

And honestly, Zelensky and Ukraine have to be upfront and realistic about what they realistically see as the best outcome. Do they see some sort of negotiated settlement or is it fight until one side wins on the battlefield?

Honestly, these are things that should have been asked, answered and explained to the American public 4 years ago, before we spent a dollar there. Frankly, I’m tired of having to fix another one of Biden’s screw-ups.

Anonymous said...

Finally, we have a leader This guy from Ukraine wants more money for a war he will never win by the way even Biden had to scream at him last June now that is saying something

Anonymous said...

Of course you do. So does Trump. Ukraine needs to understand the first step to any negotiations directly with Putin is a CEASEFIRE. Trump seems to believe Putin would agree to that. How can we ever know if Trump can’t take anything to Putin? Zelenskyy ruled out a ceasefire. Listen to the entire replay, not just a news media snippet.

Anonymous said...

I appreciated the spirited talk until JD Vance spoke. JD failed the presidential test and trump spiriled downward as expected.

This appeared to be an ambush. Russia State TV was there to film propaganda. Meanwhile, Reuters and AP were banned. That should tell Americans all they need to know.

Anonymous said...

The Comedian from Ukraine campaigned for Biden in October Now he disrespects our President GO GET HIM PRESIDENT TRUMP.

Anonymous said...

This Ukraine president ask for it for 40 minutes he was taunting the president finally the marine open up on him Ukraine needs aq new leader maybe Trump started this movement.

Anonymous said...

Gross, sad and pathetic. Turning our backs on Ukraine is completely embarrassing. Russia is on the ropes, getting slowly crushed by sanctions, international pariahs, and at best in a military stalemate that is consuming their resources - what exactly were they going to do? America now looks like a complete and total shit show and have flushed 75 years worth of trust and brotherhood with our European allies. For what?

Anonymous said...

Trump and Vance are saying surrender and give up the future wealth of your country while you are at it. Trump is teaming up with Putin - this is absolutely insane!

Vance’s points were weak and demonstrated his lack of experience. Cheap shots about gratuities and past presidents. Completely lacked substance.

Anonymous said...

They are still looking for volunteers, you may still be able to hitch a ride with zelinsky on his way home.,

Carl said...

They berate a guy fighting against invading forces. MTG's boyfriend gets to ask if he owns a suit and it's all great TV ratings. I wish more people would stand up to the Orange Turd on TV and verify his facts. Just because he says things does not make them true.

Anonymous said...

Maybe ask Zelensky where the missing $102 billion is.

Anonymous said...

"Reuters and AP were banned. That should tell Americans all they need to know". It does tell. Thank you Trump.
Um, forgot. When are the elections being held in Ukraine? Any political prisoners over there in Ukraine? Guess Ukraine will have to continue grabbing conscripts off the streets. Say, where'd half the money go to Ukraine that is missing? Ukraine doesn't know either..

Anonymous said...

Fair. But you must answer this:
1) What does victory look like?
2) How long are you willing to pay for it?
3) In our country with $36 trillion in debt, hungry kids each day, and veterans sleeping under bridges, how much are you willing to spend?

Trump started zero wars and forged several peace agreements in his first term. He deserves the benefit of the doubt. Rs and Ds have paid to kill millions from Eisenhower and Kennedy, through the Bushes and Obama/Biden - with the exceptions of Carter and Trump. If you don't have a plan to offer, then shut your chickenhawk face.

Anonymous said...

Trump is an embarrassment to the office. Best response I heard was from Congressman Seth Moulten who I hope will be our next President

Anonymous said...

Bullseye. A minerals deal was an innovative solution that would have created a strong strategic alliance between our countries. Zelenskyy won't hold democratic elections (because he'd get stomped), 40% of his fighting age men have fled his country. He campaigned against Trump by signing bombs in Pennsylvania. The guy is dope with a death wish for his nation.

Randy U said...

Trump all the way. Hooray! Send that carpet bagger Ukrainian packing for good!

Anonymous said...

The way I see it is Ukraine can’t win. We’re 36 trillion in debt and can’t keep sending them money. Sending troops is out of the question. So what’s the solution? Today’s reality TV show aside this is where we are at. All you people that shout I STAND WITH UKRAINE what’s your solution? I didn’t care for the behavior in the oval. I do feel for the Ukrainian people. This is the reality though, and you can thank Biden and Obama for this mess.

Anonymous said...

I grew up through Viet Nam when Ds carried the anti-war banner from Kent State. My brother was killed in Cambodia in 1970, just weeks before he was scheduled to come home. It's difficult to imagine a sadder or more stunning reversal, than Democrats now cheering for more war. Four years and over 700,000 dead. I just don't get it.

Anonymous said...

Many FB friends have posted they stand with Ukraine. When will others and maga start posting they stand with Russia?

Anonymous said...

Spot on post. Obama allowed Putin to take the Crimea. Biden allowed the full invasion and was slow to send them what they needed. We’re 36 trillion in debt. Sending troops is out of the question. Having said that I don’t like the way things went down today. Keep the media out it just encourages showboating from both sides.

Anonymous said...

That orange piece of fucking shit is an embarrassment to the USA and the world. Fucking paper patriot pussy and the greatest coward to ever sit his repulsive fat ass in the White House.

Anonymous said...

Ukraine cannot win this war. What Zelenskyy wants is for the US and/or NATO to literally start fighting the Russians, and that's not going to happen because nobody wants nuclear Armageddon and the end of humanity (except possibly Zelenskyy).

So what is the ONLY option? Answer: mark the boundaries where they are right now and stop fighting.

Trump knows this. Vance knows this. Anyone with a brain who understands war knows this

Anonymous said...

You seem very adamant about keeping the war going in Ukraine… why don’t you go fight the good fight brother. I’m sure they’ll welcome you with open arms in their ranks. Just search for Ukraine foreign legion and their website will come up where you can enlist…

Anonymous said...

Watch the entire 40 min video. It was mostly pleasant until Zelenskyy took a direct shot at Vance.

Anonymous said...

Watch out.. tough guy here. Go sign up for Ukraine’s foreign legion if you feel so strongly about it.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for publishing your well deserved dragging. You have no economic skin in the game. You're older than fighting age. Your family has aged out. It's easy to be an armchair warrior when there's no cost to you. You deserve the beating you're taking here for such a simpleton statement as "I stand with Ukraine." In reality, no, you don't. You don't at all.

Anonymous said...

You mean like the Biden Administration sending money to the Taliban? LOL

Anonymous said...

he visited a munitions plants in PA to show his appreciation... grow-up

Anonymous said...

conspiracy theory much?

Anonymous said...

Folks, Bernie insights riots in the form of comments to keep his blog going apparently. No comments, no blog. My last one.

Anonymous said...

It’s c like the parties flipped. It’s crazy!

Anonymous said...

It was clear what pissed them off was when Zelensky said hey you got the ocean between but you will feel it too. It seemed to me to be some kind of threat. Strange way to negotiate with a country that’s given you 3 or 4 hundred billion.

Anonymous said...

And we need a leader, not a douchebag, pseudo tough guy!

Anonymous said...

Don’t even think of bringing the Lord into conversation when it comes to Trump!

Anonymous said...

A liberal from Massachusetts? I don’t think so.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone think this may have been planned. Having the press etc. I see Europe standing up for Ukraine and maybe finally they will of the money proportionate to what the USA has given. It's bigger than what meets the eye. Remember the movie wag the dog?

Anonymous said...

Why the hell isn’t Trump applying pressure on Putin? He invaded a European country aligned with the west. Our President honestly looks like a Russian asset more and more everyday.

Anonymous said...

It’s just common sense. To end a fight, especially a massive war, one side needs to ask for a pause. In war, that’s called a ceasefire. The other side is then given that option. If both agree, the carnage stops, the parties sit down and hash out something more detailed and hopefully

Zelenskyy made it quite clear, he is not ready to begin that path to peace. Zelenskyy, in effect, rejected a diplomatic solution. He put a roadblock in the Trump attempt to the intermediary/ peacemaker.

Anonymous said...

Zelensky is simply asking how do we plan to enforce a ceasefire? It’s a very relevant question. Multiple “ceasefires” have already been violated by Putin. Well?

Anonymous said...

How do you ensure Putin respects those bounties?

Anonymous said...

Bottomline, trump blew the deal. JD triggered trump and trump revealed his cards and folded his hand. Yes, Zelinsky had a weak hand, but trump promised a big deal and did not deliver.

Putin will not hold any border without a security agreement.

Vance was the Joker in the deck and now rivals musk as a risk to trumps legacy.

For a moment, I thought trump played putin. Putin now played the US. The winners are Russia, North Korea, China and Iran as the US is gambling Nato alliance.

Anonymous said...

Democrat critics posting here are not being logical. Their minds are too clouded with seizing any opportunity to attack Trump.

Anonymous said...

I thought we voted for neutrality - meaning we don't involve ourselves with the wars in Ukraine and Israel, not that we occupy Gaza and openly support Russia if Ukraine doesn't give us rare minerals. Trump-Vance are just more POS politicians. No different than the rest of the swamp.

Anonymous said...

There were lots of US volunteers who got duped into going over there early on. Lots of people who talked tough about smashing Putin, etc. Then they realized that modern warfare with drones, artillery, and minefields, etc is not some social media game.

Anonymous said...

To the misinformed Democrats, and other automatic Trump haters participating in this discussion, I ask one question:


To the children watching, my advice is:


Joe Holko said...

Here’s another solution. We get 50% of the rare minerals. Russia withdraws to pre-2014 borders. Russia does not pay reparations. And Ukraine sells the other 50% of its rare minerals to the world to raise money to pay to rebuild its own country. And then hold elections if Zelenskyy doesn’t resign.

Anonymous said...

You're an idiot and delusional- for once, we have a President that stands up for us, and wants peace- something you libs don't quite understand. Stay tuned to your MSDNC, and CNN echo chambers, and you'll never win another election.

Anonymous said...

Zelenskyy cancelled elections because his country likely wouldn't give him 20% of the vote. His men of fighting age ran away to Poland because they won't fight for him. Even Sleepy Joe Biden couldn't stand his arrogance. How long should we support a guy who won't even agree to a ceasefire? Trump never started a war. He achieved several peace agreements. It's the reason war-loving RINOS hate him more than Democrats, who are now in the always-at-war camp, despite constantly bitching about budget cuts. Give peace a chance. Remember Jimmy Carter and Trump 1. We don't always have to be in trillion dollar wars. Stop spoiling for nuclear war because you hate Orange Man.

Anonymous said...

We did make a promise to Ukraine back in the day right along with the European countries and Russia to protect them from invasion if they gave up their nukes. Well, ends up our country's word is as worthless as a treaty with a native American tribe. Silly them. But maybe the Ukrainian's don't see surrender as an option because their history hasn't faded of what happened to them when millions died by planned starvation the last time Russia expanded their empire into their country. Is it any wonder that "Just trust us, you'll be fine, we swears" from The Great Orange Scammer isn't giving them any comfort.

Anonymous said...

Putin took land during the Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations, but wouldn't think of it under Trump. Like him or not, Putin fears Trump.

Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of the meaningless, "I stand for Ukraine" BS. If you did, you'd want an end to this war, where millions have been killed and the country destroyed.

Anonymous said...

I stand with Ukraine. I'd like to buy one of the missiles (not armed) signed in PA by Zelensky and Casey and Shapiro and other Democratic Party. We should get rid of tRump and fight this war with every dollar we have until Ukraine wins and Zelensky is made president for life. We should consider sending troops along with all of Europe. Our treasure isn't enough. It's time to spend blood to make the world safe for democracy. It's time for amateur pussies like tRump to step aside and let the adults run things.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my!

During my regularly morning perusal of video segments from various media sites concerning yesterday’s White House interaction, I stumbled upon an interview by Fox Networks’ Jesse Waters with White House Assistant Chief of Staff, Steven Miller. Less than 5 minutes long.

Perfect encapsulation of what actually occurred from an official White House spokesperson. Interpretation direct from the ‘horse’s mouth,’ not through the lens of some government propaganda media talking head.

Anonymous said...

Problem solved All Liberal democrats send their money over to Ukraine and maybe all left wing soldiers

Anonymous said...

Europe has given more money than the US

Anonymous said...

How do you know that he's not pressuring putin?

Anonymous said...

We had the right person at the table with the Ukraine NUT . To bad certain people think this guy is human Drill Baby Drill

Anonymous said...

The joke is on everyone that is against Trump We have him for 4 years. Get over it DEMS & haters

Anonymous said...

Little boy Zelensky got the tongue lashing he deserved. He travels the world begging for aid but not negotiating for peace.

He’s willing to sacrifice millions more of his own people and would like nothing more than for other European armies to sacrifice their children.

The demise of his country was facilitated via weak US. Democrat Presidents, and now he finally arrives in our country at the invitation of a President who wants to negotiate a peace.

But no.

F#ck Zelensky and Ukraine. Blood fertilizes soil.

Anonymous said...

Did not Ukraine give up there nuclear weapons in exchange for assistance with their security?

Anonymous said...

Treasury Sec Scott Bessent: "Trump sent me to Kyiv to bring Ukraine closer to the U.S.—to show Russia there was no daylight between us. Zelensky refused to sign, stalled in Munich, then backed out again. One of the biggest own goals in diplomatic history."
Ukraine needs elections and a new leader who wants peace. Zelenskyy just wants to keep fighting and laundering US dollars. He'd prefer our military and Europe's fight for his country in the absence of his own cowardly men. Enough is enough.

Anonymous said...

Trump and the VP were 100% correct how they handled this guy. Everything was set up for positive result but this guy with his attitude screwed it up big time for his country HE was not dealing with Biden. Ukraine had a war out thanks to Trump and this comedian did not take it He is not to smart.

Anonymous said...

America strength is coming back we are getting rid of the weak woke philosophy that has helped to destroy our country

Anonymous said...

The world can now see we have a new leader a positive philosophy and will not yield to the weak people of the left and their screwed up way of thinking.

Anonymous said...

Best thing for Ukraine is for Zelenskyy to resign.

Anonymous said...

Our President won the election because the Democrats put up a very poor candidate at just the right time in History. Our President is the biggest walking rectum that has ever served in government and that includes John Brown and Lamont McClueless. our President the draft dodger, knows when his term is up, he will go to jail so he has no choice but to everything he can to circumvent the Constitution and remain in office. He will try to change the Constitution and will have the Fellow rectums on the Supreme Court rule in his favor. It's coming. Brace yourselves. The best part of Donal Trump ran down his mothers leg. The draft dodging scum bag is a disgrace to America and the human race. If I had more time, I would really tell you what I think of this despicable cockroach.

Anonymous said...

It’s time for all Americans to put aside our differences and unite against the common enemy:


Anonymous said...

Big Orange didn’t have the nerve to end the war in Afghanistan.

Anonymous said...

Zalensky came to sign the mineral deal & then refused to do so without asking for more which was not the plan.

Mineral deal should have been assurance he needed that we would protect Ukraine while at same time Trump is trying to get ceasefire as first step toward solution.

US very much needs to reestablish relationship with Russia after this is settled to prevent Russia/Sino enemy that could be the end of civilization.

Trump knows what he is doing & will insure an independent smaller geography Ukraine. Zalensky wants unrealistic outcome. He can give up the Donsk region which was more than half Russian people living there anyway.

Anonymous said...

Embarrassing to watch our president lie to another world leader and back a communist leader who invaded a sovereign country. How have we come to this?

Anonymous said...

Only difference between Zelensky and Putin is that Putin has a bigger military.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don’t know Moulten’s background. Look him up. He’s a moderate Democrat you assume just because he’s from Massachusetts he’s a liberal. He recently agreed that transgenders should not play sports.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line Zelensky wants more war Trump wants none and will not put up with this idiot.

Anonymous said...

You can’t ensure Putin respects those boundaries. Just like you can’t guarantee ‘false flag’ killings and destruction inside Ukraine to blame on Putin.

First, agree to a ceasefire. Second, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN, etc. ( the closest neighbors can staff peacekeeping forces to help deter Putin. Should Putin (and not some false flag outlet like the CIA) break the ceasefire, have faith that Trump will add in to any response.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the Democratic left says to do do the opposite

Anonymous said...

Critics need to understand Ukraine is highly corrupt place, and has been for years. Money laundering, even back into the hands of equally corrupt elected officials, including some of our own, is real.

Then, ask yourselves what would Kamala Harris be doing to manage this mess? She was the only other alternative to Trump.

Anonymous said...

$182 billion, about a third of that was in kind services and weapons. Check your facts first.

Anonymous said...

I base my observations on the thing I can see. Not the thing I hope is behind the thing to justify my prior assumptions.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, Zelensky would agree to that but it simply is not possible without a security guarantee. Putin isn’t simply going to turn around and go home on his own.

Anonymous said...

Dude I grew up in his domestics lol

Anonymous said...

Moulton sticks his finger in the air and sees which way the wind blows. Look closely at his voting record and you’ll see the real Moulton. He represents the North Shore which Lynn, Salem and Nahant. Very liberal areas so don’t be surprised he gets primaried because he had the audacity to say men shouldn’t play women’s sports. That tells you how messed up today’s democrat party is.

Anonymous said...

This all happened because of Obama and Biden. It’s going to be hard to clean up their mess. Wars, open borders, debt, inflation that’s their legacy. Then they run literally the worst presidential candidate in history after they realized they couldn’t lie about Biden anymore. That’s how you end up with Trump again lol.

Anonymous said...

Boy if only Trump hadn’t been deferred and been able to fight in Vietnam I bet he would have volunteered to be right up front and kill all those Viet Cong. But he was more needed at home to help his daddy’s business.

Anonymous said...

Does standing with Ukraine mean sending US troops, sending another $50B for a lost war or promising the US will declare war on Russia if they invade again after a peace deal is achieved? Or, has it now become a manifestation of TDS?

Anonymous said...

rejected a diplomatic solution (that isn't one) and is not acceptable to his countrymates ... how about you just let Putin & Trump decides what's best for us too? idiotic

Anonymous said...

Russia invaded Ukraine, targeted civilians, bombed schools, hospitals and homes, killed at least 70k citizens and injured countless more. I watched as trump lied outright to Zelenski with his crazy maga crap. Trump should make Russia pay damages and boycott Russia. In a civilized world this should not stand.

Anonymous said...

All Viet Nam veterans would say go fight in Ukraine\e look how it turn out in vied Nam and Afghanistan

Anonymous said...

To those obsessed with hatred for Trump, the sickness is strong. There is no logic, no accurate understanding, no common sense, just howling at the moon.
Government propaganda (brainwashing) is a powerful tool. I try to ignore, but it’s difficult.

Anonymous said...

How many more ukranians do you think should die to punish Russia?

Anonymous said...

If Moulton was a moderate he’d be part of the problem solvers caucus with Gottheimer and Fitzgerald.

Anonymous said...

Oh ok let’s go with 182 billon, 4 times the annual state budget of PA give or take. Whats your solution? Keep sending money while we’re running 2 trillion dollar deficits and have 36 trillion in debt? Send our troops? There are no good options really.

Anonymous said...

If America would fail it would be because of the left wing linatics which we will defeat.

Anonymous said...

You may be right but this isn’t over yet. Options are limited. Biden and Obama caused this mess now we have Trump lol. Not good.

Anonymous said...

Bernie posts this blog to help the deranged MAGA people get through the day with their psychological needs. He does them a favor.

Anonymous said...

No one lies more than Trump and Fox News. If he were Pinocchio his nose wouldn’t fit in the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he represents his constituents what a congressman is supposed to do not kiss the ass of the President who they’re afraid of. Sounds like you’re a partisan Republican already afraid of him.

Anonymous said...

Send more money he looks like a stand up guy.

Anonymous said...

Never knew it was Trump’s responsibility, nor America’s for that matter, to play world police.

If that’s the case, why didn’t Obama do it when the war first started?

Anonymous said...

Without Trump we would have had Harris

Anonymous said...

Biden started World War 2.

Anonymous said...

No. Republicans had several options in the primary. Several. Good. Options. For some reason out of all of them a hateful narcissist with a fragile ego was picked.

Anonymous said...

His constituents are liberal and he’s a liberal. Jogging to the center on one issue doesn’t make him a moderate like you said he was. As far as me, I grew up in a true blue democrat house when the party was sane. It’s not sane anymore the crazies run it. Not a big Trump guy either with this public display of nonsense but the truth is Biden was frustrated with Zelinsky as well he just didn’t air it in public. Calling a sitting president a coward to fundraise and get publicity off it also seems cowardly to me. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Democrats are mad about Trump. They should be mad at their party leaders who really screwed up the last 5 years. Lying about Biden mistake number one. Forcing him to choose Harris mistake number two. She was a really bad candidate.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. From Embarrassed registered Republican.

Anonymous said...

Why has there been no challenge of the catastrophically bad US and European military assessment that the war was winnable by supplying lots of money and weapons even without Ukraine having or committing troop strength sufficient to oppose the Russians, to kick them out? Territory is taken and held in war with troops. The war is lost. The Left's, the CIA's, NSA's and Joint Chief's (and Zelensky's) dream mission of defeating Putin without the needed troops has failed due to bad early judgment. The US and Europe have again lost a proxy war to a communist country more committed to the mission.

Anonymous said...

And now the latest . . . .

As of this morning, Great Britain announces it will join with France, plus 2 other unannounced EU nations to provide a peacekeeping for in Ukraine under any ceasefire agreement. HOWEVER, Great Britain says it will require the United States to provide a back-up for them in the event a ceasefire does not hold.

To this, I say “No thanks, clowns!” Hope Trump does decline.

Think it through, folks. The ceasefire runs the risk of a false flag incident happening to break the ceasefire. That could come from Ukraine itself, some other EU nation, or even our own CIA. Presto, the United States is brought into the war full stop, losing our troops, etc.

NATO, the EUROPEAN UNION, and anyone else must go it alone with their plan. They can’t, and won’t. Ukraine is not a part of NATO so we have no obligation to take over that mess.

Anonymous said...

I’m embarrassed to be a registered Republican.

Anonymous said...

Tough guy eh?

Anonymous said...

You’ll believe anything. The minerals thing is a face-saving dodge.
It’s not as though there are train cars full of precious metal waiting to rumble to ports.
Try to use your brain. Perhaps though you did and this was the best you could come up with.
If so it’s not your fault.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile at LEPOCO: crickets re: 700,000 dead and calls from Bernie and the left to kill even more ... I guess their "concern" doesn't extend to Ukraine. Bummer for Ukraine. How many dead might change your mind? Looking for a solid number here. It's the least you can provide, you hateful death cult cowards.

Anonymous said...

We all come here and repeat talking points made by someone else, usually a media talking head. Not one of us sits at the negotiation table, speaks directly with any newsmakers, etc. How can we be sure what we relay here is actually true and accurate?

. . . . WE CAN’T !

Anonymous said...

Typical angry MAGA conspiracy laden commentary ... most sane, logical, patriotic Americans don't want to take a giant dump on 80 years of post-war relationship building.

Anonymous said...

Bernie many your left wing democrats are not real Americans maybe that why Trump wants to annex Greenland herd up like the immigrants and send them to Greenland.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are the real embarrassment to our country

Anonymous said...

Bernie, are you with Americans and the USA or the NEOCons/Globalists/Communists? Our President Wants Peace, not War.

Anonymous said...

The US spent years to win the cold war. Trump gave it back in less than two months.

Anonymous said...

His meme coin as duped many.

Anonymous said...

Go pet your Trump bobblehead sip the Kool-Aid and put on Fox News

Anonymous said...

Fitzgerald and Gottheimer are Trump ass kissers

Anonymous said...

This isn't an airport, you don't need to announce you're leaving

Anonymous said...

The marine was a total a..hole!

Anonymous said...

Yes yes and yes. We continue to support Ukraine with weapons...not soldiers. Hitler never attacked the US, yet we entered European theater in World War II. We did send troops to Vietnam. Suddenly we don't give a crap about communism? Trump never condemned the white supremcists years ago, and now he won't condemn Putin. He's nuts and definitely a twisted f&ck.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, he could care less about peace, he wants the mineral rights, Putin’s approval, and of course, his ego coveted Nobel prize!!!

Anonymous said...

Bernie, If you stand with Ukraine great. Write them a check and put your money where your mouth is. Post it here when you send it. I suggest you send a monthly one.

Anonymous said...

What a vapid statement; what's your plan to stop the war? Have the EU step up? 1/3 of country is destroyed, millions killed/injured, Billions spent with no end in sight! Whatever happened to Dems who were once a party of peace, but are a now a party of endless wars.

Anonymous said...

Democrats made fools out of themselves tonight. They won’t even clap for a kid with brain cancer. Despicable!