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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Stan Margle Suggests He Was Framed at Wilson Borough Meeting in Which Helps Violate Pa Constitution

Last week, I told you that prominent Easton area attorney Stan Margle, age 67, has been charged with possession of both controlled substances and drug paraphernalia.  These are misdemeanor charges and were lodged on Tuesday by Edward Fox, a detective in the Northampton County DA's office. At Monday  night's meeting of Wilson Borough Council, according to WFMZ-TV69, Margle publicly addressed the charges. 

According to law enforcement, Margle appeared in Juvenile Court earlier this month, and when he departed, he left his satchel behind. In an attempt to determine the owner, Sheriff Deputies opened the bag and discovered that it belonged to Margle. They also discovered what was later determined to be cocaine, along with the paraphernalia facilitating its use. There was also video surveillance showing Margle bringing a satchel into Juvenile Court and then leaving without it. He later returned for the bag, only to discover it had been turned over to county detectives. 

At Monday night's meeting, Margle said he had told a Council member he knew nothing about the matter at first. That assertion stretches credulity inasmuch as Margle had been told that the bag had been turned in for county detectives to inspect. He knew something was up.

Although he expressed embarrassment, he also hinted that he had been framed. 

"It doesn't matter whether the allegations are true at this point because the damage is done, and the person behind it has won," he reported said. This is a suggestion that the illicit drug was planted. It's hardly a remorseful comment or a sign that he seeks help. 

Wilson Borough Council, the very same crew who recently voted unanimously to give the Dixie Cup developer a massive tax break for apartments that no one in the Lehigh Valley can afford, of course decided to keep Margle as their legal advisor. 

And then they promptly violated the Pennsylvania Constitution by removing a Council member who has missed 15 meetings, thanks to bad advice provided by Margle. 

The Pa Constitution specifically provides that an elected official, from Borough Council members to State Senators, can only be removed (1) on conviction for misbehavior in office; (2) on conviction of an infamous crime; or (3) by the Governor, after impeachment by the House and conviction in the Senate. (Article VI, Section 7). 

Wilson Borough Council has no authority to remove a council member notwithstanding the Borough Code. 


Anonymous said...

If you believe you were framed you should go to trial and expose the person that allegedly framed you. However, if I were you try to get into ARD program and get some help. You’re a good lawyer and have helped many families over the years but you need help now.

Anonymous said...

Bernie your fake blog must go the way of CNN

Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter whether the allegations are true at this point because the damage is done ..."

Things guilty bastards say. My interaction with Margle informs me he's likely guilty as hell and will lie like a rug for the slightest of reasons. He has no moral compass. I guess that makes him an effective lawyer. Wilson deserves him.

Anonymous said...

If you spend anytime around Margle it is very clear that he has had a drug addiction for years. It's a open secret in the Northampton County Courthouse. Literally everyone knows about it!

Anonymous said...

He looked terrible. Did the council ask him to take a drug test?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like SM is in LaLa land

Anonymous said...

Which smells worse, Stine's dump or Wilson council?

Anonymous said...

Easton should hire Margle to a one day contract and kick Taiba to the curb.

Anonymous said...

This does not surprise me. Have you seen this mayor and that half whit council?? This would have to be the dumbest group in the Lehigh Valley. Saucon would have the craziest, but Wilson takes it for lack of brains. I’ve personally known Margle for some time. He’s had a known drug problem that’s been the talk of the courthouse for years.

Anonymous said...

His comments also could prevent him from being accepted into the ARD program. He is clearly neither showing remorse nor "admitting" his guilt both of which are "requirements" for ARD. He should have just kept his mouth shut. By the way, when was the last time he washed that stringy mop of hair?

Anonymous said...

Clearly, he has not hit rock-bottom yet. It begs the question what will that bottom look like ? The denial and blame shifting will tank ARD, as was noted by a previous commenter. He is tacking a bad chartered course that will result in further discipline if he does not prevail in Suppression Motions, or if his trial defense of “I was framed,” does not result in an acquittal. He then compounds the problem by potential perjury in that inherently disingenuous defense and the D-Board will take his ticket rather than simply admonish him. This is not wise and obviously he needs to consult an experience Criminal Lawyer. If he already has one that is agreeing with this ill conceived strategy, then he should get new Counsel fast.
Why he is publicly commenting at all on his potential trial strategy is proof once again, that while being a Divorce Lawyer is a specialty, it is not the same specialty as a Criminal Lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree! The Mayor and Council are dumber than dumb ! All you have to know is that they agree to give $29 million to the guy who wants to develop Dixie Factory despite that he has never built a thing !

Anonymous said...

I agree with you and was shocked he told council they had the power to kick out a legally elected official, regardless of his/her attendance.

Anonymous said...

Why are people defending this man!? He is a complete crap bag. Talk to him for 5 minutes and try to tell me he has any value. It’s hard to believe he was ever any good. Dude is a sexist POS.

Anonymous said...

I love how people are going, “his statement would prevent him from ARD.” He is a friend of Baratta. He is a connected lawyer. Of course he will get ARD. That’s how this county works. Nepotism and favoritism for the few. Bet they don’t even drug test him during the whole case.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone also forget that this would be a felony charge for anyone else but for Margle it is a simple misdemeanor which will end up forgiven with ARD because he is friends with the District Attorney. He should be charged like anyone else and then fight it like any other individual would have to.

Bernie O'Hare said...

3:50 PM, You are incorrect. For any one else, this would be a misdemeanor.

Anonymous said...

Bernie a lot of people are losing credibility including the DA’s office. It’s all out there if a chooses facts about Stanley Margle. No one is asking the right questions to the right people.

Anonymous said...

If the DA’s office was serious there would be an investigation. There’s so much proof out there they’d be tripping over it.

Anonymous said...

No investigation? He falls asleep in court. Drug test him

Anonymous said...

He always looks a mess. I saw him about a year ago at the casino. I was embarrassed for him. I think his “date” was a barely legal, barely dressed escort. He claimed it was a client. I think he was the client.

Anonymous said...

There isn’t going to be an investigation. They get away with everything. His Daughter’s boyfriend overdosed at their house

Anonymous said...

this is a very bad story. So he either did get framed, or he is a sociopath that's been given a pass once to many times.

Anonymous said...

I’m a very close friend of all of his children. Especially his daughter, WHOSE BOYFRIEND HAS NOT BEEN IN PA FOR MONTHS. This is completely false information. Shame on you for posting such a false comment. Whisper down the alley sure is a thing isn’t it? Shut your mouth. Idiot.