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Friday, February 07, 2025

Gracedale Gets 4-Star CMS Rating

In July, I told you that Gracedale's (NorCo's nursing home) CMS rating had jumped from two (below average) to three stars (average). Executive Lamont McClure stated as recently as last night that he has warned staff against "chasing stars" because the nursing home will never reach five stars (above stars). This is because the facility includes residents who suffer from dementia and Alzheimer's, and they are treated with psychotropic drugs disdained by CMS. Despite these admonitions, McClure was happy to report last night that Gracedale's rating has jumped from three to four stars. 

Given that the families of prospective residents use the CMS rating as a guide for selecting a nursing home, this higher rating should increase the current census of 456 residents in a home with a maximum capacity of 688. 

At last night's meeting of NorCo Council, McClure also explained why Jennifer Stewart is no longer Administrator. She's still at Gracedale, but now directs the Admissions office. McClure moved her there because she's "an expert at getting the census up." This results in more revenue to the home and less of a need for a county contribution. 

Council member John Brown insisted last night that Gracedale's operational expenses exceed revenue, but McClure disputed that argument last night. It is certainly true that the county does rely on an annual IGT (intergovernmental transfer) grant to fund the facility. 

Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski told County Council that the home is now the possibility of performing dialysis in-house, which would decrease the need to send residents to the hospital and increase revenue. 

Gracedale is also in the process of getting a daycare license for employees with children. 

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