Is he afraid he'd lose? I doubt it. His most recent campaign finance report, filed Friday, reveals he's sitting on a $166,454 warchest. Council President Lori Vargo Heffner has been rumored as a potential primary opponent, which might explain some of the fractious relations between County Council and the Exec. But it is highly unlikely that could raise the kind of money she'd need to wage a successful primary contest. How about the general? In the last cycle, Republicans chose a divisive and poorly informed candidate who was unable to get out if his own way. There are good Republicans who could make for an interesting race, but few are willing to spend the time and effort to run a half billion-dollar operation for a meager $85,000 a year salary. While NorCo swung to the right in the 2024 Presidential race, the voters who vote in those races generally skip municipal elections. Aside from his inability to get along with County Council, McClure probably has the best record of accomplishments of any Exec since the Home Rule Charter was adopted. I particularly like the proactive approach to emergencies, from the pandemic to the Blue Mountain wildfire to a train derailment in Lower Saucon Tp. His response to the fentanyl crisis has actually resulted in a reduction of overdose deaths. On top of all this, he's never raised taxes and even cut them in one of his years in office.
So why drop out? In 2023, Northampton County voters, and by a 82.8% margin, approved a change to the Home Rule Charter limiting the Executive to two consecutive terms. Legally, that has no application to McClure because it applies prospectively. But I know that this plebiscite has had an impact on his thinking. He worries that seeking a third term might defy the express will of the voters. Plus, quite frankly, it's a grueling and thankless job. The longer you are in, the fewer friends you have.
Another rumor floating around is that State Senator Lisa Boscola might seek the county's top spot. That might explain why her Chief of Staff, Joe Kelly, has decided against seeking a judgeship. I have heard this rumor for the past 10 years, so it's unclear to me whether Boscola is serious.
This rumor has been around for quite some time. Boscola is looking to come back to Northampton County, MCClure was going to run for Judge, McClure was going to run for Congress, Mcclure was going to run for D.A. etc etc. None of it makes sense. Kelly was supposed to run for Judge but now he will be Boscola's top administrator (whatever that means). I think this is a rumor that has run its course. such nonsense. Raise the salary and Mcclure will run again. Isn't his wife in the minor judiciary inNorthampton County? If McClure would be a little more congenial he would be remembered as a great Executive. Not as great as John Brown but close to Reibman.
The Republicans can’t even find anyone to run against him. They know they can’t beat him.
The salary was increased to 105K for the next Executive. McClure vetoed it but was overridden by Council.
I hope this is Fake News ! Lamont’s one of the best Exec’s we’ve ever had.
Hopefully McClure will cut taxes again before he goes like he did a couple of years ago.
He got his law license reinstated a few months ago. That might be related to his near term plans - run for judge or back to a law practice.
Or nobody wants to inherit his mess? He just drained 40 million out of the coffers, employee morale is in the dump, staffing is at record lows - because no one wants to work for him and their pay stinks (please see union contributions to Lamont - one hand washes the other), Covid money is gone.
Norco taxes have no where to go but up to fix this mess, that or we cut some of the services that people have grown to feel entitled too.
That, and Lamont wants to see if he can beat the Republican nominee before he commits. Running for congress isnt as easy if you lose a county race.
Why would LB take the cut in pay? And don't forget the lucrative per diem scam. Kelly is not qualified to be a judge, not that this is important in a judicial race.
"we cut some of the services that people have grown to feel entitled too." Notice this response, and I'm not talking about the bad grammar. The writer assumes there's no money (he's wrong) and suggests this as a fix. I'd like to know what county services people feel they are entitled to. Is it 911 operators? Guards at the jail? People to respond to calls of child and elder abuse? Emergency management for the next wildfire? Please be specific. And tell us why we shouldn't be "entitled" to these services. This is what government does. Maybe it could do a better job, but the way you out this tells me that you fail to understand that, despite what talk radio tells you, we need government.
In my view even that salary is far too low for an exec administering a half billion dollar operation with 2,000 employees. An exec should be making what a judge, who does far less, is paid.
Bernie, I agree with you, he’s been one of our best. You have the inside track, is there any chance he changes his mind ?
8:05, I have heard the Boscola rumor for nearly 10 years. She herself told me 10 years ago at a party for a judicial candidate that she was considering it. I hear she is growing tired of the constant drive to Harrisburg, which is mind-numbing. I would be very concerned about her taking on an executive role. She might consider it a form of semi-retirement, but a good exec needs to be there and not at the country club.
8:39, We'll know when he announces. The fact that McClure has declined to confirm or deny the rumor tells me he's out. He likes to announce early and has not. Nor has he introduced a team of council candidates to go against Lori Vargo Heffner, Goffredo and Brown.
God I hope not. NC is already being run into the ground.
Why wouldn’t he run for a third term? This is the last time a county executive could run for 3 terms. If he would win, that would go down in the history books, which is something I feel he would like.
I wonder if DPRKK is considering a run - next time - for County Executive. She's too new into the mix of now council works right now but I think she's in good standing with her party; and she likes to say things that get her name in the news and on this blog. Perhaps the Democrats are looking for a "stand in" who will secretly promise one term if elected.
I typed all that and then did a web search. He announced he's running for a third term in 2025 on June 18, 2023. WFMZ article (Jeff Ward). So, he'll run, win, and then maybe DPRKK will start positioning herself for a run in 2029.
Sounds like its time for the Bulldog to get back in the ring and Make Northampton County Government Fun(ctional) Again.
Has King Morganelli put together his ticket? I believe that will determine whether Boscola runs
Boscola is a drunk....she'd have more time to booze it up with a short commute from Bethlehem
With 166K in the bank, McClure seems well positioned to win an unprecedented third term.
It wouldn’t be a pay cut because the 105k would be on top of her big fat pension she will receive. As far “the mind numbing drive” please spare me. They now make over a 100k for what amounts to a part time job. Plus she gets a state car or a lease allowance. And another 20-30k in per diems.
I heard a rumor she was just going to retire and Lamont was interested in her seat. Who knows? He’s going to run for something for sure. We will see.
"Kelly is not qualified to be a judge"
Bullshit. There are several folks on the bench in NorCo and LeCo that have less time actually practicing than Joe Kelly.
and he has MUCH better hair.
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