Well now, two women running for executive. Tara drifted, many times, bringing topics to council which were outside the rails of responsibility , while forgetting to turn her microphone on. Amy worked inside offices with Charles researching/documenting the reliability of new voting machines purchased by county. I’m sure we all know how that turned out. Good luck to both candidates.
A typo, really! This is how low you will go with your Barron supplied BS. You still believe the BS the Mcclure/Barron team told you about her. Zirinski is still unqualified even if you had ten typos. You can dirty up Ms. Cozze all you want but that does not elevate Zirinski up to even close to competent. Why are you pushing Zirinski so hard? Is it to protect Barron?
At this point, Amy really should just delete her account and get a real job. (Her Wife is a professional political consultant. I wonder if all of her clients get this top notch service ?)
When you’re running on competence, you might want to employ spell check. But, that’s not the real problem with Amy Cozze running for Exec in Norco. The real problem is that Amy is so universally despised that she was a drag on Sen. Casey. Sen. Casey lost Norco because Amy Cozze worked for him.
If she cared about the county and its employees she would not have left the elections office 10 days before a major election. She uses people until they can’t help her anymore.
Wow! Both her and Tara are average talents at best. Definitely not Mensa material. Both represent the far left wing of the democrat party. Can’t we get a common sense centrist to run? Somebody please step up!
Amy Cozy was so mean to other County workers that a long-time County employee said this week that if she wins they’ll be mass retirements and resignations.
Cozze does NOT respect rules, laws, or authority. Google Glittergate. In a pseudo terroristic act, because she was mad about receiving parking tickets, she sent the Nazareth Police Department an unknown substance. It ended up being glitter, but it caused quite a sparkling stir!
Go talk and interview the staff who worked under her in elections they will tell you all you need to know. None of these candidates are overall great, but of the choice Tara appears to be the strong front runner. Local elections should not be about blue or red needs to be for the county level topics and should be bi-partisan. I voted trump and of choices so far voting for Tara to lead us forward
5:22 - I've got a better idea: a mud-wrestling match between Tzara and (L)Amy. McClure can don a tux and do a Michael Buffer impersonation as they get ready to rumble; (showing subtle bias and favoritism by using Zrinksi's bullhorn). If Steve Lynch is free, he provide the color commentary, as in modeling and advertising his assortment of underwear colors while working the booth. We just need a play-by-play person. Maybe someone from county council. The surprise "guest wrestler" could be Susan Wild, "wrestling" with unpaid handicap parking violations and leaker allegations.
She has more degrees than you do, what have you done with your life that makes you such an expert on who is or is not competent, your degree from the Cracker Jack box?
I don’t care for either candidate but Bob Casey didn’t lose because of Cozze. Vast majority of Pennsylvania doesn’t know her. Your comment is dumb. Casey lost because he ran a poor campaign that didn’t highlight his true record.
Tara Zirinski was McClures Kelly Keegan, before Kelly Keegan was the new Taara Zirinski on council. Neither can think for themselves and only read the texts they are given. Do not need a parrot to run the county. Why not ask Zirinski's former colleagues on council why she was so ineffective.
AS the self-anointed protector of the LGBTQ community, Zirinski should not be approving all the slur attacks on Ms. Cozze and her partner. Not a good look Tara for someone who lectures other on inclusion and acceptance.
" I voted trump and of choices so far voting for Tara to lead us forward" Sure, you did, haha. A trump voter would vote for the most progressive liberal in the county. What a maroon!
3:36 am, Zrinski has no control over this blog or the comments that some people post. I do. So attack me. I am aware that someone brought up her marital status in a previous post. I think that person did so in an attempt to smear her because she is bisexual and either living with or married to another woman. The fact that Cozze lives with another woman is itself irrelevant, but I do believe that biographical information about candidates (including marital status) is helpful. She is not the first bisexual person to seek office in the LV. Amy Zannelli did it and was open about it. I don't really think that her orientation matters as much as it may have as recently as 10 years ago.
I'm no fan of either Cozze or Zrinski, but at least Cozze is intelligent. Tara Zrinski isn't smart or effective at anything she does; just ask her former colleagues on Council. As Controller, she's been told to keep quiet and let her staff do the work.
What did you say a few days ago? Petty and Phony?
Well now, two women running for executive. Tara drifted, many times, bringing topics to council which were outside the rails of responsibility , while forgetting to turn her microphone on.
Amy worked inside offices with Charles researching/documenting the reliability of new voting machines purchased by county. I’m sure we all know how that turned out. Good luck to both candidates.
A typo, really! This is how low you will go with your Barron supplied BS. You still believe the BS the Mcclure/Barron team told you about her. Zirinski is still unqualified even if you had ten typos. You can dirty up Ms. Cozze all you want but that does not elevate Zirinski up to even close to competent. Why are you pushing Zirinski so hard? Is it to protect Barron?
At this point, Amy really should just delete her account and get a real job. (Her Wife is a professional political consultant. I wonder if all of her clients get this top notch service ?)
She's bringing sexY to the execYutive position. Its about time! "Get cozy with Team Cozze!" I smell a campaign slogan. You go girl!
Wanna show the voters who you really are??? Enhance your headshot and then run it through an AI generator…
No wonder Susan Wild dropped Cozze’s campaign like a hot cookie tray. Wild likes people who can spell working for her !
When you’re running on competence, you might want to employ spell check. But, that’s not the real problem with Amy Cozze running for Exec in Norco. The real problem is that Amy is so universally despised that she was a drag on Sen. Casey. Sen. Casey lost Norco because Amy Cozze worked for him.
You spelled McClure wrong last week…jackass!
If she cared about the county and its employees she would not have left the elections office 10 days before a major election. She uses people until they can’t help her anymore.
Wow! Both her and Tara are average talents at best. Definitely not Mensa material. Both represent the far left wing of the democrat party. Can’t we get a common sense centrist to run? Somebody please step up!
Amy Cozy was so mean to other County workers that a long-time County employee said this week that if she wins they’ll be mass retirements and resignations.
Anon 2:56 am said: “Why are you pushing Zirinski so hard?”
I would suspect that it’s because that’s who McClure and the local party is supporting.
Misspelling = moron.
Typo = inattentive/reckless/lazy.
Norco is like bedlum - is this the best you cand do? If it wasn't so sad it would be funny
Both are not qualified, but than again neither was McClueless.
She was a snotty little bitch when she worked here...No thanks...I know the Elections people despised her...all about herself...
Remember her mentor, Charles resigned in shame. I thought this woman left town for a new wife, new life. Please give us other candidate options.
Your bias is quite disgusting!
You've become the Campaign Manager for Tara- you've fallen hook, line, & sinker for the incompetent Zrinski.
No wonder people are begging Lamont to reconsider.
Cozze does NOT respect rules, laws, or authority. Google Glittergate. In a pseudo terroristic act, because she was mad about receiving parking tickets, she sent the Nazareth Police Department an unknown substance. It ended up being glitter, but it caused quite a sparkling stir!
Tara will be a great friend to the employees. Cozy will reign with terror and cut your benefits.
Amy Cozze??? I beg you please say this is a joke!
Go talk and interview the staff who worked under her in elections they will tell you all you need to know. None of these candidates are overall great, but of the choice Tara appears to be the strong front runner. Local elections should not be about blue or red needs to be for the county level topics and should be bi-partisan. I voted trump and of choices so far voting for Tara to lead us forward
Tara is incompetent!
5:22 - I've got a better idea: a mud-wrestling match between Tzara and (L)Amy. McClure can don a tux and do a Michael Buffer impersonation as they get ready to rumble; (showing subtle bias and favoritism by using Zrinksi's bullhorn). If Steve Lynch is free, he provide the color commentary, as in modeling and advertising his assortment of underwear colors while working the booth. We just need a play-by-play person. Maybe someone from county council. The surprise "guest wrestler" could be Susan Wild, "wrestling" with unpaid handicap parking violations and leaker allegations.
Cozy Cakes will make a great County Executive. They’ll be glitter everywhere.
She has more degrees than you do, what have you done with your life that makes you such an expert on who is or is not competent, your degree from the Cracker Jack box?
I don’t care for either candidate but Bob Casey didn’t lose because of Cozze. Vast majority of Pennsylvania doesn’t know her. Your comment is dumb. Casey lost because he ran a poor campaign that didn’t highlight his true record.
Tara Zirinski was McClures Kelly Keegan, before Kelly Keegan was the new Taara Zirinski on council. Neither can think for themselves and only read the texts they are given. Do not need a parrot to run the county. Why not ask Zirinski's former colleagues on council why she was so ineffective.
While we are debating typos and photos, Norco is still advertising for a nursing home administrator. What's going on there? Who is running the place?
Amy Cozy is smarter than Don Giovanni. This is true.
Bernie for County Executive!
AS the self-anointed protector of the LGBTQ community, Zirinski should not be approving all the slur attacks on Ms. Cozze and her partner. Not a good look Tara for someone who lectures other on inclusion and acceptance.
" I voted trump and of choices so far voting for Tara to lead us forward"
Sure, you did, haha. A trump voter would vote for the most progressive liberal in the county. What a maroon!
3:36 am, Zrinski has no control over this blog or the comments that some people post. I do. So attack me. I am aware that someone brought up her marital status in a previous post. I think that person did so in an attempt to smear her because she is bisexual and either living with or married to another woman. The fact that Cozze lives with another woman is itself irrelevant, but I do believe that biographical information about candidates (including marital status) is helpful. She is not the first bisexual person to seek office in the LV. Amy Zannelli did it and was open about it. I don't really think that her orientation matters as much as it may have as recently as 10 years ago.
I'm no fan of either Cozze or Zrinski, but at least Cozze is intelligent. Tara Zrinski isn't smart or effective at anything she does; just ask her former colleagues on Council. As Controller, she's been told to keep quiet and let her staff do the work.
I don’t always agree with Bernie but I would vote for him lol
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