Earlier this month, I told you of rumors wafting through Northampton County Courthouse halls that County Exec Lamont McClure had decided against seeking a third term. This would be contrary to what he told radio host Brad Osborne when he appeared on his radio show on December 11. But that was then. Since that time, he has declined to declare his intentions. I believe his silence will come to an end this week, possibly on Wednesday.
There is little doubt in my mind that he's stepping aside. As I explained a few weeks ago, a citizen plebiscite limiting an executive to two terms weighs on his mind even though it has no application to him. If nothing else, it would be a ready-made issue for his opponents. His future intentions are unknown. He has reactivated his law license, so he might just want to return to the practice of law.
So who will be running, if not him?
State Senator Lisa Boscola was rumored to be running. She often likes to tell people that she wants to run and has been doing that for at least the past decade. This time around, she seemed more serious as she made several calls to local politicos. I'll believe it when I see it. As a State Senator, she lives a fairly carefree life. She can be at the country club pool by noon most days. Moreover, she gets no scrutiny from Harrisburg reporters. I can guarantee that would change if she decided to run for Executive. She would be under a magnifying glass, as she should be. If she decided to get drunk and put on an embarrassing display at Larry Holmes' recent birthday bash, I would be reporting it. I doubt she wants the kind of scrutiny she deserves.
So if not her, who?
Democrats apparently have talked Tara Zrinski, the Kenny Pickett of NorCo Dems, into running and against her own will. She is doing a fine job as Controller and would have liked to have avoided the rat race of another campaign just one year after being elected. She knows she will be painted as an opportunist who runs for every job that comes along. She would do better to follow her own instincts than listen to other politicos like McClure and Boscola, who assure her she can win.
If that's what they think, they should put their money where their mouths are and give her sizable campaign donations so she can mount a campaign. That has historically been her major weakness.
If Tara decides this really is bad for her own political future, which it is, then who?
There's the Tanner McKee of NorCo Dems, Steve Barron. He has thrown no passes for a few years, so he could actually be more like Carson Wentz. I think Steve is quite happy where he is.
What about Republicans? Do they have a candidate? I am told they do and that I should expect an announcement on Wednesday.
What about Lehigh County? We know that State Rep. Josh "Fuck the Police" Siegel is running on the Dem side and is amazingly unopposed. On the GOP side, I expect either or both former State Rep. Justin Simmons and former Allentown City Council member Roger MacLean to announce.
BOH for County Executive! Go for it Bernie! You're young only once!
After today there is going to be a lot of unemployed feds looking for jobs.
MAGA only votes when Trump is on the ballot so R's have no shot in either county.
Tara would be a great County Executive. Just like she is great at every position she has pursued, despite the abuse she endured by the County Council and this blog. She is smart, and she is the hardest worker with more motivation and energy than any of you. I hope she runs. As the highest vote getter among all the At-Large CC candidates, she will win!
Go-Go Boscola for the win! Party girl in the house! It's about time!
He’s stepping down to give his campaign war chest to his dolt of a wife for her run for CP judge
Harris is looking for a job She's qualified: part clown, lousy politician, black. No R running so she might actually stand a chance.
Simmons is a weak option. Not because of his personal life. That doesn't matter. Or mental health issues, which many struggle with and overcome. Executive is a full-time, hands on demanding job. You can’t disappear. What else is on his resume? Political consulting? Anything besides politics? Simmons is basically a mirror of Siegel.
MacLean’s law enforcement background as a former Allentown Police Chief and lead investigator for the County at the RIIC would sharply contrast with radical "F the police" & "Defund the District Attorney" Siegel. But at 70-plus, is he up for the work needed to win? At this point and with limited choice he probably does give the best shot at winning offering a clear contrast to Siegel.
Here's to still hoping for an option C—and please not perennial loser Dean Browning. Democrats would lick their chops at that.
So if it’s Siegel, MacLean, and Simmons, there is only one Republican running then, correct? Roger has been a registered Democrat and served as a Democrat when Fed ED had to resign. Even if he just changed his party. He’s been a Democrat for a LONG time. He could be a great guy for all I know but I don’t get or like the party switch. Seems disingenuous.
1:38, As I have said many times, even I would never vote for me. I would have to write all kinds of nasty articles about me.
I'll stand by my criticisms of her on Council, I'll agree she is a good Controller, and it is unfortunate she has to run.
MacLean was a Republican when he was a Democrat, lol. I would not conclude he's disingenuous for that reason. If he were, he would stay in the Democratic party because he'd get more votes. Your criticism is insensible.
She has to run??? Give me a break. She's an opportunist. It's a 20K raise from the Controller salary. Lori or Ken should run if Lamont bows out. Barron makes more in his current job.
Lisa runs Lisa wins how about the Jaworskis of the county Panto Angle Reibman Dowd Ferraro all about Trump’s age
I thought Tricia Mezzacappa was running for County Exec.?
Lori doesn't have democratic support. She would lose. Tara has experience as a commissioner and now as the controller. She is the most experienced and qualified person at this time to run. So yes, she has to.
Bo in love, is the name of this new movie. Zerosinski is and has always been a political opportunist. She is still a prog new dem. Give her a megaphone, this feminist phony. She complains about the patriarchy, yet does whatever McClure and Barron tell her to do. Barron has run the Controller office. She is heeding the advice to keep her mouth shut.
You stated Barron likes his current job, and she will ensure the McClure gang stay employed. The last thing they wanted was for Cusick to be Controller and see the real books. They pumped tons of money into her campaign to protect him. They will again, if she runs again.
If you don't work and have all the time in the world to campaign, you too can get big numbers. She needed a good job with no oversight and ran for every office available, now she has it. Don't forget she has her Team Tara, of middle age libber women working for her. Her poll numbers of course are high, she has not always been the highest vote getter on Council, the new woman focused liberal Dem has done that.
She is beatable by her own utterances. If she runs thy can prop her up all they want but she does have a history and not just an admirer in BO.
The red wave is still alive and well, a well-funded Republican will clean her uber liberal feminist candidacy.
The Republican primary electorate is an entirely different animal. Any legit Republican that points out that MacLean has been a Democrat since 2014 and associated with FedEd will win the primary. Then the general is a true toss up because Siegel is radical and that bad.
Lehigh County Exec is in play with a well funded Republican opponent against Siegel. Siegel is way too far left.
Wow, only days until we find out what McClure is doing!
Then probably only a few months until we find someone outside of local politics who even knows who he is. Even longer if you try to find someone who knows what he does.
You guys should play Scategories or something. This comment is just sad.
Zrinski would be a disaster. Will she still demonstrate with the disgraceful BLM lol.
2:38, I was highly critical of her on Council. You only know many of the flaws you mention bc they were pointed out here, by me. That's why I opposed her as a Controller candidate. But I have to be honest. She has been a good controller and has avoided the political landmines. You state she is essentially a McClure and Barron Patsie. If that were true, she would have come out when GOP Council members proposed illegal budget amendments and called them out. She refrained from doing so. You sound very much like someone whose animosity is the result of her party affiliation.
This is what is known as whistling past the graveyard.
First off, they are commissioners by label only because their egos needed to be fed.
Secondly, go back and review her past council actions and comments, then decide if she could handle the job.
Ask her to explain good county oversight and what a Home Rule Charter is if you believe she is sincere or just climbing political opportunities for a salary and benefits.
OMG. What if she runs for executive?? She did challenge Panto and Freeman. She would lose just as bad for executive, but Ray L would keep us all entertained.
Dean Browning is a career loser since he was chair of the commissioners and raised taxes.
Lisa has represented her district well. Many of the great opportunities in both Counties have Boscola's name attached to it. South side would not have transformed from skeleton buildings to vibrant destinations without the efforts of Boscola. Boscola gets stuff done.
Justin Simmons is an awful candidate.
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