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Friday, January 17, 2025

Allentown Ponders "Welcoming" Ordinance For Immigrants

At the rate that Allentown is investigating itself, it might soon need a tax increase just to cover the host of investigations and lawsuits concerning those investigations. But that's only the start. On Wednesday, the City Council also considered a "welcoming" ordinance that would protect immigrants without regard to status. According to a summary from LehighValleyNews, city employees would be blocked from sharing the immigration status of residents unless required by federal law. The matter has been referred to Council's Public Safety Committee. 

Though from Ecuador, Lehigh County Comm'r Jon Irons spoke in favor of this legislation. He was festooned in a keffiyeh, otherwise known as a Yasser Arafat scarf. It's unknown whether he's advocating for this on a county level. " Sharon Finnigan argued that people have the right to feel safe, adding that similar legislation has already passed in Lancaster. "There ain't no power like the power of the people," added Jessie Lopez.

And therein lies the rub. The people decided in the most recent Presidential race to support a candidate who wants to deport millions of illegals. Like it or not, a majority of American voters feel unsafe with the status quo. A "welcoming" ordinance may be very unwelcome to them. 

In response to this city initiative, Lancaster County Commissioners passed a resolution declaring Lancaster a "non-sanctuary county" and called on the City to rescind its ordinance. Three Indiana cities have rescinded their "welcoming" city legislation after being threatened by the state attorney general with litigation.  

Numerous cities throughout the country, including Philadelphia, are certified welcoming cities. Though similar to a sanctuary city, a welcoming city must still comply with federal law. 


Anonymous said...

SESE Gerlach Siad she was triggered. That was great. She said all people of color are triggered. Does that include liberal white women with dark tans? Also, so us this object that "resembles " a noose. As all media is stating an actual noose. Show the picture of it or go away. Do not believe they can force any employee to attend a race-based meeting.

pathfinder said...

This is the work of Ce-Ce Gerlach. She is also behind the 2 advisory group bills for Latinos and African-Americans. More DEI nonsense.

Anonymous said...

Allentown is a perfect place to gather illegal marauders. It's a tough break for rapidly deteriorating Whitehall and other contiguous communities. But at least we know where these future doctors and lawyers and astronauts will be coagulating. Allentown will continue to be increasingly dangerous. But most of us stopped visiting there, a long time ago. F the police, Allentown!

Anonymous said...

Is it my imagination; is it just me? Or, is Allentown now becoming extremely "woke" as the rest of Pennsylvania is coming back to common sense and becoming more "unwoke" ? Will Allentown follow Joe Biden into the trash pile of history? I have 47 reasons to believe it will....

Anonymous said...

Allentown is a mess and Tuerk made it ten times worse !

Anonymous said...

This legislation is meaningless and a waste of time. Virtue signaling by local politicians with no good ideas. However, you should note Trump did not win the popular vote by an impressively wide margin and he did not win Lehigh County.

Anonymous said...

Allentown has already allowed itself to become a welfare dump. Started with Daddona. Now they want to trash it even further with biden's diseased illegals. !/20/25 cannot come soon enough

Anonymous said...

BO, your third paragraph says it all

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and try this. All I have to say is FAFO

Anonymous said...

While we in Allentown are stuck with Ce Ce at least all county residents are stuck with her political sidekick Jon Irons. Why doesn't Jon Irons propose a Welcoming Ordinance for South Whitehall, Upper Macungie and Upper Saucon? Why does Allentown always get stuck with housing the poor and welcoming undocumented immigrants?

Anonymous said...

True. Allentown was a paradise during Trump’s first term.

Anonymous said...

WFMZ: "Ghafoor-Davis was hired as the city's Equity and Inclusion Coordinator. She is now the People and Culture Specialist for the city."

WTF is that? How much is this person being paid to separate "healing session" groups by skin color? Woke Allentown hasn't learned anything. I hope the questionable noose person sues for eleventy kabillion dollars and taxpayers have to figure out how to pay it. This is what happens when democracy dies. It's both sad and hilarious.

OT, but Biden has pardoned and/or granted clemency and/or commuted sentences for drug dealers, tax cheats, and murderers. Should Pawlowski have killed someone to get The Big Guy's attention? Or should he have donated to the Biden Presidential Library, that will feature pornography for children with lots of pictures?

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with Biden or Trump. It has a lot to do with Allentown and smiley face press releases. It’s a ridiculous measure.

Anonymous said...

Her right hand associate , if she chooses, is up for reelection. Ce-Ce at least forms her own opinion. Natalie Santo has not ever spoken at a council meeting to explain her position. I don't see how any voter can get behind someone who has never explained a position.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:00, Under the terms of this ordinance, Allentown will be required to advocate for welcoming ordinances in other municipalities and undergo a welcoming certification, which costs $12k incidentally.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:24, That is a well-meaning attempt to eliminate racism. Not sure that's how you go about it. I think it is disappearing slowly as a result of integration bringing us together. I saw it in my grandson's group of friends. They are a lot better than the rest of us, thank God.

Anonymous said...

I applaud Allentown's proactive stance! People who immigrated here saved our economy and did the grunt work lazy entitled Americans won't do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agree! Tren de Aragua is committing violent crimes that lazy Americans won't. The results of Allentown's "proactive" stance speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

BO 9:18: I think that’s always been the case with young people. I grew up in an integrated neighborhood and we all “mixed” without regard to skin color. It was only after I became a seasoned adult that I started to be told “YOU don’t deserve what you have. YOU need to give US stuff.”

But I agree with you, as we have more mutliculturalism there will be fewer “pure blacks” and “pure whites,” with an increasing “brown” population. Of course that won’t stop people from seeking more rights based on skin pigmentation, perhaps some government sanctioned melanin index.

Remember a few years ago when the usual suspects fulminated about the NFL hiring another white coach in Miami? Turned out he was actually black, but light-skinned.

Anonymous said...

this is the exact liberal reasoning that gave you tRump. so now we are Lazy Americans, GoF. yourself

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure this ordinance is legal, much less enforceable.

Like it or not, entering the country illegally is a crime.

Therefore, I'm not sure how you can prohibit city police or other employees from reporting those who they know to have committed a crime.

While immigration laws might be federal laws, I don't think the city gets to pick and choose which laws their employees can comply with.

For instance, if a policeman or other city employee had knowledge that someone committed bank robbery (which to my knowledge is not a specific, municipal-level crime) I don't think they can be prohibited from turning that person in. Nor should they want to not report a crime.

When you start picking and choosing what laws you're going to enforce, or try to ignore laws you don't agree with, you're creating a lawless society. This results in a culture where people don't feel the need to report things like, I don't know, rape or sexual assaults (looking at you APD).

Closer to the motivations of those proposing this law, we currently have both the APD and FBI investigating a supposed noose that was left on an employee's desk. Imagine the outrage if City Council passed an ordinance that prohibited employees (including the APD) from cooperating with the FBI from disclosing the guilty party because they might face federal hate crime charges. Or if an employee who knows who left the noose chose not to cooperate with the FBI/police.

In addition, going down this path of non-cooperation will surely lead to punitive measures by the federal government. This is a road that Allentown City Council would be wise to avoid, but sadly, wisdom is in short supply at Allentown City Hall. 

Anonymous said...

Where is Ray when we need him?

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me the difference between Gerlach and Sultana???????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No wonder Allentown is a shit hole!

Anonymous said...

He's terrible- worst than Afflerbach

Anonymous said...

9:19 you're an idiot- probably an illegal

Anonymous said...

two idiots, that only survive in Democratic run cities!

Anonymous said...

Interesting story on WFMZ today regarding a party held by undocumented Venezuelan nationals at a rental house in the Poconos. During the party, one was murdered and several injured with the local police recovering guns, cash and drugs left behind after the shooting. Hard to believe that with all the crime problems Allentown police already have to deal with, that Ce Ce wants us to welcome this element to Allentown.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you believe Trump when he is telling you that immigrants are taking American jobs and eating their pets. Biden's unemployment rate is an all time low. And don't use my line on me. You can GFY.

Anonymous said...

This is what's wrong with Allentown!

Anonymous said...

People have complained about Allentown since Emma was around in the 1980s and probably before.
Somehow, it’s all Biden’s fault!
It makes no chronological sense but he’s very clever.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

10:35 - Both are batsh*t crazy but judging from quotes in the paper and blurbs on TV news, Sultana is smarter and educated. I have never heard nor read anything coherent from Gerlach; she is not articulate and I'm wondering if she's even literate.