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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris In The Belly of the Beast

Last night, around 7 pm, I received a call from a Trump supporter who had just watched Fox News anchor Bret Baier "interview" VP Kamala Harris and thought she looked pitiful. I was able to find the interview (you can see it yourself above) on YouTube, and had a completely different take on it.

First, in stark contrast the Trump's portrayal of her as a dumb woman, she came across as pretty tough and far more knowledgeable than he or Baier.

Second, I give Trump credit for his willingness to go into hostile territory and face tough questions. But he often rambles when he answers. Harris has now demonstrated she has can go into enemy territory and respond with actual facts as opposed to blatant lies. Did she sidestep some questions? Yes, she was traversing a minefield. Overall, I thought she looked Presidential. 

Third, Fox Host interviewer Baier was mostly parroting Trump's talking points and repeatedly interrupted her when she tried to answer questions. I'm sure this was noticed by Republican-leaning women who watched the broadcast. 


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Her performance during that very brief segment with Baier was downright cringeworthy. Can’t imagine any world leaders, let alone drug cartel kingpins and terrorist group Generals, taking her seriously.

The term ‘unfit’ is being bandied about lately. Well, here’s the icon.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, what you been smokin lately? I want some of that stuff - maybe take a trip to la-la land.

Anonymous said...

You have lost all credibility, sir. You are entirely invested in being a partisan shill.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new all she said was how much she hated Trump Worse Prestdential candidate in History.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lies, have you seen the FBI crime stats got 'revised'?

Crime isnt down after all. Its up. Shocker.

This race is one big lie. The lie is that its close. Its not close at all.

Anonymous said...

Funny column, as usual.
Oh, remember to update your readers on the FBI crime stats. Here's the link. https://www.oann.com/newsroom/fbi-quietly-revises-crime-statistics-after-previously-claiming-crime-dropped-during-biden-admin/

Anonymous said...

She is wearing the infamous bluetooth earrings.

Anonymous said...

The beast won She could not answer on question without going back to her hatred of Trump. She is not fit to run our country she will continue with biden policies as she said herself she will not change anything Biden did.

Anonymous said...

She showed up 17 minutes late knowing Bret had a live show at 6 pm-. All she did was show her Trump derangement everything she said pivoted back to Trump. Who would want someone sick like her be our President.

Anonymous said...

Now we know for sure if Harris is elected President Anything that goes wrong and a lot will, it will be the fault of Trump.

Anonymous said...

Bernie: Kamala's ten minute struggle to evade responsibility and revise the history of how her admin screwed up the immigration problem is very telling of her limited intelligence, poor speaking skills and dependence on others to do her thinking for her. Trump has comparable problems with his poor focus, lack of intellectual curiosity and deliberately limited depth on issues. Overall, I think she is winning the race to prove who is the worst candidate, which is an accurate characterization of the contest. It will be a close result.

Anonymous said...

She will be a threat to Democracy and the constitution Just look at way she moved into being a Presidential candidate Biden picked her because she was a black woman and then the elites of the democratic party put her in with not a one vote. If people vote her in they will deserve everything that is going to happen to our country.

Anonymous said...

Man no prominent Democrat would step up after they finally admitted Biden was a no go?Was this sacrificial?Was it incompetence? Was it hubris?

Anonymous said...

I don’t think she changed any minds or won over any undecideds. She should have gone in front of tough media a long time ago. Too little too late

Anonymous said...

She spoke so many words........and said nothing!

Anonymous said...

Either you didn't watch or your such a partisan hack, thay you don't care what a train wreck it was.

Anonymous said...

A felon or a slut - we're screwed either way

Anonymous said...

Nice try. She got smoked. Never-Trumper Baier (despised by most Rs) noted that she came late, attempted to negotiate a shorter interview, and had four handlers wildly waving arms in a panic to stop the interview early. He asked nothing surprising, just as happened to Trump for nearly 90 minutes - live - against a hostile questioner from Bloomberg. He gave her a chance to say she'd oppose sex change operations for prisoners and biological men competing in women's sports. She refused. She had no answer for what "a change in direction" would look like, amid cited polls that show 70+% want a change in direction. Baier regularly airs a segment called "Common Ground" where he invites moderate Ds and Rs to appear together to discuss areas of agreement. Her performance was an unprepared, unmitigated disaster. He being an empty vessel has finally caught up to her. There's simply no there, there.

Anonymous said...

The Nazareth Narrative has spoken...
Are you hoping for a gig on MSNBC?

She has no answers. She is not a leader.
She is as deep as the Jordan creek in a summer dry spell.

Anonymous said...

She showed up 15 minutes late and tried to filibuster her way through it. She blamed the immigration problem on Trump and had no answer for the rescinded 94 executive orders. I do give her credit for showing up.

Anonymous said...

First there is no way she is smarter than Trump if you think so you more deranged than we think. Second, She dodged everything She gave no answers at all All she did was blame Trump, She is more deranged than you and that is saying a lot. Third Bret did an outstanding job She was bullshiting a lot and he knew it by the way she showed up late and left early.

Anonymous said...

Baer showed her a poll, 79% of the country thinks it’s heading in the wrong direction. You’ve been in office 3.5 years.

Harris: And Donald Trump has been running for office. Huh? That was her worst moment IMO.

Anonymous said...

All by design. Show up late. Give long winded off topic answers that circle back to attacking Trump. Make Baer intervene because he’s pressed for time. Then label him a bully. T actually worked to a certain extent but people see through her. She’s just as full of shit as Trump.

Anonymous said...

As a MAGAT, Trump could have said 2 plus 2 equals 6 and you would be screaming your support for his new math. Nothing Harris can say or do can change your mind , but worse? Nothing that Trump can say or do can sway you. That is so sad for our country.

Anonymous said...

She was great. Bauer couldn’t help man-splaining his questions as he constantly interrupted her. She kept him at bay. Late? Well I hear she’s been a little busy. That’s what happens when you’re campaigning and squeezing in events in a few hours in an unfamiliar city. Live tv is tough and Fox should have gone with tape.

Anonymous said...

Biden and Harris caused the death of many girls because they opened the border She refused to apologize and she has blood on her hands. Bernie you need help if you take her over Trump.

Anonymous said...

Good point re: women's votes. Abortion is a key issue for women left and right. But abortion numbers are up in the last two years. Abortion law was returned to the states as Ruth Bader Ginsberg (who was close friends with Antonin Scalia) said for years it should, as Roe was poor law, decided poorly. I'm shocked that Rs are so late to the party re: biological men competing in women's sports and sharing locker rooms, in some cases. That's a moms and dads issue where there's wide agreement among Ds and Rs and Is. Ds are selling out 50 years of the women's movement and Title IX for a microscopic, but very loud fringe of weirdos. It's baffling.

Bernie O'Hare said...

4:40, I am allowing this OT comment, which is all over right-wing outlets. I looked at the FBI data, and they still show a drop in crime in 2023. https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/

Accordingly, I question the accuracy of your claim.

Anonymous said...

“She came across as pretty tough and far more knowledgeable than he (Trump) or Baier.”

“Overall, I thought she looked Presidential”

Hmmm. Those two statements remind me of another lie you and your fellow democrat operatives were parroting just six months ago -that Joe Biden was fit to serve.

Anyone that saw the interview last night saw the train wreck that is Kamala Harris. The only way one can consider her “Presidential” is if you’re talking about her leading the local PTA, and even that would be questionable.

No rational person believes the country is better off now that it was under Trump. Good God, even prominent democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr are openly supporting Trump (not to mention millions of union workers and minority voters).

I realize you have to try to gaslight us about the Baier interview and try to put the best spin you can on it, but we all saw the truth.

Anonymous said...

She lost it when she blamed the present state of affairs on the fact that Trump has been running for President for eight years. We all want to live in a world where information is distributed by “The View” and MSNBC. Dissent including the ramblings of this blogger need to be removed.

Anonymous said...

Baier looked very bad imo.

Harris still looking calm, professional, presidential, notwithstanding the MAGA folks on this thread. She stood in, took the pitches, earned a walk, got hit by Baier's badgering questions and repeated interruptions.

Both campaigns are trying to reach the middle voter. The middle voter wants to solve the nation's problems, the main one being income inequality. Fox News and Trump (and his supporters here) just want to spray gasoline on our nation's challenges. Calling her names is not the way forward. She went on the show 20 days before the election that she's leading. Didn't have to do it. That's bravery. She's trying to be President for all Americans.

Anonymous said...

I watched that interview as it was being aired.

She’s horrible. The only people voting for her at this point are people voting against Trump.

JJ Cordi said...

Bernie, Thank you for continuing to cover this race. Although, I don't like the choices (especially for the last few elections) I pretty much have my mind made up on who I am voting for. I would have liked to see her attend The Al Smith Dinner. I am still waiting for either candidate to be an uniter. Someone that leads by example in the role of being a uniter.

Anonymous said...

As a lawyer I am sure you would appreciate she said she would follow the law. Then why is she not stopping the Harris/Biden administration from forgiving more student loan debt in which the supreme court told them they can't do it. They just did more of it yesterday. So either she is lying or she is ok with breaking the law. Neither is good. Receipts below



Anonymous said...

There is a reason why she has never been popular among Democrats outside of California.

And the country is seeing it. As a woman who boosted her career by sleeping with a man 30 years her senior (Willie Brown), she has 3 weeks to find a 90 year old to bed to boost her odds.

Anonymous said...

It is your blog so you get to say what you wish, and frankly you are in full campaign mode. I am a regular fox viewer and most of us realize that Bret Baier is not a Trump fan. He and Cavuto are very much aligned there. However, Baier plays it straight and was tough on Trump. He did not let Trump ramble on. I certainly disagree with your take, I got the impression the plan was once she started speaking, do not stop speaking, don't worry what he asks. Yes, she got her points across, she also avoided addressing the questions. If you watched Baier more you would know his interview style. He is very polite, he purposefully avoids certain follow ups so he does not embarrass the interviewee. Why, he prefers to have them come back. I invite you to watch his program a little more and you would understand. (Definitely stay away from Hannity. He repeats himself all the time, its exhausting and unwatchable.

Anonymous said...

I knew immediately (when I read your blog today) that you were (hopefully) trying to illicit as many comments as possible. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt but it is becoming increasingly clear, Bernie, that you simply have lost all sense of reason about these two candidates. Trump at least admits mistakes. Kamala will not and shifts all blame for everything to Trump. He’s the true “presidential” candidate.

Anonymous said...

6:58 --> Your comment is a snooze fest. Are you a paid troll? Harris is the nominee. Endorsed by Biden. You and the rest of MAGA are so scared and fearful. Fox News says the SKY IS FALLING RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!, and certainty the nation has challenges (always has always will), but we are the envy of the world. Economy booming. Scientific supremacy. The most open and tolerant society in the history of humankind. You're living in it. Take a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

Boy, the vultures were waiting for this on BO. Shaking my head as we devolve into "I know you are, but what am I?" politics.
Who will save us from ourselves?

Anonymous said...

6:02... So you're saying her answers and performance were unbelievably excellent -- too good to be produced on her own in the moment?

Anonymous said...

She definitely held her own but I don't think it will have much impact. I think everyone who's going to vote has pretty much made up their minds at this point. Everythings going to boil down to turn out and how effective the campaigns are at their GOTV efforts.

Anonymous said...

BOH, you typically post your thoughts about “Trump cultists” uttering highly predictable, canned responses to issues. Reading your analysis of the Harris interview, all I can say is, ”Right back at you.”

Anonymous said...

My values have not change -vote for her means disaster

Anonymous said...

Every time she said she would follow the law she was dodging the questions. Especially with the transgender crap. She was instrumental in changing the policy, that’s in her own words.

Anonymous said...

Why can’t she just admit that rescinding all the executive orders created the crisis at the border? That would be presidential. Dodging the questions and blaming Trump for everything. Same old crap. Give me a reason to vote for you other than I’m not Trump!

Anonymous said...

It hasn’t been posted yet.

RCI discovered the change through a cryptic reference on the FBI website that states: “The 2022 violent crime rate has been updated for inclusion in CIUS, 2023.” But there is no mention that the numbers increased. One only sees the change by downloading the FBI’s new crime data and comparing it to the file released last year.

Anonymous said...

the comments on here are testament to the below average intelligence of trumpcultists

Anonymous said...

Her and Myorkas looked us right in the eye over and over, “ the border is secure” now that’s gaslighting lol.

Anonymous said...

Agree. I can’t stand Trump but she can’t be trusted. She refuses to answer questions about her flip flops. Last night did nothing to convince me otherwise. My ballot is on the counter I might leave it blank.

Anonymous said...

I thought she came in hot and as the interview went on became a little unhinged. Still said a lot but didn’t answer any questions. She survived I guess. I want to like her but she’s not very likable. Too much dodgeball. She comes across as a phony.

Anonymous said...

She slept with that Brown guy to get a start in politics and you people criticize Trump you democrats are phonies.

Anonymous said...

She lost me when she wouldn’t admit to covering up for Biden. You meet with him once a week and he’s doing calculus while standing on one foot. Please be honest!

Anonymous said...

She’s the billionaires candidate. More of them back her. Fact. Campaigning with Mark Cuban today. Why do they want her to win? Outspending Trump 3 to 1. Not a Trump girl but this bothers me.

Anonymous said...

9:39... Did Biden lead to disaster? The nation is the strongest in the world by far. Rebounded from COVID. Economic strength. Inflation was supercharged globally but is now controlled. Oil/gas production record. Infrastructure investments for the future. Lots of progress on important issues. Still work to do... but "disaster"? What do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Trump dances on stage for 39 minutes at a town hall. All good!
Harris is 17 minutes late for a FOX "News" interview. The shame!

Anonymous said...

Trump: Felon
Harris: Prosecutor

Easy choice in November.

Anonymous said...

She should have just danced to YMCA for 39 minutes.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed with her. I wish she would address her flip flops on everything.

Anonymous said...

Republican leaning woman here. She was interrupted in attempts to answer the questions rather than deflection to Trump. She referred only to her website for policy which has been established was Biden agenda. This interview gave little to no facts of what she will do differently than Biden. Referring to trump on most questions did not help her. Presidential is not how she appeared but I acknowledge trump doesn't always either. However the facts remain. She also emphasized a line shell follow federal rules. Big point. As president she can change those and probably will. Great way to ignore saying what she will change but we are smart women and won't be fooled

Anonymous said...

Kamala not going to the Al Smith dinner is a shame. Her surrogate Gretchen Whitmer mocking communion is worse. I’m beginning to think they don’t like religious folks.

Anonymous said...

So she got a small taste of what republicans put up with day in and day out from the MSM. The questions were fair but tough. If you try to rope a dope he’s going to interrupt. Just watch Kristen Welker interview a Republican, she doesn’t let them answer. JD Vance destroyed Martha Raddatz Sunday. Destroyed her. He's best at handling these assholes.

Anonymous said...

Harris did well. Not so Baier. She handled his attempts to interrupt her answers with skill and forcefulness.

Even Baier must see the evidence that Trump is increasingly insane. All he can do is ramble when "answering" questions, and call people names while offering no evidence. And "dance" onstage when he forgets what he is supposed to talk about. Sundowners syndrome. It's right in front of your eyes for people who do not have blinders on.

Anonymous said...

I found your website because my husband is an avid reader and also a Trump supporter. I let him put the signs in the yard and fly his flag because it makes him happy and he thinks it makes a difference. I listen to him and nod a lot and did in fact vote for Trump in 2016. I voted for Biden in 2020, and will be certainly voting for Harris in 2024! The other neighborhood wives I talk to with a couple exceptions are planning on voting Democrat, put plainly I just don't like the guy and hate the reversal of Roe v Wade.

Anonymous said...

I felt bad for her. She has no answers when pressed. She will not answer a question that she fears will offend the far left. It reminded me of Biden on the debate stage. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I voted for the Prosecuter, not the convicted Felon. Those Safety vs Crime.signs show true hypocrisy.

What promises were made to Putin in those 7 phone calls.

Anonymous said...

Not sure what the Harris campaign hoped to gain from this. I can only guess that their internal polling shows that her previous string of softball "interviews" was hurting her. But then again, it may just be that the campaign is incompetent. Last night while watching ESPN, my viewing pleasure was interrupted by a "Republicans for Harris" ad in which a purported former Trump voter actually said "voting for Harris is a no-brainer." Someone in the campaign thought that was a good idea?

Anonymous said...

Anybody with any brains knows she cannot run this country

Anonymous said...

He played music as EMTs attended to people passing out. Give me a break and get some facts correct

Anonymous said...

Disaster..sex changes for inmates. Disaster let everyone in just get more judges to process them. Disaster give more money away on our tax dollars. Disaster. Costs keep rising. Disaster. Boys in girls sports. Should j go on?

Anonymous said...

Our country is made up of all levels of intelligence. You're obviously missing any sense of decency saying 1/2 of Americans are below average intelligence. I know many smart people that are rude just like you

Anonymous said...

Again people being cared for by medical personnel. Did u want him to keep talking?

Anonymous said...

Woman are being played as abortion is not the only issue. Guess it worked

Anonymous said...

Did last nights interview help her?

Anonymous said...

Did you listen to her when she explained that Trump sabotaged bi-partisan legislation to remedy immigration policy. It included many features Republicans wanted. But, rather than solve the problem, Trump wanted this as an election issue so that he can save his own skin. It's all about him. Harris explained this well, and if it penetrated some Republican and Independent minds, it will be a plus for Harris and Democrats.

Anonymous said...

Anyone with brains can see and hear that she has a good one. Trump on the other hand is rapidly losing whatever mental competence he ever had. There is dementia in the Trump family. His father died of it, and he is carrying on the family tradition.

I figure the word salad that he uses when he answers questions must be a coded message to Putin. I certainly can't decipher it.

Anonymous said...

I will take the felon because the so-called felon was not convicted, and it will be overturned for sure And Trump will wear that as a badge of honor because it was all left-wing radical Marxist democrats who tried to convict him Iwill take the man who fly's his own big jet.

Anonymous said...

these people keep saying Harris' answers kept being interrupted. I heard no answers. Only 19 minutes of trump-trump-trump-trump-trump.....

Anonymous said...

If any of your Harris fans think the country will be better you are brain dead Inflation will not go down, the border will be as bad as ever, Sex change operation all over, Babies killed up to 9 months, and more wars high energy prices And she is stupid and so are you.

Anonymous said...

Two reasons how you know Kamala bombed this interview:

1. The mainstream media is panicked and melting down today.

2. Bernie attacks Trump and Fox News today.

Enough said.

Anonymous said...

She’s intelligent and competent. Of course the MAGAts can’t relate to her.

Anonymous said...

Tou do realize trump is an imbecile

Anonymous said...

That’s the point, 1:51! She will be dominated and manipulated by the big money globalists who actually run the country. With Trump back in the office their clandestine operations behind the curtain won’t be so easy too pull off. He’ll stand up to their nonsense, call them out, and thwart their attempts to rape our nation.

Anonymous said...

She was asked about all the free shit she wanted for illegals. “Well that was 5 years ago”. Democrats wouldn’t even support Nancy Maces Bill to deport illegals CONVICTED OF SEX CRIMES!

Anonymous said...

It smacked of the “and I haven’t been to Europe either” disaster.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile trump has pulled out of 6 interviews including a friendly NRA. People are tuning in to here his inane comments and dancing with the stars schtick.Try reading his answers. He's trippin man.

Anonymous said...

Convicted by who ---Left-wing radical Marxist lunatics

Anonymous said...

You democrats call Trump every name under the sun but when goes back at you people you say his talk is bad you dems are so phony it is laughable

Anonymous said...

"Harris did with Fox News what Trump can't do anywhere: Handle tough questions".
https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/10/16/harris-interview-fox-news-trump/75707949007/ From the USA Today article:

"Trump fans and his many minions at Fox News will undoubtedly say Harris failed miserably, but the truth, for people operating outside the bubble of insanity, is she more than held her own in a wildly adversarial situation."

"But what the interview showed is Harris can more than hold her own in a wildly hostile environment, something most people already knew but Fox News viewers willing to be honest with themselves probably were surprised to see."

"She didn’t whine about or insult the interviewer for asking tough questions.That’s a lot more than anyone can say about Donald Trump."

Anonymous said...

If Trump is elected he is going after you dems and we hope he gets you as good as he can --you people tryed everything from impeachment to Russian lies to fake court cases. I hope he run you democrats out of the country.

Anonymous said...

Harris will not show up at Catholic dinner tonight in New York city Why-Because she wants to kill babies at 9 months How can any Catholic vote for her.

Anonymous said...

Narris wants trans boys to compete with women and she wants to spend your tax money on sex change operations How can anybody vote for a person like this.

Anonymous said...

Harris did not answer any questions all she did was talk about Trump she is mentally ill with Trump derangement maybe Obama and Pelosi should strike again and dump her.

Anonymous said...

1:04: Thanks for this. I have two young daughters. Voting for Harris.

Anonymous said...

The only people who will vote for Harris has Trump derangement they have a mental sickness.

Anonymous said...

So a prosecutor can run a country? She is a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Guess it’s time for Trump do interview with 60 minutes!! Nope can’t have another big flop!!

Anonymous said...

Democratys have terrible policies that are failures as a result the only can do is claim how much they hate Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

For an I'm imbecile he ran the country pretty well

Anonymous said...

Help me to understand how do you address the three years of letting millions in?

Anonymous said...

Country is circling the drain but hey we worry about partial birth abortion. Sick!

Anonymous said...

I can’t vote for Harris. If she wins, and God forbid has the Congress, 4 things will quickly happen.

They’ll do away with the filibuster.
They’ll pack the Supreme Court.
They’ll undo every voter integrity law in the country , “ the voting rights act”.
They’ll make Puerto Rico and DC states, ensuring perpetual control of the country. We’ll be Venezuela in a few short years. I hate Trump but the alternative is worse than mean tweets and a little chaos.

Casey is on record for ending the filibuster. He’s Schumer’s lap dog. The only ones not for ending it were Sinewa and Manchin. They’re gone.

Mike4ro said...

So OAN is now “news”?