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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Ousted Custody Master Ends Case Against Norco, But Continues Claim Against Judges and Court Administrator

Lisa Tresslar, Northampton County's former custody master, filed a federal lawsuit in April over what she characterizes as her constructive termination. She alleged a violation of her civil rights, including retaliatory behavior as well as sex and age discrimination. In late June, she amended her complaint to specifically add Judges Craig Dally, Jennifer Sletvold and Court Administrator Jermaine Greene as Defendants.  Her suit also named the entire bench as well as Northampton County. But she has since withdrawn any claims against the county. 

While she has alleged specific violations of her federal civil rights with respect to the named Defendants, she has alleged no violations against the county itself, and withdrew her claim on July 17.

A responsive pleading, which could be an answer or a motion to dismiss, is due from the remaining Defendants by September 3. 

Tresslar is currently employed as a NorCo Assistant District Attorney and handles appeals. 


Anonymous said...

I just don’t understand why the judges continue to let Mr. Greene put them in bad spot after bad spot. I mean nepotism and cronyism at the Juvenile Jail alone would get most people fired.

Anonymous said...

If Jermaine Greene resigns, I bet Tresslar drops her suit.

Anonymous said...

If she is suing the entire bench, I’m assuming that would include BaRATta, a judge at the time of her termination. Seems she is fine with Egomaniac now being her boss. That office must be an absolute mess, but things are silent since the self-anointed saviour came to save the day. But according to prior posts singing her praises, Tresslar rode in on her white horse (or was it a high horse) to right the ship. Shame the two stopped at county politics. Imagine how a BaRATta-Tresslar ticket would change the world.

Anonymous said...

County Council needs to do its job with oversight on the Juvenile Justice Center. It’s a total mess, and not one of them asked Mr. Greene how his son came to be employed in the easiest job in the place.

Anonymous said...

Greene was DEI hire

Anonymous said...

I thought she left?

Anonymous said...

This case demonstrates Court Administration is incompetent at managing its workforce and desperately needs to rely upon the County’s Human Resources.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say “Ousted”? She left/quit.

Anonymous said...

They are both equally awful

Anonymous said...

Greene has done more harm to the county bench than Jim onembo days and he is by far the worst .this is coming from a Blackman and the AOPC is protecting from this. Time for Dally to shit or get off the pot.The race card isn't gonna work more afro Americans under Greene will testify to that.

Anonymous said...

I am curious why Bernie has not reported on the nepotism. Jermaine has begged council for pay increases to help the shortage at JJC & instead of hiring his son to start as a youth care worker he creates a useless position for him. Then the entire debacle at JPO, he demotes a well respected leader, & essentially holds it against the probation officers for not working overtime at the detention center.

Anonymous said...

It’s my understanding Mr.Greene demoted a 34 year employee who has 16 months to go until retirement. They worked 25 years in JPO and was demoted to a completely different office. They lost the last year of building their pension. Mr. Greene along with the judges who approved this debacle are interfering with people’s livelihoods and future.