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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How Much Will New NorCo Parking Garage and Office Building Cost?

In late June, Northampton County Council tabled an ordinance authorizing $63 million in new debt for a parking garage and new office building at the courthouse campus. Most Council members agree that the parking garage is currently on life support, and it would be wasteful to spend any more money to try to extend its life. But they question the need for a new county office building, arguing that it is too costly, and the county administration should consider other alternatives.  At a July 17 Committee meeting, Gary Warren of Skanska, a development and construction company, broke down the anticipated costs. 

New Garage and Office Building. The total cost projected for this is $43.1 million. The existing garage would be demolished and replaced by a 350-space garage and 30,000 sf office building. This estimate is based on a starting date of September 2025 and completion by June 2027. 

According to Warren, the anticipated schedule is important because costs increase when construction is delayed.

You'll notice a $6.78 million "owner cost" is set aside. This includes contingencies (rock or unknown underground utilities), insurance, testing and inspection fees, utility fees, permits and associated professional services. 

Warren noted that the market for goods and labor is extremely volatile. In 2021 and 2022, it jumped about 22%. Last year, it stabilized at about 4.2%. 

New Garage only.  The total cost project for this is around $22 million. 

New Garage and Office Building, With Construction on Office Building Deferred for Two years. This would cost $48.8 million, about $5 million than building a new garage and office building simultaneously. Warren indicated that delaying office construction by two years would significantly increase both construction and owner costs. He added several times that it is a "tight site" and would be more difficult. 

County Council had no questions concerning the substance of the presentation. 


Anonymous said...

3 times the finance team from PFM appeared before County Council to answer questions about the bond, and 3 times not one Council member had a any questions. They’ll claim they have more questions but they don’t. Quit obstructing Lori. (She’ll have Ron carry here water.) Just vote.

Anonymous said...

Legendary Northampton County figure Charles M. Dertinger brought Skanska in to help him build the Forensic Center. Charle’s brilliance and Skanka’s nationally renowned work are why the Forensic Center came in on time and on budget during Covid.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate all the work that was put into this project. Counties that are developing need bigger facilities and Northampton has significantly increased in population so it is inevitable that we need a new building. You’d think the Council would be proud to be supportive of this project. And of course maintaining safe properties is first and foremost. So what exactly is the problem? This council is only stifling county business and choking out all the employees during their workdays.

Anonymous said...

Just do it and do it together. It's needed.

Anonymous said...

The Controller’s Office is a total mess. I don’t want Tara breathing mold.

Anonymous said...

Lori Vargo Hefner’s been heard to say “I am not building a new building because I don’t want Tara to have a nice office.”

Anonymous said...

Warren noted that the market for goods and labor is extremely volatile. In 2021 and 2022, it jumped about 22%. Last year, it stabilized at about 4.2%. Interesting note here Bernie. HMMM what happened around this timeframe and responsible for this inflationary hike? Hint you voted for it.

Anonymous said...

It's time to consider moving everything possible out of Easton. Townships are more centrally located, offer more convenience, less crime, and less stress for parking. It would also be good for county employees who pay a commuter tax in return for all the hassle. Why does the county seat have to be in Easton? Perhaps we should stop spending on Easton BandAids and propose a comprehensive, centralized plan in a location that better serves all county residents and county employees.

Anonymous said...

Lori Vargo Heffner couldn’t get Tara replaced. She failed. She can’t get a wildly over paid Clerk’s position filled. She’s failing. And, now she’s going to risk people getting hit in the head with chunks of concrete. She’s a failure.

Anonymous said...

I thought the last County Council was bad. This County Council is taking the County backwards.

Anonymous said...

For a brief period or time, under the leadership of the sagacious Kenneth M. Kraft, County Council was like Camelot. Now under the failed Leadership of Lori Vargo-Heffner Northampton County Council is like Spamelot. Which means it’s a joke again.

Anonymous said...

To be honest it can't be afforded. Everytime county employees sit down to talk wages Lamont and his buddies say the county is broke. Not a penny left. Keegan asked the right question the other meeting. Why are county employees here so many years and not where they suppose to be with the pay steps. That's because people like Lamont and Brown doesn't give them to employees. Simple answers to simple questions. So let Lamont get up there and say how financially secure we are. Talk out of both sides of your mouth. Or should I say when they talk to couty employees they talk out of some other part of his body.

Anonymous said...

Gravedale has empty buildings now how about repurposing for office space?

Andre the Pliant said...

Any works project paid for by the taxpayer costs 25% more than the estimate. Architects and contractors are thieves and councils and school boards are comprised of dolts and easily duped.

Anonymous said...

So incredibly sorry. Meant. Gracedale.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Andre, I think most will agree that government does a poor job at construction and are even worse at maintenance. They are not contractors and will readily admit they are easily duped. I believe that problem has existed as long as government has existed, going back millennia. But government serves an overall good and is necessary to a civilized society.

Anonymous said...

Gracedale’s not an option it’s an excuse. While the geographic center of the County it’s not near the population center which is almost exactly Emrick Blvd. in Bethlehem Twp. Not an option.

Anonymous said...

We know what Lori’s Against, Lamont, but what’s she For ?

Anonymous said...

All this stuff is moot. Lori has told people “I’m not letting him do any of the stuff he wants to do.”

Anonymous said...

How did you hear that?

Anonymous said...

OK so here's an alternative.. Buy the nursing home right across the street and convert it to an office building. Move those patients to Gracedale and hire their staff. Demolish the upper level of the deck and remove it. There is plenty of parking across the street since the old Elections Office was demoed. Much cheaper than the McClure plan.

Anonymous said...

your an idiot if you think the home is for sale or the county could afford to buy it then renovate it to 2024 codes etc

Anonymous said...

You might be a moron ?

Anonymous said...

Warren gave numbers. When did he become an expert? Or was he just reading what they gave him.

Anonymous said...

Warren gave numbers. When did he become an expert? Or was he just reading what they gave him.

Anonymous said...

The current location of the Easton facility has become a terrible location. Small congested roads leading to it on a hill from hell location. Not exactly always walkable for staff to patronize local business. Raze it all and turn place into passive use with thickly planted trees and shrubs that would require little/no maintenance. Help cool area off. All it would cost is lots of money. But hell, the press releases for our federal government and our fawning networks tout our wonderful economy. Just print some more money. Nothing to see here folks, keep on moving.

Anonymous said...

The construction market is very soft right now. Lots of major contractors seeking out work. This is the perfect time to go out to bid.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

"County Council had no questions concerning the substance of the presentation."

Makes sense since this is a county issue. Some on county council *cough* Keegan *cough* only seem concerned with grandstanding and wasting oxygen *cough* Keegan *cough* by talking about items that are not relevant to county business.

Anonymous said...

Different Warren not idiot councilman Warren this is construction guy Warren

Beverly said...

Good points.