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Monday, July 29, 2024

Buttigieg Hammers Fox, Rebutting Numerous GOP Talking Points

Unfortunately, most of us live inside a news bubble. We tend to watch, listen or read only those news sources that confirm our pre-existing bias. That's why I'm delighted that US Transportation Sec'y Pete Buttigieg is so willing to go into the belly of the beast. On Sunday, he appeared on Fox News Sunday (YouTube clip above) to explain to rebut numerous GOP talking points routinely spewed to its right-leaning viewers. Although it's highly unlikely that he'll be tapped as the VP nominee, he is without question the Democrats' most effective communicator.

Why does he do this? He explains. "Most of the viewers of Fox News don't agree with me politically, and definitely the people kind of controlling the content on that network, in my view, aren't always being fair ... . But I also know this. I can't blame somebody for not supporting my perspective if they've literally never heard it. So it's my job to get that view in front of viewers who are tuning in in good faith."

Immigration: Buttigieg pointed out that the immigration crisis has become worse because Republicans cow-towed to cult leader Donald Trump and refused to support a bi-partisan bill that would have dealt with the problem. ""[Biden] wanted Congress to resolve [immigration] because that would have been more durable. But when Trump came in, talked Republicans out of their own bipartisan project because he didn't want the issue to get better. Remember, the worse things are at the border, the better things get for Donald Trump. So he has a vested interest in it remaining chaotic down there."

Economy: "Unemployment is lower than it was even before COVID. The stock market is higher than it was even before COVID, and job creation is faster than it was even before COVID.  No matter what rebound effects you're talking about, these are economic results that have not happened since before I was born. In terms of cost, that's been a major issue, and by the way, that's been a major issue in every wealthy country. ... [O]ur inflation rate was [lower] and, I would add, right now wages are going up faster than prices. That means even after inflation, you're coming out ahead. 

Medical Expenses: "[C]ongressional Republicans worked against President Biden when he worked to cut insulin prices to $35 a month for seniors. Right now, especially on families that are pressed for costs, we could have insulin capped at $35 a month for everybody, not just for seniors. All it would take is for a few Congressional Republicans to walk away from agreeing with Big Pharma and start agreeing with President Biden. That's not the only cost he was out to cut. [Biden is] calling for an across the board $2,000 out-of-pocket cap., something else that would help in a country where people are feeling the pinch of those prices that went up with past-COVID inflation. Congressional Republicans are standing in the way of it ... ."

Trump's Broken Promises: ""Even before the pandemic, "America went into a manufacturing recession, which really hurt places like where I come from in the industrial Midwest. But anyway, my point is, he broke his promise for that kind of economic growth. He broke a promise to pass an infrastructure bill. He said he would do that. He failed to do it. The Biden-Harris administration actually got it done. He even broke his promise to that January 6 mob when he said 'I will be at your side when you march down to the Capitol.' But he actually did keep two promises: He kept his promise to destroy the right to choose in this country, and he kept his promise tax cuts for the rich. And if you want to know what a second Trump term would be like, I would start by looking at those rare promises that he actually managed to keep."


Anonymous said...

Butty will be a great vice president Harris and Butty

Anonymous said...

100% pure bullshit!

Anonymous said...

Transportation fell apart during this person's watch. He's the single worst Tran Sec the country has ever had. This is what happens when DEI outweighs actual qualifications. He's homosexual. That's his qualification. We all know this. He had zero experience in transportation before becoming another woke, unqualified, low-intellect, box-checking hire. We are doomed. Qualified people need not apply for government work. Air safety is a dangerous place for gay patronage.

Anonymous said...

People need to read for themselves. The border problem is a problem until it is closed and non-citizens come in legally. The junk being put into Bills should be denied. All Biden Harris had to do was close. One needs to read everything including Bills regarding medical. One will see the junk also placed into it. Look at the world. Harris and Biden would not even go hear a speech afraid to offend the Hammas lovers. Could have spoken to a college sorority another day. Warning to all, Don't be sheep. Read the Bills, read old Bills, read old San Francisco news and records,etc...I doubt Buttigieg gave details why Bills were stopped only that the Republicans stopped it. Lord help us all, Right and Left.

Anonymous said...

Petey and harris do their best work on their backs

Anonymous said...

Of course he (she-her-it preferred pronouns) would 'hammer" Fox. Would not do to contradict the narrative that follows the exact talking points of the lame stream media ( CNN, MSDNC, NYT, WAPO, etc).

Anonymous said...

sounds like a Biden puppet

Anonymous said...

Yea right. Way to put icing on crap

Anonymous said...

Just another one of joe's diversity hires completely unqualified for his job

Anonymous said...

This is why the GOP keep losing elections... because they just lie and lie and lie. They think everything is politics, when in fact we need smart governance to address real problems. Buttigieg is a fantastic communicator, but it's also easy to call them out.

It's just like the conniving GOP Senate in the PA statehouse refused to bring a vote (over the last FOUR YEARS!) to enable PA elections officials to count ballots early. They're playing politics instead of governing for The People. The GOP would rather scream and moan and complain when mail-in votes take days to count and Dems eventually win again in November, instead of just changing the laws to make things simpler.

Anonymous said...

BernieOHare to all, gotta love how , in all of the preceding 10 comments, there is no response to the substance of anything Buttigieg said. Instead they are laden with personal attacks. This establishes rather convincingly that there Is little substance to the Trump cult.

Anonymous said...

Loving all the angry posts from people attacking Buttigieg and Harris for who they are, instead of trying to make any points about the actual substance of today's post. All that frothing hate will help the blue team take White House, Senate and House in 100 days. Trifecta.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned. Detailed response later.

Andre the Pliant said...

Do things feel like they have improved over the past four years? No. Have they? No? Grocery prices are up. Houses are unaffordable to the majority. Crime is becoming rampant with smash and grab mobs overtaking some parts of large U.S. Cities. China, North Korea, Russia, and Iran are emboldened by weak leadership in the U.S. and becoming more aggressive.

Will Trump fix all these problems? No. But Sham-ala isn't the answer either. The average voter might be dumb as a box of rocks, but they weren't dumb enough to support her in the primary four years ago. Why the support now?

"Pistol" Pete is a smart guy and he's jockeying for position to be Veep. Sham-ala doesn't want someone smarter than her as Veep but that thins to the pool to the bottom 1% of the populace.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure what planet he’s on but his economy statement is pretty much bullshit…. “That means after inflation you’re coming out ahead”. Yea right he’s really pouring the kool aid. I’m far from being ahead

Anonymous said...

Thank God for communicators like Buttigieg and elected officials like Biden and Harris. Trump is a scumbag that cheated on his wife while she was pregnant, cheated on his taxes, told Americans to inject BLEACH into their veins to cure Covid, and the list goes on and on. Trump, thankfully, was shot at and missed. Unfortunately, he was shit at and hit. LOL. He wants to be a dictator and he doesn't hide that fact.

Anonymous said...

Buty is such a great thinker he is what this country needs think of all the good he will do.

Anonymous said...

When I read the headline to this post, my first thought was that I'd prefer if our Transportation Secretary was answering questions about his pathetic performance at his own job, but I thought I'd see if he was offering anything beyond the latest democrat talking points.

I only had to get to the first point (Immigration) to realize that Buttigieg was going to give us the standard drivel.

Yes, there was a democrat immigration bill, but it did nothing to SOLVE the problem at our border. All it would have done was legalize the ridiculous numbers of people coming into our country illegally, not stop them.

I realize that democrats now understand that their immigration policy and lack of border security is a political liability, but this bill was just another piece of political cover to help the democrat party gaslight the American public. It was rightly stopped.

The American people deserve real leadership - and real solutions - on the issue. They won't get that from Harris and her radical policies.

By the way, just this past Thursday the House passed a BIPARTISAN resolution condemning VP HARRIS (not Trump) for botching the border crisis. I guess "Mayor Pete" didn't want to talk about that.

Bernie O'Hare said...

From Factcheck you can see that the bipartisan bill "included money to build more border barriers, to greatly expand detention facilities, and to hire more Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents, asylum officers and immigration judges to reduce the years-long backlog in cases to determine asylum eligibility. It sought to expedite the asylum process, essentially ending — in most cases — the so-called “catch and release” policy whereby migrants are released into the U.S. pending asylum hearings. And it would have increased the standard of evidence needed to win asylum status."

As Buttigieg observed on Fox, the bill does not give everyone everything they want, but it goes a long way to solving the problem. He also noted the bill was supported by the union representing border patrol, which is no fan of Biden.

It is not "standard drivel," as you incorrectly assert, and was stopped for purely political reasons to give Trump a hammer to scare people about a flood that Rs could easily have stopped.


Anonymous said...

I’m not sure where Mr. Pete gets his facts, but I am a federal government worker, and his argument that “wages are outpacing inflation” is a down right lie. Let me give you some numbers…

2022 Inflation - 8%(average of year)
2022 pay raise - 2.7%

2023 Inflation - 4.1% (average for the year).
2023 pay raise - 4.6%

You total the 2 together and we’re behind… numbers don’t lie. Plus, it’s funny how Mr. Pete doesn’t want to mention when your wages go higher, you then have to pay more federal, state and local taxes, so we might have higher wages, but not as much money in our paycheck and he would like us to think.

When Donald was President, we had 2 years back to back (2018 & 2019) where our wages were higher than inflation. Our wage increase in 2020 was the largest it had been in over 10 years (since the Bush administration).

Anonymous said...

Harris and Butty -- -if you people think Biden Was bad for America wait till you give these the wheel.

Anonymous said...

Booty Judge is a power top and has more experience pounding his rivals than Girth Brooks, can't believe Chasten isn't wheel chair bound TBH

Anonymous said...

Petey Grindr is a ham and like a good ham, he's plump and salty.

Anonymous said...

Booty or any democrat would not lie Our government officials are all upright citizens out to help the people Biden just told us so.

Anonymous said...

So many lies here, let's take an easy one
Trump reduced the price of insulin
When Biden took office, he reversed that
Then cut the price later and acted like he did it first

Bernie O'Hare said...

11:34, Your status as a fed;'l gov't worker adds no authority to your assertions, which are incorrect.

From USA Today:

"The average hourly wages of employees rose in June compared to a year ago. The Bureau of Labor Statistics found that wages grew 3.9% between June 2023 and June 2024, quicker than the rate of inflation. Although the news is beneficial to employees, many Americans still feel the burden of rising costs of living."

"The Consumer Price Index, a measurement of the change in price of goods and services, has increased 20.8% since the beginning of the pandemic, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. During that same period of time, average hourly earnings increased 22.3%."

I'll agree that, as Buttigieg said, this is across the board and does not apply to all jobs. But the facts show that wages have, in fact, outpaced inflation.


Anonymous said...

Ten people and it covers millions according to you! That's funny

Bernie O'Hare said...

"So many lies here, let's take an easy one
Trump reduced the price of insulin
When Biden took office, he reversed that
Then cut the price later and acted like he did it first"

Incorrect. "Trump did get a $35-per-month cap on insulin for some seniors, through a voluntary program that Medicare prescription drug plans could choose to participate in. But Biden ensured that all 3.4 million-plus insulin users on Medicare got $35-per-month insulin — through a mandatory cap that not only covers more people than Trump’s voluntary cap but also applies to a greater number of insulin products and stays in effect at a level of individual drug spending at which Trump’s cap disappeared."

1) Biden’s policy applies the $35-per-month cap to every insulin user in Medicare Part D. Trump’s policy didn’t.
2) Biden’s policy applies the $35 cap to Medicare Part B. Trump’s policy didn’t.
3) Biden’s policy requires a $35 cap on all covered insulin products. Trump’s policy only required it on some.
4) Biden’s policy eliminates insulin payments for patients at the “catastrophic” level of drug spending. Trump’s $35 cap didn’t exist at the “catastrophic” level.

"Biden is calling to extend the mandatory $35 monthly cap to Americans with private health insurance. In 2022, a proposal to do that failed in the Senate because of opposition from most Republican senators."

The Trump cult supports Big Pharma. Biden and Harris support people.


Anonymous said...

Bernie. When was this proposed? Was in not years after being in office after millions crossed the border already and done now due to election and knowing they have to do something!!!!

Anonymous said...

Was this increase due to minimum wage going up?

Anonymous said...

Who's wages have gone up20 percent since pandemic?? That's hysterical

Anonymous said...

Wow, citing CNN, USA Today, and factcheck.org as your sources.

Couldn't get anything from MSNBC?

I realize all this is coming directly from the DNC, but it’s almost laughable the way you and the democrats try to gaslight us into belief that what we see isn’t happening.

Above all else, why would I believe ANYTHING from a cabinet member who lied to us and helped cover up the fact that the current president is cognitively impaired? He (like VP Harris) has ZERO credibility on anything.

Mike4ro said...

I lean right. I really like Pete B. I think lots of purple voters do as well. I agree these baseless personal attacks hurt Republicans chances of winning. So far Trump has only won against Hillary who was incredibly unelectable. DJT needs to moderate a bit or he will lose. So will down ballot R candidates. Vance hurts his chances. Very odd pick for running mate. DJT may actually blow his huge lead just by being himself. The next couple of months will be pretty interesting.

Bernie O'Hare said...

1:03, I was waiting for this. Rather than dealing with the factual averments, you criticize the source bc it does not come from your news bubble. And incidentally, the USA article referred to the BLI and CPI as its sources. So it is factual.
Also, I have no playbook that tells me what to believe. I check numerous sources and DNC is not one of them.
Finally, you end your comment with slurs at Buttigieg and Biden. Buttigieg did not that he is 10 years older than he was 10 years ago. So is Trump.

Anonymous said...

1:09 you are 100% correct Bernie and the democrats are no good they lie over and over again anyone who believes Bernie and his democrats are idiots and deserve what they get from those terrible no-good people.

Anonymous said...

Hello, everyone! I just want to say this blog is really cool! The homophobic comments are really low-class though. Take care!

Bernie O'Hare said...

" Crime is becoming rampant with smash and grab mobs overtaking some parts of large U.S. Cities."

This is more disinformation and was refuted in the Buttigieg interview. Just bc your cult leader spews these lies does not mean you should do so.

FBI data shows violent crime has actually gone down since Biden became President.


Here's an excerpt from the Sunday News appearance:

"SEC. PETE BUTTIGIEG: Trying to make people think that crime is up when crime is down under Joe Biden and crime was up under Donald Trump.

Now, I don’t know how often that gets reported on this network. So if you’re watching this at home, do yourself a favor and look up the data.

SHANNON BREAM: Well, we invite that!

SEC. PETE BUTTIGIEG: Great! So if you look this up at home, you will know that crime went down under Biden and crime went up under Trump.

SHANNON BREAM: Certain categories!

SEC. PETE BUTTIGIEG: And I think the violent crime for sure. So I think the really important thing to ask is, why would America want to go back to the higher crime that we experienced under Donald Trump?

Anonymous said...

Good time to remind everyone. Foxnews was found guilty of lying to their audience to the tune of 787 million. And they have a 2.7 billion dollar suit yet to deal with form Smartmatic that refuses to settle out of court. And the individual hosts like bartiloma among others 1.5 billion a piece. Maybe as fox watchers ask yourselves what else have they lied to me about.

Anonymous said...

What do you expect from the local knuckle draggers

Anonymous said...

I'm with Sham ala...certainly not Don. Old

Anonymous said...

I don't know why a witch is given a voice in here.

Anonymous said...

The witch comment was for you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mine a actually went up 26%

Anonymous said...

Thanks you saved me from posting this.

Anonymous said...

You know I planned on a long detailed response. However after reading I find myself saying why bother. No one here is going to change their minds. Remember just like research anyone can find a way to spin it or find the answer outcome they want. You are doing a great job of it. For those who really believe we are better under Biden I'm happy for you. For those who believe this country should follow on the progressive far left wing path God bless you. For those who have so much hatred for one person they would vote for anything else despite the failed policies. God bless you. For those who believe the stuff Pete and Bernie are saying bless you For the rest of us please go out and vote to save this country from this craziness!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think enough Americans are ready to vote for a LGBTQ+ candidate (and reading some of the comments here confirms that!) but I sincerely hope Pete Buttigieg has some important role in future administrations. He's bright, articulate, and has a great ability to break down arguments.

Anonymous said...

So Biden announced his supreme Court changes. I wonder would Democrats want to change it if the court had come down with decisions the Democrats supported? Changing the constitution after all these years where it has worked?

Anonymous said...

Bam! taking BO to school!
Don't let this blog take away from that nifty glue sniffing hobby ya got there.

Anonymous said...

I am obviously in the wrong profession.

Anonymous said...

I’m sorry that your white comfort is threatened, but when the constitution is hijacked by white-christo nationalist to promote fascism and oppress marginalized people including women, it’s time to burn it and create a document that reflects inclusivity. American is strong because of it’s diversity, not despite of it.

Anonymous said...

Perceptions are very low by historical standards...

Anonymous said...

It started with Sean Spicer lying about crowd size.

Remember how Trump pardoned Bannon for embezzling money from border wall fundraising? Lol.

The outcomes of the biggest hoax of all... Stop The Steal:

- 60 lost court cases
- Rudy = disbarred, fined into bankruptcy
- Eastman = soon to be disbarred, disgraced
- Sidney Powell = plea deal, disgraced
- Fox News = $787M fine for lying about Dominion

ETTD. ☠️

Anonymous said...

You’re obviously a partisan Republican and a bigot homophonic individual. I feel sorry for you

Anonymous said...

You’re sick

Anonymous said...

8:18 - yes, when you have sleazy democrat politicians taking cheap shots at Supreme Court justices who won’t stoop to the level of engaging in the false rhetoric of those accusing them, that is not surprising.

Anonymous said...

Under no circumstances will the media tell us the truth about kamala Harris. The Media will lie and lie and Lie just like they have been doing for years. IF ELECTED Harris will destroy what is left after Biden. Harris is an extreme radical who will give the ladies of the view and the squad a outlet to ideas how to run this country. The media will not tell the truth about the values and ideas of Harris.

Bernie O'Hare said...

9:22, You have failed to address any of the points made by Buttigieg and now are just flailing at the "Media" and a group of women.

Anonymous said...

The supreme Court issue has nothing to do with race.women's rights aren't taken away they were given to the states to decide as the constitution states barring no other. So you want to burn it so isn't that getting rid of democracy. True colors come out and that's not about race. Democrats want to burn the Constitution huh??

Anonymous said...

Pete knows millions came in before anything was proposed and warren today clearly stated come on in as Harris will make you all citizens. So give me a break that anyone wants to stop this insanity they just want more people to manage it. Costs are sky high and I beg to differ that seniors are seeing anywhere near enough to handle the rise in costs. As most of the people I know they haven't gotten raises to counter the increase of costs. And these people don't have stocks so they don't care about your statistics they only care about feeding their family. Trump did start the conversation about insulin costs. Paved the way for more good things that did happen. Simple. Republicans and Democrats have far apart policies. Once again vote for the policies not the people. By the way I read all news. So Bernie some people actual do read all of the lies from all of the networks. If you think it's just one site youve never read them all every day like I do. Trying to find the truth in all of the lies and exaggeration from both Dems and Republicans. Most of it is comical and I don't believe any one actually believes half of it.

Anonymous said...

I can rebutt, no pun intended, every one of his "talking points". First off, this is a guy who believes bridges are "racist" but more on that later LOL.

Immigration: During the primary, Biden invited illegal aliens, "migrants" to "surge the border". It's on the tape. He rescinded Trumps executive order regarding the remain in Mexico policy. Millions more illegals have entered the US under Biden than Trump, who I am not a fan of either by the way, but these are just facts. THREE YEARS LATER Biden, who is now getting hammered on immigration as the migrants destroy one city budget after another, proposes a border deal that allows 5 thousand illegals to enter every day. Yeah.........I don't think so.

The economy: The American family has lost 4 thousand dollars of purchasing power under Biden, Fact! Inflation was 1.6% when Biden took officer, 18 months later is was 9%. Fact!

Medical expenses; nothing is free, someone is always paying for it. I will tell you this, Harris is for Medicare for All, she is on record stating she wants to eliminate private health insurance. Fact! Check the debate tapes from the democrat primary. IF YOU LIKE YOUR PRIVATE INSURANCE, YOU CAN'T KEEP WITH KAMALA! She wanted 70% tax rates also. All of sudden now she's a moderate LOL.

As far as the infrastructure Bill, again, not a Trump guy, but Democrats weren't going to let him pass ANYTHING. If he proposed free health care for all they would have voted no. He did try to get an infrastructure bill passed. Could not get cloture due to the D's. The tax cuts, everybody got one! The top 1% of taxpayers pay 26.3% or all the taxes, this is from 2021, the last year available. The top 50% pay 97% OF ALL TAXES. The bottom 50%, half of all taxpayers, PAY NOTHING! Like liberal Bill Maher said, the upper middle class carry this county, and they get vilified by the left daily for not "paying their fair share". How bout half the country, the moochers, how bout they pitch in a couple of bucks.

January 6th, hmmm, how bout Minneapolis? They burned the city down and Kamala started a bail fund for the looters and rioters! How bout the White House? They had to move a sitting president down to the under ground bunker because rioters almost breached the White House. That must be ok because it was democrats who did it I guess. How about democracy? Millions of people, INCLUDING YOU, voted for Joe Biden to be the democrat nominee. Central planning at the democrat politburo decided he couldn't win. So now they crown queen Kamala. Democracy, give me a break!

Lastly, this Buttigege clown has had mishap after mishap on his watch as transportation secretary. How many air traffic meltdowns? Bridge failures? He's to busy worrying about nonsense like the bridges he claims are racist to do his job. The guy is an asshole and you come on here making him sound like he's special or something. Give me a break LOL.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that the MAGATs have nothing on Kamala, there first instinct is always to be racist and misogynistic, and since that’s not working, they’ve resorted to making up stories and fear mongering. It’s fun to see this cult wither away into nothingness. Haha

Anonymous said...

Crime is up compared to pre COVID. Fact. Murders in Philly went from 246 in 2014 to 562. Now running around 400. That’s good now I guess lol. so what they do is gaslighting. Crime went way up. Now it’s down but not near pre covid levels. Plus, many municipalities reduce felony arrests to misdemeanors to sweeten the stats. Fact.

Anonymous said...

The average american family lost $,7000.00 in purchasing power. Why do you think everyone is pissed off!


Anonymous said...

Oh, I made a mistake on my last post, the average American family lost $7,000 in purchasing power, not 4 thousand. Now wages are outpacing inflation over the last year, but we are no where near pre pandemic. His talking points are so easy to refute. Especially the border. Biden actually told migrants to SURGE THE BORDER lol. THREE years later, and millions of illegal entries, and HUGE political headaches, oh lets pass an immigration reform bill. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

Wages are catching up. But the average American family has still lost purchasing power as opposed to pre COVID. Thats a fact. Every talking point is always the last year. They don’t want to talk about pre covid and post covid. They still got a ways to go before purchasing power gets back to pre pandemic levels. Maybe the should spend a couple more trillion they don’t have.

Anonymous said...

I was recently in California. If you got into WAl Mart everything is locked up. There was a girl her job was to run around and open all the cars for people. Crazy! Reportable crime is down because it doesn’t get reported or it gets downgraded. Another case of don’t believe your lying eyes believe us. Just like the Peaceful protest CNN showed and buildings burning in the background. Or Myorkas saying the border is secure over and over as the video behind him shows thousands of people crossing illegally. Don’t believe your lying believe the politicians and the media who carry their water lol.

Anonymous said...

What? You mean those weren’t migrants kicking the shit out of those cops in Times Square. Ok.

Anonymous said...

Guess he didn’t want to talk foreign policy. Left with no wars now the world on fire. Of course, according to Joe, no soldiers died on his watch. Except for the 13 pulling out of Afghanistan. The two navy SEALS who died boarding a vessel in the gulf. I could go on but you get the picture.

Anonymous said...

Why didn’t they ask Petey about McDonald’s same store sales drop. Consumers getting killed by inflation, especially the low income ones he claims to champion.


Anonymous said...

Wage increases can cause inflation.

Anonymous said...

Here is a fact just for PA for food stamps. 2 million people in just PA are receiving food stamps/SNAP. This is a record high. Everything increased. Check out DHS for yourselves. Medical benefits, housing, daycare benefits, electric assistane all increased. PA and Federal programs. The news doesn't report this. Read reports and whole bills yourselves. No factfinder websites.

Anonymous said...

Cope harder, DEI apologist user. Cope harder. But please let me watch. I've earned that pleasure. And wear your mask and wash your filthy hands once in a while.

Anonymous said...

This is the guy who claimed that he rides his bike to work. Then he got caught taking his bike out of the back of his big government SUV (electric cars for us, not him) a block from his office. What a phony!

Anonymous said...

Buddy is a mess ask the people in South Bend.

Anonymous said...


Andre the Pliant said...

There is a trend of not encouraging people to report crimes. Some cites like Pittsburgh have said they will not respond to certain calls. Henrico County (VA) has said they will not respond to certain shoplifting calls (and other calls like noise complaints). Noise complaints, for example, are often accompanied by arrests, not because of the noise, but because often the people are partying and become belligerent to cops when they show. Can't file a report if they don't show up. Discouraging people to call the police may lead to better numbers for parroting the party line purposes, but not a reduction in crime.

Anonymous said...

Sure Bernie, Harris will do a lot of good for America like more inflation, more illegals and more crime more wars, more taxes and that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

Wait, Andre 9:16... are you saying the cops are Democrats so they are telling people not to report crimes?

Anonymous said...

This is weak sauce. Trump and his grifting cronies divided the country, emboldened bigots and racists, attacked the press incessantly and sowed distrust in our institutions, spent money we don't have and handed it to the top 1% via stupid tax cuts, and then utterly botched the COVID response so 1.1M+ Americans died. Biden brought us out of that mess, invested our money in smart forward-looking projects, managed a scourge of global inflation as well as any nation, and we're now economically the strongest of all nations around the world. So we should vote for Trump again? Lol. Get real. Andre, snap out of it, man.

Anonymous said...

Fox new today update on Pete's crime stats if anyone interested

Anonymous said...

4 more years of democrats on any level of government will mean a very hard life for the middle class

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ask the citizens of East Palestine Ohio how he treats those that he deems "deplorable."

Anonymous said...

Fast food is not good for anyone. I haven't had it since the 90s when I got a rancid steak egg and cheese bagel at McDonald's. If you're so worried about McDonald's sales , have your parents order you 2 happy meals next time you go. Also, isn't it amazing they all now have 5 dollar meals.

Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed for you, Bernie, that you have stooped as low as you have on this one (actually to apparently support Mayor Pete). Your statement that crime has actually gone down under Biden would be laughable if it wasn't such a lie. Oh yes, this incited a riot with comments (something you love to give the blog a boost) but it's scary to think that YOU think this guy actually has anything of any value to say. Ask the folks of East Palestine (or those counties in PA near to it) about what Mayor Pete has done for them. The answer is NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there have always been poor families. Always will be. But come on. Inflation was a global phenomenon after COVID. The GOP refuses to use government dollars to help families in need. JD Vance wants people to have children, but the GOP won't provide a child tax credit.



Anonymous said...

@9:55 Yeah, I want to burn a vintage document that was written by white, rich men (not poor white men like yourself BTW) when chattel slavery was still legal. Plenty of countries have rewritten their constitution to reflect the changing population of its citizens, but of course YOU don’t have a problem with a 300 year old document because it benefits YOU. Also, it’s ALWAYS about race and white supremacy. YOU and your ancestors made it about race, you’re just pissed because your white comfort is threatened. You’re a hypocrite, and everyone who thinks the way you do.

Anonymous said...

You are truly tormented and deranged. Pray u get help

Anonymous said...

Wow it's scary some of the comments on this blog. Some angry sick people out there

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rate cut will be coming sooner because of Biden/Harris economy.
Not sure where our no nothing about transportation secretary gets his info?


Anonymous said...

This how dumb ppl are lol. McDonald’s is a proxy for low income ppl spending and general financial health.

Anonymous said...

What state has the highest poverty rate when cost of living is factored in. If you guessed California you win! Harris wants to make America California yay!

Anonymous said...

Let’s talk about the economy. Dow down 500 today on recession fears. A slew of economic data today. All bad. Let’s see what the jobs report brings tomorrow. It’s usually the last to go so it might be ok yet. This economy is slowing rapidly now though. No doubt about it. Rate cuts might be too late.

Anonymous said...

Amazon reported a big drop in sales today. Another proxy on economic activity. I don’t eat McDonald’s or any fast food for that matter. I trade stocks and follow earnings reports. Thats why I’m a millionaire and you’re a dope.

Anonymous said...

Terrible jobs report today. Harris blames Trump lol. 3 years 9 months into her term it’s Trumps fault. She’s the one that cast the tie breaking votes to spend trillions we didn’t need to spend. Caused unprecedented inflation. Joe said he was the next FDR remember? LOL.