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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Pintabone Wants Easton To Fine Candidates Who Fail to Remove Signs From Public Property After Election

At Easton's May 22 City Council meeting, member Frank Pintabone advised he will soon propose legislation who refuse to remove campaign signs from public property after an election. He is suggesting that any candidate who fails to remove these signs within five days after an election be fined $25 per each sign removed by Public Works. 

This ordinance would have no application to political signs on private property.


peterjcochran said...

Frank’s on FIRE! Believe it or not , both he and The Mayor both appear in attendance at Post 9 for Memorial Day services and also distinguished barrister , Phil Hoff,ESQ. Frank is ubiquitous and engaged with constituents. First I say the real estate signs are proliferating at intersections by developers from Forks Twp. I say those signs should be taxes $20.00 each per month or prohibited They litter every intersection and are largely unnecessary look “cheap “ and — as anyone that can buy a property at 300,000 and up has GPS in his Mercedes Benz . They even unknowingly plant one on an Easton City realtors property who pays tax’s here on Cattell Street that wouldn’t be able to sell in that development. That’s not right . Good day.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with that. I doubt it will be held up in court. You have no way of enforcing it fairly and without doubt.

Anonymous said...

As much as I hate old political signs, I’m pretty sure this has been litigated elsewhere, and will fail on First Amendment grounds.

Anonymous said...

Does PintJabrone still sport that absurd Caesar hairdo?

Anonymous said...

Stupid idea. There are too many freedom of speech issues. He should simply instruct the public works employees to remove them after a certain period of time. I'm surprised Easton doesn't have more significant issues to deal with.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. You cannot prove the candidate put the sign there. When he runs for office again, someone should collect all his public signs right after the polls close and then place them all over the city on random public spaces on day six after Election Day and make a call to Public Works.

Anonymous said...

The penalty has no teeth. Violators should be flogged in Center Square. It would be a remarkable lesson in civics and environmental stewardship. They should be flogged in the fountain at the foot of the soldiers and sailors monument; the famous bugler looking down upon them with disdain. You think a bike race can draw crowds to downtown Easton? Flogging is downtown improvement gold. I smell a flogging festival.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Stupid idea. There are too many freedom of speech issues. He should simply instruct the public works employees to remove them after a certain period of time. I'm surprised Easton doesn't have more significant issues to deal with."

There would be 1st amendment concerns if it applied to signs on private property. It does not. I can see 1st amendment concerns if this is restricted to political signs. It could be amended to apply to all signs except at areas designated for such by the city on the basis of public safety and aesthetics. Moreover, I see no issue holding a candidate responsible. This would be a malum prohibitum offense, not a malum in se offense. I would research the matter first. I believe this would withstand constitutional scrutiny under the ruling in Reed v. Town of Gilbert.

Anonymous said...

If I’m not mistaken I think the city tried something like this before, wanting each candidate to purchase a permit in order to place the signs on public property… not sure what happened with that…. But geez just pick up the signs from sore losers and move on

Anonymous said...

Pintabone is everywhere! He’s available and accessible to everyone. He’s definitely next up in my book.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see legislation that fines each member of the city council $25 a day that they allow Sultana to sit on the board. I demand that Frank take action. But he won't because Frank only proposes useless stuff.

Anonymous said...

Frank is a loser

Anonymous said...

Well known Pittie is your newest man crush but this won't fly. You are bending over backwards trying to justify this legally. You know full well it won't withstand a legal challenge.

If anyone else had proposed this bill, you would have called them out.

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I would like to see legislation that fines each member of the city council $25 a day that they allow Sultana to sit on the board. I demand that Frank take action. But he won't because Frank only proposes useless stuff.

Trying to remove her from the board is the very "useless stuff" you pretend to decry. As I have stated too many times, a Council member can only be removed by impeachment by the General Assembly or conviction of an infamous crime.

Anonymous said...

It’s been stated on this blog numerous times that council can not remove her.

Anonymous said...

Says the “anonymous” comment on a blog. At least the guy is willing to put his name to his opinions. You’re just a nay-saying loser.

peterjcochran said...

It’s not just politics and their signs, It’s signs in general. I’m a tax payer . I want reform on trash .

Anonymous said...

Does this question need to be asked? Who's the butthead that left up their signs that has got someone's panties in a bunch?