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Saturday, March 09, 2024

Biden-Harris Campaign Ad Touts Success of His Administration

"Donald Trump believed the job of the President is to take care of Donald Trump. I believe the job of the President is to fight for you, the people."


Anonymous said...

Total Failure

Anonymous said...

The 2024 presidential election is not Biden-Trump, rather is is Harris vs. ?. Neither man will make it through the full term, so people better wise up and realize that it will be the running mate who will become president. Harris would be awful, but I doubt Trump will choose a level-headed person for his VP.

Anonymous said...

Wow - The whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH. What can I say!
This guy is a true leader and if my friends on the other side cannot see this then they are blind.

Anonymous said...

Bden will reinstate Roe vs Wade. The only way to do that is expand the membership on the Supreme Court. Go for it Biden. Screw the Supreme Court

Anonymous said...

thats a great commercial, next one should hold all the maggots accountable for their lies and deceptions

Anonymous said...

True, no one wants lawyer Harris. She is completely unqualified and unlikeable. So, if Trump is smart and picks a qualified person it could make the difference in a very close race.

From Gods mouth!

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump is the only one to
save the United States of America. Anyone believing otherwise will not survive four more years of Biden. None of us will.

loose cannon said...

RFK JR is the man, but i do not oppose Trump. You demoncat, Globalist are delusional.

Anonymous said...

i was scanning my groceries at the self checkout two days ago. I watched as this poor woman, with her beautiful young daughter, had to put groceries back because the bill was much higher than she expected. She had tears in her eyes.

Left with a reopening economy, a vaccine, and no wars in the world, Biden delivered. Now the world is on fire, families have lost 4k of purchasing power, and the border is wide open. Thanks Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

I hope this blog doesn’t become an arm of the Biden campaign. I’m not a big Trump fan but Biden is even worse given the state of the country, and the world right now. Worst foreign policy president since Bush and Iraq.

Anonymous said...

I struggle when people fail to see how Biden and other Democrats project their failures onto others. The entire government needs to be drained and replaced with term limits of all offices.

How is it that people fa to see how there is a push to truly destroy this country from the inside out. Please for the love of our country, DRAIN THE SWAMP

Anonymous said...

I can never understand why anyone would fear another Trump term as President.

Could it be because he would fill our nation with people entering illegally? That he would get our military into wars? That he would create massive inflation? That he would raise taxes? That he would create a police state that controls our free speech and jails those who disagree with him? That he would drain our strategic oil reserves? That he would increase the size of our government bureaucracy and run up a huge debt that can lead to a decline in the American dollar worldwide?

Yeah, it’s all of that.

Anonymous said...

I'll take 'Things That Didn't Happen' for $100.

Anonymous said...

How does good Catholic biden expand Roe v Wade? Is he planning a SCOTUS takeover? That's anti-democratic? Does he have any self-awareness? Of course he doesn't. He doesn't remember whom he showered with.

Anonymous said...

My household and family isn’t seeing any of Biden’s successes.

Anonymous said...

If not for American government propaganda and media censorship even more citizens would understand what is being done to this nation. It will not be easy to cut through all of that but it does seem more are waking up as they go about their daily lives and see first hand things that make them unhappy. The two biggest concerns appear to be price inflation on everything they deal with, and a fear of so many unknown people being spread around the country. Both issues are pretty hard to hide.

Anonymous said...

11:06 PM
What did trump do? Really what did he do for you?
Look into the facts.
Trumps biggest win was to install 3 Supreme Court justices and then they took away Roe vs Wade. How does that help you?
Was trump successful in building our infrastructure?
I have an idea check out Jon Oliver’s LAST WEEK TONIGHT S11 E1, the show will explain to you what going on in the Supreme Court.
Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

9:31 - not enough room here to list all of Trump’s improvements. But, the one that should easily come to everyone’s mind is Trump’s Income Tax cuts. EVERY tax bracket received a lower tax rate on earnings. Trump also greatly increased the Standard Deduction amount. I have personally saved thousands of dollars since the Trump tax cut. Every recipient of Social Security and every person making a withdrawal from their IRA realized a saving, too. Perhaps you don’t realize this.

Anonymous said...

SCOTUS. Bought and paid for..
Thomas gets vacations and homes for mother
Alito has investment help and perks

……sad to call them”Supreme Court”

Anonymous said...

@3/10 9:31 am

If you read my post, it states the entire governmental offices need to be cleaned out. There is too much corruption through all offices.

To answer your question Trump had:
1. Lower inflation rates
2. American energy self sufficiency
3. Enemies at bay and in check
4. Lower ILLEGAL ALIEN crossing to America
5. Put life decisions back into the states and American people’s hands

All of these created more money for the American people as opposed to the American people funding everyone but the American people.

Everything that the Biden administration has destroyed through his treasonous acts.

Facts that are demonized and ignored by MSM

Anonymous said...


Trump's tax cuts, except for the corporate tax cuts) EXPIRE at the end of 2025.

Read the law again. The middle class will lose the tax cut in 2025, the tax cuts for the wealthy are PERMANENT.

Anonymous said...

No, Trump didn’t …..he is willing to sacrifice our freedom and Democracy to stay out of jail and keep his checkbook full!!!

Anonymous said...

"Jailhouse Rock" constantly plays in tRUMP's mind.

Anonymous said...

If he is doing such a great job why is his job approval rating at 39% per the RCP average? Also, Why do 70% of people think the country is going in the wrong direction?



Anonymous said...

Save America from what? From making the rich pay more, from practicing true democracy. Trump presidency will destroy our country

Anonymous said...

I wish more Republicans would be like those in Vermont and see Trump for who he really is, i.e, a racist bigot out for himself and a disgusting human being. What happened to the party of Eisenhower , Ford, Reagan, McCain, et.al?

Anonymous said...

8:26 - What we are seeing from hardcore Democrat voters is desperation. Like most of other Americans, they know Biden and his policies just haven’t worked out and his time in office SHOULD be over. Unfortunately, many have been successfully programmed to hate Trump. Unable to make any logical defense of keeping Biden in office they fall into baseless accusations and name-calling of Biden’s competitor. It’s all about convincing others Trump is even a bigger failure. In effect, “Don’t look here. . . just look over there.”

By most every relevant measure, Trump has a greater upside for American families and our country’s future. A legitimate election will, I believe, confirm this. Admittedly, it’s difficult to be confident in much of anything these days.

Anonymous said...

4 more years of Biden= 3rd world nation status for the USA.

Anonymous said...

Wars started or funded:

GW Bush (2)
Obama (6)
Trump (0)
Biden (3)

Jimmy Carter is the only other (0) in the modern era. I remember when Ds were anti-war and Kent State and Cindy Sheehan and such.

Anonymous said...

Crazy that all these commenters make predictions that Trump will do this and Trump will do that. Trump had 4 years in office and did none of the things these 'experts' are predicting. His unemployment rate was because people were working because jobs were paying more. Today, how many people do you know are looking for work? How many businesses have closed? Yet they still want you to believe the unemployment rate is better? HA! Phony lies.
Under Trump, people were jumping job to job because employers were offering more money. Not today. Its pathetic out there. Government has failed us again.

Anonymous said...

I'll pay to move the guy to Vermont, so long as he stays there. Why can't Vermonters be more like Pennsylvanians and protect kids from freaks and grooming? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Vermonters like to hold kids.

Anonymous said...

Sanctuary cities in America are already third world.