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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Lehigh County To Offer Inmates a State ID on Release

From Lehigh Valley Justice Initiative:  Kudos to the Lehigh County Commissioners and administration who have chosen to initiate an ID program that would ensure recently released individuals and those pending release from incarceration, would successfully be able to obtain a Pennsylvania state ID free of charge! As was demonstrated by LVJI’s recent re-entry simulation, one of the main and major problems upon release for many individuals is the lack of resources needed to obtain a state ID, which is vital for employment, housing, assistance programs, banking, entering many federal buildings, etc. As Executive Director Joe Welsh states, LVJI advocates the critical need for re-entry programming to begin inside jails and prisons BEFORE release. Efforts like this promote tangible changes that will greatly reduce recidivism.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Thank you Joe Welsh..justice and mercy go hand in hand.

Anonymous said...

It is not free. It is costing the taxpayers. Research it better.

Anonymous said...

This is actually a good idea they need to start somewhere when they are released the cost benfit would be worth it.

Anonymous said...

9:08am is correct. The ID is not “free”. Each month Lehigh County will be billed by the state for the ID’s it provided. So not only do taxpayers have to pay for their own ID’s, now they will have to pay for someone else’s.

Anonymous said...

Think it costs @ $42. I don't know what's so hard about getting one. Good to help. But I can't help think it's all about voting!

Anonymous said...

Lehigh County does a lot of things right. Northampton county should take notes

Anonymous said...

@7:01 you should experience a reentry simulation. Then you might understand why a state ID is so important.

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ said...

I appreciate the continuous effort to keep your site current and relevant as a knowledge hub. .

Ron Beitler said...

@9:08. No, it is not free. It's paid for by the jail reentry allocation from American Rescue Funds. So yes, taxpayer dollars.

But if you are looking at it from a pure dollars a cents standpoint...this is proven to reduce recidivism. So, if you do some research as you suggest it costs taxpayers 15-29 dollars PER DAY to house/feed etc. an inmate. This on the other hand is a one time cost and it's proven to reduce the chance a person ends up back in Jail. Seems like a bargain to me.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, giving someone a free ID on the taxpayer dime will reduce recidivism. Try stepping out of your Utopian bubble and into reality. You know what reduces recidivism. Enforcement of laws. Not letting murderers out of $1 ball. Harsh punishment. Reminding them it is their fault. Every jail and every prison has dozens of internal programs to reduce recidivism, all funded with taxpayer money. And where are the improvements? Constantly sending the same inmate to rehab 3/4 times in a year. Bleeding heart ideas from over educated do gooders who have never spent any real time working with incarcerated people. Work a year or two as a CO. Then tell me your bright ideas about reducing recidivism.

Anonymous said...

Ron Beitler,

What is your source for housing an inmate for $15-29/ day? What is your source for the proof that it helps decrease recidivism? Please state your source.

Anonymous said...


Because all available research says you're full of shit