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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Friday, August 02, 2019

Council to Hire Deputy Clerk

Northampton County Council Clerk Linda Zembo was paid $99,176.00 last year. This year, it will be more. She is paid $47.979 per hour. Yet Five members of County Council think she needs a Deputy and voted to create a position for one last night. They are obviouslu making room for someone.

I will fill you in on Monday.

I will also have the latest on eco-warrior's Tara Zrinski's abuse of her county office for her State Rep race.


Anonymous said...

Job, yawn..
More on the social conscious of the county, Tara Zirinski!

Anonymous said...

If you didn't see that coming, you are stupid. Lamont brought Amy Cozze, as a clerical position, because she needed medical benefits. I need medical benefits. Do you think he will bring me in - not. Political payback. Guarantee he gets her in so he has someone on the inside feeding back to him.

If not, and they put the Executive Secretary in, that is a stupid move because the Clerk and her about retirement age.

As a taxpayer, I'm sickened at the salary the Clerk to Council makes. What is wrong with Council!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:04 you are full of SHI% Amy does tons of work for the county and she wasnt brought in for health care

Just shut your mouth, unemployment is at an all time low you should have a job soon even if you are bat shit crazy

Bernie O'Hare said...

All this would be news to Amy Cozze. I talked to her. But it is indisputable that the Democats on Council want another spot for a crony. That is what this is, pure and simple. I'll have more on Monday. They have handed Rs a nice campaign issue. Congrats. Instead of taking care of the people who really do need more money, they are looking out for themselves. Between this and Zrinki's nonsense, they have made themselves vulnerable

Anonymous said...

8:47 am - You obviously don't know what you are talking about. Talking about bat shit crazy. You will see who has egg on their face soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bernie judging from your 9:19am comment taking care of people is your right leaning left?

Anonymous said...

Tara Zirinski is only setting up her run against Marcia Hahn. God help us all. She will vote to eliminate School Distinct property taxes and tax our pensions at 4.92%

Anonymous said...

1:20 No, that would be the Republicans in the State government and DINO Lisa Boscola who keep trying to push eliminating property tax.

Anonymous said...

buddy buddy system in Norco Democratic party. No way. Fake news. lol. Been going on for years. $$$ and who you know gets the perks ( jobs). It will not change anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Bernie not fair to criticize Linda who basically stepped into a favored son position upon his retirement. Let`s be fair the position was probably in need of down grading which all vacancies should be evaluated for justification in terms of paygrade etc. Was this done?

Bernie O'Hare said...

No, and it should have been done.

Anonymous said...

100 grand for a freaking clerk? Outrageous! This wouldn't have happened under Ron Angle's watch. Northampton County taxpayers are doomed!

Anonymous said...

must get rid of all politicians this is no joke they are very bad corrupt people that our system breeds our society may need a revolution of some sort it's the only way to get rid of these people

Anonymous said...

Politicians are the enemy of the people--so so true..

Anonymous said...

Who was on county council when she got the job? Who authorized her pay at that time? Who upgraded the position from what it was? It was a few years back and not the dams now on council. Bernie won't tell you who those people were. A hint, they are a few people he loves, so forget those facts.

Fact is he has already been deleting comments that clarify what happened,. He has his script and he is not going to let any facts get in the way. McClure has been whispering in his ear. That is why the political job for Cozze is fine and the Council Clerk job is being demeaned. Also before her job Cozze did in fact beg for free dental work and got it from a dentist friend of Zirinski at no charge, just ask her. So she did get the job as a favor for the pay and generous benefits?

There are nine members of county council. Her job involves working for all of them. Her job is probably one of the toughest and most important in the county.

Some one in the Administration has it out for the current occupant and that is what is happening here. Bernie is doing the Admisntration business. Ask around since your pal wanted her fired and offered to put one of his own in her place. By the way if you want more money for employees tell your pal McClure since he decides in his budget what they get paid. Let people have all the facts and then decide.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have not said who they are because i would need to look, but I know it was mostly the previous Council, and I detested most of them.

If someone has it out for Zembo, she would already be history. You clearly have no idea what you say

Anonymous said...

Your obsession with Cozze is troubling. The Executive had the right under the HRC to appoint her to an "at will" political patronage position. Get over it.

What's likely happening here is that the skids are being greased for another political patronage hire in the Council office. It sucks but it's legal and it looks like 5 members are in favor.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Zembo was appointed in 2015, and Council had just two Democrats and were powerless. I certainly had no love for the 7-2 GOP majority.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I have deleted three comments that both distort reality and are pretty much personal attacks aimed at me and others who have nothing to do with this story. Mezzacappa put the booze down