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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, January 29, 2018

A True Sports Hero

Chester High School football coach LaDontay Bell is one of many unsung heroes. He and his wife go out of their way to get players to practice. The Philadelphia Eagles honored him and his wife recently with tickets to Super Bowl LII. There are a lot of LaDontay Bells. One of them is William Allen High School basketball coach Doug Snyder. He also helps his kids get to and from practice, and more importantly, helps them to stay in school. He instills his student athletes with pride. Something they never had.

There are a lot of LaDontay Bells. My grandson has been fortunate to meet and learn from many of them.


Anonymous said...

I always ponder who has it more difficult: Allen's Snyder or Parkland's Stevens?

Both great coaches and good guys. Snyder has to deal with the kids whereas Stevens has to deal with the parents. Neither are easy.

Anonymous said...

Doug Snyder is a class act.
He cares deeply about his kids on his team and ALL the kids at Allen.
He is an OUTSTANDING teacher.
A better human being and a true advocate for equality for all.

Anonymous said...

Great story about these coaches. These are the kind of people who make a difference in our world. Small acts of goodness and kindness. Bud H.