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Schlener in dunk tank |
In 2010, his wife was forced to file a PFA against him after a history of abuse that included being kicked and threatened. He never challenged it. She divorced him.
I mentioned no names in my post last year. But Schlener is one of several trolls who infest this blog, usually late at night. So naturally, the attacks began. Both I and Schlener's ex were targeted..
I should have outed the bastard.
I had no idea at the time that Schlener, who incidentally injected himself into the Gracedale debate with the Fake Rev, has a history of abusing women. Back in in 2004, according to The Express Times, Schlener was charged criminally after clubbing his girlfriend's noggin' with a glass candlestick and an aluminum sewing kit.
Last week, starting on Tuesday, Schlener began calling in sick. But he was well enough to drink. On Thursday night, after an accident to which his own shift responded, he blew a 0.256.
But he's sorry.
Here's what he put up on Facebook.
I would like to publickly apologize for my actions on thursday night DUI is serious and I made a terriable mistake driving and was also taken pain medications for a injury i received on tuesday. Stupid combo to be taken behind the wheel or anywhere else. I apologize to the Mayor , The City, Fire Chief , asst Fire Chief and the entire Fire Departmen and Police and EMS. FROM THE BOTTOW OF MY HEART. I AM SORRY. I AM IN THE HOSPITAL FOR ALEAST THE NEXT 72 hours to work on my problems and we will see where thst leads me too. In closing I am sorry for all the bad press our Moyor, City , Fire , Police have been receivivg from my inmature and dangerous actions. I will be back a better person. This is my promise to everyone.
Thank you james schlener
I'd like him to publicly apologize for beating woman and trolling anonymously.
I also think he should step down as Dem party boss.
Updated 8:38 AM: I have deleted a line indicating that Schlener's then girlfriend dumped him after the 2004 assault. In fact, she married him.
Forgot that you only accept negative posts.
And you wonder why people do not identify them selfs.
He should also get help for his 4th grade writing and pronunciation skills.
Aren't his buddies whose lives may depend on his quick-thinking worried about their safety? How will they ever know if he's drunk or not?
Bernie, worried for your safety here.
This person sounds troubling.
I think its calling the kettle black! You were no better BO.. although you never beat up your wife, i'm not sure you ever had one! at least to my knowledge....
Anon coward 7:30
BO's history is old news. If that is the best you can come up with have another drink.
This guy blew 2.5. You have to have a lot of practice to do that. He has a real problem. But beyond that he has the additional problem of being a woman beater. This guy needs a lot of help - 72 hours isn't going to cut it.
Hope that help is forthcoming before he kills himself or someone else either or or off the job.
Anon... 7:30 am: Bernie had a wife and he has kids. What I find interesting is the difference in tone and posture between this article and the ones about Joe Brennan are that Bernie likes Joe and dislikes Jim. If your looking for an unbiased opinion on this blog fat chance.
An unbiased opinion???? Geez. Somebody must take stupid pills.
It's no secret I dislike Schlener. Not bc he is a drunk, but bc he is an anonymous troll who likes to beat up women. And he is the top dog for Dems in Bethlehem. Hope they're proud.
I agree. You made no effort to point out that Brennan is a wife beater. But it is ironic that you were on an anti-marijuana with hunt trying to close down local businesses when your biddies are running around drunk out of their minds assaulting women. Nice crowd.
I believe it's called a witch hunt. In 6 years of blogging, I posted one blog about a business that sold drug paraphernalia to minors. I'd write it again.
As for Brennan, I posted both his drinking and his physical assault. It's true I like Joe and dislike Schlener. It's aldo true that Schlener has a history of beating women while Brennan does not. It's also true that Schlener is one of the gutless anonymous trolls on this blog, while Brennan is not.
Is Schlener the best that Bethlehem Dems can do? Are you the party of wife beaters, anonymous trolls and drunks?
"And you wonder why people do not identify them selfs"
More 4th grade grammar.
Is this the best that Bethlehem Democrats can do???
Brennan doesn't have a history of beating his wife? Uh, you might want to read the report last week where he BEAT HIS WIFE?
Comon now people everyone knows if You don't beat Your wife at least once You can't be a cop or firefighter, Beth Pd have several wife beaters on the force and they continue to work,,even after putting guns to their spouses heads....
9:44, One incident, while troubling, does not constitute a history. Schlener has a history. An assault in 2004 that led to criminal charges, followed by multiple assaults that led to a PFA in 2010.
Is this the best Bethlehem Dems can do???
To think that this guy was being touted as a County Council candidate is amazing.
I blame those evil, nasty Rethuglicans who want to poison the water, poison the air, let old people and kids with downsyndrome fend for themselves ... blah, blah, blah ... and Mitt Romney is a tax-cheating felon who killed that guy's wife!
@ 9:19 Mr. O'hare , I don't believe you should be correcting grammar in this instance. When this story was first posted , which I will say I enjoyed and appreciated, the first sentence was (in layman's terms) all fucked up.
It was.
It will be interesting to see who runs for county council.
Schlener is one of the names mentioned, but it looks like he lives in Lehigh County. Maybe he was going to fix that.
Not anymore. He couldn't get elected to Dog Catcher for fear he would Beat The Dogs.
Listen, I'm not sticking up for his actions but at least he recognized his mistake, apologized and is seeking help. Now only time will tell if he truly tries to help himself and learns from his mistakes.
I’ve known Jimmy for awhile and we have disagreed allot, but I do think he has peoples best interest at heart even when I think his agenda is misguided. He made a really bad error in judgment (and no not his first) and now will have to pay the penalty for it. Is he the best Bethlehem can do, no but I do know he tried his hardest.
Actually, you are sticking up for him. He is one of the trolls who has infested this blog, he has beat up women and would be eyeing up a council seat were it not for his DUI. He can stop drinking, but can't stop being an asshole.
If Bethlehem Dems can do better than this, why not start by dumping this bum? Do you need his union connections that badly that you are willing to overlook a woman abuser and troll, as well as someone who lies about being sick so he can go out and get loaded???
Another drunken D. Theres a patteen of having to be a wormy drunken girl beater in order to win a D primary. In a blue stronghold where you can't beat Dent, drinking provides solace.
Is Brennan still collecting a paycheck? Where is a sober D to call for him to finally do the right thing for once and resign? That detox center is going to look like the bridge commission shortly.
All I'm saying is Jimmy can be one of the nicest guys around, but I do have no use for violence (especially to women), nor to drunk driving. He is most certainly in the hot seat now because of his actions. Union ties or not, we need the best out there representing us.
You are discounting Joe's beating of the old guy some years back and the shoplifting? Just want to be clear. Or you are applauding the logical choice everyone takes of going for a buger and beer at an accident site while waiting for police, who generally get to Bethlehem accidents in about two minutes.
You do bias your reports depending on whether you like someone or not. Even your fans, other than ardent baggers, admit that.
"If Bethlehem Dems can do better than this, why not start by dumping this bum? Do you need his union connections that badly that you are willing to overlook a woman abuser and troll, as well as someone who lies about being sick so he can go out and get loaded???
11:42 AM"
It has always been this way with the left. From KKK Bird to Mary Jo's cowardly killer to the recent local examples.
They are an ends justifies the means crowd. They would sell their children for their spot at the trough. Feckless and immoral.
R's have their baggage, but from Nixon to Newt to the "legitimate rape pinhead", they do the right thing in these situations more often than not.
Lefties? Their credo is: As long as we can kill babies, and suck away our share from those who produce, you could be Jerry Sandusky and we'll still vote you in. Never forget the words of Chris Dodd during the Lewinsky ordeal - "So what?"
It's how they roll.
12:34 PM
Complete idiocy.
who is running for county council? Schlener?
It's a shame when anyone ruins their life over an incident like this. It's a blessing when they pick themselves up by their boot straps and lead a productive, repentive life. Unfortunately in this case,, Schlener is sorry he got caught. He isn't sorry one iota about beating women or getting drunk. He has gotten away with it for years. He is an embarrassment to the Democratic Party
How do you know this, are you in his head?
whose rumored to be running for county council?
I'll have a story on that later this week.
The shoplifting charge was dismissed, so Joe was exonerated. i guess you'd want to say he's guilty anyway, but our system does not work like that.
As for the assault, it was in response to a woman who was being beaten by the supposed old man. Joe should have been given a medal.
Bernie, How do you know who is being a "troll" on your blog when anonymous is the contributor? Just curious. Is it a guess?
The latest name for County Council is Heckman. Also Seyfried. They were promoting themselves at a recent "pick a nika". Maybe, just maybe, the beers had something to do with this.
In Schlener's case, it is no guess. i was specifically told that he was posting trollish anonymous comments, and by none other than NC Contyroller Steve Barron, back when he and i were friendly.
3:28 good word "contyroller" Idiot. TrollolololFTW
SAnon 3:26, I was at the event and talked to both Ron and Jerry. They both said they "had and were thinking about running for Executive" and nothing more. There were a few stalking horses for McClure and Callahan walking around, though neither McClure or Callahan attended, they have suurogates.
Neither Jerry nor Ron, were talking up runs for County Councuil. They seemed to just be enjoying the event as was the purpose.
More disinformation by somonwe trying to stir up shit.
Have it on good authority from a bethlehem city councilman that Schlener is resigning as chair I'd city committee.
*Chair of city committee
only fools believe anything a bethlum council member says
You may argue that Brennan was in the wrong place at the wrong time and exhonerated for his past acts. That all may be true, but Brennan and Schlener in this case did the same thing. Their actions should be treated equally on this blog and in all media outlets period.
Both said they were sorry and I think both have a long road to recovery.
However, while it is your right to print what you like on your blog Bernie... this is a hateful post and if you compare and contrast between your Brennan and Schlener coverage your true bias is clear.
I like how he tries to cover himself by saying he was on pain medication for an injury that allegedly occurred on Tuesday. The City's new fire contract is pretty clear that if you are out on sick leave you must stay home unless to go to a doctor's appointment or family emergency. The City needs to stop this kind of abuse as it detracts from the honest hardworking firefighters. This guy is a liability and needs to be fired.
Between people like him and Joe Brennen, it is no wonder why the public does trust the suites. JUST CAUSE THEY WEAR SUITES,DOES NOT MAKE THEM CLEAN! political slimeballs,,money money money money..QUESTION AUTHORITY!
Brennan gets nailed, and you hope for the best for him. A union leader gets nailed and you call for his resignation.
Brennan is still in office. You gonna call for his resignation?
8:25, There are numerous differences between Brennan and Schlener. The biggest of these is that Brennan is basically a decent guy who let booze take over. Schlener is basically a hateful guy, and one who has attacked me. He has a history of spousal abuse. He was obviously abusing the sick time policy in Bethlehem, which also makes him a thief.
Is this the best Bethlehem Democrats can do??
"Brennan is still in office. You gonna call for his resignation?"
No, and here is why. There is no way to conduct a special election to fill the seat before the general eletion. Joe's resignation wold do nothing but deprive his constituents of service they receive from Joe's staff and Joe himself.
If it were early in Joe's term, I certainly would want him to resign. I don't think I'd have to call for it. He'd do it himself.
That's a good assesment Bern, i agree 100%.
"Have it on good authority from a bethlehem city councilman that Schlener is resigning as chair I'd city committee. "
If he stays there, it's an indictment of every committee member who is willing to put up with this nonsense. It would be an admission that this is the best Bethlehem Dems have to offer.
Sounds to me like they both need to resign. Alchoholism is a disease, so is tuberculosis, which one does not sound right? Your just bummed because Jim attacked you on your blog?!, and your arch enemy" Steve Barron''tipped you off'', whom now you trust?! interesting
Learn how to read. As I stated, Barron warned me about Schlener, back when he and I were on friendly terms.
As you stated Barron told you,'' you were specifically told that he was posting trollish anonymous comments. i read you exact words''
Read the entire sentence, if you can, and quit playing games.
Anon 6:35, I hope that if neither Jerry or Ron run for county executive, they consider running for Democratic nominations for Northamtpon county council. I know they have both been there already but they would be a vast imnprovement over what we have now.
I think the county would be well served if Heckman and/or Seyfried were on county council. Their kind of experience would be geat, especially if a guy like Callahan with no county knowledge becomes execuitve.
At the end of the day I think it will be Callahan vs. McClure for the county exectuive nomination.
I agree that Jerry and Heckman would be excellent County Council members, and it would spare them the rigors of a demanding and thankless job as Exec. But if either wanted that job, they should have it. My first choice would be Jerry over everyone else.
I call bullshit on that Barron thing ,I think ya done thrown that sonuvabith under a john deere
Ask Barron. I would not say he said it unless he did.
You make me laugh Bernie..You call Schlener hateful because he "trolls" on your blog and has no use for you..If that's the definition of hateful then I'd guess there is alot of hateful people running around, lol. Very few people can stand you bernie..If you had half the friends that Jimmy Schlener has, you'd be a lucky man..You don't and never will. You seem to always miss the point, that it's you who's hateful and hate filled..
Hey Bernie,
How about your trolling on the "saving gracedale" blog???
It's "you're," not "your", Fake Rev. I never comment anonymously. Unlike you, who post almost all of your comments anonymously like a coward, I take responsibility for what I write. I have not posted there since January, when I was defamed at that site.
8:55, I call Schlener a troll bc he is one. He posts anonymously and flames people. He obviously has some real issues with women.
Also, I have to tell you that I'm not running for anything. I don't give a shit who is my friend and who is not. I'm more interested in telling the truth than being your pal.
I certainly would not want to be a "friend" to someone who supports a habitual wife beater who calls in sick so he can booze it up.
Is this the best Bethlehem Dems can do?
ISn't County Council a step down for anyone in local government?
Heh heh.
10:14 WTF is an eletion
I thought you were a friend of Joe Brennan..So it sounds like you are being a bit selective here in regards to friends who beat their wives..Me, I wish them both the best in turning their lives around..They are both good people at their core and have hundreds of friends who support them..Since you've noted his facebook post I think the least you can do is note his friend's comments of support too..Missed that B O?
You see, I don't consider Schlener a good person at his core. I consider him a troll at his core. And don't be stupid enough to suggest that I judge someone based on his faux Facebook friends.
Just for the record jimmy threw the candle at the wall and did not hit nicole. And the pfa was for excessive texting. And she could show a single text that was a threat.
Just for the record, Jimmy threw the candle at the wall and did not hit Nicole. The PFA was for excessive texting, which she often initiated, and she could NOT show any threats. And, if she felt so threatened by him why would she frequent the places that she knew he went to? And continue to violate the PFA by calling and texting him?
These denials demonstrate again why Schlener is a piece of shit. I READ the PFA file. TWICE. It was not for excessive texting that was initiated by the wife. It was for violence and threats. Saved your lies for your friends. I saw PFA file and the news account of the 2004 incident states clearly that the assault was directed at someone's head, not a wall.
When someone is in denial, like Schlener, it is impossible to get better.
But the guy Brennan beat up while in a drunken rage was a good thing. You are really blowing it on this one O'Hare. Your hypocriticall ass is hanging out big time.
Actually, the guy Brennan beat u was himself beating up a woman, so I do consider it a good thing and would have given him a medal. Schlener, on the other hand is a wife beater who is in denial, as evidenced by ypur attempt to downplay what happened. It is this kind of dishonesty that leads you to go out and drink when you're supposed to be sick. Please keep offering explanations bc they only dig a deeper hole for you.
Is this the best that Bethlehem Dems can do?
What is it with Bethlehem City workers beating up their significant others with candlesticks (while drunk or whatever they are on)?
Treatment of an illogical douche bag of this nature is a mute point. He's an embarrassment to the honest city workers, and does not deserve the privilege of the title. Others have been fired for less, he should be no different. Stop gaming the system and get out and collect unemployment like everyone else in this country seems to be doing. I suggest a title change for Mr. Schlener to "former-firefighter", of he wants to persue a Dem agenda let him do it untitled.
What about the City Health Director who is collecting FULL PAY and benefits for about 6 months while on suspension? She is still accumulating sick time, vacation time, and personal time on the tax payer's dime and not having to do a SINGLE THING. Why isn't anyone touching this when we are discussing City personnel who have exhibited abusive and drunken behavior?
Schlener doesn't sound to sorry, now. there are some important differences between Schlener and Judy Maloney. First, she did not call in sick for a week so she could go on a drunken toot. Second, she did not manage to get caught DUI at 3X the legal limit. Third, she's been exonerated, a point you seem to have forgotten. Fourth, she was actually the victim of a Schlener type personality.
This attempt to divert attention away from Schlener's misconduct demonstrates pretty clearly that his s-called apology and remorse is complete bullshit.
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