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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Fed Ed Finally Apologizes

After having spent the past six years in an assortment of federal prisons, disgraced Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski is finally expressing remorse for the crimes he committed as Mayor. 

According to WFMZ-TV69, he is asking President Joe Biden to commute his 15-year sentence, and apparently realizes his only shot at getting any kind of relief is to accept responsibility for his misbehavior. 

I was highly critical of Fed Ed while he was in office and did my best to cast a spotlight on his misconduct. But even I agree he has been behind bars long enough. In late 2022, I sent a letter to the Pardon Att'y to request that his 15-year sentence be reduced. 

Whether it is genuine or not, he has now finally apologized. 


Anonymous said...

He won't like what's been going on in the rumpus room in his absence...

Anonymous said...

Not yet, his time spent has not even begun to satisfy his crimes against humanity committed. Many peoples lives are still in disarray because of his actions and there family's are still suffering the repercussions.
The man needs to rot in his own actions before meeting his maker don't you remember even Hillary sent his campaign donation back?

Anonymous said...

Fuck him, TJ Rooney & Alan Jennings for siding with him!

Anonymous said...

That isn’t an apology. What you have here is a man who still wants to claim that two big meanies took advantage of him and made him do naughty things. This guy is a two-bit hustler who isn’t sincere; he just wants a pardon. He brought shame to a city and hurt many, many people. I bet it infuriates him that it was Susan Wild who made it to Congress, rather than he. Hopefully Biden does the right thing and keeps this con artist where he belongs — in prison.

Anonymous said...

Apology my ass. Here's an apology - "I'm sorry I did it." Not - "I'm sorry I listened to all those bad people." This is not rocket science Alan - Jennings is behind this 1/2 assed attempt, that's obvious.

Anonymous said...

Not sincere. Not even close. Finish the sentence you earned by your outrageous hubris, Ed. You destroyed businesses and lives. It's called justice.

Anonymous said...

What a farce of an apology. And Allentown reelected him instead of Nat Hyman. Allentown would have been a much better city by now had Hyman won. The people deserve what they get and voted for!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is every politician is a crook. They will always make decisions that benefit them first. What will get them reelected. Not what is always best. I see it all the time. Especially when you have just a little peek behind the curtains. It is all about keeping the right ppl happy and keeping the others in front of the curtains.

Anonymous said...

Let him come home to his family.

Once he settles in if he decides to run for mayor again I will vote for him. Perhaps he will get something done for a change. Hardly anything has happened in Allentown over the last 7 years that wasn’t already set into motion during his term.

Anonymous said...

Wish the feds would visit Bethlehem and took a look at the workings of city hall…..

Anonymous said...

To top that Alan is probably paying for it from a grant from Reillyvilles hidden assets.

Anonymous said...

If I read the wfmz article correctly, it said Pawlowski wrote the letter because Al Jennings told him to…..that doesn’t seem like a genuine apology to me if you need to be instructed to give it.

Anonymous said...

It wasn’t a real apology. That’s obvious.

Also, look at 10:28’s “Every politician is a crook” comment. No, they’re not (some are), but thanks to FedEd that’s what people think.

In addition to ruining lives, he’s smeared many with his actions. He needs to serve his full sentence.

Anonymous said...

Saw it first hand on the local level. Can't imagine the state and federal level.

fletch said...

That's a great apology and he's right. He should never have listened to those bad people. #TeamEd

Anonymous said...

The real person who committed these crimes is already out and enjoying his freedom along with his wife who should be in jail for tax evasion, but hey, if you wear a wire and try to implicate everyone else in your wrong doings you get to walk, Right Mike Fleck? Tell us how you pulled this one off and got so little time please.