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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Thursday, July 18, 2024

NorCo Council Poised to Vote For $107,548 With A Deputy Earning $87,000

Tonight, Northampton County Council is poised to vote on salaries for the Council Clerk as well as a Deputy. Currently, the "Acting" Council Clerk is Aline Shafnisky, and at a salary of $107,548. From what I've been able to glean (it was difficult to hear the audio), Council will vote tonight on a resolution fixing the salary $107,548, well above what most county employees receive.  Moreover, the Deputy Clerk will be paid $87,000, which incidentally is higher than the Executive's salary. 


Anonymous said...

Council should vote No.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out that the clerk conveniently did not post supporting documents to yesterday's agenda or tonight's agenda. Deliberate or incompetence? How would citizens be able to speak on topics if not given copies of proposed ordinances or county business if not even given 24 hours notice. By law this is required. All new business should be taken off tonight's agenda and placed on agenda for next meeting. Council can thank the clerk for the error. If all is heard, then shame on council. Incompetence breeds incompetence.

Anonymous said...

NORCO residents obviously enjoy bending over

Anonymous said...

NC Council needs to go along with the Executive. NO NC CLERK DESERVES ANYTHING NEAR THOSE SALARIES. NC Employees should walk out. Taxpayers should back them and get rid of NC Council and the Executive! NC is CORRUPT!

Anonymous said...

Who are they sleeping with!

Anonymous said...

This is where Lori shows she knows nothing about our county government and continues to be a disappointment to current employees. She mentioned the clerk deserves this high salary because she knows no one else who supervises 9 staff and has to be the “face” of council. Choose your words wisely.

You could say the county executive is the “face” of the county, has oversight of at least 15 cabinet members or more, doesn’t make that salary.

The Human Services Directors/Administrators who are the “faces” of their divisions didn’t start at $107k and don’t make nearly that amount. Yet they deal with the public, the state, HR issues, oversight of other entities and oversight of external centers/organizations, while managing their entire divisions every day (way more than 9 staff).

The court/DA staff supervise many and are the “faces” of their divisions but they are probably close to $100k because every time they come to council asking for raises they get approved.

Jon Gofredo makes a PERFECT point. Start the clerk in the $80k range because the clerk should have time to grow in the position and most likely retire at $100+k.

Anonymous said...

The best and only thing to be taken out of last night meeting was keegan asking the question!!! Hey I have a question this lady has been with the county for years. She should be at the top of the steps pay scale. Teacher get a step every year. That's how you keep teachers.
You could hear a pin drop on carpet in that room. Everyone knew the answer but guessing she was just becoming aware.
McClure doesn't care about employees he doesn't care about about county employees making a livable wage. All he cares about is saying I didn't raise taxes or I might cut taxes. He makes that happen by cutting his employees wages not giving them the steps they DESERVE AND WORKED FOR.
He makes his numbers by screwing over the county employees. He will stand in court room one and preach about bringing union workers in the county for bidding on jobs for fair wages. But when it comes to county union workers go get screwed.
In the words of Mrs Keegan this is absurd...
But I'm sure she will change her tune tonight. McClure probably already had a sit down with her. She's a juice drinker and loves the sugar.

Anonymous said...

Hey Lori you made a comment about the county clerk having 10 bosses. Nobody else in the county has that. I have 20 bosses between Sgts,Lts,DW,Warden and director. What do COS deserve to make???? Hell we almost have as many administrators as officers nowadays...

Anonymous said...

Hell no!

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Jon Gofredo makes a PERFECT point. Start the clerk in the $80k range because the clerk should have time to grow in the position and most likely retire at $100+k."


Bernie O'Hare said...

"I'd like to point out that the clerk conveniently did not post supporting documents to yesterday's agenda or tonight's agenda."

I've never seen supporting docs posted to a committee meeting, and they usually are not posted to the county council meeting until the day of the meeting.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Let me add that the Sunshine Act requires that the agenda be posted, but not the underlying documents.

Anonymous said...

Do we have the ability to know what the “acting clerk”’s salary was previously? If she gets it and the proposed rate gets accepted, what percentage of an increase is that?

Anonymous said...

What was the salary before Linda Zembo was awarded the position? I know she received a huge bump in salary when she took the position that probably wasn’t warranted back then.

Anonymous said...

County employees will not vote for any Council members who vote for this.

Anonymous said...

She doesn't even deserve $80K. Waste of taxpayer dollars!

Anonymous said...

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

Anonymous said...

Council needs to reverse course as this is a great insult to all other employees.

Anonymous said...

What was Frank Flissar's INITIAL salary from DAY ONE of the position?