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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I Have Finally Recovered From a Nasty Bout of Bronchitis

in cooler weather
Yesterday was the first day since June 12 that I can say I have finally recovered from a very nasty case of bronchitis.  I suspect it had been building up for a few weeks after a summer cold. It hit me hard after a high intensity hard cycling ride with my grandson on June 12. Within hours, I had a high fever, chills, no appetite (very unusual for me), was extremely fatigued and could not stop coughing. I believe this is probably the sickest I have ever been. 

A double dose of antibiotics seemed to knock most of the bacterial infection out of me, but I continued coughing almost nonstop. I actually bruised my ribs during this time, which made breathing very difficult and aerobic exercise almost impossible. I did try cycling twice and made occasional forays to the gym, but it was wasted effort. I had to take several catnaps a day, even as recently as this weekend. 

Last week, I decided to try the elliptical trainer. I am used to exercising 2 plus hours per day, but just 30 minutes on the elliptical was very difficult. I took a day of rest and then continued, adding time every day. It seemed to help stretch the intercostal muscles along my rib cage and made it easier to breathe (and sleep). 

Yesterday, I woke up feeling very good, was able to hit the elliptical for 45 minutes, and then lifted weights. I could see that I lost a lot of strength in less than a month. I also lost 7 pounds, and suspect the weight lost was mostly muscle. It is probably going to take me several months to get my strength back. In the evening, I was able to walk my seeing eye dog buddy for a mile, and he was very happy. 

An elliptical trainer reminds me very much of a hybrid bicycle. Once I can do an hour on the elliptical, I can return to cycling. 

My appetite is still shitty but that probably is more the result of the heat than my illness. 

On the bright side, I really have improved my French language skills and the cataract surgery made it possible for me to return to reading. 

I want to thank those of you who reached out to me or who left encouraging comments on this blog. I know pretty clearly now that I have more time behind me than in front of me and that's OK. As the stoic Marcus Aurelius said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."  


Anonymous said...

As Billy Joel would sing
Only the good die young
Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Easy does it as you work your way back. You’ll be surprised how good you feel in a week or two. Glad you feel better!

Anonymous said...

“I had to take several catnaps a day, even as recently as this weekend.”

Who do you think you are, the President of the United States?

Anonymous said...

I recall your post from when you first fell ill but I wasn't aware you had bronchitis. Breathing issues knock you down. Good thoughts for your continued recovery. The elliptical is a terrific machine. Crank up the resistance as you feel up to it.

Anonymous said...

“I also lost 7 pounds, and suspect the weight lost was mostly muscle.”

I’ve been reading your recent posts. It must have been all muscle because it’s obvious that you haven’t lost an ounce of the fat in your head!

Glad you’re doing better.

Anonymous said...

So glad u feel better. It really s...to get old. Bronchitis can be scary. Take care of you

Anonymous said...

Glad you recovered Bernie, that was a hell of a run.

The Banker

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts even though I don’t often agree. You’re a better reporter than the MC.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better.

Someone You Typically Clash With

Anonymous said...

A little slower, Bernie. Glad you maybe took my words to heart (or not) and obtained medical intervention. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Re: your recovery - “a steady pace wins the race.” Don’t do anything crazy and get yourself back on the IL. Be well.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you got the Clap. It'll enhance your street cred.

You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are feeling better! Continue the journey!

Anonymous said...

Too bad….