Sitting in the cheap seats before the meeting started, I met Bucks County Attorney Larry Otter, who swam up the Delaware from Doylestown to make a pitch for that $49k part-time solicitor's job. Larry told me I look nothing like my profile picture.
"Larry, if you wrote what I write, would you want people to know what you really look like?"
"Fair point," conceded the Otter.
We were soon joined by Bill White and Freddie the Deputy Sheriff, who keeps threatening to shoot me. Bill was a little shocked at this, unaware that Freddie and I are actually great pals. We both drive Jeeps. He's never shot me, not even once. He just zaps me with a stun gun.
Then the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle, was in the house. Walking into the star chamber, he glared at Bill White and me, sitting in the same row.
"There they are, the blogger and the blunderer."
Before Bill and I could decide who's who, Angle started clicking his heels and saluting Bill. Now Ron was wearing a long black leather coat he obviously picked up from the Wehrmacht, and looked like he had just come from the Wolf's Lair. There he stood, someone who's constantly accused of anti-Semitism, pretending to be Rommel. And he does it right in front of the Morning Call's most influential columnist. At this point, I asked Deputy Freddie to just shoot me. He refused, claiming it's a waste of bullets.
Patti Grube's Resignation
Before reorganizing, council had to decide whether to accept formally Patti Grube's resignation. Patti, appointed to fill her husband's vacancy, had written to council, apologizing but explaining her decision to accept the appointment was premature. As the votes were cast, council members Ron Angle and Mike Dowd said they were doing so "with regret." But in what certainly sounded like an unnecessarily mean-spirited and classless remark to me, McClure snarked, "I will have no regrets."
What is up with that?
Council Logjam
Down to eight members again, Council member Diane Neiper immediately nominated Ann Mchale as Prez. Just as quickly, Angle nominated Peg Ferraro.
Before they voted, Peg Ferraro predicted exactly what would happen. They are "deadlocked," with 4 Democrats and 4 Republicans. In the past, party labels disappeared once an election was over. "Now, this body is more polarized than ever. The President and Vice President should be from different parties."
Council ignored her, but Peg was quickly proved right. They deadlocked on whether McHale or Ferraro should be President. Each got four votes. Peg's recommendation was turned into a formal motion, and council deadlocked over that, too. Another party-line logjam developed over Diane Neiper or John Cusick as VP. They could not even agree on voting order, with both Angle and Dertinger insisting each should vote last.
Finally, Dowd broke out the buzzsaw, suggesting McHale for Prez with the understanding that a Republican would be named VP. McHale was quickly elected. Just as quickly, Dems tried once more to install Neiper as their VP, but they deadlocked again. Finally, Charles Dertinger nominated Mike Dowd as VP, and he is the only council member unanimously elected last night.
Everybody called everybody hypocrites.
McClure's Apology & Turkeys
After briefly discussing the council vacancy, McHale wanted to get the hell out of there. Not McClure. He wanted to stay until council named a new solicitor, even if it took all night. He then passed out a resolution to council members without bothering to inform the public what it contained.
Angle teed off on McClure's imperious letter firing solicitor Anthony Martino. "McClure had no right to dismiss Martino. But what bothers me is that you [McHale] OKed it." McHale indignantly denied ever having seen the letter, although she was obviously aware of its contents. She and Dertinger then started inexplicably blasting The Express Times over "inappropriate" and "undue" turkeys awarded to McHale and Neiper a few weeks before. Just five minutes before that, she was asking reporters at both papers to run a story about the council vacancy so they would not have to pay for an ad.
By the way, what the hell is an undue turkey?
Then came Lamont's big apology. He insisted on re-reading his letter to Martino in its entirety. As he did so, Ferraro and Cusick both bristled. Then he apologized for the last two sentences, claiming he was only firing Martino over a holiday to keep him from being embarrassed in public. Mighty nice of him, eh? He acknowledged usurping his authority, but only because he's a nice guy.
Council Logjams Over Solicitor
Peg Ferraro warned council it should hold off on a new solicitor until they have a ninth member because they would just logjam. Once again, they ignored her. Once again, she was proved right.
Neiper started things off by suggesting Christian "Pay to Play" Perrucci for the role. That failed. Then McClure, in a false spirit of compromise, suggested McHale pal Barb Hollenbach. Republicans started laughing. That failed, too. Finally, Dertinger nominated Larry Otter, a Dem operative who amazingly told council he "has no political axes to grind in Northampton County." Even McHale and Neiper voted against Otter, claiming the job should go to a Northampton County lawyer.
After three strikes, council was out and Anthony Martino remains council's lawyer, at least for now. The meeting ended when Angle said, "I am the emperor. When I say adjourn, adjourn."
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa: I make no apology for my opinions, but try to get my facts right. Really! So it is with a heavy heart that I must admit a faux pas. I criticized Lamont McClure's tackiness in refusing to accept Patti Grube's resignation with regret. What I failed to realize is that McClure actually voted against accepting her resignation, so his remarks were no slam at Grube. Lamont, all I can say is what you said last night. I am sorry.
So let me get this straight, one of these clowns wants to be the next County Executive? You have got to be kidding me!
I thought Bill White had been transferred to Zell's poop scooping detail. I've enjoyed his Christmas lights and recipe columns, though. Hard hitting stuff. Remember when the MC used to be a NEWSpaper?
You are so funny. I just love these stories. I'll regret saying this, but "i'd even pay to read these." what am i saying ! best line was ron and his new coat.
Has anyone approached the TV networks about doing a series about Northampton County Council? It certainly would be more entertaining than watching fat people losing weight!
Fly, couldn't agree more. Hell, I'd even be willing to pay the $1,000 it would take to webcast these things (and that's all it would take is $1,000).
Bernie, please give us a heads-up for meetings like this, I would have driven over if I'd known.
The Banker
I love the gridlock. This bunch of assholes should not be permitted to decide anything of importance to NC. The system works and we should rejoice today. We'll soon have an election and voters will get another shot at sorting this out.
Until then, the bickering children should be sent to their rooms for the next year. Letting this idiotic circus decide important matters would be far worse than any delays in passing county legislation.
In the interim, I join the chorus for web cast or televised meetings. I should at least get entertainment value for the money I'm currently wasting on them.
I'm glad to see Charles Dertinger acting the statesman. This guy is a great public servant. He takes no stuff from Angle and he is an effective Councilman. Dertinger almost by himself is getting Wayne A. Grube Memorial Park built. This is something the late, great Mr. Grube could not do, and it is something no one else has been able to accomplish. It is no wonder Charles is so well-liked in the Open Space and Farmland Preservation Community ! He will be top vote-getter in the coming election !
Ok, Charles, stopping puffing about yourself!
"So let me get this straight, one of these clowns wants to be the next County Executive?"
Actually, three or four of them think they've got the right stuff. And Dertinger thinks he's all but a Congressman.
"Bernie, please give us a heads-up for meetings like this, I would have driven over if I'd known."
I shoukd have done that. I can't wait for NC Council to get together with LC Comm'rs. That's the 12th. NC Council legislators are very jealous of their LC counterparts and will probably make them sit on the floor.
"I love the gridlock. This bunch of assholes should not be permitted to decide anything of importance to NC."
And they don't. They haven't decided much of importance in the last three years. Actually, I did not think they would name a Prez or VP. There is no way they'll agree on a 5th council member and they should just send that one to the judges.
Larry Otter is a good attorney and an ardent Open Government guy. Northampton would be lucky to have him.
'Course, now that I've said that he doesn't have a chance!
Why would you go out of Northampton County for a Solicitor when you have so many qualified County Resident Attorneys paying taxes in Northampton County?
Valid point and if that's the issue, then yes, someone from Northampton should be appointed however Attorney Otter should not be discounted for any Partisan reasons because he's fiercely independent politically.
Otter will do NC Dem Bossman Joe Long's bidding. He is the attorney who Long recommended for then voting registrar DePaul when she felt she needed protection from the "lies" in the local press. Otter is the attorney who filed some goofy lawsuit over campaign signs for local Dems. He's also the lawyer who tried to stick the county with a $2,470 bill for representing DePaul.
He's also represented numerous third party candidates in Ballot access disputes and assisted Republican Russ Diamond in his petition challenge to Rep. Mauree Gingrich.
"Otter is the attorney who filed some goofy lawsuit over campaign signs for local Dems."
You mean the lawsuit to protect our first amendment liberties? ALL of those communities amended or appealed those signs. What you don't realize Bernie is that all of the municipalities that had those ordinances were tilted to one party or the other. Those sign ordinances were meant to quash challengers from other parties.
When did you stop liking the first amendment? When did you start defending incumbent protection ordinances? When local gov't starts protecting their own and silencing opposition, you normally are there. But b/c Otter was paid by Dems you have a problem with that? Your hatred of the Bossman is inhibiting your ability to judge noble actions (btw, I view the DePaul thing differently... that wasn't right). Those "silly sign ordinances" however... you're just wrong there bernie.
Anon 10:38
Otter is Joe Long's boy, and I saw him carry the water for local Dems the night he held Debbie DePaul's hand before a group of citizens studying how to improve our elections. He was divisive and obnoxious, insulting the media, the administration and everyone else. He ten tried to force the county to pay for his private representation, which included a crab cakes din din at Uncle Wesleys.
His lawsuit against local muniucipalities was on behalf of local Dems, not the first Amendment. He has represented third parties, but in NC, he works for Dems.
Bernie has never cared about your first amendment right.
Just his and Ron Rommel.
The fact Otter won in federal court is lost on Bernie since his disbarrment.
Otter is not anyone's boy. He was hired by someone to do a job and he did it. That's what lawyers do.
Julian, You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.
"His lawsuit against local muniucipalities was on behalf of local Dems, not the first Amendment."
So when local dems fight for 1st amendment rights, it doesn't really count. If Angle was out there fighting those ordinances you'd be championing him Bernie, you're hatred of Bossman is blinding. Take it from a friend.
I also didn't know that fighting for underdog candidates knew county boundaries. You fight for them, you fight for them. I'm sure Otter would fight for anybody who is willing to pay him. He is, as JS suggests, a lawyer.
That's what's great about Blogs.
I refer you to the comment posted above. You can praise Larry here all you want. I am leery of the guy, especially bc of his connection to Joe Long. Julian may be right and I amy be right. We can all express ourselves here.
Deb DePaul did what anyone should do when confronted by a handpicked committee of Stoffa supporters and campaign contributors. They tried to make her squirm and quit or push her out. They may have used honey but it was BS, anyway.
DePaul was sarcastic and rude to the public. Most of her staff hated her and did their best to get away from her.
Hell, had I been her boss I would have fired her outright. At least Stoffa gave her a way to save face.
Stoffa was trolling for a way to dump her before he took office. He was so dishonest he appoints a BS committee of friends with no power to oversee a lynching. He has no class.
It is funny how a lunatic like Boonie could criticize a guy like Otter who, while nuts himself, at least has managed to keep his law license. In loonie bin wars, Otter is way ahead of a suspended lawyer who should have been prosecuted for forgery and disbarred. He now Pals around with a completer low life like Angle and yet has the guts to attack Otter.
As indicatee 1,000 times before, the elections task force was created to improve elections and not to remove personnel.
Anon 7:32 - it's hard for me to think of somebody more clueless than you, but I'll work on it.
You just can't stand the thought that you might be totally wrong - but that's OK - everybody here understands that you are a tool.
Really, every person on the Committee was connected to the Stoffa machine. Also why create it, it was a publicity stunt. You have a LEGAL Election Commission.
But then the Law or facts never got in the way of fanatics.
This citizens' committee, established as an advisory panel to the county executive, was created because the previous two elections had been a disaster. As Stoffa himself noted at the time, "Our elections are like watching an elephant give birht." The idea behind it was to see what the executive branch could do to improve the quality of the elections. The elections comm'n was welcome to participate, but it would be improper to involve them bc they are an independent body.
Thanks to that advisory panel, we discovered something the state itself did not know, i.e. that we were voting on machines that had not been certified. We discovered that the machines themselves might be made of substandard Chinese material, which resulted in decertification of the vendor.
In addition to the problems with the machines, the advisory panel sought out the opinions of numerous poll workers, and their recommendations were implemented as the study was bering completed. The result was a dramatic imporovement in our elections.
It was never a witch hunt although HRH DePaul behaved abominably and I agree with the commenter who states that her behavior mnerited dismissal by the elections commission or whomever it is that can fire a registrar.
Stoffa quoting something he already had made his mind up on, is hardly credible.
The State had the information on the machines before the committee, please don't pass your biased opinion off as fact.
This was a joke, as has been the past three years of dysfunctional government.
I was there the day the committee realized it wass using software that had not been certified. I saw Russ Shade point it out, and it was at least a month before the DOS reaalized it. As for the bad hardware, Russ Shade was nearly a year ahead of the DOS on that. These are facts, not opinions. You may not like it, but that advisory panel did good work.
I will agree that the last 3 yearws of NC has been dysfunctional, and that's because of a bunch of little children on council who interfere with Stoffa at every opportunity. Looks like others are beginning to notice that, too.
O'Har ebelieves in the Dictatorship of Stoffa, down with the legislature.
Are the personal attacks on Bernie really necessary?
Have you never made any mistakes in your life?
Stoffa is a good man genuinely interested in making a difference for the people in his County and Community we should have more elected officials like John, and Ron Angle for that matter.
Angle may be a bit arrogant but arrogance has to be earned and Angle has certainly done just that by being a stalwart for Good Government on that Council.
Bernie, Angle, and Stoffa are all better men then the cowards who make personal pot shot comments without posting their names.
Julian, God Bless you. You idolize a skunk, a snake and a babbon.
"By the way, what the hell is an undue turkey?" Its one who has its lower giblets missing. :):)
what in the world is a babbon?
I think anonn 6:31 meant to say Bernie is a baboon but didn't want to insult the baboon.
"Julian Stolz said...
Are the personal attacks on Bernie really necessary?" Hi Julian. O'hare stoled money from people. Do you not consider that a personal attack?
Stoled? I must have stolen your spelling book, too. I have never stolen a dime from anyone. I lost my license for unethical conduct, for dismissing a case (that had no merit) without obtaining the client's consent. That was wrong. I pretty much was a one man wrecking crew as a lawyer. I deserved my suspension. But I was never a thief.
sorry Bernie. I was not sure what had happened. Please tell us exactly what took place. And as for spelling mistakes, we all see your own every day. So fess up.
"""""""""""" Bernie O'Hare said...
Julian, You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine.
11:42 AM"""""""""""""""""""" Don't ever forget your own words.
"sorry Bernie. I was not sure what had happened."
Sure you are. But let's get something straight. My 1985 lergal suspension has nothing to do with whether NC Council is misfiring. And it is. Big time. The typically useless personal attacks vindicate exactly what I've written.
I feel the problem with NCC is too many lawyers wanting to use it as a political stepping stone for bigger and better($$$) things.
The problem is except for Peg Ferraro, the rest of Northampton Countys elected officials are boobs. What a joke. Has there ever been a more ill-equiped less qualified bunch than this crowd. Wow.
Peg is a wonderful woman who has begun to assert herself. That has always been her greatest drawback. She is so willing to let others have their say that she is often drowned out. I am very impressed by her latest stint on council, and she was the voice of reason at the last meeting
Neiper and Cusick are both hard workers, but Neiper is way too partisan, so much so that she has lost my vote. Cusick is much like Peg, unwilling to speak out.
Mike Dowd is actually council's most liberal member. He cares about people, is very even and usually makes decisions I can respect, even if I disagree. His flaw is that he does not work at it like other members of council.
McHale, the Queen of Hearts, has always been imperious. Now that she has her eyes on the throne, she has became vicious, too. It is she who screamed, "Nice guys finish last." It is she who claimed she had not read Lamont's letter although it is very clear that she knew what was in it. She watched McClure hang and smiled, hoping to knock off another opponent.
Dertinger is lazy, intensely partisan, and a know-it-all, the driving force behind most of the ridiculous behavior. He blustered about Novemer's election, driving Voter Registrar Howie Erney to resign. Turns out he was not even in the county that day and voted absentee.
I've seen McClure conduct an excellent committee hearing, so I know he can do it when he tries, but he is also lazy and way too partisan. I think he could be an excellent member of council if he started listening to Morganelli a little more and Dertinger a little less. The deal with that letter has certainly killed any hope he had of running for executive. For someone who engages in so much political mindgames, he could have thought that one through a little more clearly.
McClure and Dertinger are both all for government behind closed doors, another drawback.
Ron is Ron. Hated by some, loved by others. He is the John Adams of Northampton County, obnoxious and brilliant. He is almost always right, especially when it comes to money. He works his ass off. I have never seen a smarter person in local government. But like Adams, he has many vicious enemies and doesn't really care who he offends. I adore the guy. But some will oppose his measures simply bc he proposed them.
The Union wants people to back McHale but haven't really provided any good reasons to push her.
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