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Thursday, January 23, 2025

NorCo Council Member Tom Giovanni to Run For Exec

I've dubbed him the "Quiet Man" of Northampton County Council. Most politicians have a difficult time trying to be succinct, but not this guy. He follows Abraham Lincoln's admonition that it is better to be quiet and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. When he does speak, people listen. His name is Tom Giovanni. He represents NorCo's District 4, which includes the slate belt and northern tier. He announced yesterday that he is running for County Executive. Below is his release:

(Plainfield Township, PA) Republican Northampton County Councilman Thomas Giovanni announced today that he is running for Northampton County Executive. Giovanni will formally announce his candidacy alongside a slate of Republican candidates for Northampton County row offices at an in-person press conference on February 6th.

“After seven years of failed leadership under County Executive Lamont McClure, it is time for a change in Northampton County,” said Giovanni. “Mr. McClure and his allies have taken Northampton County backwards. He failed in his constitutional responsibility to administer fair and secure elections; disastrously failed to give county residents an equal opportunity to vote after two election fiascos in 2019 and 2023; and even failed the most vulnerable of our county’s citizens by not maintaining the quality of care at Gracedale.”

“The dysfunction and incompetence of Mr. McClure’s tenure motivated me to offer better leadership and a new direction for Northampton County,” continued Giovanni. “I will help Northampton County reach a brighter future and continue to be a champion for every resident as I have done as a council member. No matter who Mr. McClure and his allies back in this election to continue his failed track record, it will not deter me from working to better Northampton County.”

“We need an executive who will work for the people of Northampton County instead of weaponizing the office and leaving the people of Northampton County behind. I will be making a formal announcement on February 6th, along with a slate of candidates that will truly fight for the people of Northampton County.”


Anonymous said...

Good man glad to see him run.

Anonymous said...

After what Northampton County has been through the past years with Lamont…this is a nice change. I hope he wins.

Anonymous said...

A true gentleman respected by both democrats and republicans. He will ensure employees get real pay and clean up the mess left by Bailing McClure. Time to open up the books and send Baloney Barron packing. Knowledgeable person vs. Zero Zirinski.

Anonymous said...

Failed leadership? Leaving residents behind? Taking us backwards? Are you serious with these lies?
You are a do nothing lonely man who constantly creeps around the county courthouse to occupy your time. Quiet is right. You have nothing to say unless LVH sends you on a mission.
Giovanni is a flying monkey who takes orders. He doesn't have the capacity to give them.

Anonymous said...

Tom Giovanni is the least effective member of County Council in the history of home rule. He never opens his mouth, and when he does such profound nonsense comes out that you’re glad he never says anything. He has not proposed one resolution and/or ordinance that has made anyone’s life any better.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we absolutely should turn elections over to the guys who only trust the results when they win.

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy. Let's replace one fat white guy from one side side of the ailse with another fat white guy from the other side of the ailse who have nothing but disdain for the other party. That should change things up. Oy.

Anonymous said...

What???? This man barely speaks or advocates at council meetings, yet he wants to be the face of the county? He always seems to turn to Brown or Gofredo for guidance. Will not get my vote. Bad choice R’s.

Anonymous said...

Tom is a good guy, but Tara has much higher name recognition countywide from her constant campaigning. He has an uphill battle.

Anonymous said...

We will miss the tax cuts, reduced spending and the otherwise fiscal constraints of the McClure years !

Anonymous said...

You’re right. Lamont is like a polar bear and Giovanni is like a Pander Bear. Similar to a Panda except less smart.

Anonymous said...

County employees won’t forget that he voted to cut their step-increases for 2025.

Anonymous said...

Dear Employees, especially you, you dope Crowley, Tom is John Brown’s best friend. John Brown will be the Director of Administration and they will gut your medical benefits.

Anonymous said...

Does he need to ask his wife before voting? Will she also pick his cabinet. Give me a break

Anonymous said...

His vote on the Employee Health Center was crazy. Vote no sure, but you can’t argue more access to healthcare will prevent people from going to the doctor. With comments like that how can you take him seriously?

Anonymous said...

He ran an IT business. Wonder what his customers think about the services he provided. I hear he’s quiet, and not really the expert he claims to be.

Anonymous said...

This candidacy is Lori Vargo Hefner’s effort to become Director of Human Services. What a train wreck that would be.

Anonymous said...

Can Lori just join the GOP already?

Anonymous said...

Failed Leadership? A tax cut, 7 balanced budgets, over $25 million to small businesses during the pandemic and the largest commitment of money got farm land and open space of any executive. If that’s a failed administration I’d like to keep failing please.

Didn’t his best friend John Brown raise taxes when he did not need to? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous said...

Nice change… yep electing John Brown’s BFF as executive is a “nice change”

Anonymous said...

Let’s open those books to see all the land preserved by the administration, the tax cut that saved NorCo Taxpayers over $20 million and all the pandemic relief that helped the community. Please open the books.

Anonymous said...

I wonder who wrote his announcement. After hearing him read aloud at meetings I have to wonder if he has even an average IQ. My elementary school son reads better than him.

Anonymous said...

He clearly thought he was running against Lamont… oops. The GOP is writing this for him. Sadly these MAGA type announcements don’t work in local elections.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t GOP insiders hope to find a woman of color to run? This is pretty much the exact opposite of that.

Anonymous said...

"Let's replace one fat white guy from one side side of the ailse (sic) with another fat white guy ..."

Oh look, a filthy racist is flapping its filthy gums.

Citizen voter said...

Anyone but Tara. She's a train wreck.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Tom Giovanni is actually highly respected by elected officials from both parties. He works in a bipartisan way on most matters. He did oppose McClure on the employee health center and on bonding for a stand-alone office building on the courthouse campus (I support them), but those are neither Democratic nor GOP initiatives and there are good arguments in favor of and against them. As for "creeping around" the courthouse, Giovanni has amazingly been attacked by the McClure admin simply because, now that he is retired, he spends a lot of time at the courthouse talking to the employees. That's actually a good thing. That's how you find out what is happening from the perspective of the boots on the ground. I wish more Council members had the time to do it. In years past, Wayne Grube used to be at the courthouse several days a week. He was admired, not criticized, for it. The employees had someone to talk to who could actually do something to help them. He also would be standing at the employee entrance at 8:30 to see who came in late and make a gruff remark if someone was. So Giovanni should be praised, not criticized, for being at the courthouse. As far as his reading aloud ability is concerned, you got him there. He does a poor job reading aloud. But it is still 10 times better than some previous council members like Bill McGee.

Anonymous said...

Yes they did. Many of us were hoping she would run. Looks like she declined.

Anonymous said...

I like Tom but he needs to get off that Trump play book of saying the previous administration was so bad. Speak to the future Tom not the past. If you want to attack the past administration pick one issue like Gracedale forget all that election fraud Trump preaches. Run as a good old Republican avoid the Trump persona and you have my vote

Anonymous said...

Boy, are we in trouble, if he turns to Brown or Goffredo for guidance!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Zrinski is a train wreck, and I'm a Democrat. Is this the best NC has to offer?

Anonymous said...

One candidate doesn't speak, and the other idiot Zrinski, yells with a bullhorn. God help us!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe anyone would defend Lamont. He was a disaster for the County if you bother to pay attention. Giovanni is finally a solid candidate that the R's need right now!

Anonymous said...

this guy is the best thing to happen for the upcoming election, anyone and i mean anyone will easily beat this obstructionist loser. and he isn't running around the courthouse he is sitting and talking to the office girls

Anonymous said...

He is best friends with John Brown, Remember him???

Anonymous said...

Don't you have prisoners to watch at the jail... back to work.

Anonymous said...

Tom is a good man. I think he would make a good executive. If it comes down to him or Zrinski it’s a no brainer, Tom all the way.

Anonymous said...

I hope Hollywood runs.

Anonymous said...

"Tom Giovanni is the least effective member of County Council in the history of home rule."

*Ann McHale has entered the chat*

Anonymous said...

If you want to talk about a man who loved John brown. Lamont, he just continued with John Brown horrible way of treating county union employees.
Great tax didn't go up. But he did it on the backs of county employees. And I think Lamont know he is not gonna be able to kick the can any further.
I see big news coming....

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Tom.

Anonymous said...

Finally, a genuine good person for County Exec. Go Tom!!

Anonymous said...

This made sense until I heard about John Brown being involved and possibly becoming Director of Admin. No Thank You. 1% raises, high medical payments, NO THANKS. Unless he commits that Brown isn't involved then zurinski has my vote.

Anonymous said...

Decent guy, but just like his bestie, John "Brown Pants" isn't Executive material!

Anonymous said...

I'm no Lamont fan, but he actually surprised me as an Executive- we had much worse!

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for anyone BUT Zero Zrinski!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's an embarrassment! NC can do sooooo much better!

Anonymous said...

LMFAO! But it's true! Don't these people have any self-respect?!

Anonymous said...

But she's totally incompetent and an embarrassment!

Anonymous said...

He's a registered Independent though

Anonymous said...

The problem is, he can bring anyone into his administration after he’s officially in office so we wouldn’t know until after. I’m not taking a risk on Brown being added to his administration team so Giovanni is not getting my vote. As a single parent employee, I can’t afford higher healthcare costs, coinsurance and no raises. Brown will pull the strings for Giovanni.

Anonymous said...

They rejected her like the Democrats will when she tries to run for council this year.

Anonymous said...

Does the jail allow you the time to comment their computers. Back to work.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t union employees receive the highest wages under McClure’s administration? Stoffa and Brown years were much lower raises.

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for my dog before Zrinski

Anonymous said...

Me too- Make Northampton County sexy again!

Anonymous said...

Tom Giovanni has zero clue about what happened in either Election.

Anonymous said...

John Brown can't possibly be considered for Director Of Adm. he's incompetent!

Anonymous said...

I'm a dark skinned white guy whose actually much more a weightest or fattist than a racist. LOL!

Anonymous said...

The last time these clowns ran the County they messed up so badly that a bunch of Conservative Republicans had to raise taxes. John Brown will be Silent Tom’s Director of Administration and he’ll hire a consultant to perform most aspects of governance, thereby, creating the necessity for another tax increase.

Anonymous said...

I thought one of the disgusting porn stars was going to run?!