At last night's very brief meeting (24 minutes), Northampton County Council voted 8-0 to approve a three-year term sheet for the AFSCME union employees at Gracedale. They will receive COLAs (cost of living adjustments over the next three years in the amounts of 4%, 3.5% and 3%.
While these increases appear small, they follow and agreement between the county and AFSCME last year. They addressed the two most important issues raised in a County Council-ordered operational assessment of Gracedale by Affinity Health Services - the need to pay more money as well as an ability to hire experienced nursing staff at levels commensurate with their time on the job.
The changes made last year are as follows:
CNAs. - The previous starting rate for a CNA was $14.28 an hour. (Pay grade 4, step 3). The new starting rate is $16.61 an hour. That's a base pay of $34,538 a year. CNAs working the second shift already get an extra $1.50 an hour, and those who work third shift get an extra $1.00 an hour. On top of that, CNAs get an extra $0.75 an hour just for showing up on weekdays, and $3.00 an hour just for showing up on weekends. So, a new CNA who works second shift on a weekend will actually be getting $21.11 an hour.
It gets better. The bottom three steps have been eliminated so that all new hires will start at $16.61. Moreover, three new steps have been added to the top of the scale.
A CNA who has 5-10 years of experience in that role at another facility will start at $17.80 an hour. One with 10+ years on the job can be hired at $25.38.
LPNs. - The previous starting rate for a LPN was $21.35 an hour. (Pay grade 9, step 3). The new starting rate is $23.69 an hour. That's a base pay of $49.269 a year. LPNs who work the second shift already get an extra $2.50 an hour, and those who work third shift get an extra $2.00 an hour. On top of that, LPNs get an extra $3 an hour just for showing up on weekdays, and $4 an hour on weekends. So, a new LPN who works second shift on a weekend will actually be getting $27.85 an hour.
As with the CNAs, the bottom three steps have been eliminated so that all new hires will start at $23.69. Moreover, three new steps have been added to the top of the scale.
A LPN who has 5-10 years of experience in that role at another facility will start at $25.38 an hour. One with 10+ years on the job can be hired at $27.17.
The new term sheet for Gracedale workers was approved 8-0. Council member Ron Heckman was absent.
The meeting did start off bizarrely enough, with Beverly Hernandez attempting to deliver a diatribe during courtesy of the floor. She was shocked to learn that she gets only five minutes and is barred from using other speakers to waive their time in favor of her. Last time she was in front of County Council, she threatened them with the curses of Leviticus and the wrath of an Old Testament God.
This time, she suggested the county does nothing about the homeless and that she went out herself and gave a blanket to one of them. "First they came for the Catholics," she said, and then asked if anyone has read the Constitution." She also complained about the price of eggs. She also claimed she speaks for the people and complained about a lack of interpreters or someone who could use sign language. She then said she wanted to talk about Gracedale but her time was up.
I knew Beverly Hernandez when she was a nice Republican person. She is now officially off the hook.
When she was done, she was admonished by Republican John Goffredo. "When you come up here and attack us as if we're automatically the enemy, it makes us automatically not want to listen. It's the same thing I say to people on the other side of the aisle. ... If we're fighting each other, we're never gonna; fix anything."
Later that evening, Executive Lamont McClure addressed Council about both Lehigh and Northampton County spend millions every year to address the issue of homelessness. "If money was the only answer, we wouldn't have a homelessness problem."
Hernandez was not there.
She left right after her rambling lecture.
Every right has a corollary duty. The right to speak includes a duty to listen.