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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

NorCo Council Seeks "Executive Secretary"

NorCo Council is apparently seeking a new Executive Secretary. Here's the notice from the Council's website: "Easton, PA – the Office of County Council is accepting applications for the position of Executive Secretary. Full time in person position, salary range $44,819 – 63,768. Position requirements include traditional secretarial support services and substantive assistance in the organization and implementation of management functions. Work includes typing, organization, and related support to the Clerk of Council and Council Members. Experience in transcribing minutes is preferred. Please send cover letters and resume to Alene Shafnisky ashafnisky@norcopa.gov by November 27, 2024 at 4:30 p.m."

This is an "at will" position, meaning that the hiree  can be fired for any reason, including a bad one. 


Anonymous said...

Trump is picking a great cabinet The stupid losing democrats should keep their mouths shut they are losers and know nothing

Anonymous said...

Isn't the highly paid clerk supposed to be doing this stuff? Now they need what amounts to a "clerk for the clerk?"

Anonymous said...

You mean the current grossly overpaid staff can’t get the low volume of work done now ?

Anonymous said...

What is this all about? Why isn't the past person there? Could it have to be with the new Clerk to Council? The salary of the Clerk to Council being much higher than the secretary position --- since this position does most of the work NOT the Clerk to Council?

Anonymous said...

We use some of that money Lazy Lori spends going on taxpayer funded vacations - theyll be able to afford it.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with the story but since you brought it up I’m waiting for Trump to appoint Hulk Hogan to the cabinet to complete the joke

Anonymous said...

Give it a rest. Open up an investigation to everyone who has traveled and I’m sure you’ll uncover some BS.

Anonymous said...

8:49 am you sure are a stupid fuck and a big time loser

Anonymous said...

I also would like to know why council needs a clerk and a secretary

Anonymous said...

Lazy Lori took a Florida vacation on the taxpayer dime. Vargo Heffner is a menace to society.