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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, August 06, 2007

Capitol Ideas Blogjacked by Leading Conservative Blogger!

Bill White, like any decadent Roman, is bound to be making a few visits to the vomitorium before the sun sets on his Musikfest gluttony today. While he's currently having a funnel installed in his mouth, some nefarious bastard has hijacked Micek's blog. Every time I click on it, some goofy oversized mascot named Growler or Groller or something appears.

This obviously requires the skill of a college graduate, one bent on mischief. It looks like the handiwork of a "leading conservative columnist and blogger based in Pennsylvania," a "conservative journalist working in a liberal-dominated media." I refer, of course, to one of the leading Greek-American bloggers in the whole wide world, a man who has been twice selected by Democratic Underground as one of the Top Ten Conservative Idiots, and whose technical savvy ensures that his blog automatically reloads so that he can get more traffic. He is also Mount Penn Borough Councilman and a Pottstown Mercury city editor and columnist.

Did I mention he's a plagiarist?

As you are undoubtedly aware, Tony Phyrillas has hijacked Micek's blog. Rendell rants start tomorrow.
Update: I can't be certain, but it appears that Micek mounted a successful couterattack early this evening and is back in command.


Anonymous said...

LVPoliblog is next!

Chris Casey said...

You are a freakin' riot!

Blah Society said...

He beat out Cheney on that list... no that's sad!

Bernie O'Hare said...

Imagine how Cheney feels!

Blah Society said...

Cheney feels... um... oh, yeah, those guys in the White House don't read these things ;-)

Chris said...

liberal attack dogs