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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Allentown's Noose Story Turns Out to Be Just That - a Story

On Monday, both The Lehigh Valley News and Morning Call dutifully reported that LaTarsha Brown, a City of Allentown employee and Allentown school board director, has been charged with filing false reports in connection with her claim that someone planted a noose atop her computer at City Hall.  I am surprised by how many of you remember my January story about her claim of racism, in which I suggested it was a set-up to make her many claims of racial discrimination seem credible. Here's what I said then:

According to both The Morning Call and LehighValleyNews, Allentown employee LaTarsha Brown found what appeared to be a small noose on her computer when she reported to work on Friday morning. She just happens to be the very employee who has made multiple accusations of racism and harassment at City Hall. City Council member Ce-Ce (from DC) Gerlach was quick to call the incident a "hate crime." An investigation by Allentown police isn't good enough for outraged activists, who want to involve the FBI in tracking down the bigot who supposedly placed this symbol of racial hatred.  In addition to investigating a possible hate crime, I'd suggest that police or FBI or INTERPOL look into another possibility as well. - false reports. 

While possible, I find it hard to believe that someone would place a noose on the computer of a city employee who has repeatedly claimed that she and others are victims of racism. It's equally possible that it was placed there in an attempt to make the allegations of bigotry seem more credible. Another reason for the hangman's noose is to strangle Allentown Mayor Matt Tuerk's quest for re-election. Several members of City Council would be pleased by that outcome. 

Here's what neither news account has revealed. This was reported to authorities by a City Council member who just happened to be at City Hall on a Friday morning at 6:30 am. Though Council's meeting room is on the first floor, and city council offices are on the fifth floor, this City Council member was on the third floor, where this employee's office is located and where there are no cameras. What the hell was this person doing there? If there in response to a tip, who did that come from? 

Elected officials and city employees are issued ID cards and can enter City Hall at any time, but there is a record of it. And there are cameras on the first floor and entrances. 

I'm unwilling to identify this City Council member at this time, but this person is no friend of Tuerk or his re-election efforts. It will come out with the wash. For now, I'll leave you hanging. 

Blogger;s Note: Michael Molovinsky has a related story about the politics of racism.

Brown's claim fueled outrage by people who were quick to assume that perhaps the most woke City Hall in Pennsylvania is a hotbed of racism. The City actually conducted segregated "healing sessions" in response to what certainly appears to have been a lie. 

What's unfortunate about Brown's alleged false report is that there really are victims of racial discrimination, but Brown has just diminished them just as much as when a white woman mendaciously accuses an innocent black person of pulling a gun on her or raping her. 


Justin Fleming said...

The future of municipal governance in the US is sewage filling the streets while the BIPOC mayor drags a press gaggle to the water treatment plant to watch her try to make the machinery work by calling it "racist".

Anonymous said...

Story now running on Citizen Free Press website. Already 3 million views. Not exactly the kind of publicity Allentown needs now, after the Mayor there became an overnight internet sensation when his center city confrontation attracted many more millions of views.

Anonymous said...

This race baiter is none too bright, leaving her own DNA.

Anonymous said...

Can her and make her pay for the investigation

Anonymous said...

Her actions have done nothing but hurt the black community. naacp jumped the gun, as usual

Anonymous said...

Jussie Smollet wanabee failure

Anonymous said...

Stop me if you've heard this story before. I no longer believe any charges of racism. The grievance window is closed. Blacks are as racist as any white wearing a hood.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Anonymous said...

AOC is your leader Wow!

Anonymous said...

First off is she still employed by the city? If not she should be fired immediately. If she placed a noose at her desk she herself should be charged with a hate crime. She should also have to pay for all the treatment classes that were offered to people and the cost of the investigation. Only way you stop this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

This individual embarrassed herself and the city on a national level. This story has made it all around the country already in rightwing social media. These hoaxes, and so many of them are hoaxes and not real in the end, severely damage actual REAL civil rights efforts in the United States. We just cannot get out of our own way and instead allow the fringes of our party to hand the country over to the Republicans. Until we end hoaxes and segregated healing sessions and return the leadership of the Democrat party back to the moderates who will get us back on the winning side of 80/20 issues, we are going to continue to lose ground in future elections. Heck, we’re even losing big labor to the Republicans, and we’re actively losing the Latino base as well.

Anonymous said...

I first viewed the protests that night on the TV news. I could not be there in person because I had to work to support myself. So how did all these protesters find time to protest? Did they work second shift or did they take a vacation day? I think I know the answer.

Anonymous said...

LaTarsha was abused with a cavalcade of micro aggressions in the lead up to this incident, we are praying for our sister to be exonerated her DNA was potentially transferred from the desk NAACP stands by her

Anonymous said...

Lots of questions:

1). Regarding the charges against Brown, felonies or misdemeanors?

2). Are the charges equivalent to what someone would have been charged with had the hoax been real?

3). Who decided on the charges and why?

4). Why is she still employed by the City of Allentown?

5). If she can’t be immediately fired, why can’t she immediately be put on unpaid leave?

6). If a union contract prevents her from immediately being fired or put on unpaid leave, how many other city employees (by department) are in similar situations?

7). Will the city be filing a lawsuit to recoup the costs of the investigation?

8). Will she immediately resign as a school board director?

9). If she refuses to resign immediately, will the ASD Board quickly take the steps to censure her and start the process to have the state remove her?

Anonymous said...

Her DNA was found inside the knot. How do you explain that if she didn't make the knot herself?

Anonymous said...

8:00 am. This issue has nothing to do with Democrat or Republican. It’s about right and wrong.

Stop looking for political advantage in everything. The Republicans are not our enemy, but there is a segment of society that has a sick belief that America somehow needs to be destroyed.

Though not perfect, America is the land of opportunity for all. Our founders and the founding documents they left us give us everything we need today, and has allowed our country to leap ahead of other civilizations that have existed for thousands of years longer than we have.

Our duty is to protect what we have inherited, make it better where possible, and pass it on to the next generation. We should thank God for giving us the honor of fulfilling this duty, as well as for the good fortune of living in the greatest nation ever known to man.

It is those who don’t believe that who are our enemies and need to be stopped. We need to recognize the poison they speak when we hear it, and let others know how wrong those who want to bring America down are.

Anonymous said...

At this point she is only accused. She is still entitled to due process, but it would be in her best interest to confess if she is guilty. She has unfortunately ruined her career and made the general public suspicious of those of her race who are doing good, both in city hall and the Allentown School Board. I sadly it will take time to undo this damage.

Anonymous said...

And losing young adults (20-35)

Anonymous said...

I see the NAACP and other liberals are quickly pointing out that she is innocent until proven guilty. True, but were they willing to offer the same courtesy to those she accused? It seems she and her supporters (including the NAACP) had the intent of getting people terminated and maybe even thrown in jail. I think I know the answer to my question, so I guess we would call that a rhetorical question.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Congratulations to the first 2025 inductee to the Tawana Brawley Hall of Shame, LaTarsha Brown.

Anonymous said...

Woke Willie would hire her in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

To 9:25, it has everything to do with politics. Our side (Democrats) is imploding by going all-in on this far left ideology that exists in places like the City and crosses over into the unethical like this situation or the untenable like boys in girls sports and takes the entire party down the toilet. I am at the point that perhaps this is the time for a third-party that is similar to the old-school Democrat that can remove power from the far left and the Trumper’s on the far right to get back to traditional liberalism that the majority of the country believes. Both sides are destroying this country. Our side is about to hand over control to the R’s for a generation.

Anonymous said...

All of this information can most likely be found with some searching online but here we go, I’ll try to answer them.

1. Charges: “False Reports” - Misdemeanor in 3rd degree (M3); “Tamper w/Fabricate Physical Evidence” - Misdemeanor in 2nd degree (M2)… If evidence is strong she will probably plea it down or take ARD if found eligible. Nothing world changing with M2 and M3.

2. LOL UMM NO! Worst case would have been a felony hate crime charge if someone placed the item on her desk. Being she did it they can’t charge someone for an act against themselves. Do the charge failed suicide attempts as attempted murder? No! She can not be the actor and victim when it comes to charges. The M2 is for her creating the article found.

3. Allentown Police did after their thorough investigation. Harold Bonser, II is the arresting officer, charging officer. This stuff is in the news articles.

4. I would imagine because either her CBA (if union employee) or SOP (career service) do not terminate an employee UNTIL GUILTY of a crime. What she seems to have done is pathetic and deserves immediate dismissal, BUT still “innocent until proven guilty”. I’m sure her job will be taken from her the moment she either a. Pleads guilty during the process or b. Is found guilty during a jury trial. Which given the demographics she may get off clean in a jury trial… hmmm

5. Again have to acces her CBA or SOP’s/policies she works under to know. Or she might be and no one knows. Government wouldn’t (sorry shouldn’t) voluntarily offer up information pertaining to employee disciplines.

6. Umm doubt any! Think falsified racism runs that rampant in government offices? lol silly question

7. City will not sue for what would be “restitution”. They can go after the expenses (doubt they will) as restitution costs that she would have to pay IF found guilty or pleads guilty.

8. She should! If she isn’t morally bankrupt, which she very well may be, then yes she should resign from the school board. Whether found guilty or not yet, these stories will only bring headaches to the district and her fellow board members for her actions. She should resign immediately, plead guilty to save embarrassment, take ARD if offered and approved, and stay in private employee roles. Sadly I’d imagine she will fight it, make it out that cops didn’t do a thorough investigation, try to give the city some blame, etc.

9. Board could try but again she is innocent until proven guilty. And even if charged I do not think that mandates her removal.

Anonymous said...

Possible framing now that the FBI is trump controlled and virulently anti woke, her word should be enough believe the victim

Anonymous said...

The gaggle of ghouls dancing on Tarsha's perceived career coffin are sorely mistaken to revictimize her is indicative of a. Corrupt racist society Tuérk has to go he is whiter than sour cream and his being allied with the Hispanics at the blacks expense is most evident we need Mayor Batts ASAP

Anonymous said...

naacp - nauseating always accusing crybaby people

Anonymous said...

“Believe the victim”? You mean like Smollette was a “victim”? The police in Allentown had no motive to frame her. She was the only employee who wouldn’t volunteer DNA, because she knew what it would reveal. If she’s such a “victim”, why did she want the investigation stopped after they requested her DNA? Time to stop making excuses that aren’t even credible.

Anonymous said...

Gee, “whiter than sour cream” isn’t racist at all.

Anonymous said...

This is hilarious!

How huge a moron would you have to be to believe you could actually pull this off?


Anonymous said...

your part of the problem

Anonymous said...

Wish people would learn what the true meaning of “woke” was until it turn into this right wing term. SMH

Anonymous said...

Unlike Smollett, there won’t be any persons of color to testify against her.

But there will be people on the jury from Allentown who will take her side. An OJ Simpson jury if you will.

She has already claimed she handled the noose when she found it. Her attorney will argue whoever made and placed it wore gloves.

She walks. No justice done. And she gets to live her life repeating her own lies and claiming to be a victim.

Anonymous said...

But, it’s worked so well in the past. Why stop now?

Anonymous said...

She is a left wing lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Black privilege is when you are the perpetrator of a crime but yet somehow still a "victim".

Anonymous said...

A commentor on a different topic once said Willie Reynolds surrounds himself around women. Chalk another one up for the so called climate crisis. That being said he would definitely hire this race baiter for some type of make believe position.

Anonymous said...

So who was the city council person in the building that early morning that was with this poor misunderstood child? Maybe helped her create this? Hmm, no comment from "Me Me" ???

Reginald Kress said...

She's a school board member of the Allentown School District, which is horrifically failing our students. So, pretty par, I guess . . .

Justin Fleming said...

Anon 2:11PM, The term "woke", a corrupted form of the English word, "awakened", is an article of black vernacular. It refered to black identity conspiracy theories about blacks being descended from Egyptian gods an deriving psychic powers from melanin. This kind of nonsense featured large in the background of the BLM movement. When the broader left became interested in BLM, they required assurances that their identitarian priorities were accommodated. Consequently, BLM catalyzed into a movement fixated on antiwhiteism and LGBT stuff. This movement, while ferocious in the streets, was absurd and risible every time it opened its mouth. Ultimately, they lost credibility and their opponents' mockery overcame their share of earned sympathy. At that point, "woke" was appropriated and made synonymous with antiwhite and LGBT duckspeak.

The term "woke" is soon appropriated by the GOP and CPAC and the social media teams of all parallel and downstream organizations. With its hands gripping the reigns of the "woke" meme, the hegemon steered "woke" to mean "caring too much about race and identity", back towards Liberal Centrism.

Anonymous said...

Race card is the way of the world these days. Now it’s like the boy who cried wolf nobody will believe true victims. Big shenanigans at the DAs office today Bernie.

Anonymous said...

925 is right. It's not political. But since you mention it. Just for the record. Not all Republicans are far right as you say just like not all democrats are far left. But it is true the democrats have lost their way. The Republicans have not.

Anonymous said...

She wasted resources that are needed elsewhere. She hurt coworkers and put allentown in the national spotlight. Most importantly She lied. She hurt people. She should be fired and pay the costs.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Would you care to share?

Anonymous said...

Why are we always getting compared to foods. Mayo, sour cream, crackers. All delicious things people love. We deserve better racial slurs.

Anonymous said...

We all know that Allentown is mostly populated by racist white people.

Anonymous said...
