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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Easton's South Side Civic Ass'n to Host Candidates' Forum on March 18

Easton's South Side Civic Ass'n will host a candidates' forum for both Republican and Democratic candidates on Tuesday, March 18, 6:30 pm at the Enrichment Center, 548 W Canal Street, Easton Pa.

I believe the forum is open to all candidates for office in Easton or Northampton County. Unfortunately, I have a previously scheduled engagement at that time and am unable to attend. If there is a Facebook Live, I'll link to it. 

I attended this forum two years ago, and it was quite interesting


Anonymous said...

Oh yay, we get to hear from M.F. about how the lawless qualifies to be a district judge. Should be interesting for sure.

Anonymous said...

Will there be free pot from Frank?

Anonymous said...

BO won't be there because he will be hiding from the boggy man trump in his bomb shelter on his estate

Anonymous said...

another waste of time for all involved.