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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Anti-Americanism is On The Rise

Donald Trump has been President for less than two months, but is making major impacts, and not in a good way. He has curbed illegal immigration, but that's about it. His on-again, off-again tariffs, along with worries about a looming recession, have sent the stock market into a nosedive. Unemployment is rising. So is inflation. But what bothers me most is that he has turned our foreign policy on its head, from his bellicose threats to Canada, Greenland and Panama to his embrace of Vladimir Putin, a murderous dictator. 

The Economic Times reports that "Canadians have taken to booing the American national anthem and Panamanians to burning US flags. The British tabloids have tarred and feathered Vice President JD Vance for insulting British troops. A carnival float in Dusseldorf, Germany, displayed giant puppets of Donald Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, shaking hands while squeezing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy between them into a bloodied pulp. A sign on the float read “Hitler-Stalin Pact 2.0.” Back at home, the Washington Post has published a guide on how to navigate hostility abroad (“dress neutrally, not patriotically”)."

Even more worrying are the taunts, with Trump referring to Canada's former Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, as "Governor." 

Most disgusting is the decision to blind Ukraine from intelligence and leave it exposed to Russian attacks. 

It is increasingly unlikely that our allies will be there when we need them. 


Anonymous said...

Trump has no class. Like you said, other than taking on the crisis with illegal immigration, his other acts have shocked the world. That shock is also felt here at home. Attack on families who speak a second language (Executive Order declaring "American" as the official language); steep tariffs for our friendly neighbors (Mexico and Canada); a complete lack of understanding how our economy works; tanking the stock market and investment accounts, mass firing of hard working federal employees; ignoring the impact these tariffs will have on the average every day american. The name calling is also troubling. Does he still call Rubio "Little Marco"? His press secretary took a jab at PM Trudeau and called him 'governor' as well, during a press briefing last week. How insulting. Changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico was a slap in the face of Mexico, where likely 25% or more of our 'american' cars are built (in 2024 nearly 900,000 GM cars/trucks were built in Mexico and sold in 'america'. Trump speaks at a 5th grade level, and I'd love to meet the idiot that told him what a tariff is. Trump didn't utter the word once during his first term. He's an idiot, trying out some weird a@@ social experiment for the next four years. The seesaw, knee jerk, back and forth imposition/de-imposition of tariffs displays his lack of strength. He wants to act tough but realizes the market/society isn't reacting positively to his edicts. Then he tries to walk back, then it backfires, again. But he doesn't give a crap. Why? Because, as always, he will ultimately blame Soros/Biden/Kamala/Obama for it. Doesn't he have economic advisors? Yes, he does, but this new cabinet is trying to avoid getting fired like his past cabinet, so they are a bunch of losers that don't want to get fired. Wait till Canada stops selling energy to NY.

Anonymous said...

you are your blog is anti-America your democratic party is evil like your mind. Biden the moron you voted for was a disgrace to America Trump is trying to save this country fucked up big time by the Democrats and it is not going to happen, if last week's performance by the democrat party did not show you who was Anti America nothing will you are a hopeless idiot.

Anonymous said...

The Orange Piece of Shit is fast tracking the demise of the United States of America. He's a filthy fucking Russian asset. Clear as the fake tan on his ugly fucking face.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt anti-America sentiments are rising. That’s because the ‘gravy train’ is coming to an end for several nations. Because many of our own elected and corrupted officials and their careless use of our tax dollars are being exposed.

The goals President Trump is working to achieve are goals that I also share. Chief among them are keeping us out of WW3, stopping needless killing of innocent civilians around the world. Making our borders stronger and our people safer. Creating a level playing field for our industries and commerce. Making sure our taxpayer dollars are not wasted on purposes that don’t make our own nation a better place.

Such lofty goals take time, effort, and a struggle to achieve. Some won’t be fully achieved for several more years. But, the process MUST be given a start, and President Trump is doing just that.

You, and others, are continuing to rail against all of the above due to an intensive, but misguided hatred of a man you’ve never met. Your behavior is just not logical.

Innocent ignorance of the world around you is one thing. But, willful ignorance for political gain is something I’ll never understand.

Anonymous said...

We will see how many real friends the U.S. has when the money stops. We have been blowing money all over the globe to buy allies and friends, an unsustainable debt based policy. Just like when the money runs out for the guy buying drinks at the bar. He soon becomes a laughing stock, rather than a Hero.

Anonymous said...

"Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer!"

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me: Russia! Russia,! Russia! Good. Again. Russia! Russia! Russia! You may not feel a whole lot better, but at least you'll fit in with the rest of the Schiff, Schumer, Sanders Shitheads.
Definition of Democrats: Stuff that's stuck to the bottom of your shoes.

Anonymous said...

We really are facing being drawn into World War 3. Last night, according to AP, 69 drones were launched into Moscow. Putin claims the attack was precipitated by EU/NATO member United Kingdom. Highly doubt Trump would have called for such action.

Look, not one of us knows what’s really going on in the world right now, but we damn well better start trying to understand.

Anonymous said...

I'm comfortable with it. No matter how hard you attempt to gaslight and forget, Trump started zero wars in his first term. You've endorsed one warmonger after another. Your hatred for young men and women and your callous disregard for human life is disgusting. Eisenhower said it was better to be feared and respected than loved. I'm good with that when we're not starting wars. You should drag your old ass over there and start shooting if it makes you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Bo' TDS is turning him into a fear monger

Anonymous said...

Sure, is started by Obama and continued big time by Biden and Harris and the democrats as witnessed a week ago in congress.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to see you have the mental illness called Trump derangement you need help Bernie we hope you seek help.

Anonymous said...

Canadians also have Fidel Castro's bastard son (no joke, look it up) as a PM who has consistently steered their country into a socialist's paradise (a sane man's hell). Their PM has publicly praised the CCP and seeks to imitate that style of government. They literally had their bank accounts frozen and Go Fund Me's drained for a protest.

Canadians aren't independent, they have a king. We are telling them there is a better way, come be free and benefit as an independent State of the United States. DJT sees the big picture and right now its - who would you rather be aligned with....CHINA or USA because only one will win the real war that is currently going on.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me what was wrong the last 4 years.

Anonymous said...

now you care about inflation and the price of things. Please. Democrats have lost that talking point due the past four years. If you want to use the economic times why not talk about why Biden signed everything with an auto pen for years? Link below and I await your post.


Anonymous said...

Every time I read MAGA comments on your site I can just smell the inbreeding.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Maybe Europe will refuse to keep their obligations re: NATO. Oh wait, they never have. I long for the days when Obama received a Nobel Peace Prize right before drawing a deadly "red line" in Syria and droning every human who moved - including American citizens. He bragged about being the Drone President. You endorsed him, right? Clinton bomber Serbia into the Stone Age. You endorsed him, right? Biden funded the Ukraine War without any effort at peace talks. You endorsed him, right? I'll give you credit for being consistent about endless war and killing.

Anonymous said...

Laughable to think trump and his Muskrateers
Are capable of keeping us out of war. Read what they say and how they talk down to our Allies with use of fear and threatening diction.
Look at falling stock markets, ever increasing prices, terrifying tariffs, elite attack tykes on our governing divisions, consumer confidence slow down, job market slowing, 600,000 people placed in limbo with flip flop uncertainty….go ahead, tell me about “winning”

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

It's been on the rise since the 1960s but the press really didn't stoke the flames until Trump became prominent and now a lot of leftists are openly rooting for the country to fail. For example, they mock Musk when one of his _experimental_ Starship rockets explode, although the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket has now had 458 launches and only 3 failures. They refuse to praise Musk for is success and revitalizing the space program. They are actively and openly rooting for American high-technology companies to fail; something once limited to foreign enemies. That's certainly anti-Americanism, and the most dangerous type. The Russians, Chinese, and Norks see this and learn. Their disinformation bots contribute greatly as well and Americans willingly fuel it. TikTok is a weapon and Americans are slitting their own throats with it, gleefully.

Bernie O'Hare said...

It was on the rise before the 1960s. The book "The Ugly American" was published in '58 and was a response to our failed diplomacy outside of Europe. Instead of stripping them of their raw resources, JFK decided that US humanitarian aid could be a source of soft power and a diplomatic tool. He established USAID and called it a "power source of strength for us. It permits us to exert influence for the maintenance of freedom." It was actually an extension of "Food for Freedom" that had been started by President Eisenhower.

Tha antiAmericanism we see on the rise now has nothing to do with the press. It has everything to do with Trump deciding to taunt Canada as the 51st state; his threats of a takeover against our northern ally; his decision to break his own treaty with Canada and Mexico; his threatened takeover of the Panama Canal; his threatened takeover of Greenland; his VP's disparagement of British and French military forces that have bled alongside us in Iraq and Afghanistan; and as I've already stated in my post, the decision to blind Ukraine to Russian attacks, which has cost that country innocent lives. It is actually disgusting.

As for Elon Musk, I refuse to consider criticism of the world's richest man and his ugly tendency to arbitrarily fire people who provide vital government services as unpatriotic. Since when is criticism of an unelected oligarch unpatriotic? Only under Trump. And only for so long as your leader says it is.

By the way, you have a fitting name.

Anonymous said...

I guess you haven't paid attention to how Russian propaganda works. Putin has taken something Trump said out loud (WWIII) and is now repeating it back to you. Of course he will blame NATO for the drone strikes. It's plays into the narrative and fear that's living in MAGA brains.
Putin was born out of the KGB and is a pro at manipulation and spy craft. Trump has a weakness for flattery and excels at oversimplification.
Putin will lead Trump around like a bull with a ring in his nose.

Anonymous said...

I tried explaining soft power to a friend the other night. He had no ideal of the concept. If MAGA wants this country to be the world power, that requires both gunboat diplomacy and soft power projection.
Anyone remember "winning hearts and minds"? We still suck at it because our supersized ego gets in the way.
We should take a lesson from Barry Sanders and act like we've scored a touchdown before. Instead, we continue spiking the ball like some shit kid with daddy issues.

Anonymous said...

When the president openly lies, breaks his word, threatens his opponents, why would you be surprised decades-long allies would be thinking twice about the USA?

Anonymous said...

Some NATO members and the European Union playing a VERY dangerous game using Ukraine and Zelenskyy as a stooge to blame later. They, NATO/EU, are under the mistaken belief that under all circumstances the United States will back them up and do the heavy lifting in defeating Russia. Article 5 and 6 of the NATO Treaty makes it clear it’s not that simple.

Bottom line, President Trump has been doing all he can to bring the two sides now in war together and stop the needless killing. If Great Britain, France, Germany, and others want to provoke their own direct armed confrontation with Russia, I say that’s on THEM.

Anonymous said...

Your party lost, get over it.

Anonymous said...

Prices are up.
Unemployment is up.
Stocks are down.
Trump’s incompetence and ignorance are costing all of us.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

My pro Musk comment was limited to Elon's role as executive in a company that manufactures aerospace products. Those who are openly rooting for SpaceX to fail (and now I see vandalizing Tesla charging stations) because of his alignment with Trump are irrational and physical destruction of property is, of course, criminal. Criticizing Musk for his hatchet wielding is fine, but cheering for rockets explode or vandalizing charging stations, is just thuggery and ignorance to the nth degree. But, this is to be expected, I suppose. The war on the wealthy and successful goes back even further than homegrown anti-Americanism does.

Anonymous said...

Democrats now trying this everything they do fails

Anonymous said...

We're traveling to Ireland in the Summer and we're going to wear maple leaf pins so they do not consider us a bunch of complete idiots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hear Europe is almost as mad as they were 6-7 years ago when Trump told them they were foolish to depend on Russian gas.

Anonymous said...

Ahh, even the liberal Trump-hating New York Times is running the same story. Same for Reuters, USA Today, etc.

Anonymous said...

Smart...very smart.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry this is happening to you. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Give it time asshole Biden had 4 years to destroy everything

Anonymous said...

Bernie your blog has too many people with the Trump derangement mental illness. You should counsel them and tell them where they can get help.

Anonymous said...

A criticism or condemnation from an a$$hole is actually a compliment.

Anonymous said...

A compliment you must be a left-wing lunatic or moron or both

Anonymous said...

What was destroyed?

Anonymous said...

Canada did what to energy tariffs? I missed it today.

Anonymous said...

Anti American is not new. Especially in our own country! As evidenced on this blog and other social media and the news. They'd rather also see trump fail and our country fail because they hate trump so much. It takes time to reset our country but hateful people would rather just slam trump and half the country so they can feel right about trump. It's not about being right it should be about uniting to get our country back from the insane things that need to get back in some sort of control. Trump is trying to do that

Anonymous said...

Everyone of you reading this blog and commenting on this blog can be thankful that you were born in America. Most of you Maga "ASSHOLES" wouldn't have made it in some other Country. I agree that we had to something about the National Debt but to take a meat axe approach to resolving our financial concerns is not the answer. Donald Trump is to America what Putin is to Russia. Trump is one of the biggest assholes who ever served in the Presidency and unfortunately he will destroy America as he has already destroyed our credibility amongst our Allies. I voted for him once. I just couldn't vote for him the second time. Hopefully you too will wise up.

Anonymous said...

With material like this, you oght to become a standup comedian.

Anonymous said...

LOL! 9 % inflation. Open border. A budget that went from a 4 trillion handle to a 7 trillion handle. Ukraine invasion. Hamas. I mean I could go on and on. Allowing Randi Weingarten and her Nazi teachers union to keep our schools closed and setting kids back years.