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Monday, April 22, 2024

NorCo Juvenile Justice Center Has Hired Private Contractor for Staffing

 A statewide staffing crisis at juvenile justice centers has certainly impacted Northampton County. At this time last year, 33 of 57 youth care workers positions were vacant, mostly because of the low pay pay and educational requirements. At the request of Court Administrator Jermaine Greene, Council created 13 assistant supervisory positions and eliminated 15 youth care worker positions. But should these supervisory positions be union or career service?  After some initial resistance, the courts are now willing to make these positions union jobs. Greene explained at a Council meeting on April 17 that he really just needs the bodies, at a good rate of pay, whether they are union or not. Those positions will start at about $51,000, with an increase to $53,000 in 2025. 

At this time, there are still 22 vacancies. Greene also obtained a waiver of the requirement that youth care workers have 60 college credits. They still must have one year of experience and are vetted by the Department of Welfare before they can be hired. 

Greene told Council that the youth care workers are now being paid about $18 an hour. "It's helping, but we gotta' pay them more," said Greene. "That's the bottom line." 

Greene has also brought in a private contractor, Corporate Protective Services, for 10 staff members. 

The JJC has 32 beds in detention, of which 16 are filled. Seven of these are occupied by out-of-county juveniles. There are 48 beds for treatment, 13 of which are for sex offenders. Six of these are filled, with one from outside the county. 

The county is reimbursed for housing out-of-county residents. In January the county received $24,000 from other counties. In February, that sum was $62,000. In March, it was $84,000. Greene stressed that the JJC is not intended to make a profit, but out-of-county residents do reduce the county contribution. 

After noting that the JJC has a number of detractors from inside the county, Greene invited each member of Council to tour the facility at any time. "You have a center to be proud of," he told them. 

District Attorney Steve Baratta, who was at County Council for another matter, said that the problem at JJC is financial. He believes there is no longer any debt on the building. "It's pretty simple math to figure out what we make when we have our JJC open and at capacity - which we can because there's more than enough kids who need that all around - and then figure out how much money we need to keep it open at capacity. I think you'll find it's not going to be a big number, as far as keeping the entire place open." 

Baratta also suggested that the federal government be pressured to come up with more money. He stressed that he didn't want to step on anyone's toes. 


Anonymous said...

It is a gimmick and just a diversion from what employees really need and that is a better wage. Especially starting wages. No one stays because the work is serious, and the pay is poor.

Anonymous said...

You should apply Bernie !

Anonymous said...

The federal gubmint paid people to sit home, and fired people for not taking a shot of dangerous experimental goop they no longer try to call a vaccine. I don't think the feds are going to solve anything. I suggest Lamont close sliding boards.

Anonymous said...

Did Council ask Mr. Greene if he violated the PA Supreme Ct.’s rule against nepotism when he hired his Son at the Juvy Center ?

Anonymous said...

The Court should not run the Juvenile Justice system. The recent lawsuit filed alleges that the Court and especially Mr. Greene can’t even run Custody properly in the County.

Anonymous said...

Why is a fair LIVEABLE wage such a hot topic?

We’re literally sending 100 BILLION in foreign aid, getting absolutely nothing for it, while the average American struggles constantly to make ends meet.

$18 an hour is Pennie’s nowadays.

This country is so F*CKING backwards it’s mind blowing. Take care of our own!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully the staffing issues improve and the center can work at optimum capacity, although that is sad from the perspective of juveniles needing attention. As an aside, however, typical Baratta (Democrat) thinking re: solution - press the federal government for more money. Where does he think those tax dollars come from?

Bernie O'Hare said...

"Hopefully the staffing issues improve and the center can work at optimum capacity, although that is sad from the perspective of juveniles needing attention. As an aside, however, typical Baratta (Democrat) thinking re: solution - press the federal government for more money. Where does he think those tax dollars come from?"

There is absolutely nothing wrong with pressuring the federal government to supply more resources to help fight crime. Baratta merely states the obvious.

Anonymous said...

"We’re literally sending 100 BILLION in foreign aid, getting absolutely nothing for it ..."

Incorrect. The number is closer to $200 billion. I'm curious about how Biden supporters square all of his demands for war funding, with domestic demands for more spending on things like kids in trouble and needy elderly. Maybe they should ask Zelenski for some dough. He looks like he eats a lot better than many of our veterans.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, you’re teasing us with an even bigger story! What other matter was Baratta at council for?

Anonymous said...

With Jermaine Greene likely violating Supreme Ct. nepotism rules by hiring his son at the Juvy Jail, and getting the Judges sued, isn’t it time for him to go ?

Anonymous said...

While Jermaine Greene is quick to use the Code of Conduct for Employees of the Unified Judicial System when finding fault or applying disciplinary action he does not believe it applies to him. This Code of Conduct specifically prohibits nepotism. If he is so concerned about the number of Youth Care Worker positions, why did he hire his son as the Recreation Coordinator, a position that had been vacant for several months, and not as a Youth Care Worker? Was this position purposely left open until his son graduated or otherwise met the qualifications? Not only did he accompany his son to his “interview” he also made sure no other current employee was able to apply for the position. When questioned by the Director of the Juvenile Center why they were not offering the opportunity to current staff as had always occurred previously, and is practice required by the Court Administrator of all other Court divisions, Jermaine Greene responded that this was an administrative decision.
Further, lest we not forget that a few years ago Jermaine Green arranged the transfer of his wife from Domestic Relations to Pretrial Services after his wife was unhappy with administrative decisions made within Domestic Relations relative to office relocation and job responsibilities. Once again, it was an administrative decision made by Jermaine Greene with no one else being given the opportunity to apply.
How much longer are the Judges of Northampton County and the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts going to allow Jermaine Greene to flaunt his arrogance and make them look bad? It really is time for him to go.

Anonymous said...

Baratta is sticking his nose where it doesn't belong..............but in this case he's correct. If our county is housing 8 or 10 out of county youth then it should cover a good portion of salaries and operating costs. It's a tough job dealing with the juveniles, so you have to pay these people something decent. I saw the job posting for 21 bucks an hour that the contractor is offering. It's still not enough, 25 at a minimum to attract decent people.

Anonymous said...

Let’s not forget that BOTH sides of the “isle” supported each contribution. Stop with the Biden BS! Your Trump cronies support it also! I do as well! Democracy shall live on!

Anonymous said...

He should have been gone a long, long, long time ago. This administration seems to keep the worst of leaders and runs out the best! Maybe it’s an insecurity thing.

Anonymous said...

It was time for him to go a long, long time ago! He is and has been incompetent. This job is a power trip for him.

Anonymous said...

He is an incompetent bully who is threatened by those more competent than him. He has never had an independent idea. He just uses other’s ideas as his own. He constantly threatens employees with disciplinary action for insubordination if they go over his head and speak to Judges, yet encourages his “minions” in court divisions to ignore the chain of command and come directly to him to report issues that he can use against subordinates. And how about when he went over President Judge Dally’s head to the AOPC for an opinion regarding Lisa Tresslar and custody court? Should have been fired then.
How do you build morale and reward/acknowledge those loyal youth care workers that have remained with the juvenile center in the tough times with low wages? You hire your son, who has no experience, in an administrative day shift job with no mandatory overtime. Right Jermaine?

Anonymous said...

I just want to know how afscme agreed to this outside contractors. It's a union shop. Afscme is just as corrupt as Lamont and this county. And this is coming from an afscme paying member for northampton County. Tosti is more worried about getting his arbitrator position in the future. Sad but this is why afscme national charter had to come take over council 13.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Just WOW. Everyone knows he is an arrogant S.O.B., but damn, this is bad. I would like an answer to your question as well. How long are those in position to investigate and put a stop to his incompetence and arrogance, going to allow this?

Anonymous said...

This man is completely UNDESERVING of his position. He is a dope and a fraud and troll and is wildly disliked by all of his peers. When will the county learn?

Anonymous said...

WOW is right! This guy is unbelievable and is NEVER at work. I don't think he's worked a full week since he started. He comes in late, leaves early, goes on EVERY conference that there is, brings his wife who, I understand, has unlimited time off. Creates positions under him so everyone can do his work. I know first-hand how he uses everyone's ideas as his own. I don't believe any grants have been written since he's been the CA. I also understand that he is under investigation for being sexually inappropriate with a female attorney. And to think that our taxpaying dollars are paying him his salary to abuse every employee under him. VERY, VERY SAD that this is what is happening to our County.