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Nazareth, Pa., United States

Monday, November 25, 2024

Boorish Behavior By Elected Officials Becoming the New Normal

On Friday, I posted the video of Lower Saucon Tp Council's November 20 meeting, which lasted well over six hours. The meeting was constantly disrupted by Council members Jason Banonis and Thomas Carocci, as Council President Priscilla de Leon struggled to keep control. I've covered meetings since 2006. I've seen some devolve into brief shouting matches. I saw one meeting that had to adjourn without conducting business. I've never seen the disruptive behavior exhibited by Banonis and Carocci, even though both are practicing attorneys who know exactly what they are doing. Their boorish behavior is unfortunately becoming the new normal. Ten years ago, an elected official who acted that way would be rightly called to task. But then came Donald Trump. And while he won the most recent Presidential race, most people (except for his most loyal cultists) would disagree when I call him a boor. His conduct has normalized this behavior. Both really should be charged with disrupting a public meeting. 

Under Pennsylvania law"A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if, with intent to prevent or disrupt a lawful meeting, procession or gathering, he disturbs or interrupts it."

Carocci, a 1995 grad of Duquesne's Law School, is assistant general counsel at FINRA and testifies in security fraud cases. Banonis, a 1999 grad of Widener Law School, practices civil defense at Marshall Dennehy, representing insurance companies. Both presumably know the law. 

Their actions have been called out at Saucon Shenanigans:"They call fellow Council members 'Vladimir, dumb asses, morons, stupid, clowns,' telling them to shut their big fat ignorant mouths and get their heads out of their ass. They constantly disrupt when other members are speaking. They berate taxpayers who speak at meetings. They told a taxpayer who spoke up at a meeting that she was speaking out of her ass. We deserve better than this. What kind of a role model are they to our junior council members? "

I'll confess I was unable to watch the entire November 20 meeting. A few minutes was all I could take and was all I needed. 

It's true that there's no way these Council members can be removed from office. But they can be charged with disrupting public meetings, which is their clear goal. I'd suggest that one or all of the other Council members should file a private criminal complaint against Carocci and Banonis. That matter would have to be approved by the District Attorney but there is little doubt in my mind that this boorish behavior is criminal. 


Anonymous said...

Such embarrassments, bad examples. They crave attention like their cult leader. Whiney, bitch-ass snowflakes.

Anonymous said...

What I don’t understand is why the police, apparently present, didn’t intervene when the council president asked for their help. Do they dislike her or are the supportive of Beavis and Butthead? The fact these two males are employed by law firms says a lot about the firms. If I acted like this in a public forum, my job would be in jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

You are picking on republicans and not your liberal pals. Also, you have made it clear in most of your posts that lawyers are smarter and better people than others.

Anonymous said...

Since there are very serious First Amendment issues, maybe the DA would put the issue in front of the Grand Jury ?

Anonymous said...

DeLeon, Ray, and Opthof-Cordaro are corrupt. They are putting the needs of other communities before their own. They want to spend money to fight the landfill while not equipping the police force. They have removed all political opponents from committee boards and replaced with their family members and their donors. They have lied about staff hirings, even notifying the whole community about the hiring of a new Manager that they knew had already declined the position. Conflicts of interest run rampant and at the end of the day, these 3 democrats are just incompetent and dangerous. Rather than uniting the community as promised, they have governed with vengeance and disregard for half of their constituents. Voters get what they deserve.

Anonymous said...

Thank God!
I was concerned that OHare would go over a whole week without bashing Trump, or his "cultists". But as sure as the sun comes up on a blustry November morning three days before Thanksgiving, he did not disappoint.
Hope, AND change, reigns supreme! (Especially after January 21st for hapless democraps)...

Anonymous said...

You are such a whiner BO. You blame trump for what is happening in lst. Your horse lost because she deserved to. Get over your childishness.

Anonymous said...

Criminal? Really? The DA’s office has better things to be doing than wasting time on investigating, documenting, and trying to prosecute a case like this. At least I hope so.

The Chairperson is obviously the problem, and saw nothing on the tape to show that the Chair has actually tried to take the proper steps to control the meeting (such as having people removed if they refuse to listen to the Chair’s direction).

Expecting the DA to step in and do the Chair’s job is premature at best, and anybcase would likely be quickly tossed because of the Chair’s failure to run the meeting properly.

Anonymous said...

I’ve lived in Lower Saucon Township for more than 30 years, before that Allentown and Bethlehem. Despite whatever damage these two clowns on Council are doing, living in this place is like Heaven compared to the other two.

LST has provided me fantastic service. Clean, well-tended streets. Excellent snow removal, actually too good! Superior Police and Fire protection, protective zoning and building regulation and codes.

That two immature, grandstanding jerks have disgraced themselves in high places is nothing of real concern to me. They’ll eventually be gone. Besides, they’re both lawyers. That (so called) profession is FILLED with big mouth losers of low character. Nothing new here.

Naturally for you, Bernie, President Trump gets all the blame. Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how this repeated behavior is tolerated and "upholds the honor and dignity of the bar?" They are not honoring their oath to "discharge thir duties with fidelity " These repeated behavior is not becoming of an elected official.

Their only goal is the undermine the meeting and shake other elected officials. I encourage the Board President and solicitor to hold their ground against these actions unbecoming of an elected official(s).

Bernie O'Hare said...

6:49, Assuming the truth of what you say, that is no defense to disrupting a public meeting.

Anonymous said...

Both of those clowns, as well as most Trump supporters, appeal to the lowest common denominator of low life

Bernie O'Hare said...

5:05, I am not picking on Rs. The simple reality is that Trump is a boor, which most people who voted for him will admit. Unfortunately, there are some who think that American people really like boors, so they are doing their best to be as obnoxious as possible. You say that behavior here. I see hints of it at some school boardfs, but nothing like this.

Bernie O'Hare said...

8:07, Interestingly, these lawyers actually reported the solicitor to the Disciplinary Board. They repeatedly call him "Susie." Their own conduct is unethical by any standard.

Anonymous said...

PD has been there way too long. She still wants to cut lst's nose off to spite it's face by her actions towards the landfill that pays lst major fees. Not saying the other two are right but blaming trump? Bo, I really get concerned about your mental health sometimes.

Anonymous said...


Bernie O'Hare said...

7:24, This conduct is criminal, and it needs to stop. When government is unable to function as a result of these disruptions, the next step is chaos. I can think of few things more important.

Anonymous said...

They aren't disrupting. They are doing what half of the community wants them to - preventing bad legislation from passing and minimizing political activism that will damage the community for at least a generation. Keep Lower Saucon's money in Lower Saucon. And don't forget, many who voted for these 3 clowns have serious regret after seeing their attempts to defund the police and raising taxes.

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh Bernie , what a surprise - you immediately went to the “dump on Trump” mode. Ever consider these two supervisors might just be plain old assholes in many people’s opinions?

Anonymous said...

In addition to their being generally repulsive human beings, I think Lower Saucon taxpayers would be surprised to learn how much Banonis and/or Carocci have cost the township in admin, legal, etc. fees filing Right to Know requests trying (apparently unsuccessfully?) to dig up dirt on their fellow council members and the solicitor. Not to mention making the place so toxic that it seems no one wants to be Township Manager and deal with them, despite the job coming with a very nice salary.

Anonymous said...

They are there in their capacity as elected officials and not functioning as attorneys.

Another poster from LST seems very happy with the services provided by the township, and doesn’t seem to care if the meetings run for six hours (or more). Apparently the board chair doesn’t really care either, since the two members you have a problem with aren’t being removed at the Chair’s direction when they get out of line.

While you might find their behavior boorish, it is certainly NOT criminal. While you might want their behavior to be criminalized from your position of partisan hackery, the DA is likely far wiser than wanting to get involved.

Anonymous said...

According to OHare, democracy has almost been demolished in LST.
Another Trump WIN!

Anonymous said...

Yes, a solid plurality voted for a boor, but what that analysis leaves out is that they happily voted against smug elitists who think the only people who disagree with them are uneducated rubes. Those voting preferences turned out to be pretty much a wash. At least the supporters of the boor knew what they were doing and understand the criticism, while the smug elitists are still pretending they were right all along, and many of them have returned to their comfortable echo chambers where they only communicate with people who agree with them.

Anonymous said...

Which jackass are you, Jason or Tom? My guess is Jason. Either way, both of you are disgusting elected officials and you should be so embarrassed that you bury your heads in the sand. I wouldn't want either of you morons as my lawyer or township supervisor! Who would ever want to work there with 6 hour meetings of buffoonery?!?

Anonymous said...

Where’s Matt Muncy ? Shouldn’t he be arranging protests or something ? Maybe he could file a criminal complaint against the Double Jerk Boys ?

Anonymous said...

Jason crushed that Trump dance and humiliated DeLeon so thoroughly I can't see how she has any recourse other than to resign in disgrace. Uhuru!

Anonymous said...

Jay Banonis just hit legend status with that flawless Trumpty Trump dance and mimed golf shot he's turning owning the libs into performance art of the highest caliber DJT needs to give the man a presidential medal of freedom!

Anonymous said...

So did DeLeon go over or under the line set?

Anonymous said...

Jay Banonis is a MAGA warrior this is why DeLeon is so triggered, just sad we have a total snowflake at the helm Jay earned the chair person role and gavel with that masterclass in PsyOps he's a tier one operator a thespian with Cohones the size of racquetballs!

Anonymous said...

Pure Domination of the chair by people obviously playing 3d chess while DeLeon is doing checkers, just utter pwnage so beautiful to see when Trump raised his fist and mouth "Fight!" we the people took it to heart I'm honored to have Banonis represent MAGA supremacy this video is an instant classic

teapartyfootsoldier said...

Banonis is ready for prime time his talents are being squandered on this small stage, Level up J the county needs you to square off with that air head Keegs!

Anonymous said...

Politicians are scum

Anonymous said...

@9:11 - "They aren't disrupting" - What in the world are you talking about? Anyone with eyes and ears who watches the first 2:30 of the meeting will clearly see that is exactly what happened. Unless you consider dancing on the dais and announcing crazy "betting lines", all while yelling over the Council President who is trying to actually advance the agenda, to be normal.

Anonymous said...

Boh: "6:49, Assuming the truth of what you say, that is no defense to disrupting a public meeting."

I completely agree. It is No Defense! Period. End of discussion!

Now, allow this Lower Saucon Resident to be Devil's Advocate. In my defense, I hate even trying to have any sympathy for the devil, but, when the majority of this council was elected, they threw off several volunteer committee members from advisory groups. Many of these volunteers were on these boards for several years; a few for over a decade.

Also, there is a lot of Pot/Kettle going on here. I attended a few meetings when Republicans had the majority and Jason Banonis was the Council President. The audience (including me) was packed with Democrat supporters.

I was embarrassed by my fellow democrats at those meetings. One audience member (who's now on Council) had a laugh track on her phone and would play it when Jason spoke. Other democrats would cough in unison very loudly when the other Council member spoke.

Perhaps, it's less Pot/Kettle and more apples and oranges, because what the two Republicans are currently doing is cringe worthy to the core...and perhaps (hopefully) illegal on some level.

I simply want open space, low taxes, free trash from the landfill and the best emergency and public work services around...along with respectful, qualitative and effective Council meetings lasting less than two hours.

Is that too much for this poor boy to ask?

Bernie O'Hare said...

3:56, The behavior you describe is disgusting. Who is the Council member who was using a laugh track? But that is no defense to the conduct on that video. As in sports, it is not always the original offender who gets tagged, but the person responding.

Anonymous said...

A fish rots from the head down. These jokers take their cue from others at the top of the pinnacle and their unruly, destructive, criminal behavior is a result of that example. Expect more of the same in the near future or for the next four years.

Anonymous said...

Apparently democrats displayed inappropriate behavior prior to these two guys getting elected. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Assistant General Counsel at FINRA. Jesus. Do better.

Anonymous said...

Trump has been pretty quiet lately. Nothing crazy for almost a week lol.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who excuses or applauds behavior such as this is part of the problem. The lack of civility is nothing to cheer and shows how badly our country has fallen. Trump’s legacy will be normalizing boorish, rude, and obnoxious behavior. Shame on each and every person who finds the actions of Dumb and Dumber acceptable. Their law firms and clients should show both guys the door.

Anonymous said...

It's ridiculous to blame all bad behavior on Trump.

Anonymous said...

No one is picking on Republicans. Those two are just bad people. They could be democrats acting that way, they would still just be bad people. Being a party member does not make you a bad person, you make yourself that way.

Anonymous said...

Stand for the entire Pledge, Jerk Off Boy.

Anonymous said...

It’s highly probable these two clowns were both considered to be jerks long before Trump was elected. The crap behavior they display is nothing new to those who have know them for many years.

I’d put the blame on the Hollywood Entertainment industry and a lack of proper parental guidance during their earlier years. They’re no talent performers in a lousy movie looking for an audience. Immature and insecure in their own lives.

Anonymous said...

Terrible behavior for public officials. Terrible examples of behavior for children to hear of or learn and some children will, especially if these men have children of their own.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Keegan has been moaning about this. yet she supported the boorish behavior of dems who use to attend the meetings. Also, she makes it very partisan claiming that democrats have to stop helping republicans. Doesn't she represent everyone regardless of party? She should not be an elected official.

Anonymous said...

The guy who sat before the conclusion of the pledge is a piece of shit. He essentially spit on our flag. He should apologize to all of us who fought for that flag. What a worm.

Anonymous said...

Hi Vladimir!

Anonymous said...

Trump Dance is new pledge, his dance moves have led to many models, starlets, and debutante being speared by his one eyed trouser snake. How Many 10's have you bedded Mister soy boy dummy crap?

Anonymous said...

Ha Banonis is a new aged MAGA warrior you are a disgruntled loserdem unable to find fault with his masculine dismantle of the dummy crap tyranny on LST council, bow down or get bowled over beeotch, Uhuru!

Anonymous said...

including YOU