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Friday, January 31, 2025

Zrinski Makes It Official - She Will Run For NorCo Exec

During a loud and crowded rally at Bethlehem's Steelworkers' Hall, NorCo Controller Tara Zrinski made it official last night. She's running for NorCo Exec. Though I arrived early, I was barely able to find a parking spot. The hall was packed with nearly 100 supporters that included a potpourri of Democrats, from people who fought with her against sludge and a landfill expansion, to elected and former elected officials. 

Zrinski was introduced by Lamont McClure, NorCo's current Executive. He said she supported the county on what he considers the three most important issues: (1) keeping taxes low, and even voting to cut them during one year of his administration; (2) voting for measures that would preserve farmland, acquire open space for three county parks and supporting environmentally sensitive land purchases: and (3) helping the "moral obligation" to keep Gracedale, the state's largest public nursing home, county-owned. He closed by giving his "enthusiastic" endorsement. 

For her part, Zrinski delivered a rousing speech to the Democratic party faithful. Her goals as County Exec, which were also included in a statement released earlier that day, are the following:

  • Fiscally Responsible Policies: Ensuring taxpayer dollars are allocated effectively to meet the needs of all residents.

  • Good Government: Promoting transparency, accountability, and efficiency in County operations.

  • Quality of Life for Working Families: Supporting initiatives that strengthen the economic and social well-being of working families.

  • Maintaining Essential Services: Preserving and enhancing the quality of services provided to residents, including the protection of Gracedale Nursing Home.

  • Transparency in Government: Upholding open communication and accessibility in all facets of government.

 As Executive, she pledged to address employee retention and to provide fair compensation, affordable healthcare and safe working conditions. 

“I am ready to make history as the first woman elected to the office of County Executive—not because of my gender, but because I am a prepared, skilled, and compassionate public servant who has proven herself time and time again.”

She also surrendered her spot behind the podium to other persons who are seeking office. Unfortunately, I had to leave before asking her any questions or listening to other candidates because I was saying goodbye to a good friend.

Before doing so, however, I asked her to pose with three Executives: Lamont McClure, Gerald E "Jerry" Seyfried and Glenn Reibman. She was in pretty good company.

There are two other announced candidates. Former Elections Registrar Amy Cozze, who left the county to work for US Senator Bob Casey, is also running for the Democratic nomination. NorCo Council member Tom Giovanni, who is in his second term and has been a dedicated public servant, seeks the Republican nod.

The people have a choice.


Anonymous said...

Democratic policy will ruin the country look at all the DEI programs They are bad and dangerous. All levels of Government must get rid of the democratic philosophy

Anonymous said...

She passed the most crucial test; she will do whatever McClure tells her to do and will let Barron run things. She will protect the McClure appointees. Did she support the pay study for all employees, that would be no. She said whatever she was told to say. A lackluster record. However, she is consistent. After one year in an elected position, she is already running for another one that pays more. She has done that over and over again.

Anonymous said...

BO obviously has a new crush. McClure is hurt.

Anonymous said...

Watching Tara grow from a Left Wing activist to a Seasoned Public Official has been nothing short of remarkable. Her professional growth is the kind we would like to see in our elected representatives.

Norco voter said...

Tom G is for me! Send Tara and Amy packing!

Anonymous said...

Cozy Cakes needs to drop out now before Tara proves to her once and for all that CC can’t win an election. Prediction: Tara 57% Cozy Cakes 43%.

Anonymous said...

proven herself time and time again. Now that is funny. She was a train wreck on council and as Controller she is just a figurehead taking credit for other's work

Anonymous said...

Lamont has been a good mentor to Tara. She will make a fine County Executive.

Anonymous said...

MAGA only votes when Trump is on the ballot, so she should win, collect a 20k raise and Steve B will be pulling her strings.

Anonymous said...

Please God help us!

Anonymous said...

With Susan Wild dropping Amy Cozze like a hot cake this week - Amy should reconsider. Cut a deal with Tara for a top job and live to fight another day.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least she knows her gender - that's a positive

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

Tzara is playing this right; pomp and glitz, hype, photos ops with the right people. Her FB candidate page is going full throttle towing the anti-Trumper line, too. (L)Amy doesn't have a chance.

Anonymous said...

I assume you won’t take social security or Medicare

Anonymous said...

She gets by on the (1 year) Controller job by having experienced staff covering for her. Who is going to cover for her if she gets THIS job? Sharkfest might come early this year (if she is elected). Giovanni all the way in this household!!

Anonymous said...

As opposed to who, Lori Vargo Heffner, who specializes in ripping off the taxpayers to travel ?

Anonymous said...

OMG No- what a terrible candidate!

Anonymous said...

Unqualified- she'll have her underlings run the show!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised it took a year to run for her to run for the next highest office- what an unqualified buffoon!

Anonymous said...

Tara will be in charge, but let’s assume you’re right and Barron will be in charge. Exactly what do you object to about Barron’s tenure as Director of Fiscal Affairs ?

Anonymous said...

Of course Politicians are bad people why would anybody vote for a politician.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the 3 stooges- are we in trouble!

Anonymous said...

An unqualified, career opportunist? Is this the best we can do?

Anonymous said...

Reibman and Seyfried came out. No one cares. Should be an interesting primary.

Anonymous said...

Are you questioning yours?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Warren, as usual, looking for any way to get the attention he so desperately craves. It's always about me, me, me with this guy.

Anonymous said...

You obviously don’t know what DEI is.

Anonymous said...

Zrinski is a despicable human being- only out for herself, screw everyone else!

Anonymous said...

Is this the best Northampton County can do? She's uniquely unqualified for dog catcher! I'll be voting Republican!

Anonymous said...

She is a total POS ... Vote HELL NO !!!!!

Anonymous said...

As I watch the local Democratic party organizations try to portray candidates such as Tara Zrinski in Northampton County and Josh Siegel in Lehigh County as main stream choices, it strikes me as how little both county Democratic leaders misunderstand a large block of voters in both counties who would just like to have choices representing stable and efficient governing as opposed to ideological zealotry. It is not just MAGA leaning conservatives who are making current American politics dysfunctional.

Anonymous said...

Came here to say this... lol

Anonymous said...

This is sad- do any of these people look in the mirror?

Anonymous said...

The face of Northampton County- no wonder we're the laughing stock of the Lehigh Valley

Anonymous said...

Just like Biden, she'll be a puppet to the people behind the scenes pulling the strings

Anonymous said...

Zrinski couldn't balance a check book on her own- this will be the Barron administration.

Anonymous said...

Seasoned? OMG, that's too funny!

Anonymous said...

Has Tara ever completed a single term in elected office before announcing she is running for another position?

Anonymous said...

Man, her head has gotten big over the last 2 years!

Anonymous said...

The local Democratic party of Wild, Tuerk, Reynolds, Siegel, Schlossberg, Taiba Sultana, Zrinski, and the rest of their woke ilk are what most voters despise. Sal Panto is the only normal local Democrat.

Anonymous said...

I know what DEI stands for my comment refers to your last asinine statement

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like Trump

Anonymous said...

What you need Bernie is a Press secretary like Trump has--the 27-year-old girl is perfect

Anonymous said...

A McClure puppet. He will be behind the scene running things just like Obama did when Biden was elected. We all know how that turned out. She’s always looking for her next high paying job. She’s not committed to anyone but herself. She’s more qualified to be a preacher than a county executive based on her degrees. She preaches about her next opportunities. She’s a disaster for Northampton.

Anonymous said...

Share whatever you are smoking.

Anonymous said...

McClure will still run the county if she’s lucky enough to win. She’s a puppet. She failed as a council member and is the controller in name only.

Anonymous said...

Glad Bernie has OKed personal life and relationship information to be shared and it will be. First the political history. Elected to county council in 2017 , ran for state rep in 2018. She was angry that Ms. Flood took her family issue from her. Ran for council in 2021, then ran for state senate in 2022 and lost. The pay for Controller was raised and the Controller passed away, so she ran pr Controller in 2023. Has served one year now she is running for Co. Executive. What will be her next electoral pursuit as opposed to running the county. More should be coming out. Bernie is now coopted so the people must give you information. Also, other than wanting to charge all county residents money to use plastic bags what are her concrete accomplishments besides chasing elected positions.

Anonymous said...

It matters in a democratic primary but I was a little disappointed seeing Gerry there

Anonymous said...

Unless a moderate Democrat like Sal runs I’m leaning toward Giovanni unless he sounds Trumpian then I may be without a candidate

Anonymous said...

The only person who would make this race interesting, is Hollywood.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Warren is an ugly human being!

Anonymous said...

Zrinski is a terrible candiate- if Cusick would've campaigned just a little, we wouldn't be in this predicament.

Vladimir Ill-itch said...

11:42 - You've never heard of Allentown city council or the ASD school board?

Anonymous said...

Surprising to see Glennnnn show his face after his destruction of the county. No accounting for talent, I guess. What a mess in that photo.

Anonymous said...

Who has more experience than Tara Zrinski? She has 6 years as a commissioner, will have had two years as a controller after the election, and years on county committees. She has positive relationships with the county employees, she always respected her colleagues, and she is smart.
Tom Giovanni doesn't have that, he isn't the brightest bulb, and his quiet man facade cloaks it.
Amy Cozze has a tainted past. She is known as a c***y bitch from anyone who worked with her and she has no county experience other than elections. And she quit 10 days before an election because she didn't get the raise she thought she deserved?! She sent glitter to the Nazareth Police which caused a lot of trouble and acts like a petulant child.
This is a no brainer. Tara for the win!

Anonymous said...

So Northampton county has their version of Mark Pinsley

Anonymous said...

Dale Earnhardt Inc.

Anonymous said...

..and she no longer has a job with Casey

Anonymous said...

I guess you think Pawloski and Fleck were great also!!!!

Anonymous said...

"She has positive relationships with the county employees, she always respected her colleagues, and she is smart."

You really are promoting th fairy tale of Tara. Her colleagues were tolerant but not impressed and, in her case, 'smart' must be a relative term. She was described by some in county govenrment as dense, and that is being kind.

Anonymous said...

Zrinski is a God awful human!

Anonymous said...

She has none!

Anonymous said...

Nice response Tara- you're so full of shit!

Anonymous said...

For the life of me, I don't understand how Bernie can back this worthless, unqualified, grifter!

Anonymous said...

He's the only local Dem that makes any sense whatsoever!

Anonymous said...

Zrinski is much worse than Pinsley!

Anonymous said...

Jeff, please look in the mirror and stop!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Gerry would want to be seen with Zrinski!

Anonymous said...

You're delusional!

Anonymous said...

You're a disgrace Tara!

Anonymous said...

Typical Tara, always on the look out for her next gig.

Anonymous said...

don't be silly .. that guy wanted to use blimps to transport people across the valley

Anonymous said...

not nearly as big as the outgoing

Anonymous said...

those who don't have political chops aren't qualified ... duh

Anonymous said...

This is some funny stuff. She is not qualified for this position. Not at all!!! She was a disaster on council and is controller in name only. She has no commitment to anything. Always looking for the next bigger payday.

Anonymous said...

Nice reply Tara, you're going to have to work harder than that!

Anonymous said...

Look at the way alimony is looking at her in the picture — like a lovesick puppy or a proud dad. Either way creepy. And Tara, the Sally Jesse Raphael glasses need to go.

Anonymous said...

The members of the he-man women haters club are at it again.

Anonymous said...

When will we learn that our candidates need to have the educational background to hold such an important position. She is simply not qualified to manage a county

Anonymous said...

All you republicans on this blog bitching she’s not qualified had no problem voting for Steve Lynch ?? Give me a break .

Anonymous said...

Judgment is a key quality for a public official. She has none. She gets hysterical and her histrionics are off the charts. No thank you. Also, what happened to MacClure's neck? Where did it go.

Anonymous said...

Tuerk and Wee Willie. 2 Pee Wee's

Anonymous said...

Must be on the Barron diet consisting of a XL soda with a side of chocolate candy bars.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't she always a useless POS? Tom Giovanni is a better choice.

Anonymous said...

No, if you throw enough shit against the wall, it'll eventually stick!

Anonymous said...

She's an absolutely terrible candidate!

Anonymous said...

I still remember her yelling in her bullhorn at a BLM rally! She's a despicable opportunist!

Anonymous said...

Anybody but Lynch, please!

Anonymous said...

I was just proven wrong- an Executive who will be worse than John Brown.

Anonymous said...

She's just as big as McClure! Gerry looks the best, and he's the oldest!

Anonymous said...

Typical. Diverting fact of lack of education . And you don't know who I voted for or what party I support.

Anonymous said...

Democrats = baby-killers!

Anonymous said...

You oughtta go into standup comedy.

Anonymous said...

Bring on T. MettacappaCrazy !!!! She'd make a good opponent, LOL

Anonymous said...

No fan of Giovanni, but he's a much better choice than Zrinski!

Anonymous said...

OMG you're nuts!

Anonymous said...

she has about 5 degrees, what do you have?

Anonymous said...

Is this candidate the "Kamala" of Northampton county?. Republicans can start calling her Kamala now.

Anonymous said...

5 degrees in BS

Anonymous said...

What the F happened to her head? Between her and McClure its a toss-up! The Sally Jessie Rafael glasses are the trick!

Anonymous said...

I will never get the image of her with a bullhorn, screaming I don't even know what, outdoors, in the city of Bethlehem. That was a horrible moment for her, and proved who she truly is. I almost felt embarrassed for her.

Anonymous said...

Me neither- she made a complete ass out of herself!

Anonymous said...

A leopard NEVER changes its spots! She's an incompetent, self-serving opportunist!

Anonymous said...

yup, that's the REAL Tara Zrinski!

Anonymous said...

Theology or some shit lol

Anonymous said...

At least Kamala has a law degree. Zrinski has a couple degrees in Philosophy- God help us!

Anonymous said...

Curt records tell all. Yuck!

Anonymous said...

She is smart? Wow. My experience with her a few years ago puts her right there with Gump.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant and ambitious, a dangerous combination- that's Zrinski.

Anonymous said...

5 degrees in door knob polishing