Earlier this month, I told you that rumors were spreading through NorCo's courthouse that Executive Lamont McClure had decided against seeking a third term. This is in spite of a $166,000 warchest heading into an election year. This is in spite of telling radio host Brad Osborne in December that he would seek re-election. It turns out that the rumors were correct. Yesterday he told WFMZ-TV69 that he will be riding off into the sunset. He later told me as well. The WFMZ-TV69 story reports that McClure's decision was "unexpected." It was actually the worst kept secret in the courthouse.
He would likely have no primary opponent, so he could continue raising money for the general election. So why bow out? In 2023, Northampton County voters, and by a 82.8% margin, approved a change to the Home Rule Charter limiting the Executive to two consecutive terms. Legally, that has no application to McClure because it applies prospectively. But I know that this plebiscite has had an impact on his thinking. He worries that seeking a third term might defy the express will of the voters. Plus, quite frankly, it's a grueling and thankless job. The longer you are in, the fewer friends you have. No NorCo Exec has lasted three terms.
There were some corollary rumors. State Senator Lisa Boscola seriously considered the county's top spot and made numerous calls about what would be expected. Once she learned that it would be difficult for her to be poolside at the country club by noon in the summer, her desire to leave a comfortable job vanished.
Democrats have reportedly talked Controller Tara Zrinski into running even though she's only served one year in that position. Though this is very much against her own will, she will still be defined by Republicans as a job hopper who runs for every seat that becomes available. I hope that the Democrats who persuaded her to run are willing to support her with some serious campaign money.
And yes, there will be a Republican candidate. I've been tolf to expect an announcement very soon, possibly as early as today.
So what will McClure do? He told me he might return to the practice of law or "explore other options to consider serving the public."
That would certainly include a run for Congress to challenge recently elected Ryan Mackenzie in next year's midterms.
Susan Wild, who was defeated by Mackenzie, fell off the planet after that race, especially after it was reported that she had leaked an investigative report into another Congress member. But she's back. On Martin Luther King Day, she was at Shiloh Baptist Church in Easton, shaking hands everywhere she went.
Except for McClure. She snubbed him.
You are the Hannity of the McClure administration. McClure pulled the rug out from under Wild by planning to run for Congress. The Feminist wing of the dem party is angry. He told her he would not run, surprise.
AS for your new crush Zirinski, no one has to talk to her into anything. The true social climber of taxpayer funded jobs, is nervous. As Controller she is anonymous, people don't care. So, she can relax while the real professionals do her work. As county executive she will have a bigger spotlight on her and her complete incompetence will shine.
This clears a path for you, Bernie!
Would have won re-election easily, but lost a vowel in this post !
Smart move to get after wiping out the fund balance while the nursing home runs huge operating deficits that cannot be plugged with Covid relief money.
No one really wants wild, she has shown her true colors. She's the harris of the lehigh valley.
Tanned ready and rested Brother Steve is pumped to run again.
Zrinski & Wild- two peas in a pod
We'll need a breathalyzer machine at the courthouse if Boscola wins!
Oh, please. NO Susan Wild as leader of my County. Susan Wild did not represent all of the citizens of her Congressional District, just the Democrats. She was an obedient lapdog for the loathsome Nancy Pelosi. Susan Wild basically accomplished nothing of any substance in Congress.
Zrinski was excited to hear the news- she is absolutely the worst possible candidate!
Now the loser, Wild knows what Morganelli feels like!
you're right- she needs to disappear!
Oh no!
You're right- Boscola has it too good. For the life of me, I never understood her appeal. She's just so appalling!
you're 100% correct- Zrinski is incompetent, but gets away with it in the Controllers office. If her qualified opponent campaigned just a little, she'd be unemployed.
NorCo Democrats are in a good spot. They can prop up just about anyone* up and win in the county executive race. They have the money and they back their candidates. NorCo Republicans are disorganized and lazy and if they run a Trump wannabe, they will get crushed.
*I'm still not counting out the possibility of a Democrat stooge to act as a placeholder until DPRKK tosses her budenovka into the ring in 2029.
I guarantee you Boscola won't run- Council Meetings would interfere with her daily "Happy Hour."
Bernie, my dude, your personal hate for Wild is so old. I don't even like her, and I can't stand reading anything you write about her anymore. Get over it FFS.
Bernie, I was hoping that your potshots might stop once I was out of office, but I guess it’s too much fun for you. For the record: The 118th Congress went back into session after the election and remained in session until almost Christmas. I fulfilled my duties and was in DC most of that time. And, as I very publicly said, I planned to give myself the grace of a month off in January, since I hadn’t enjoyed a period without working since I was in my teens. The MLK event at Shiloh has always been a favorite of mine, so I went to that and enjoyed it. I didn’t shun anyone. I also didn’t see you there, so you’re just making this stuff up. I don’t owe you any accounting of what I’m doing as a private citizen, but if you’re going to continue to disparage me, I’ll correct the record as necessary.
Oh. And I didn’t leak any ethics report. That was a smear campaign by a couple of Republicans. If I had leaked it to someone, don’t you think it would have come out long before the committee authorized its release? Your statement is libelous and I assume you know the law on libel. Just reprinting trash lies is not a defense.
We need a moderate republican... with name recognition... and maybe from the slate belt...
BO, word on the street is Wild is very upset with McClure.
Susan Wild - I highly doubt Bernie’s mention of you is libelous. He clearly stated “It was reported that . . . “. Surely, it WAS reported as such and repeated by thousands of others.
My problem with you is what I consider to be a serious lack of accomplishment by you in that role. I also believe you were overly partisan in favor of Democrats.
Trump has now shown that Republicans have no problem with domestic terrorism. With this in mind no Republicans can be trusted for elected office both locally and nationally.
Please, please, please, please let this be true! The Steroid Snowflake puts on the best shit shows wherever he goes! Free entertainment I'd actually consider paying to watch!
I couldn't agree with you more- she's a despicable human being.
Please go away, you self-serving loser!
omg no!!
Zrinski is even less qualified than John Brown Pants!
Someone from the Slate Belt? LMFAO
He'll get his ass kicked again
How about the image of Wild with the rest of Pelosi's lapdogs, in white gowns at Trump's State of the Union, hopping around like idiots, priceless!!
You need one now with Lamont lol
Go away Wild, you're a self-serving pol just like Joe Biden.
Will you be suing all the media outlets that reported you as the leaker? Like The Hill. Or are you just picking on poor little ole Bernie lol.
Do you wish to comment about the tickets? The boot on your vehicle? Most importantly, the handicapped parking space violation? Are those made up lies by republicans?
The Party hates one of their own longtime election winners. Mr. Northampton County, the Penn Dutch kid Ron Heckman. He is Knowledgeable, experienced and wins. Unfortunately, he is as old as dirt and not doing too well.
A wild spanking !
Remember that time when we voted in Republican John Brown and he raised the healthcare co-insurance to $6,600 for a single worker county employee and $13,200 for a family, and McClure dropped it back to a $500 deductible?
Be careful what you vote for in November Northampton County employees, with your lower-than-average salaries, you might not be able to afford life.
I'll never understand why people consistently vote against their own interest.
The only guy lying to Susan Wild is Matt Tuerk. Tuerk has been telling everyone he’s running for Congress, but apparently told Susan to her face that he was not. Maybe he’s running on the Dixiecrat ticket ?
I wonder if the Republicans will trot out that underwear model again or maybe one of his 20 Strong Men.
Please don't, he's another loser!
My hope is that she disappears, and hangs out with her "girl crew." She's a disgrace, that beat a weak candidate twice, and lost to a mommy's boy.
we already cant....
The only LV Dem worse than Wild is "I'm all ears" Twerp.
How can we forget? John Brown got lucky, because Callahan thought he was a shoo-in, and took Brown Pants lightly. Brown never had a job in his life- and it showed. He was in over his head, and was by far, the worst Executive in history!
Please, not the dumbbell that rides around making videos of himself, while driving. What a vapid fool! He'd get crushed again!
Did you park in a handicap spot again? The lazy and overweight are so entitled.
The boot on her vehicle was symbolic of her political career!
Susan, your accomplishments are negligible, your political career is over- now go away!
whatever dipsh&* they get to run for the Rs will be a loser
Democrats have no common sense
Tara Z for exec? Another feminist puppet.
Susan - perhaps you can cite relevant case law that includes fair reporting standards in the definition of libel. We are waiting. Perhaps if you actually met the needs of your constituents you would not have lost to a pathetically weak candidate. You had very little connection to your territory and constituents. You were more interested in other things and causes. Time to move on to democrat candidates that connect with “all” the people rather than micro subsets of the population. And we need public servants who actually do care about the working person. I don’t believe you care about those people. And it’s not time to move on to Lamont either. We need new ideas and real public service.
I guarantee you Zrinski is wetting her pants! She'll grab another bullhorn and make another ass out of herself! How she was elected to anything, is a sad commentary on our society!
You're sick! I'm no Trump fan, but at least he didn't weaponize the DOJ and try to bankrupt & jail his political opponents!
Zrinski is hiding behind all the professionals doing the heavy lifting- shecouldn't balance her own checkbook!
Ain't no moderate Republicans in the Sludge Belt. That's MagaLand, man!
I hear Mark "Hollywood" Cotturo is contemplating a run.
That is a fact
Stay tuned!
Boscola won't run- she'll have to work for the 1st time in her adult life!!!
Where is mettacappacrazy? It was reported it was gunna run. Allegedly had a facebook page & looked for campaign $$. Strange, very Strange
I’m not a fan of McClure, but one thing can be said is that he is a savvy politician. He knows the places to be seen and the people he is free to ignore (though that sometimes backfires). The slate of candidates will be interesting to see, but I’m already thinking I’ll be unimpressed. A serious job deserves serious candidates.
As for Fmr. Congresswoman Wild’s rant, I must say has she shown this much spunk, perhaps she would have been returned to Washington. And please, veiled threats of a libel lawsuit are ridiculous.
She's upset because she hates disabled people and parks in their parking spaces. And you called her on it, locally, by citing a national news story. Oh well. Being overweight is not a disability, waddling Suzie.
Who has Lamont ignored, and when has that backfired ?
Please do!
Lehigh Valley politics is interesting, and what makes it so is the dullards and dolts we elect.
6:18 - That type of behavior is that of a second estate snob, but who tells voters she's a commoner like them.
Cotturo would have my vote
Brother Steve took belt to ass and thank god we have not heard from that tool since
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