In a rare uneventful meeting, NorCo Council last night introduced a $35 million bond. The project contemplated includes (1) the design and construction of a new parking deck at the courthouse complex; (2) renovations and improvements at the jail; and (3) improvements to the emergency management system. A previous and larger bond, which would have included a new office building by the courthouse, was defeated last year.
The bond ordinance is being co-sponsored by Council members Jeff Warren and Jeff Corpora.
Absent last night were Council members Ken Kraft, whose father-in-law passed away, and John Brown.
Could You please inform us of who all the candidates are for Executive and County Council this year? I believe there were like 20+ people who wanted to be appointed to council last year. Will any of them run?
Brown was absent because his sense of public service passed away.
What is that going to cost taxpayer's!!! Just another great idea like the daycare.
"A previous and larger bond, which would have included a new office building by the courthouse, was defeated last year."
Is McClueless's office being painted in gold with a king's chair?
John "Brown" pants is as useful as a council member as he was as County Executive. He seldom shows up- He had better things to do, like watch the Notre Dame- Penn State game. What a bum!
Does John Brown ever show up?
Brown shows up more than McClure or Ferraro did. He's slightly better than Kraft. But that's a very low bar. They've all stolen their money from taxpayers.
What's it going to cost taxpayers if the parking deck collapses and kills people? Infrastructure doesn't last forever, it needs to be updated and replaced.
Not true BrownStain doesn't show up at all, even when he is there!
Democrats-Newscum, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, And many former governors Their leadership has led Cailfornia to HELL The Truth hurts but is true You Democrats will not admit it but I hope the people of CALFORNIA FINALLY WISE UP.
Democrats will spend your Money on things that are needed They are out to destroy America. Look what school boards have done to public education in this country.They will lie to you and tell you how great these schools are.
How many meetings has Kraft missed. 🤔
seldom- even when he does, he's useless!
So Republicans WON'T spend our money on things that are NEEDED. Democrats will, but they're out to destroy America. Hmmm. That does make MAGA sense.
So having a Council that provided a check and balance on the Executive rather than a rubber stamp saved the taxpayers $28.5 million. Something to consider when you vote this year.
WTG Notre Dame!! Congratulations. Franklin still can’t win the big game. 😂😂
What is it going to cost taxpayers? lol
Long story short a bond is like a loan. A loan shall be paid back over time using funds already in the budget. Educate yourself. But even if it costs taxpayers a few dollars, sometimes things just need to be fixed. Such as a parking garage and updated communications.
Did it really save the tax payer? The County is in need of more space and having to build a new building later or rent more space might just cost the tax payer more money in the end. So I would make sure that you considering that when voting next year. It will be interesting to see how Vargo-Heffner runs a campaign without Zrinski and McClure pulling her across the finish line.
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