Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Harris on Border Security: Donald Trump "Does Not Walk It Like He Talks It"

From last night's Harris rally in Georgia:

"Our administration worked on the most border security bill in decades. Some of the most conservative Republicans in Washington supported the bill. Even the Border Security endorsed it. It was all set to pass. But at the last minute, Trump directed his allies in the Senate to vote it down. He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security, he only cares about himself." 

In the meantime, the vicious personal attacks from the right continue, with Lara Trump likening Harris to a fashon designer's faux trash bag, whatever that is.

Stay classy, Trump cult.

Ousted Custody Master Ends Case Against Norco, But Continues Claim Against Judges and Court Administrator

Lisa Tresslar, Northampton County's former custody master, filed a federal lawsuit in April over what she characterizes as her constructive termination. She alleged a violation of her civil rights, including retaliatory behavior as well as sex and age discrimination. In late June, she amended her complaint to specifically add Judges Craig Dally, Jennifer Sletvold and Court Administrator Jermaine Greene as Defendants.  Her suit also named the entire bench as well as Northampton County. But she has since withdrawn any claims against the county. 

While she has alleged specific violations of her federal civil rights with respect to the named Defendants, she has alleged no violations against the county itself, and withdrew her claim on July 17.

A responsive pleading, which could be an answer or a motion to dismiss, is due from the remaining Defendants by September 3. 

Tresslar is currently employed as a NorCo Assistant District Attorney and handles appeals. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How Much Will New NorCo Parking Garage and Office Building Cost?

In late June, Northampton County Council tabled an ordinance authorizing $63 million in new debt for a parking garage and new office building at the courthouse campus. Most Council members agree that the parking garage is currently on life support, and it would be wasteful to spend any more money to try to extend its life. But they question the need for a new county office building, arguing that it is too costly, and the county administration should consider other alternatives.  At a July 17 Committee meeting, Gary Warren of Skanska, a development and construction company, broke down the anticipated costs. 

New Garage and Office Building. The total cost projected for this is $43.1 million. The existing garage would be demolished and replaced by a 350-space garage and 30,000 sf office building. This estimate is based on a starting date of September 2025 and completion by June 2027. 

According to Warren, the anticipated schedule is important because costs increase when construction is delayed.

You'll notice a $6.78 million "owner cost" is set aside. This includes contingencies (rock or unknown underground utilities), insurance, testing and inspection fees, utility fees, permits and associated professional services. 

Warren noted that the market for goods and labor is extremely volatile. In 2021 and 2022, it jumped about 22%. Last year, it stabilized at about 4.2%. 

New Garage only.  The total cost project for this is around $22 million. 

New Garage and Office Building, With Construction on Office Building Deferred for Two years. This would cost $48.8 million, about $5 million than building a new garage and office building simultaneously. Warren indicated that delaying office construction by two years would significantly increase both construction and owner costs. He added several times that it is a "tight site" and would be more difficult. 

County Council had no questions concerning the substance of the presentation. 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Buttigieg Hammers Fox, Rebutting Numerous GOP Talking Points

Unfortunately, most of us live inside a news bubble. We tend to watch, listen or read only those news sources that confirm our pre-existing bias. That's why I'm delighted that US Transportation Sec'y Pete Buttigieg is so willing to go into the belly of the beast. On Sunday, he appeared on Fox News Sunday (YouTube clip above) to explain to rebut numerous GOP talking points routinely spewed to its right-leaning viewers. Although it's highly unlikely that he'll be tapped as the VP nominee, he is without question the Democrats' most effective communicator.

Why does he do this? He explains. "Most of the viewers of Fox News don't agree with me politically, and definitely the people kind of controlling the content on that network, in my view, aren't always being fair ... . But I also know this. I can't blame somebody for not supporting my perspective if they've literally never heard it. So it's my job to get that view in front of viewers who are tuning in in good faith."

Immigration: Buttigieg pointed out that the immigration crisis has become worse because Republicans cow-towed to cult leader Donald Trump and refused to support a bi-partisan bill that would have dealt with the problem. ""[Biden] wanted Congress to resolve [immigration] because that would have been more durable. But when Trump came in, talked Republicans out of their own bipartisan project because he didn't want the issue to get better. Remember, the worse things are at the border, the better things get for Donald Trump. So he has a vested interest in it remaining chaotic down there."

Economy: "Unemployment is lower than it was even before COVID. The stock market is higher than it was even before COVID, and job creation is faster than it was even before COVID.  No matter what rebound effects you're talking about, these are economic results that have not happened since before I was born. In terms of cost, that's been a major issue, and by the way, that's been a major issue in every wealthy country. ... [O]ur inflation rate was [lower] and, I would add, right now wages are going up faster than prices. That means even after inflation, you're coming out ahead. 

Medical Expenses: "[C]ongressional Republicans worked against President Biden when he worked to cut insulin prices to $35 a month for seniors. Right now, especially on families that are pressed for costs, we could have insulin capped at $35 a month for everybody, not just for seniors. All it would take is for a few Congressional Republicans to walk away from agreeing with Big Pharma and start agreeing with President Biden. That's not the only cost he was out to cut. [Biden is] calling for an across the board $2,000 out-of-pocket cap., something else that would help in a country where people are feeling the pinch of those prices that went up with past-COVID inflation. Congressional Republicans are standing in the way of it ... ."

Trump's Broken Promises: ""Even before the pandemic, "America went into a manufacturing recession, which really hurt places like where I come from in the industrial Midwest. But anyway, my point is, he broke his promise for that kind of economic growth. He broke a promise to pass an infrastructure bill. He said he would do that. He failed to do it. The Biden-Harris administration actually got it done. He even broke his promise to that January 6 mob when he said 'I will be at your side when you march down to the Capitol.' But he actually did keep two promises: He kept his promise to destroy the right to choose in this country, and he kept his promise tax cuts for the rich. And if you want to know what a second Trump term would be like, I would start by looking at those rare promises that he actually managed to keep."

Friday, July 26, 2024

NorCo Elections Office, Area Agency on Aging Schedule Elections Presentations at Senior Centers

From Northampton County: The Northampton County Area Agency on Aging and the Elections Office announce a series of specialized election presentations exclusively for senior citizens residing in Northampton County beginning in August.

These informative presentations aim to provide the senior community with knowledge on effectively exercising their voting rights. Key topics of the presentations will include assistance for senior citizens in voter registration, how to apply for mail-in ballots, instructions on completing mail-in ballot envelope procedures, and more. Elections staff will be available during the sessions to assist attendees with any questions they may have and will provide necessary documentation for same-day completion.


"We are excited to announce a partnership between our Elections Office and the Area Agency on Aging to enhance voter education among our residents,” says Executive Lamont G. McClure. “It is crucial that our senior community members are well-informed about the voting process and have the resources they need to participate in elections."


The Northampton County’s Area Agency on Aging Division and the Elections Office encourage interested senior citizens to attend an informative session.

The session dates and locations can be found below.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Why NorCo Administrators Stopped Baratta's Detective Hire

I told you yesterday that NorCo DA Steve Baratta wants to hire a retiring Bethlehem police officer to add to his stable of county detectives. At the same time, he proposed giving all county detectives what amounts to a 15% payhike over what they are currently paid. But when Baratta and First Assistant Bob Eyer appeared before County Council last week, a resolution that authorized the hire and salary increases was missing. That's because Executive Lamont McClure pulled it. He had good reason to do so.

One of my readers slammed McClure: "He must have it his way and will push back on anything that doesn't get him donors or publicity." But as McClure himself advised Council, county detectives are in a collective bargaining agreement, and the county administration is the sole bargaining agent when it comes to doling out money. 

This appears specifically in the Home Rule Charter's enumeration of the powers of the Executive branch. Among them is the authority to "supervise and direct the negotiation and administration of any collective bargaining agreements with employees ... ." This applies to all union contracts, including the courts and the DA. 

Without question, as an independently elected official, the District Attorney has authority to hire and fire. But he has no authority to raise or lower salaries. That is the province of County Council. If a union contract is involved, it is the province of both the Executive and County Council. The Executive negotiates. County Council approves any collective bargaining agreement. 

Baratta argued that he has the right to "move pieces" as he sees fit so long as he stays within his budget. But that view is wrong. Under the Home Rule Charter, they, and not he, set the salaries.  

In addition to defending the Home Rule Charter, McClure has another reason to put the brakes on Baratta's proposal. Baratta is proposing a 15% wage hike for detectives who already are paid pretty well and drive a county car home every night. He is doing this just as contract negotiations are beginning for a new contract. How does he justify this to Human Services workers who are also getting 15% raises, but spaced out over three years? How does he justify this to other county workers? And how does he justify it to county taxpayers? 

County Council solicitor Chris Spadoni told Baratta last week to just prepare his own resolution so County Council can vote on it. That would also be a mistake and would be just as meaningless as the various toothless resolutions being hurled at County Council in recent weeks. 

Gracedale Rating Jumps From Two to Three Stars in Latest CMS Rating

Though the most recent nursing home star ratings have yet to appear on the CMS webpage, they are in and it's good news for Northampton County. The county-owned nursing home has jumped from two (below average) to three (average) stars. 

What's most impressive about the new rating is that Gracedale is now assigned four stars (above average) for staffing. Reported hours of nursing care per resident per day now stands at 4.078 (four hours five minutes), above the national average of 3.798.  

Gracedale still relies heavily on outside agency nurses as it beefs up its staff. Nursing turnover is still quite high and was 68.75% in 2023. 

The nursing home received only one star (much below average) for an item called "quality measures." That is pretty much expected. Gracedale accepts a large number of residents with issues like dementia and Alzheimer's  

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

NorCo DA Baratta's Proposed Detective Hire Stopped by County Administrators

Before last week's meeting of Northampton County Council, District Attorney Steve Baratta submitted two personnel requests. First, he was proposing the elimination of one vacant full-time Assistant DA position ($67,828) and replacing it with two part-time Assistant DAs ($58,584).  Second, he was proposing a new county detective, with the understanding that all detectives would be paid at Step 7G (salary unknown) County detectives are all union positions. But when County Council met last week on July 17 and 18, the Detective hire was missing. What happened?

Baratta was unavailable for the committee meeting to vet these requests on July 17, but First Ass't Bob Eyer was there. He and Council President Lori Vargo Heffner both noted that a proposed resolution authorizing a new detective was missing. 

Before they were able to discuss this, Council member Jeff Warren (a McClure ally) began complaining about the multiple personnel requests streaming in from the DA asking for salary increases a position restructures. He said he's like a "plan of action in terms of what [the DA] is looking to do in terms of salaries ... ."

At this point, Executive Lamont McClure approached Council to say he had a "nice conversation" with Baratta earlier that week. He indicated that the changes with the detectives implicate an existing collective bargaining agreement. "The county is the exclusive bargaining agent for the District Attorney's office, so these things need to be done in negotiations. He indicated any action taken by Council "would be a nullity on its face because it would be violative of the collective bargaining agreement." 

That's not how Baratta saw it. At the full County Council meeting on July 18, he said a secretary in Human Relations advised him that his detective proposal violated the collective bargaining agreement. "That's a pretty heavy legal opinion for a secretary to make," he observed. 

He said that, as District Attorney, he has the right to move positions around as he sees fit. He indicated his detectives are exempt positions, and so long as meets the budget, the caselaw says he is free to do as he wishes. He believes he can promote and hire detectives without violating any collective bargaining agreement.

Council President Lori Vargo Heffner told Baratta to prepare a resolution on his own and Council will consider it when they meet again August 2. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

NorCo Council Rejects Election Resolution as " Fluff"

Several resolutions proposed by Council member Kelly Keegan at recent meetings of Northampton County Council have nothing to do with county government and have accomplished little more than further divide an already divided body. But just as a broken clock is right twice a day, a resolution she proposed at the July 18 meeting has everything to do with county government. The administration of elections is a core county function in Pennsylvania. Public confidence in Northampton County elections has been shaken as a result of design errors in the Express Vote XL during the 2019 and 2023 elections. The county administrator was forced to resign after the most recent debacle. It's important that citizens who choose to vote know that their votes are counted. But at the July 18 meeting of Northampton County Council, a resolution endorsing election integrity was rejected by a 6-3 vote. 

Voting No were John Brown, John Goffredo, Tom Giovanni, Jeff Corpora, Ron Heckman and Lori Vargo Heffner. Voting Yes were Ken Kraft, Kelly Keegan and Jeff Warren. 

Whether you lean right or left, chances are you think our American democracy is in peril. Some of us fear the emergence of autocracy while others worry that our institutions are being abused to persecute political enemies and suppress free speech. This concern is even expressed in the way we vote. Some of us worry that the right to vote is being compromised, while others earnestly believe that we have set in place so many ways to vote (in person, on demand mail-in ballots) that it's become difficult to prevent voter fraud. 

With this in mind, a nonpartisan group called Keep Our Republic has been formed to "strengthen trust in our electoral system." It supports three basic principles: (1) Let every eligible voter vote; (2) Let every vote be counted; and (3) Let the electoral vote stand. Executive Lamont McClure drafted a resolution expressing these three basic tenets and Kelly Keegan sponsored it. 

Here's what Council members said at the meeting and in a previous committee hearing:

John Goffredo: "If you take it at its word, I agree, it's not controversial at all. The problem is that I think over the last four years our elections systems have changed dramatically and there have been problems. ... I think it's full of holes and problems. ... We do have problems. I think we've experienced them. And we're going to continue to experience them until we fix them."

John Brown: "A resolution like this ... is kinda' like fluff." 

Ron Heckman: "I don't really need to bend a knee to some out-of-state group asking me to reaffirm what I've said 100 times." 

Lori Vargo Heffner: "Whay are we saying something we already do? ... 

Kelly Keegan: "Why wouldn't everybody support this?"

Jeff Warren: "This county has done a very good job of making sure that every single vote regardless of hiccups, every single vote is the right vote ... . We have had some hiccups [Warren's term for the election disasters in 2019 and 2023] and there have been hiccuops since the time our country has started." 

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Lord Almighty Has Spoken, But Does He Endorse Kamala?

After a disastrous debate in which he looked like he was auditioning for a part in the latest zombie movie, President Joe Biden attempted unsuccessfully to show that he has a few sparks left in several disappointing interviews. He told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he'd withdraw his candidacy for President only if the "Lord Almighty" came down and told him to pull the plug. That must have happened over the weekend because, as we all know by now, he's finally realized he has no path to victory and has pulled out of the Presidential race. At the same time, he's thrown his support behind his VP, Kamala Harris. While she's already received the endorsement of all 50 state chairs and many would-be rivals, several prominent Democrats (Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries) are mum. I'd prefer an open process myself

Harris would almost certainly emerge victorious from a competitive convention. This would also prove that she can win, something she was utterly unable to do when she ran four years ago. It would also open her up to a little scrutiny. I believe she had a rough start as VEEP but has come a long way over the past year. My chief concern is whether this Californian from a deep blue state can finally succeed in laying out a vision that appeals to America's disaffected working class. If she can do this, as Trump and JD Vance have done, she could win. 

America has never elected a woman to our highest office. I'm uncertain whether that is coincidence or evidence of the sexism I saw hurled at the female Secret Service agents who protected Trump. I do know this. She will be subjected to numerous similar attacks precisely because of her sex, and some of them will almost certainly come from Trump himself. And those attacks will backfire, drawing more moderates to her. 

What's your take on Biden's withdrawal and Harris' sudden candidacy? Do you support an open process, or should the party just embrace her as if she were an heir apparent? 

Friday, July 19, 2024

NorCo Council Sets Salary for Council Clerk at $107,482, Deputy Clerk at $81,545.

Last night, Northampton County Council voted to set the salary for the Council Clerk at $107,482. It also established a new salary for Deputy Clerk at $81.545.  The vote on the Council Clerk salary was 8-1, with Council member Kelly Keegan being the sole dissenter. The vote on the Deputy Clerk was unanimous.

Keegan argued she is unaware of anyone who starts at the same salary as the person who retires from a position. She added that Council Clerks should get annual evaluations just like she does. Council member John Goffredo agreed with Keegan and said the salary is "bad business by us as the bosses."

Council member Ken Kraft, however, noted the precarious position under which Council Clerks work. They are considered "exempt" employees who lack the protection of career service regulations or a union contract. Council member John Brown added that the title "Council Clerk" is actually a misnomer because of the "complexity of the position."

Council President clarified a misperception by Goffredo and Keegan that the Council Clerk would be starting at the same salary being paid to Linda Zembo when she retired as Council Clerk. She said it is "not the same amount that Linda Zembo was paid."

That might be why Goffredo relented and voted Yes, but Keegan still voted No. 

Aline Shafnisky currently serves as Council's acting Clerk. 

NorCo Sheriff Rich Johnston to Retire August 2

At last night's meeting of NorCo Council, Executive Lamont McClure reported that Sheriff Rich Johnston will be retiring on August 2. He stated that Johnston "exemplified the best of what we would want to see in public officials, especially those in law enforcement." 

The Northampton County Sheriff provides building and court room security, transports prisoners, locates and apprehends fugitives, serves legal papers, administers the foreclosure, repossession and sale of real and personal property, and issues gun permits.

Unlike most other counties in Pennsylvania, which elect their sheriffs, the Home Rule Charter makes the Sheriff an appointed position. The Executive ranks his top three choices and forwards them to the courts. The courts in turn can rank the choices in another order or include new names. The Executive has the final say. Johnston was the top choice of both the courts and McClure.

It's mostly gone, but you can still detect a New York accent in Johnston's voice. He started his career there as a NYC transit cop in 1982. While working full-time, he earned an associate's degree in forensic psychology in 1993. In 1994, he was promoted to sergeant for the NYPD, where he supervised anywhere between 20 and 45 officers, depending on which precinct he worked

After putting in his 20 years with New York City, he continued his career in law enforcement here in the Lehigh Valley. He started as a District Security Officer at Easton School District and became a deputy sheriff in 2002. 

Johnston expressed his appreciation to nearly everyone, including deputies who certainly made his life more interesting. 

I have high regard for Rich, both as Sheriff and as a person. He has always been a gentleman, a rarity. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Corpora Proposes, Then Pulls Home Rule Charter Change to Ban Resolutions Irrelevant to County Business

Council member Jeffrey Corpora last night proposed a Home Rule Charter change that would prevent other Council members from introducing resolution that have no relevance to county business.  But after discussion among Council members, he agreed that Council could probably take action without introducing another change to the county's constitution. He also agreed that his wording was a bit unclear. 

I've posted a resolution similar to what Corpora seeks here. I believe my own proffer could use some work as well. How does one determine that a particular resolution is irrelevant? I believe any single member of Council should be able to raise that question. But if a majority can agree to be sponsors, that should indicate that there's some consensus. 

Tonight, County Council will consider a resolution sponsored by Kelly Keegan but that was drafted by Executive Lamont McClure, calling for fair elections in which all legitimate votes are counted. Unlike many other issues, the administration of elections is a core county function. 

Council member John Goffredo complained that it is a toothless resolution, and he's right. But most county council resolutions are toothless.   

NorCo Council Poised to Vote For $107,548 With A Deputy Earning $87,000

Tonight, Northampton County Council is poised to vote on salaries for the Council Clerk as well as a Deputy. Currently, the "Acting" Council Clerk is Aline Shafnisky, and at a salary of $107,548. From what I've been able to glean (it was difficult to hear the audio), Council will vote tonight on a resolution fixing the salary $107,548, well above what most county employees receive.  Moreover, the Deputy Clerk will be paid $87,000, which incidentally is higher than the Executive's salary. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

NorCo PJ Reinstates County Solicitor Fired Under Exec John Brown

Jill Mancini
Northampton County President Judge Craig Dally, in a 16-page opinion (you can read it below), has ordered that Jill Mancini, a former assistant county solicitor appointed under former Exec John Stoffa, be reinstated. He also awarded her four years of back pay and fringe benefits. The exact amount of these damages will be determined during an evidentiary hearing in December.

So ends the latest chapter in a saga that first began on December 23, 2013. There had been a change of the guard in the County after John Brown's election as Executive. His new Solicitor, Vic Scomillio, advised Mancini by phone, and while he was driving, that she was being fired. 

Since that time, this matter has been heard by a federal district court, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, the Revenue Appeals Board, court of common pleas and Commonwealth Court. A federal jury determined that Mancini's procedural due process rights had been violated. She was awarded $94,232 in back pay and attorney fees of $186,000

The dispute lingered after Brown was replaced as Executive by Lamont McClure. As a candidate, McClure supported Mancini's cause. As Executive, he appears to have been troubled by the huge payday Mancini would be reaping.

It's going to be larger now.

Mancini Opinion by BernieOHare on Scribd

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Female Secret Service Agents Attacked Mainly Because They Are Women

Yesterday, in response to a post suggesting that President Biden should pardon former President Trump if he really is interested in uniting this country, I received several sexist comments laying blame at the feet of female Secret Service agents who are portrayed as too short, too fat or just plain incompetent. Here's one of the comments: "Did anyone else notice the girls pretending to be secret service agents? Two were fat. Both were too short to provide the secret service "meat shield" on such a tall candidate. One kept pleading "what are we doing? What are we doing?" The men seemed to know without asking. The one fatty couldn't holster her weapon until the fifth try." Well, according to former Secret Service agent Mike McCarthy, who took a bullet for President Reagan in 1981, the agents did exactly what they are trained to do - cover and evacuate.

I suspect each of these female agents is fit and have BMIs under 25. I also watched video of several state troopers in the aftermath of the shooting, including a sergeant who was male but definitely was incredibly overweight. I doubt he could run 100 yards. Then there's a male Butler Township police officer who actually confronted Trump's would be-assassin several seconds before the shooting. He not only retreated, but failed to take any action to alert anyone in law enforcement that a potential killer was on the rooftop. This officer could have fired his own gun into the ground to alert Secret Service sharpshooters that mischief was afoot. He allowed a few crucial seconds to go by, and that was all the time needed for a killer to open up on Trump and innocent people.  

Interestingly, a local counter-sniper unit was actually inside the building in which an assassin climbed up onto the roof and unleashed a hail of bullets that killed and wounded. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

If Biden Really Wants to Bring Us Together, He Should Pardon Trump

Late Saturday afternoon, in western Pennsylvania's Trump country, a would-be assassin nearly succeeded in killing former President Donald Trump. From atop a glass factory only 348 yards from a Trump rally, Thomas Matthew Crooks aimed his father's AR-style rifle at Trump and fired away. One bullet grazed Trump's ear, who was otherwise unharmed. The hail of bullets from Crooks did, however, kill a firefighter and critically wounded two others. While we may have serious differences, people of good will (left and right) quickly condemned this senseless act of violence. President Joe Biden talked about the need for all of us to unite on Saturday night and twice on Sunday. Moreover, following a phone call between these two political rivals, Trump posted a two-word message on his Truth Social account - "Unite America!" Instead of uttering meaningless refrains about getting along, one of the biggest steps Biden could take to ease the political temperature would be by granting Trump a pardon in the federal cases pending against him. 

The federal criminal cases show a man who actively obstructed government officials in numerous attempts to retrieve sensitive confidential records that included nuclear secrets. But I am well aware that a large segment of the American population believe he is a victim of political persecution. This has stoked a lot of the division in this country over the past year. 

I'll concede there are people on both sides of the political spectrum who will never be mollified unless one side completely obliterates "the other." In years past, "the other" has been our foreign adversaries. Now, it's progressive Democrats or MAGA Republicans. There is no hope for people who latch onto conspiracy theories and are so full of hate that they condemn everyone just for their party affiliation. 

Most of us are unlike that. I am close to several MAGA Republicans who are among the most generous people I know. Even my brother is a Trump supporter, and to be honest, he is a far better person than I ever was. With those folks, a Biden pardon would go a long way to easing the current political tensions. They might even help restore faith in some of our government institutions. 

Will this hurt Biden's chances at the "battle box," as he called the ballot box last night? Frankly, who cares? That ship sailed after a disastrous debate performance. And the assassination attempt makes a Trump's landslide even more likely.  But if Biden really cares about bringing people together, instead of his own selfish interests, he'd do it. 

Finally, I wish to address some nasty comments directed at me over the weekend, claiming I took joy in Trump's near assassination and that my own rhetoric is somehow responsible.  I take back none of the things I've said about Trump. I do consider him an authoritarian and a danger to democracy. I've compared him to Hitler and have called him a crime boss. But these does not mean I want people to kill him. I've always believed in following the law, even when I have sometimes failed myself. Finally, I've never advocated violence against him or anyone. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden Excelled in Presser, But That Fails To Erase Disastrous Debate

There was a marked contrast between the walking corpse who debated Donald Trump a few weeks ago and the thoughtful and well-informed man who faced the press last night during a wide-ranging news conference in which he demonstrated a vastly superior knowledge of foreign policy. Is it too little, too late? I think so.

Earlier that day, he introduced Ukraine President Zelensky as President Putin And at the onset of his presser, he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Donald Trump. These kinds of flubs are only human and completely normal. I've done this and suspect you have, too, even if you refuse to admit it. And let's, be honest. Like it or not, he does have a speech impediment. But for the most part, he handled himself exceptionally well last night responding to 11 different reporters. I was left to wonder why he has failed to do this more often.

When questioned about domestic issues or his own fitness, he tended to stray away from what he was being asked. But he was clear on the subject of foreign policy and the need to stand up to Putin's aggression.  He does better when he speaks slowly. 

Though impressive last night, it's just impossible to erase his disastrous debate performance, in which he often stared vacantly with his mouth agape. In case you forget it, I'm sure Trump's campaign will be sending you plenty of reminders. 

According to a Washington Post/Ipsos poll released yesterday, 67% of all Americans believe Biden needs to withdraw. This also includes 56% of all Democrats. 

Although Trump is a deeply flawed person and will be a disastrous President who fails to honor America's commitments. Biden's continued campaign means a landslide. Biden hinted he might step aside if convinced he's unable to beat Trump, and it is up to show him this is inevitable instead of being enablers. 

Jow needs an intervention. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tour de France: Vingegaard Silences Trash Talk With Stage 11 Comeback Victory

Two-time Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard was off to a great start in the 2024 cycling season as he readied himself for the penultimate of all races, a 21-day race that goes 2,174 miles through the Alps and Pyrenees' mountains. But in early April, his preparation came to a sudden halt when he had a disastrous crash while racing in Spain's Basque country. Thanks to a concrete culvert, he sustained serious injuries that nearly ended his life, to say nothing of his future in cycling. He suffered a broken collarbone, fractured ribs and a collapsed lung. He spent 12 days in a hospital before returning to his native Denmark, and even his flight home had to be at low altitude to keep his lung from collapsing again. Despite all of this, Jonas was at the starting line of this year's Tour de France, happy just to be there. After 10 stages of the race, he was down 1:15 to Slovenian Tadej Pogacar, who has also won the Tour twice. He was even a few seconds behind Belgian newcomer Remco Evenepoel. But yesterday's 211 km stage, which included 4,350 meters of climbing, proved that it's far too soon to count him out. Not only did he win the stage but did so in spectacular fashion after Tadej launched one of his trademark attacks with 31 km left in the race. Not only did Jonas catch Tadej, but actually beat the explosive Pogacar in a dueling sprint to the finish line.

Just a few days before, Vingegaard's GC rivals were trash-talking him for refusing to pull for Pogacar and Evenepoel in the gravel stage. Evenepoel, who has some growing up to do, actually accused Jonas of "having no balls." The normally affable Pogacar suggested that Vingegaard might be a little bit afraid of him. But as Jonas explained, his goal in the gravel stage was to keep up with the leaders, not beat them. He was riding defensively, and for good reason. First, he considers gravel dangerous, Second, he had to switch bikes with a taller teammate for nearly 100 km of the race, which was obviously not fitted to him. Third, even on that bike, Jonas rode the final three km with a puncture. He made the right move, especially because his strength is in the upcoming mountain stages.

When Pogacar launched his attack yesterday, it at first looked like that was the end for Jonas. He was 30 seconds behind after Tadej climbed a hill and went into a furious downhill descent. But Jonas never gave up. He kept pushing and pushing, and that 30 second margin began to disappear. On the final climb, Jonas caught a struggling Tadej, who made the double mistake of attacking too soon and failing to fuel himself. Usually smiling, he had a pained look in his face. He was running out of gas, or as cyclists say, bonking. 

Jonas took the lead, but the race was not over. In the final few hundred meters, as the parkour flattened, Jonas decided that instead of waiting for Tadej to attack, he'd do so himself. Despite his obviously weakened condition, Tadej met the challenge and the two were neck and neck until the very end, with Jonas winning by a wheel. 

He let his bicycle do the talking. Jonas is still third overall but is gaining time. 

After the race was over, the normally reserved Dane broke into tears. "I'm just happy to be here, especially to win it for my family," he said, and he means it. The first persons he calls after each stage are his wife and daughter. "I'm a bit surprised I could beat [Tadej] in the sprint," he added. He should be. That's the first time Tadej was ever beaten in a sprint. 

The race is still Tadej's to lose. But he needs to ride less instinctively and more intelligently, especially in the upcoming mountain stages. 

I did see Remco congratulate Jonas after the race. Jonas was on the phone with his family but did give Remco a fist bump. Evenepoel then went to look for his balls on the gravel. 

Tadej was complimentary as well. "He beat me really good on the line," he admitted. 

A lot of life lessons were taught today. Don't listen to what others say about you. Listen to yourself. But be honest with yourself. Don't think you're more powerful than you are. 

11 stages to go. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I Have Finally Recovered From a Nasty Bout of Bronchitis

in cooler weather
Yesterday was the first day since June 12 that I can say I have finally recovered from a very nasty case of bronchitis.  I suspect it had been building up for a few weeks after a summer cold. It hit me hard after a high intensity hard cycling ride with my grandson on June 12. Within hours, I had a high fever, chills, no appetite (very unusual for me), was extremely fatigued and could not stop coughing. I believe this is probably the sickest I have ever been. 

A double dose of antibiotics seemed to knock most of the bacterial infection out of me, but I continued coughing almost nonstop. I actually bruised my ribs during this time, which made breathing very difficult and aerobic exercise almost impossible. I did try cycling twice and made occasional forays to the gym, but it was wasted effort. I had to take several catnaps a day, even as recently as this weekend. 

Last week, I decided to try the elliptical trainer. I am used to exercising 2 plus hours per day, but just 30 minutes on the elliptical was very difficult. I took a day of rest and then continued, adding time every day. It seemed to help stretch the intercostal muscles along my rib cage and made it easier to breathe (and sleep). 

Yesterday, I woke up feeling very good, was able to hit the elliptical for 45 minutes, and then lifted weights. I could see that I lost a lot of strength in less than a month. I also lost 7 pounds, and suspect the weight lost was mostly muscle. It is probably going to take me several months to get my strength back. In the evening, I was able to walk my seeing eye dog buddy for a mile, and he was very happy. 

An elliptical trainer reminds me very much of a hybrid bicycle. Once I can do an hour on the elliptical, I can return to cycling. 

My appetite is still shitty but that probably is more the result of the heat than my illness. 

On the bright side, I really have improved my French language skills and the cataract surgery made it possible for me to return to reading. 

I want to thank those of you who reached out to me or who left encouraging comments on this blog. I know pretty clearly now that I have more time behind me than in front of me and that's OK. As the stoic Marcus Aurelius said, "Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back."  

NorCo: Groundbreaking Scheduled Today for $2.1 Million Parks and Recreation Building at Louise Moore Park

From Northampton County:

The County of Northampton invites media to attend the groundbreaking for the County’s new Parks and Recreation maintenance building at Louise Moore Park on July 10th, at 10:00 a.m.

The 6,300 SF pre-engineered steel garage will feature five garage bays for storage and maintenance of County vehicles and equipment, as well as a workshop and break room area. Constructing this garage at Louise Moore Park, the County’s largest and most centrally located park, will improve the efficiency of the Parks and Recreation Division.

County Council approved a contract in the amount of $2,199,108 with BlueScope Construction at their November 16, 2023 meeting. The building is scheduled to be completed by January 2025.

Media is encouraged to attend. The event will be held outside.

Dixie Cup: Developer Proposes $1.5 Million Cash Contribution to Wilson Borough and Wilson Area School District

Wilson Borough resident Armando Moritz-Chapelliquen attended a meeting of Wilson Area School Board on Monday night concerning the redevelopment of the long vacant Dixie Cup factory into apartments. Developer Skyline Investment Group wants a tax break known as Tax Increment Financing, which will enable it to float a bond from the increased assessment for construction over a period of 20 years. Below is his report.

Last night, both Wilson Area School District and Wilson Borough held meetings where elements of the Dixie Cup redevelopment were discussed. The below picture covers one of the biggest pieces of new information shared at the Wilson Area School Board meeting: Skyline Investment Group is directly offering funding to Wilson Area School District and Wilson Borough (see second row: "Cash Contribution")

While the $1.1 million to Northampton County is not new (this figure comes from the affordable housing opt-out language that's been discussed previously), the $1,000,000 to the School District and the $500,000 to the Borough is entirely new. Additionally, it is important to note that this is only an offer; neither the Borough nor the District have approved any language yet. Considering the fact that there was previously no upfront funding coming to either entity, this is a notable potential concession from the developer. As I asked months ago when we learned about the $1.1 million being offered to the County, I would ask the same question to the Borough and District now: Is this funding offer enough? 


Given the fact that no TIF resolution has been introduced yet by either the Borough or the School District, I am also curious about how this contribution would be handled. For the County, the mechanism enabling the $1.1 million contribution is the opt-out affordable housing language in their TIF ordinance. What is the mechanism for the Borough and District contributions?


In addition to this initial offer presented at the Wilson Area School Board meeting, Wilson Borough Council also voted on a resolution to grant a parcel of land adjacent to the Dixie Cup site to the County General Purpose Authority, with the ultimate aim of getting that site granted to the Dixie Cup developers to complete their development plan (the parcel is largely represented below by the red square). 

As for a vote on the TIF, it looks as though a hearing could happen before the end of the month or early in August at either taxing body. For the sake of those of us who went to both meetings, I can only hope the public hearings and votes are not on the same night. If you have strong opinions on the funding offers or on the TIF in general, please let me know or come out to the hearings when they get scheduled. We've only gotten this far because of the engagement of the community; let's keep it going!

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Wilson Boro Conducted No Vote For Dixie Cup TIF Last Night

Last week, NorCo Economic Development Chief Tina Smith advised County Council that the soonest it would be able to vote on a special tax break known as a TIF (tax increment financing) for Wilson Boro's vacant Dixie Cup factory would be on. October 17. She indicated that the borough would be voting on a TIF resolution on July 8 (last night), and that Wilson Area School District would do so on August 12. While this overall timeline may be accurate, Smith was mistaken when she said the borough would be voting on a TIF resolution last night.

According to the agenda for last night's meeting, no vote or even discussion was scheduled last night For the Dixie Cup TIF. The only matter related to the Dixie Cup was a resolution authorizing the transfer of a small (0.35 acre) tract to NorCo's General Purpose Authority (GPA), with the understanding that the GPA in turn would transfer title to Dixie's developer, Skyline Investment Group. 

Under the Borough Code, it is illegal to convey real estate to a for-profit private enterprise without conducting an auction to ensure that the borough gets the best possible price. But it can convey, and without consideration, to a public authority like the GPA. And then the GPA can turn around and convey it to Skyline. In essence, GPA is a strawman to help Wilson Borough prevent its citizens from getting the best price possible.  

It's unclear precisely when the Borough will vote on the TIF resolution. 

Monday, July 08, 2024

Joe Must Go (II)

One week ago today, I told you that, in the wake of a disastrous Presidential debate, Joe Must Go. In the time that has elapsed since then, all that Biden and his campaign has succeeded in doing is reinforcing my sentiment. Other than a selfish desire to clutch onto power, I see no reason why he or his inner circle are unwilling to accept reality.  

Since his debate, Biden's inner circle continue to shield him as zealously as they've been doing all along. His speeches to friendly crowds, which he still screws up, have been delivered using teleprompters. 

Biden's kitchen cabinet scheduled two radio interviews, but amazingly, had the questions in advance because they supplied them to the radio hosts. Instead of reassuring the public, this just reinforces the belief that he's unable to answer questions unless he knows what is coming in advance. This behavior is dishonest and might explain why so many people no longer trust media outlets. 

Biden's rather brief ABC interview with former Clinton aide George Stephanopoulos took place eight days after the debate, and with a host who made clear he largely shares Biden's policy views. But even in this friendly setting, Biden was unwilling to commit to a cognitive test and attempted to blame his poor performance on a cold and jet lag, even though he had 12 days to get plenty of rest, and apparently did so. 

He has yet to conduct an unscripted news conference

Numerous Democratic members of Congress, including Susan Wild, are beginning to express concern. Four top House Democrats are privately urging him to step aside. 

If Biden wants to continue to serve his nation, he can do that by pulling out now. 

Friday, July 05, 2024

The Soonest NorCo Council Will Vote on the Dixie Cup TIF is October 17

On Wednesday evening, Northampton County Council voted 8-0 to table an ordinance that would have given a 20-year tax break (known as a TIF) to the proposed redevelopment of the Dixie Cup factory in Wilson Borough. 

Interestingly, Council member Jeff Warren, who previously hailed the project, was absent. During the public hearing on this tax grab a few weeks ago, he assailed Lehigh Valley developer Nat Hyman for leaving after opposing this corporate welfare during public comment. Unlike Hyman, Warren is an elected official and is paid to attend county council meetings. Warren not only missed the meeting but had time that day to publish five tweets about Philly sports. This is unlike Council members who miss meetings for medical reasons. 

According to Tina Smith, NorCo's Economic Development maestro, Wilson Borough is poised to pass a resolution approving the Dixie TIF on July 8. Wilson Area School District will deliberate that day but will not be voting on it until August 12. 

This means that the earliest a county public notice can be advertised is August 13. The soonest the TIF ordinance can be introduced is September 5. A public hearing would take place September 19, with a final vote on October 17. 

Council member Ron Heckman noted that the county can propose a timeline, but it is up to Council to decide when it will act, so long as it complies with state law. "I know people want to move this at rocket speed," he said, "but I can tell you right now that it's moved too fast."

NorCo Council Approves Three Year Deal With SEIU (Human Services) Giving 15% Over Three Years

At their Wednesday night meeting, Northampton County Council voted 8-0 to approve a new, three-year contract with SEIU Local 668, the bargaining unit for the county's unionized human services employees. The vote followed some extensive questioning by Council members Ron Heckman and Council President Lori Vargo Heffner. 

I had previously reported on these contract negotiations a few times. I had told you that the union voted to reject a new three-year contract that addresses salary more aggressively than I've seen before under Executive Lamont McClure. 

The contract rejected included the following: 

Year one was a 2.75% step increase plus cash equal to 4.5% rolled into the base. Year two was a repeat of year one. Year three was a 4% COLA.

Those already at the top of their pay scales would get $1,750 cash bonuses in years one and two, along with the 4% COLA in Year 3. 

Basically, the proposal amounts to a 13-15% payhike over three years. 

The county even sweetened this deal by offering a $500 retention cash bonus on July 1, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

Not only did members reject this rather generous proposal, but they were prepared to strike. 

The contract that the union members eventually decided to accept was one that just included three 5% COLAs over each of the three years. Basically, it is about the same amount of money as the county had already offered. 

Ron Heckman, who groused that he was "entitled to at least as much information as a blogger," lamented the lack of step increases. He also snapped at fellow Council member Ken Kraft, who tried to point out the more precise terms of what had been negotiated. 

Before I go on, let me point out that I published offers as they were made known to me, and believe therefore that Heckman had at least as much information as I. 

But Heckman's concerns about the lack of step increases was answered by Executive Lamont McClure. The union did not want them. They wanted COLAs instead, which are rolled into the base pay. McClure went on to explain that last year, the residual unit also rejected step increases in favor of COLAs. After that, Heckman stopped pontificating. 

For her part, Vargo-Heffner asked for a detailed explanation of mandates (which have never been imposed in Human Services) as well as the medical benefits. 

The contract was approved in an 8-0 vote by County Council. Council member Jeff Warren, who relied heavily on union contributions for his county council candidacy, was absent. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

NorCo Council to Vote on SEIU Contract for Unionized Human Services Workers Tonight

Despite threats to strike, SEIU Local 668 members recently voted to approve a new, three-year contract with the County. That deal must be approved by County Council and is on tonight's agenda. I will report on the basic terms of this agreement, which will probably be a model for future negotiations, after Exec Lamont McClure explains them to Council.  

NorCo's GPA Tables Property Transfer For Dixie Cup Development in Wilson Borough

Back in May, Skyline Investment Group representatives were at the NorCo's General Purpose Authority (GPA) meeting. Wilson Borough actually owns a small triangular piece shown on the tax map you see above as 1C-1. It is 0.35 acres located along the eastern side of 25th Street and is actually the beginning of a bike path that extends from the Palmer Bike path and hooks up with the Tatamy Trail. According to Claudia Robinson, who is actually a tax credit maven employed by an outfit called AreaProbe, Skyline would move the giant Dixie Cup currently on top of the vacant factory and plant it next to the bike path, where people could ooh and ahh at its wonder. 

But there's a problem. Wilson Borough is unable to convey directly to Skyline unless it first conducts an auction at which anyone could bid to buy the tract. This could complicate Robinson in her quest to attract private equity with promises of an historic tax credit. 

To foreclose the possibility that someone other than Skyline gets this tract, the Borough could convey to the county GPA, which in turn would munificently turn it over to Skyline. That way the law against this kind of insider dealing would be followed even though the spirit of the law would clearly be ignored. 

Yesterday, GPA was poised to act on a resolution to approve the transfer. An attorney with Eckert Seamens, the law firm spearheading the TIF tax grab for Dixie, and Wilson Borough Council member Justin Woodring were on hand to push for the transfer. 

But as it happens, Wilson Borough Council is not scheduled to vote on a transfer until June 8. Moreover, GPA Solicitor only received the resolution on Thursday. Moreover, Council member Woodring said Council needs to rescind an earlier resolution approving the transfer. He added that the property has no value to anyone other than the Borough and the developer.

If that's the case, why not do an auction like the Borough Code requires?

GPA member Lori Vargo Heffner moved to table the property transfer because it made little sense to approve a property transfer that the borough itself has yet to approve. "And I agree with Lori." added GPA member Ken Kraft. "This should have been withdrawn because you're not done. Ww [should be] the last person to do this. Why are we always getting this in different forms before it is finished?" Kraft seconded Vargo-Heffner's motion, and the transfer was tabled. 

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

The Race That Matters Most to Me at This Time

Jonas Vingegaard

It's not the Presidential race or the looming battles for Congressional seats. Rather, the race that matters most to me at this time is one receiving scant coverage in American press. It's the Tour de France, a cycling race that extends 2,174 miles over 21 days. It goes through hills, cobblestones, gravel and mountain stages. Today, for example, riders will go through the Alps from Italy into France, in reverse direction from the way Hannibal descended into Italy over 2,000 years ago. 

The person in the overall lead (General Classification) wears a yellow jersey, known as the maillet jaune, unless someone can beat his overall time. The fastest sprinter (there are sprints in nearly every stage) wears the green jersey. The fastest mountain climber, known as the King of the Mountains, wears a polka dot jersey. 

Slovenian cyclist Tadej Pogacar won the race in 2020 and 2021. Jonas Vingegaard won in 2022 and 2023. They are both in it to win it this year.

These guys are very classy. In the 2022 race, which was a duel between Jonas and Tadej, both were descending a mountain at high speed. Tadej was slightly behind but made a slight mistake and went off the road. Get this. Instead of taking advantage of the situation, Jonas actually slowed down and waited for Tadej to catch up. The two shook hands and continued. That's true sportsmanship.

Though Tadej is predicted to win, Jonas is my favorite. Just a few short years ago, he was working in a fish factory. Now he is the leader of Visma, one of the top cycling teams in the world.

Tadej Pogacar
Earlier this year, Jonas had a terrible accident in the Basque country. He and several other riders were caught up in a collision caused by tree roots that grew out of the road. He suffered broken ribs, a broken collarbone and a punctured lung. Most counted him out for the season. But he's back and is neck and neck with the leaders.  

Tadej just won the Giro d'Italia and basically blew everyone away. He is in top form, so I expect to see their friendly rivalry continue in the mountains and time trials. 

There are lots of storylines. Englishman Marc Cavendish, despite graying hair, is racing just to get one stage win, which will give him 35 stage wins overall and make him the first rider to have accomplished that feat. 

The first three stages have been won by underdogs from small teams. Frenchmen Romain Bardet and Kevin Vauquelin won stages 1 and 2, respectively. Believe it or not, few Frenchman actually win any stages. Stage 3 went to Biniam Girmay, the first black African to ever win a stage. 

In the main battle for overall lead, four cyclists - Jonas Vingegaard, Tadej Pogacar, Remco Evenepoel and Richard Carapaz - have the exact same time. Carapaz is in yellow because his wheel was first over the line yesterday. Expect that to change. 

What kills me is that all of these guys speak perfect English. Tadej always seems to be having fun. Jonas calls his wife and daughter after every stage. 

Though there is little American coverage, NBC sports does daily recaps on Youtube. 

Monday, July 01, 2024

Joe Must Go

In the wake of Thursday night's disastrous debate, the New York Times Editorial Board opines that the best way Joe Biden can serve his country now is by stepping aside.  The New Yorker's David Remnick argues that a continued candidacy is more than self-delusion but is endangering this country. Israel worries that Iran could exploit the obvious weakness.  I am sure Ukraine and Taiwan are concerned as well. Despite his obvious weakness, his family and inner circle - the same idiots who prepared him for a Terrible Thursday - selfishly urge him to stay on. This is in spite of a post-debate poll in which a whopping 72% of Americans conclude that Biden lacks the "mental and cognitive health to serve as president.”

NYTimes columnist Maureen Dowd, a Washington insider, is far from my favorite columnist. She's snide and condescending, and I believe she routinely uses a thesaurus to make herself sound more intelligent than she actually is. But for once, I am in complete agreement with her Saturday Ghastly v. Ghostly column, which starts with these two paragraphs: 

"He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for us, but he’s really doing it for himself.

"I’m not talking about Donald Trump. I’m talking about the other president."

Let's forget the "What About" arguments that Democrats are now making about Trump. Of course he lies. We all (or at least most of us) know this. This is not about his fitness to serve. This is about the man who currently is at the helm, and it's downright scary.

As Dowd reminds us, this is a guy who had to bow out of a Presidential race in 1987 when it was discovered that he was using lines from speeches by RFK and Hubert Humphrey. This is the Senator who basically assured us Clarence Thomas as a Supreme Court Justice. This is the man who suffered two aneurisms in 1988. 

"Biden looked ghostly, with that trepidatious gait; he couldn’t remember his rehearsed lines or numbers. He has age-related issues, and those go in only one direction. It was heart-wrenching to watch the president’s childhood stammer return."

We are constantly reminded by the media that Trump is surrounded by myrmidons who parrot his every thought, no matter how ridiculous. But it is now clear that Biden has his own set of lemmings who have shielded him from what was so obvious on Thursday night. They are condemning all of us to a Trump landslide.

One of the most important attributes of a President is the ability to communicate. Like him or not, Trump has been an effective communicator. He lacks the soaring oratory of an Obama or FDR. He is far from likable. But he knows how to get his message out, even if it is hawking bible. Biden, in contrast, has miserably failed to explain foreign or domestic policy in terms an average American can understand.

He can step down and open up the convention to candidates who at least are lucid. I doubt this will change the result but am certain about what will happen if he remains in this race. 

He needs to look at the polls instead of listening to his cheerleaders.