Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

NorCo's GPA Tables Property Transfer For Dixie Cup Development in Wilson Borough

Back in May, Skyline Investment Group representatives were at the NorCo's General Purpose Authority (GPA) meeting. Wilson Borough actually owns a small triangular piece shown on the tax map you see above as 1C-1. It is 0.35 acres located along the eastern side of 25th Street and is actually the beginning of a bike path that extends from the Palmer Bike path and hooks up with the Tatamy Trail. According to Claudia Robinson, who is actually a tax credit maven employed by an outfit called AreaProbe, Skyline would move the giant Dixie Cup currently on top of the vacant factory and plant it next to the bike path, where people could ooh and ahh at its wonder. 

But there's a problem. Wilson Borough is unable to convey directly to Skyline unless it first conducts an auction at which anyone could bid to buy the tract. This could complicate Robinson in her quest to attract private equity with promises of an historic tax credit. 

To foreclose the possibility that someone other than Skyline gets this tract, the Borough could convey to the county GPA, which in turn would munificently turn it over to Skyline. That way the law against this kind of insider dealing would be followed even though the spirit of the law would clearly be ignored. 

Yesterday, GPA was poised to act on a resolution to approve the transfer. An attorney with Eckert Seamens, the law firm spearheading the TIF tax grab for Dixie, and Wilson Borough Council member Justin Woodring were on hand to push for the transfer. 

But as it happens, Wilson Borough Council is not scheduled to vote on a transfer until June 8. Moreover, GPA Solicitor only received the resolution on Thursday. Moreover, Council member Woodring said Council needs to rescind an earlier resolution approving the transfer. He added that the property has no value to anyone other than the Borough and the developer.

If that's the case, why not do an auction like the Borough Code requires?

GPA member Lori Vargo Heffner moved to table the property transfer because it made little sense to approve a property transfer that the borough itself has yet to approve. "And I agree with Lori." added GPA member Ken Kraft. "This should have been withdrawn because you're not done. Ww [should be] the last person to do this. Why are we always getting this in different forms before it is finished?" Kraft seconded Vargo-Heffner's motion, and the transfer was tabled. 


  1. I'm going to bid on that triangle. I shall win and construct a 30' high asshole sculpture as a tribute to Lamont Corprate Welfare McClure.

  2. When is this stupid deal ever going away. County Council should end this with a resounding no vote, this is McClure's white whale. Give it a rest. The more you think you learned, the worse the deal smells.

  3. How is it possible for Woodring to represent Wilson when he no longer lives there. I watched him move a few weeks ago. He will be the 2nd council person who moved out of Wilson and continued to serve on council.

  4. Norco always makes me laugh as I live in Lehigh

  5. "Norco always makes me laugh as I live in Lehigh"

    Yeah, except on election day when Lehigh can't even give you a receipt showing how your vote was recorded.

  6. Norco always makes me laugh as I live in Lehigh

    Good, stay in Lehigh and comment on those dirtbags

  7. This deal stinks for every taxpayer...we will be giving them $29m of our tax dollars and not seeing one cent for 20 years. Only a moron like McClure would support a deal this stupid

  8. BO when do the handouts to Skyline stop?????????? First, $29,000,000 TIF, then RCAP of $10,000,000 ,then Reibman gives them a loan of $11,000,000 to buy the property. Now they want the Boro to give them more property for free??? Skyline should be embarrassed and the Boro should be ashamed of themselves for giving it to them!

    1. 3:17 - Why should Skyline be embarrassed? None of the rubes they’re fleecing are standing up for the taxpayers and saying “no”.

      This is what happens when you elect intellectual and financial morons to office.

    2. You are correct, the same Wilson taxpayers that cry are the ones who voted in a councilman who died 6 weeks before the election this past November.

  9. Bernie the whole of the valley's real estate stalkers are out in force this year more than ever.

  10. There are beneficiaries of this scheme: Skyline, Reibman and McClure. Everyone else are the losers!

  11. Looks like between McClure,Reibman and the Wilson Mayor and Solicitor nothing will ever get done. Reibman can't let go and the rest of them are all looking for a hand-out$$$$.


    1. If Wilson would enforce their property code, you’d either have a well-kept vacant building or a cash cow that keeps generating money through the fines imposed on the property (if not brought up to code).

      Why the borough has neglected to do this in the past is baffling to me, and a likely is sign of incompetence of its elected officials.

  12. Auction it...I'll buy it!

  13. Look up the Wilson Borough June 10th Minutes (Public information) and see the incompetence of some elected officials


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