Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

NorCo Council to Vote on SEIU Contract for Unionized Human Services Workers Tonight

Despite threats to strike, SEIU Local 668 members recently voted to approve a new, three-year contract with the County. That deal must be approved by County Council and is on tonight's agenda. I will report on the basic terms of this agreement, which will probably be a model for future negotiations, after Exec Lamont McClure explains them to Council.  


  1. Model, for what. It still means that county employees can't afford to live in the dixie apartments that McClure is pimping for.

    1. I'm curious. How much do you need. What yearly salary do you think you and everyone in the county needs to live comfortably? Please I really want to know what that number is for you

    2. Read the article in LV live. According to that you need to make $17.39 an hour as a single person and living in an apartment for $900. The county pays some employees way less than $17.39 an hour. And I’d love to know where you find an apartment nowadays is for $900, the county needs to stop putting its money in its employees not in a building or in more parks.

    3. This is easy. To be able to afford a $1,900 a month rental unit such as being proposed in the Dixie Cup building renthop.com says you shall earn at minimum about $77,000 a year.

      Unless you carry a Director, Supervisor or Manager title or higher in the county you aren’t making anywhere near $77,000 a year! lol

      Even most “Supervisors and/or Managers” make $60,000 or less a year, SUPERVISORS… subordinates make more then they superiors in some facilities and wonder why people don’t stay. Reserve your nonsense questions next time.

    4. It was a serious question as wondering what people think a fair wage is today to cover expenses. Do the elderly in social security make that much? How do they afford housing? And if base salaries started at 77000 for everyone how much would goods and services cost,? A legitimate problem and a legitimate question. And why are you so angry? That you have to call it and sense question?

  2. If the contract isn't presented to us "in writing" and the terms of the agreement clearly spelled out in a document that I can pick up and review at any time in the future, McClure shouldn't waste his time. His word no longer counts with us. I want it in writing.

    1. But you’ll accept the higher dollar amount and retro pay now right???

  3. Haven't the basic terms of the contract already been released?

    If not, how is the public supposed to comment or contact their commissioners with their thoughts?

    Wouldn't that be a Sunshine Act violation?

    1. The “public” doesn’t vote on a Collectjve Bargaining Agreement (CBA) / contract. The governing body does. You don’t even get the details until after presented/approved. Relax how funny you are lol

    2. Anonymous has a valid point. How does this governing body, who is to do the will of the people, learn what the will of the people is?

    3. The “public” doesn’t vote on anything at meetings. However, they are given an agenda and provided with supporting materials well before each meeting so that they can evaluate and comment on whatever goes on at the meeting.

      If the NorCo administration is withholding those details until the last minute, Council shouldn’t vote on it that night.

  4. Hey Bernie the convicted felon will not be for long Ha HA Ha

  5. It’s a public document it was attached to the county agenda as a supporting document if you want to see the details and yes it was prior to the meeting, also most public CBAs in our state are accessible if you know where to look

  6. Apparently, most council people only saw the new offer that night. A favorite administration tactic.

  7. Apparently, most council people only saw the new offer that night. A favorite administration tactic.

  8. Bernard OHare to all. No “trick. “ a county council is not involved in union negotiations. It plays no role other than approving negotiated contracts. If it tries to exceed its authority, It runs the risk of engaging and unfair labor practices. I recall quite clearly that a previous county council was faced with a lawsuit precisely because it got its nose involved in contract, negotiations and killed a negotiated contract. It very quickly reversed itself. So no counting council should have very little to do with negotiating contracts. This is one case where it really is little more than a rubber stamp

  9. @Beverly at 6:48-The will of the people is their vote for a candidate. You vote for a candidate that aligns with your values. After that you get to voice your opinions. Quoting Letivicus is always special. Keep doing that!


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