Local Government TV

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden Excelled in Presser, But That Fails To Erase Disastrous Debate

There was a marked contrast between the walking corpse who debated Donald Trump a few weeks ago and the thoughtful and well-informed man who faced the press last night during a wide-ranging news conference in which he demonstrated a vastly superior knowledge of foreign policy. Is it too little, too late? I think so.

Earlier that day, he introduced Ukraine President Zelensky as President Putin And at the onset of his presser, he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Donald Trump. These kinds of flubs are only human and completely normal. I've done this and suspect you have, too, even if you refuse to admit it. And let's, be honest. Like it or not, he does have a speech impediment. But for the most part, he handled himself exceptionally well last night responding to 11 different reporters. I was left to wonder why he has failed to do this more often.

When questioned about domestic issues or his own fitness, he tended to stray away from what he was being asked. But he was clear on the subject of foreign policy and the need to stand up to Putin's aggression.  He does better when he speaks slowly. 

Though impressive last night, it's just impossible to erase his disastrous debate performance, in which he often stared vacantly with his mouth agape. In case you forget it, I'm sure Trump's campaign will be sending you plenty of reminders. 

According to a Washington Post/Ipsos poll released yesterday, 67% of all Americans believe Biden needs to withdraw. This also includes 56% of all Democrats. 

Although Trump is a deeply flawed person and will be a disastrous President who fails to honor America's commitments. Biden's continued campaign means a landslide. Biden hinted he might step aside if convinced he's unable to beat Trump, and it is up to show him this is inevitable instead of being enablers. 

Jow needs an intervention. 


  1. I only watched the first 30 minutes of Biden at the podium. He looked and sounded good enough to stay in until the election, but not good enough to win. To win, Biden will require lots of “help.”

  2. He may not have stumbled disastrously as in the debate, but I wouldn't call it impressive. Methinks you're bending over backwards to polish his image.

  3. Besides Biden being senile What about his record inflation and if elected there will be more, the border if elected will get worse, foreign affairs will be more wars, gas prices will go higher, everything he and his liberal democrats do is bad for the country period.

  4. Never have I seen.a president start a press conference taking questions part by saying,, "I was given a list who to call on", except Joe Biden. Who gave him the list? Why would the.POTUS need to be told who to call on? President's would just say, I'll now take some questions and pick randomly. Someone or group is dictating to Biden what to do. Him saying I was given a list who to call on is clear he is not a sound leader.

    1. Actually most probably remember the list. Or maybe his people who aren't doing a great job really tell him that

  5. Guess what, Bernie. Your opinion doesn't matter. The voters chose Biden in the primary. In all 50 states. Biden is the democratic candidate unless he chooses to step down.

    The bullying from media pundits doesn't seem to impress him and the American people have wised up since the "But her emails" campaign in 2016 put a dangerous tyrant into office.

  6. Reportedly CNN ran a banner across the bottom of the screen that read Barack Obama was seen conferring with Nancy Pelosi after the event. I don’t watch CNN but, if true, that’s NOT a good look for the Democrat Party.

  7. Yeah....he killed it lol https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1811558859640627346

  8. "Excelled At Presser"

    Did we watch the same vacant, angrier-with-each-memory-slip guy? You're doing it again! You endorsed this senile racist and have been telling us he's fine for four years as he fell off bikes, tripped on everything he could fall over, and had more memory lapses that a Bill Clinton deposition. Now, here you go again. He excelled at not betraying that he'd pissed or shit himself. Wow. Aim high.

    Good news is he stays and loses. Then, he's going to be dogged and prosecuted every day for the rest of his miserable life. That's why he's formulating his non compos mentis defense, which has already helped him escape one felony prosecution. He and his brother and sister and son are all going to spend the rest of their days running from felony charges until some Democrat finally pardons them, just as every single January 6 illegal paraders will be in six short months. Payback is a necessary thing for our democracy.

  9. I'm a Republican. Don't agree with many policies of Democrats. But I watched the entire press conference. The Priest did well. One mistake that I agree we all make he is human too. If people are fair they will stop this craziness and admit last night he did well. He chose like anyone to answer what he wanted. He was honest with the answers and articulated them well . My question is can he last four more years Nd does this country really want kamala as their president. Jen psaki is crazy saying we are sexist and racist. Kamala justcant do the job and portrays a weak laughing figure.

    1. Psaki says this country is sexist and racist?? Yet Michelle Obama could literally walk into the White House if she wanted to. Kamala is a slug. Thats the problem.

  10. I thought Biden did fine. I mean, it was boring in its normalcy.

    But here's what has me wondering....he was almost an hour late. He started the presser with prepared statements read from a teleprompter. He had a list of people to call upon. I know it sounds crazy, but is there a way to know for sure those teleprompters were off and not running when he was answering questions? I feel like he might have been reading teleprompters the whole time.

    That said, he displayed much more knowledge about the history of Russia and Ukraine than Trump will ever have. He understands we really could be on the doorstep of WW3 right now, and that Trump might very well lead us off a cliff.

  11. This is the best we can do. A felon and demented puppet. We, as a nation, have already lost. I cannot in good conscience vote for either. The world, especially the dictators, are watching and licking their lips.

  12. The longer he ranted on the worse he got. If it wasn't so sad it would be funny.

  13. Excelled? Please. He stumbled through. The use of the word “anyway” so many times is telltale. That’s his go to word when he loses his train of thought. The presser was bad news for democrats because it was just good enough to pass the low bar set for him. Now Obama and Pelosi will have to work harder behind the scenes to get rid of him.

  14. Trump wins either way. Either as the republican's choice or a Biden's VP.

  15. He barely survived. Keep in mind, it wasn’t a real press conference, he had his list to call on. Given everything going on the questions could have been tougher. He told some tall tales also lol. 15 times zones right before the debate? He was at Camp David for over a week lol. Palistinian people are growing frustrated with Hamas? Really? Recent polling show over 70% support for Hamas by the Palistine people. It’s amazing that he stumbles through a so called press conference with predetermined questioners and he “excels”, good lord the expectations are set so low for this guy.

  16. Bernie is your last sentence stating "jow" a cross between Joe and the hoe slang?

  17. I'm a lifelong Dem and I saw the real Joe Biden at the debate. If they want to rest him up, prop him up and give him his lifeline (teleprompts) they are only continuing to perpetrate the notion that he is fine. I'm in favor of picking a new candidate, preferably a female such as Kamala Harris or Gretchen Whitmer.

  18. Joe's done. The only question is does he step out of just the race or leave the race and resign? January is a long way off. No way he can make it until then, even with Jill the Babysitter and a friendly press covering from him.

  19. Whatever you the voter does this election year, Please, please, don't vote for Donald Trump. How much proof do you need to see that he lies, or proof to show you his real goal in life is to get even with those who have opposed him in one way or another, or proof to show you he wants to be a dictator (he has already admitted it) or proof to show you he is a scum bag that cheats on his wife while she is home "pregnant" with their child, or proof he wants to reduce the staff of the IRS because they are going after his tax Cheating billionaire friends. Sit down and list ten positive things you want in your next president and then compare that list to Trump and then let your conscience be your guide.

  20. Joe Biden owns nearly all of the Delegates being sent to next month’s Democrat National Convention. This means thousands of Delegates are being sent there to represent many millions of voter across America who selected Joe Biden as their candidate just four months from now. Joe Biden has been given a valuable mandate by his people.

    Now, however, the most powerful decision-makers who created Joe Biden are scheming a way to reject the will of all these individual voters and the Delegates who represent them. Despite this, we are being told daily Donald Trump is a threat to our much valued Democracy!

    Say what, Democrats? Your people have ALREADY spoken. Honor the right for Americans to choose who leads them. Joe Biden is your guy, unless Joe Biden himself decides to drop out.

  21. I suppose at this point, being able to complete a sentence and walk across a stage without the assistance of your 70 year old wife, is deemed a great victory for slow Joe.

  22. Yet, you absolutely ignore the convicted felon, liar and cheat that is Trump. Why? Because inflation is at 3%? Because unemployment continues to be at its lowest point in decades? Do you really want a horrible excuse for a human being to lead our country into ruin? Have you even read about Project 25? Does it matter to you that he is a felon who has been found liable for financial fraud and trying to cover up his affairs? You would rather vote for a soul less creep? Good Lord!

  23. Sorry, Bernie (and the rest of the Dems). Joe can’t do it (Zelensky is Putin, Harris is VP Trump). It’s all been a lie since 2020 and as we all know, lies eventually catch up with you. I’ve never heard Trump give excuses like this guy does (the President can’t have any).I believe he’s done since others who have been using him have decided it, not me (how many times can you use “anyway”)?

  24. "Although Trump is a deeply flawed person and will be a disastrous President who fails to honor America's commitments."
    You have 4 years of Trump examples. Name one "commitment" Trump failed to honor? He stood up to Iran aggression. He finally committed US closure in Afghanistan. He stood strong with Israel. He forced NATO "allies" to meet their commitments to 2% spending on defense instead of relying on the American taxpayer for thier protection only.
    Explain what evidence you have that Trump will fail to honor our commitments?
    4 years of peace. 4 years of our military not being engaged in disastrous wars. 4 years of economic prosperity (minus the pandemic).
    Remember when real wages were going up because businesses were competing for workers? Today we're begging for workers because the government will pay them more to sit around. Plain facts.
    Enough Democrat talking points. Bidens policies are killing American middle class. Get me more Trump economy where I can afford to put food on my families table.

  25. The president last night demonstrated an amazing grasp of the issues, the people, and the threats that surround the challenges of the free world. I think we can put these concerns to rest, and move forward to what really matters, beating the Dorito Dictator.

  26. What did Obama say? Leave it to Joe to F*k it up?
    And remember. Joe didn't want to kill Osama Bin Laden.
    Yeah. He's a great Foreign Policy expert. Ha
    Other countries are laughing harder than Americans.
    You protect him, Wolf. I mean Bernie. Bernie!
    Just like the MSM has been.
    I'll be waiting for Clooney and company to retract their statements.

  27. It appears poor-ol'-Joe has outlived his usefulness to the Dems and the chattering class. A smattering of this morning's headlines:

    Fact check: Biden’s false and misleading claims at high-stakes news conference (CNN)
    Key takeaways from Biden's news conference: Insistence on staying in the race and flubbed names (AP)
    Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference (CNBC)
    Biden’s Heartbreaking Press Conference (The Atlantic)
    You could sense the embarrassment as Biden spoke, a sign of how low the presidency has sunk (The Guardian)
    Biden Press Conference Ends in Total Chaos After Question on Kamala (The New Republic)
    Biden makes a series of verbal gaffes at NATO summit (Reuters)

    And his supporters can't even have a good cry-baby, foot-stomping, hold-my-breath-until-I-turn-blue rant about "FOX NEWS!"

    1. You have given up on Democracy….

  28. Let’s over simplify this….a vote for President Biden is a vote for keeping our Democratic processes in place….anything else is insanity…
    The MAGAS have shoved this in our faces allowing Project 2025 or Agenda 47 to take over
    And control life as we know it…if you haven’t read or looked at 2025 or 47 …you have given up

  29. Any “journalists” still questioning Joe Biden’s abilities and not talking about Project 2025, the rights of women, the threats to our democracy and Trump and Epstein’s connections ad nauseam, are 100% in dereliction of their duties and are actively complicit in assisting Donald Trump’s campaign.

  30. We're in a very dangerous time with this feeble President- our adversaries are having a field day with Biden- he hasn't had a cabinet meeting in almost 10 months! The sharks are circling, this guy is toast- they're now negotiating behind the scenes for a Golden Parachute for him & his family. He can no longer hide in his basement, and the media has egg all over their face now, since they participated in the biggest cover-up in modern history.

  31. The FAIR thing for Democrats to do is to stay with Biden. That was the deal all along, so honor it. Let the man complete his entire term and very possibly win. If Biden is forced out against his wishes, he and his family just might spill the beans about a few things. Besides, no matter who the Democrats parachute in at this late date will likely STILL lose. It’s the Democrat policies that have American families suffering and frightened about their future. Not only who will continue those failed visions.

  32. What world are we in, where that performance last night, with no timely pointed follow ups, and a barely cogent guy rambling about nothing for an hour, is a “good performance.” Not sure what’s worse the old guy who has no business running the country; or the people who seem to think he’s even a tolerable option.


  33. Bidens puppet masters have been controlling him since 2020. Keeping him in the basement during the campaign, and stopping him from having regular press briefings. This is nothing new. Only "certain" people can ask him questions, and he gets them in advance. He is worthless without a teleprompter. Hell, he even has a cheat sheet to get off the stage.

    The fact that he NOW has a presser, with "unscripted" questions ( I do not believe this at all. I believe questions were submitted, and participants chosen based on that ) after doing NOTHING for more than 8 months, speaks volumes.

    And as a registered R (will vote Trump, but not crazy about it unless he picks Nikki Haley and sets up a woman Pres) I thought Biden did well last night. But his gaffs and that creeepy way he lowers his mouth to the mic and speaks in a foreign tone, are the final straw for many. Same for that creepy smile. I still remember seeing him get nasty, really nasty to some voters ( that construction guy comes to mind).

    He is too OLD, and term limits and age restrictions (SCOTUS included) shold be put in place for ALL politicians, but that is another pipe dream. Harris has been a no show clown IMHO. If she gets put up next, she will be torn to shreads. Being on her knees for Willie Brown comes to mind. She was a token pick, and not qualified at all, as evidenced by the fact that the WH keeps her away from anything dangerous, lest she start laughing.

  34. I am a moderate democrat who voted for Trump in 2016. No matter the Democrat running in November, that person will get my vote and I have NEVER voted like that. Trump is clearly a lunatic. His followers, who profess their love for the man by flying flags (some profane) have made me distance myself from what is quickly becoming the red neck party. I now associate the Republican Party to a brainwashed sect that have no regard for the country they claim to love. I read Bernie’s column and the comments daily and am always disheartened by the pro-Trump rhetoric. Biden CAN win in November because there are far more voters who think like I, than those who think that the 2020 election was stolen and that storming the Capitol was okay. Trump has no love for America or her people. Trump loves himself.

    1. Can you elaborate on "pro trump rhetoric?"

  35. @7:46
    That's a great point. "Trump is going to be a dictator" because he joked about being a dictator on his first day. Our democracy is at risk, but they don't want to have the people's candidate to run for office.
    The Democratic Party is sinking. To watch their propaganda on "The View" every day, that political arm of their party should be shut down as it circumvents the election spending laws. The Democrats couldn't buy that much air time daily. What a joke our political process is.

  36. The question we should all be asking ourselves is, "If Biden is not running the country, who is? And if they don't want him to run based on his record, then what are they trying to do that Biden doesn't agree with?"

    Is Biden protecting the country from the extreme left-wing of the party? Is that why they are starting to want him out of the way?

  37. @8:31; I'm pretty sure I read that a family of four, with all the available benefits from the welfare state, would have to earn nearly $65,000 to break even with the benefits they receive from the government. That is insane. No wonder no one wants to work for $25 an hour these days.

  38. He was superb! Bravo! A presser that's worthy of my name! Look at me! I'm a big boy!

  39. Biden was perfectly fine. Having met and known countless registered Democrats, Biden is more intelligent and cogent than every single one of them. He's the smartest Democrat in the country, which is why he racked up one primary victory after another, and owns almost all the delegates. We had a process and the best Democrat (by far) won.

    1. How much is he paying you?

    2. I believe he’s a Trumper who wants Biden. He’s being sarcastic.

  40. That was not a real press conference He had a list who to call and knowing the democrats he had all the questions. now let get to the facts his policies sucked and everything he and his left-wing radical Marxist did was bad, bad and bad for America.

  41. https://x.com/i/status/1811737824342724963
    Yeah. Great Press Conference.

  42. Joe Biden has been faithfully serving America for 50 years.
    His current administration is one of the greatest presidencies of all time.
    Most importantly, he is a good, decent, honest, caring, loving, honorable man.

    One bad debate doesn’t cancel all that out.

  43. 34 convictions: Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty...

  44. “Although Trump a deeply flawed person and will be a disastrous President who fails to honor America ‘s commitments .” Ha Bernie I think Joe did pretty good too believe it or not. The “disastrous” is going to be turning off all those woke commitments ,turning on fuel for industrial development, stopping the nonsense hired in their tracks ,pink slips ,yup could be like a big bull loose in pawn shop. Some people should be reserving a u-haul early. Not so much free taxpayer money to give out to gain votes and restoration of responsibility by public servants. Cheating Billionaire’s ah , lots of side money from lawn mowers and restaurants and car dealers,it everwhere, we all know it. Where is Joe’s Iran nuclear report due last year, important stuff needs attention.

  45. I don’t care if Biden is intubated in the ICU, I’m voting for him because a vote for him is a vote for his policies AND his administration who are intact and doing a great job. A rapist, convict, and a felon should not be allowed to lead this country. And it’s really disappointing knowing that all these brainwashed and brain dead people live among us. America is in a crisis and Project 2025 based off Hungary’s fascist policies is unconstitutional. Orban and Trump are together now best buddying it up.
    Keep your ridiculous religion to yourselves MAGATs. Under his eye!

  46. Latest Sienna poll has Biden 20+ points behind Trump among working class voters. Are you paying attention, Bob Casey? Susan Wild is looking at you, Carbon County. I hope they don't pay attention until it's too late, like Hillary and Michigan. You can't support policies that jack prices 20% and hope to hold a working class base. But hey, illegals are getting benefits!

  47. 11:37 Far more than on bad debate--starting with Afghanistan and many more failures. He is not a decent man he is a liar and a crook.And on top of everything he is going senile right in front of our eyes. You must be an idiot.

  48. No one wants to touch a possible desperation move, one commonly known as election cheating. If ever there is a time for this despicable practice to happen this could be the year.

  49. 11:41=Convicted by all and T mean all left-wing- radial Marxist WE take this as a badge of honor even though it will be overturne4d. You Democrats screw up everything you do.

  50. 11:37 am: Carried away much? Decent, honorable, honest? Ask the family of the truck driver who was involved in Biden’s wife’s fatal accident. You know, the driver who wasn’t at fault, rendered aid, but was repeatedly maligned by Joe as having a “liquid lunch” prior to the accident. Joe may be the lesser of two evils, but he is one of two evils. He isn’t terribly bright, has been proven to be a liar, and has become wealthy as a public servant. He’s a bum, but at least he is slightly better than Trump.

  51. 11:41--overturned, overturned, overturned,

    1. I know you think you're not stupid but 34 guilty charges are on the books and nothing has been overturned.

  52. Yeah, there's no way Biden makes it until January 20. It seems quite possible he'll be off the ballot and out of office long before then. Even if I'm wrong, we are going to see something historic.

    Biden steps down from presidency and we now have the first woman POTUS.

    Biden stays in office and on the ballot and wins re-election...but declines to serve citing health reasons. [This is another option I see as becoming more and more likely.]

    A convicted felon is elected POTUS.

    History is unfolding. And it could be really bad, too.

    Personally, I'm not voting for either man.

  53. I agree Bernie. I just wonder why some Democrats are talking about replacing him. They should have run in the Primary. The republicans are laughing at the situation as the Democrats attack our own. President Biden misspoke last night and said VP Trump instead of Harris, but his command of facts and figures on international policy were right on and yes other national leaders, especially European leaders, are very concerned if he former President serves another four years. So let's look at the Biden administration successes. Asa Mayor who served while Trump and Biden were President have a unique perspective. I attended a BRIEFING at the White House with VP Pence concerning the COVID outbreak. IT was pushed aside BY THE President and by the best foot soldier for President Trump (PENCE) I can assure you that had Biden not won our nation would still be recovering from the pandemic. In Easton, instead of coming out of the pandemic stronger, we would of had to raised taxes more than our residents could afford and many of our businesses would have closed. Let's remember that Trump tried for four years to get an Infrastructure bill passed by Congress with no success. In addition o getting the infrastructure bill passed Biden got the CARES Act and the American Recovery Act passed as well as lowering the cost of prescription drugs like insulin and inflation is coming down and the stock market is rebounding. Now Biden is going after the corporate greed that gives corporations profits much more than before the pandemic. Small businesses should not forget the loans they received during the pandemic that do not have to be psid back. Let use not forget who brought this country out ot the pandemic Aand who said to drink bleach.

  54. Last night President Biden, a serious leader, defender of democracy, and champion of NATO discussed foreign policy on a national stage. Meanwhile, convicted felon Trump was meeting w/ dictatorial Putin sycophant Viktor Orban.

  55. Now someone tell me why less than 5% of posters are afraid to post show they are ,why is this. I post every time in low caps but people know me in various degrees. My close neighbors have me around all the time , I’d take their daughter to a function and 12 yr old son to his gig jobs as Dad is movie set director that leaves at 04 :00 am and mom this week is supporting the 82nd Army airborne. It would be a curious human study as to why people aren’t sighing their name to comment. ? I post because I can,if harm comes to me they take their chances. In fack I’m resurfacing my front door and it will be off a couple of days if you want in. If you want in? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHhaaa Sign your name if you value your integrity. That will increase the value of this valuable blog. And Bernie would appreciate it. .

  56. @5:43 PML mic drop, BOOM!

  57. Or Trumpy could drop out once the Project 2025 (aka: Agenda 47) is exposed for what it is…
    His former 100 closest criminals quietly behind him developing The ultimate fascist insurrection playbook to destroy Democracy ,.

  58. It was one bad night. You need to vote on their record. Can’t vote for a habitual liar & a convicted felon who did more harm to this country than good.

  59. So you say ‘Donald Trump is a threat to democracy.’ Wow! Have you taken a look at what your own Democrat Party is doing to you?

    Democrat political elite, like Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama are devising an underhanded way to remove the person YOU voted for to be your President 4 years ago and to now to return to office for his second term. Most of you (regular, everyday people) already decided Joe Biden is YOUR choice. You voted and put that determination into the hands of the CITIZEN, not some small group of elite money-changers and secret outside special interest groups. What you did was the democracy you want so hard to keep in place!

    So, why take the trouble to vote in America if your ‘betters’ will just step-in at the last minute and erase what YOU already decided?

    Joe Biden should remain as your candidate until Joe Biden decides to remove himself from the race. This is not Barack Obama’s decision to make.

    Let the people decide who they want to lead them . . . ALL the people voting in November. To do this any other way is NOT democracy. Can you not see the hypocrisy of your own political party leaders? Once again, who is really a threat to our democracy?

  60. Peter -

    Maybe we don’t sign our names because we don’t want to have our words twisted or be unfairly attacked by others. There are some real whackos out there, and why bring unnecessary problems onto ourselves, our families or our employers just for expressing our political opinions on a blog?

    I respect your choice to sign your name. Please respect the choices of others as well.

    If Bernie doesn’t want anonymous comments, he can disable that function.

  61. If Biden was an hour late for his “big boy” press conference, it’s likely because they were waiting for his meds to kick in.

    They didn’t have the luxury of showing up late on debate night.

    It’s that simple.

  62. Anon 8:56 — ok , next Mayor Panto - Your Honor , They should have run in the primary.” Well mayor , a couple of decent Democrats tried, but the Beiden re-election team WRECKED THEM, and their political careers ,they ..attacked their own DEMOCRATES. Wow , You don’t know this? City should have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal. I read it every day. It’s my college degree in effect , as I never cashed in 128. Credit hours . So, advice about trends in pension plans for municipal employees and how to stay away from the California TEACHErS UNION Fund called Great West /.Now re named - Empowerment! That’s bull crap. And Evan outside restaurant s taking up parking space in other venues .. I’m no genius as you Sir but , I’m up 28.7 % in market on my stock . How’s the city pension fund doing? “ Corporate Greed “ is just like here with landlords getting $1,800 for 750 square feet of apartment space , except at lower decimal place. If something is too costly people will stop buying it. So It’s called “Capitalism “ . You know , steel making and production of consumer goods to make us better. Our incompetent President is a “front man “ for the left political agenda , now to their demise. They put things in-front of him to sign , he probably has no idea now what he is signing, and… he’s responsible for nuclear codes? Hope he stays in race ,his family needs the perks , can’t transfer $200,000 ,000 million less 75 just held up last 48 hrs . The ship will sink. And so will Congressional Democrats be out too. Good day sir. I sign my name and my .front door is still on .

  63. Being reported that Trump shot

  64. First blood after Biden's desperate calls 24 hours earlier. Game on Ds. Game on.

  65. Biden can’t get through staged tv appearances. Trump meanwhile gets freaking shot, and stands there defiant. This race is beyond over.

  66. You own part of this assassination attempt. You've stoked violence by calling him Hitler and threat to the democracy. I know you're celebrating. That's what anyone who knows you would expect. Sick. Nice work Bernie. Your children and grandchildren should be proud of you, right?

  67. They’re both too old.However, going on their record ,it’s Biden. Trump is a pathological liar and has done more harm than good and will end democracy if given another opportunity.

  68. All I can think of is Maxine Waters, before Trump was even inaugurated, saying if you see Trump supporters at the gas station or grocery store get in their face. I remember Trumps cabinet getting refused service in restaurants. I’m not a big Trump guy but we, as Americans, have to do better.

  69. Stop this rhetoric. Be american. Support each other even those with different points of view. Our fathers fought for our freedom to disagree. Pray for the innocent people killed and injured. Pray for the American people to be responsible with their rhetoric pray for secret service and law enforcement who protect. Pray we unite and not further divide.

  70. "It's time to put Trump in the bullseye."

    Joe Biden
    July 8, 2024 <------

  71. I’m sick of hearing how Biden was such an honorable man blah blah blah this a guy who wouldn’t even acknowledge his own grandchild. Trump is a loud mouth narcissist but this nonsense about “an end to democracy” please give it a break. He’s not Hitler. They’ll be no end to democracy if he’s elected. It will a chaotic 4 yrs of loud mouth bravado and a 24/7 war with the media. Thats it.

  72. I personally would say that the counter shooter for Secret Service saved other lives as the result of his shot. Now , that’s 150 yards apparently to that roof top. . The use of tripod with rifle attached was used . Ah, this mean it’s assisted it’s like having a Golf ball being launched to a green by way of a mechanical device that send them in effect. But I understand they were stationary , not on patrol. Marksman and golf however have many similarities. Assaulter with AR platform,untrained and stupid and fortunately a poor shot.like most of them .

  73. "Donald trump is a threat to democracy."
    "Donald trump represents an existential threat to our nation."
    "Donald Trump poses is a very real threat to our country."

    - Joe Biden in the last five days. Words repeated in this space dozens of times over the last four years. This rhetoric cost an heroic man his life. He was a husband and dad and firefighter. He had a right to support a political candidate. Stop this. Everyone stop this. Please God.

  74. Trump is gangsta! Even a bullet can’t stop him. Biden can’t even finish a debate LOL.

  75. How does some little kid get in a position to do this? Imagine if this was a well trained ISIS cell. The bad guys are watching this piss poor SS performance. Out foxed by a little dweeb. It’s ridiculous!

  76. I wonder if radical abortion supporter Mr Sons Of Italy Catholic Panto takes communion after the petitions that ask to protect life from conception to natural death? How does the wafer taste partial-birth-abortiin supporter Sal? Please don't show up at anything with parish. You are disgusting.

  77. Trump forever!!!!❤🇺🇲God spared him to save America!!!



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