Local Government TV

Monday, July 15, 2024

If Biden Really Wants to Bring Us Together, He Should Pardon Trump

Late Saturday afternoon, in western Pennsylvania's Trump country, a would-be assassin nearly succeeded in killing former President Donald Trump. From atop a glass factory only 348 yards from a Trump rally, Thomas Matthew Crooks aimed his father's AR-style rifle at Trump and fired away. One bullet grazed Trump's ear, who was otherwise unharmed. The hail of bullets from Crooks did, however, kill a firefighter and critically wounded two others. While we may have serious differences, people of good will (left and right) quickly condemned this senseless act of violence. President Joe Biden talked about the need for all of us to unite on Saturday night and twice on Sunday. Moreover, following a phone call between these two political rivals, Trump posted a two-word message on his Truth Social account - "Unite America!" Instead of uttering meaningless refrains about getting along, one of the biggest steps Biden could take to ease the political temperature would be by granting Trump a pardon in the federal cases pending against him. 

The federal criminal cases show a man who actively obstructed government officials in numerous attempts to retrieve sensitive confidential records that included nuclear secrets. But I am well aware that a large segment of the American population believe he is a victim of political persecution. This has stoked a lot of the division in this country over the past year. 

I'll concede there are people on both sides of the political spectrum who will never be mollified unless one side completely obliterates "the other." In years past, "the other" has been our foreign adversaries. Now, it's progressive Democrats or MAGA Republicans. There is no hope for people who latch onto conspiracy theories and are so full of hate that they condemn everyone just for their party affiliation. 

Most of us are unlike that. I am close to several MAGA Republicans who are among the most generous people I know. Even my brother is a Trump supporter, and to be honest, he is a far better person than I ever was. With those folks, a Biden pardon would go a long way to easing the current political tensions. They might even help restore faith in some of our government institutions. 

Will this hurt Biden's chances at the "battle box," as he called the ballot box last night? Frankly, who cares? That ship sailed after a disastrous debate performance. And the assassination attempt makes a Trump's landslide even more likely.  But if Biden really cares about bringing people together, instead of his own selfish interests, he'd do it. 

Finally, I wish to address some nasty comments directed at me over the weekend, claiming I took joy in Trump's near assassination and that my own rhetoric is somehow responsible.  I take back none of the things I've said about Trump. I do consider him an authoritarian and a danger to democracy. I've compared him to Hitler and have called him a crime boss. But these does not mean I want people to kill him. I've always believed in following the law, even when I have sometimes failed myself. Finally, I've never advocated violence against him or anyone. 


  1. I frequently view the YouTube clips of Brian Taylor Cohen (who happens to be a Lehigh grad) and his most recent post labels Donald Trump is a fascist (and he states why he’s a fascist)… where are you referred to him as authoritarian. I guess there’s not much space between those two terms, but my curiosity had me ask ChatGPT about the difference:

    “Authoritarianism and fascism are both forms of governance characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms, but they differ in several key ways:


    1. Definition: A broad political system characterized by the concentration of power in a single authority or a small group of leaders, often involving limited political pluralism and reduced political freedoms.
    2. Ideology: Can vary widely. It does not prescribe a specific ideology; authoritarian regimes can be communist, socialist, nationalist, or even ostensibly democratic.
    3. Political Structure: The government exerts strong control over political life, often through coercion and repression, but may allow some degree of personal freedom and economic activity.
    4. Examples: North Korea under Kim Jong-un, China under Xi Jinping, and Saudi Arabia under the Saudi royal family.


    1. Definition: A far-right, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.
    2. Ideology: Emphasizes extreme nationalism, often accompanied by xenophobia, racism, and the idea of national rebirth. It glorifies the state or nation above individual rights and interests.
    3. Political Structure: Fascist regimes are typically led by a dictator and employ propaganda, mass mobilization, and state control of many aspects of life, including the economy, culture, and education.
    4. Examples: Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, Fascist Italy under Benito Mussolini, and Francoist Spain under Francisco Franco.

    Key Differences

    1. Ideological Basis: Authoritarianism is ideologically flexible, while fascism is specifically rooted in far-right ultranationalist and often racist ideologies.
    2. Level of Control: Both systems exert strong control, but fascism often involves more pervasive and ideological control over society, aiming for a totalitarian system.
    3. Economic Control: Fascist regimes often involve significant state intervention in the economy, whereas authoritarian regimes can vary from state-controlled economies to free-market systems.
    4. Mobilization: Fascism involves active mass mobilization of the populace for the state’s goals, while authoritarian regimes might not require such mass engagement, focusing more on passive obedience and control.”

    Are you comfortable calling him a fascist - or does that term carry some incendiary baggage?

  2. Sure Bernie you are part of the problem and now you want out--That is a typical left-wing democrat.

  3. Calling him Hitler advocated violence period, you people are bad news.

  4. I would much prefer the tainted judges involved in ridiculous ongoing cases against Trump suddenly do the CORRECT, honorable and decent moves to drop the very flawed cases against Trump instead. In a sane and just America, Trump will (and should) win the election without any special favor from his opponent. No “Thank you for allowing me to win, Joe” is a desirable component in my mind, and I’m sure many million others.

  5. Your Party is already making jokes about President Trump, your Party is already making snide remarks about the attempt, your Party is already claiming it could be a 'false flag' operation by Trump.

    This is your Party Bernie and some of this is on social media by people locally that you know.
    Your Party Bernie!

  6. Yup, there it is. Bernie, you’ve officially been indoctrinated into a cult. Just to be clear, there are no “good Trump supporters” when they’re supporting a narcissistic sociopath hellbent on literally exterminating anyone that is not a cis-gender, white male. But before I leave this blog forever, I want to speak to any individual who has a little bit of human decency left:

    Trump has never been poor and will never relate to the everyday struggle to survive that the poor and middle class have to endure on a daily basis. He does NOT have your best interest in mind and only cares about billionaires and corporate interest. You will eventually regret voting for him when you realize one day how disposable he treats the working class.

    1. You are an idiot…. I’m a professional white male who resents your comment that there are no good Trump supporters. I’m only sorry for all my wasted votes that I made on the left

  7. Trump has been found guilty of STATE charges. The president's veto power only extends to federal charges.

    I'm sure the New York jurors don't appreciate your distain for the work they did and the risks they took. Remember the judge in the fraud case who warned the jurors to NEVER tell anyone they'd served on the jury?

    Are we all equal under the law or do loudmouth billionaires get a pass while the little guy has to pay a fine for jaywalking?

    This is the most elitist column you've ever published.

  8. You are out of your mind! Trump is not above the law. Trump loves violence and just because he was a target we should all feel sorry for him?? No way! A pardon isn’t bringing us together, in fact, it’ll infuriate us and make things worse while all these traitors gloat. Too bad for poor Trump. Just like Donny Boy posted a picture of underwear and a hammer on Twitter and said it was his Halloween costume which was making fun of Paul Pelosi getting bludgeoned by.a MAGAT, maybe this year the most popular costume will be a stringy yellow comb over wig, a long giant red tie, red marks on the right ear and side of face, with people asking wear their shoes are. Lock him up.

  9. “From atop a glass factory only 348 yards from a Trump rally, Thomas Matthew Crooks aimed…”

    Every major news report I’ve seen, heard or read puts the distance at 130 yards, with a few putting the distance at 160 yards.

    That’s far closer to 348 FEET, than 348 YARDS. Do you have differing info, or is that just a typo?

    If differing info, could you please provide the source? From either distance, this appears to be a tremendous failure on the part of the US Secret Service.

    That said, it’s important that we’re all in agreement about the FACTS as this is investigated. This would seem like a very easy one to clarify.

  10. Noted Historian, Victor Davis Hansen, in a brilliant assessment made yesterday, describes America’s recent fascination with what he calls “Assassination Porn.” Yes, he concludes this affliction to have been one cause behind Saturday’s incident and also, mostly a product of the Left.

  11. Not a chance. Biden was as strident and defiantly partisan as ever last night. He fired up the violence. He nearly achieved his objective. Then, like Hamas after perpetrating 10/7, he's suddenly calling on Republicans to turn down the rhetoric.

    He's just like you, until today, Bernie. You learned what you did was dangerous and deadly. Good for you. I hope you donate to the family of the firefighter. Biden will have that family jailed if they mouth off too much.

    No retreat. No surrender. Democrats started this and many cheered when lives were lost.

  12. I think creepy Ryan Meekenzie needs to explain why he opposes an assault weapons ban.

  13. Bernie, you're words a meaningless after reading your entire comment.

  14. Imagine if this was the reverse and it was Biden who had done all of Trump’s atrocities and was a felon times 34, convict, and rapist and you were saying that Trump should pardon him. His base would go absolutely freaking crazy, so no Biden doesn’t need to pardon that garbage bag.

  15. Did anyone else notice the girls pretending to be secret service agents? Two were fat. Both were too short to provide the secret service "meat shield" on such a tall candidate. One kept pleading "what are we doing? What are we doing?" The men seemed to know without asking. The one fatty couldn't holster her weapon until the fifth try! Have we taken DEI too far when fat, unprepared girls are accepted into positions like this? I wouldn't want little fat guys either. But those chubby little girls are now an international joke. Our Secret Service is lead by a DEI hire, whom Biden won't fire because he hasn't the balls to fire anyone.

    1. They aren't fat. They were wearing bullet proof vests. Your comment shows how ignorant you are.

  16. Trump wins. He'll wear this attempt and his battered ear like a badge of honor. Plus, the maga cult puppets are now flooding him with money.

    Crazy conspiracy theories I've heard:

    The shooter could have been taken alive. Who has something to hide?

    Joe was in church - sounds like a scene from the Godfather.

    trump set it up when he saw the poll that harris could beat him.

    All I really know in my heart are two things: 1) I have not seen so much hate and division in our great nation since the 1960s. 2) trump/biden - we all lose.

  17. F Y Bernie,
    Never pardon trump! He is scum and has taking every angle to increase his wealth through cheating the system. He has caused hardships for our black Americans when he when after the black kids who did not rape the white woman. He has cheated hundreds of contractors who worked on his buildings, He hires migrant workers at his country clubs. And has sold American secrets to our enemies. This guy belongs in prison. These are facts.
    He is simply a B rated actor and has no leadership skills and should never be allowed in any political office. He is a grifter.

  18. Still with the "danger to democracy" shit. The firefighter's blood is on your hands and you know it. Keep up with the dictator and danger to the country stuff. How many more dead do you want? You are still the problem and you have no self-awareness. Meanwhile, a family grieves and you're still stoking violence through outrageous rhetoric. You have no decency.

  19. “ I've compared him to Hitler and have called him a crime boss. But these does not mean I want people to kill him.”

    Wait, you’re against killing Hitler?

  20. 148 yards from the podium, not two-tenths of a mile.

  21. I do consider him an authoritarian. I know he didn't give us tax cuts to keep our money, was totally for making people take the jab or lose a job, told social media companies to silence people, forgave student loans when the supreme court said he couldn't, his #3 at the DOJ took a huge demotion to go to NYC and go after his political opponent, Tells you to pay your fair share when Don Jr doesn't, Oh wait..... Biden did all these. sounds pretty authoritarian to me.

  22. It's time to pack away our opinions and Think About Our Country.

  23. We are better than violence. We are better than threats of violence. We're all Americans trying to make a country we can all be proud of.

    "Politics should be kind of boring."
    -- Bernie Sanders

  24. Two people who were wounded at Trump's rally are in the hospital and one person is dead.
    Trump didn't visit the hospital or the family of the man who was killed.
    He went golfing.
    Nothing more needs to be said!

    1. How do you know SS wouldn’t allow him to go? It would be a shit show.

  25. 1:44, I consider him an authoritarian. His more cult-like followers are fascists.

  26. "Noted Historian, Victor Davis Hansen, in a brilliant assessment made yesterday, describes America’s recent fascination with what he calls “Assassination Porn.” Yes, he concludes this affliction to have been one cause behind Saturday’s incident and also, mostly a product of the Left." - I am familiar with his work. As a classicist and historian, I respect him. As a political commentator. His contention that leftists have a lurid fascination with assassinating Trump is absurd. He is just playing into the attempt to vilify "the other," which in your case, are people on the left.

  27. You aren't cured. You're still using dangerous rhetoric. You owe the firefighter's family an apology and some penance. Wow, you're just pure evil. You spit on his grave by continuing to stoke violence with outrageous hyperbole. My God, you can't be gone from us soon enough. We can't get better and get along until hateful fossils like you are long gone from us.

  28. "Did anyone else notice the girls pretending to be secret service agents? Two were fat. "

    Your sexism is noted. I noted fat cops and a fat state trooper, all of whom were male. The female SS agents were quite professional and were very fit.

  29. "He's just like you, until today, Bernie. You learned what you did was dangerous and deadly."

    I stand by everything I said about Trump.

  30. "Your Party is already making jokes about President Trump, your Party is already making snide remarks about the attempt, your Party is already claiming it could be a 'false flag' operation by Trump."

    Withour question, there are plenty of ugly people in both parties and plenty of conspiracy theories suggesting it was staged (left) or deep state (right).

  31. Bernie!
    What a suggestion.! Excellent.

  32. "Never pardon trump! He is scum and has taking every angle to increase his wealth through cheating the system. "

    Like you, I am personally convinced that he is an evil man. But there are numerous people who consider him a savior. If we truly want to lower the temperatures and bring people together for the good of the country, he should be pardoned. The president can only pardon on the federal crimes, so t would be up to NY and Ga to decide whether to follow suit on state charges.

  33. "Biden did all these. sounds pretty authoritarian to me."

    You are correct. The exec branch has grown too powerful. This has been going on too long. Both sides are at fault.

  34. "Trump didn't visit the hospital or the family of the man who was killed."

    Given that he was shot, came to within an inch of his life himself, I'm inclined to give him a pass on that one. He did offer his condolences almost immediately.

    1. And still didn’t go to see the family afterwards. He played golf instead. He’s a POS.

    2. President Trump has raised nearly $4 million for the victims and their families https://www.gofundme.com/f/president-trump-seeks-support-for-butler-pa-victims

    3. There is no way the SS is letting visit that hospital at this point.

    4. Anonymous 11:24 I see his campaign set it up. What did he contribute? Isn’t he a “billionaire”?

  35. “Without question, there are plenty…of conspiracy theories suggesting it was staged (left) or deep state (right).”

    And a complete and full investigation should address ALL theories.

    I’m stunned that as of yet the head of the Secret Service hasn’t held a press conference to address what happened on Saturday.

    At best, it shows an amazing lack of understanding about accountability and the need for public servants to be available to the public. At worst, it needlessly fuels speculation about coverups and fuels other conspiracy theories.

    The public deserves answers in real time. Instead of giving scripted and increasingly-political statements from the Oval Office so he can give the appearance of being competent, perhaps Joe Biden can have his department heads to start answering questions about what actually happened.

    It’s not just Trump’s safety that could be at stake from an inept Secret Service, but also Biden’s. Also, RFK, Jr. deserves Secret Service protection no matter how much Biden doesn’t want a third party opponent that could siphon votes from him.

  36. When you say, like Biden and you Bernie, that Trump is a threat to America, to Democracy, shit, that’s a call to arms! Besides that it’s totally ridiculous. Biden said Friday To put a “bullseye” on Trump. WTF you think is going to happen?

  37. These idiotic comments about Bieden and Democrats being behind this assassination attempt is pure lunacy. Think about this, if i were the president of the good ole USA and I really wanted someone assassinated, I would bring in a team of snipers that were expert marksmen to take out my opponent from at least one mile away. simple as pie. This is a crazy mixed up kid that exposed a flaw in the secret service protection scheme. That's all.

  38. How does someone show up at a rally with a rifle and know that a rooftop within the line of sight and the within range of said rifle is not secured?

    Many, many people must have seen him work his way onto that roof with a rifle strapped to his body. It's unlikely he climbed up on the roof holding a loaded rifle in firing stance. Armed Secret Service, armed local police, armed PA State Police must have been everywhere inside and outside the rally yet he got that close and fired several shots.

    Conspiracy theories will never go away, not matter what the investigation concludes.

  39. "When you say, like Biden and you Bernie, that Trump is a threat to America, to Democracy, shit, that’s a call to arms! Besides that it’s totally ridiculous. Biden said Friday To put a “bullseye” on Trump. WTF you think is going to happen?"

    The assertion that the executive branch has grown too autocratic and is endangering our democracy is far from a "call to arms." Get real. I am arguing instead that the other two branches of our government start acting like the equally co-powerful branches they are supposed to be. Much of the executive overreach has been with the acquiescence of the legislative branch. They have actually ceded this authority in many instances. I at no times have used the language of violence that is associated with a call to arms.

    As for Biden's remarks, they were made during a call with donors. There are no direct quotes, and his remarks are obviously made in the context of winning an election, not advocating violence.

    1. Bernie, really? Biden’s whole campaign is based on the premise that the country will end as we know it if Trump is elected. Stop the bullshit please. The Democrat Jarad Golden from Maine is right. It’s hysteria.

  40. A very small percentage of Secret Service agents are assigned to security details. Of that small percentage, only an elite few are assigned to Presidential Protection units.

    Of this minuscule remaining few, historically speaking, almost all have been former Tier 1 and Tier 2 military personnel.

    If you do not understand what I have just written in the preceding sentence, stop reading now. You have no business commenting here.

    I’ve watched much news coverage on this assassination attempt.

    The Secret Service detail assigned to protect Trump was woefully short on these types of agents.

    Watch for yourself and decide who could not have been who I’ve described.

    1. One of the females couldn’t even reholster her weapon. I’m retired LEO that’s basic muscle memory. It was a total cluster. The other thing is Trump is 6’3 and they got three 5’5 females trying to cover him. Not against females in law enforcement but they gotta be the best to be on that detail.

  41. The most asinine element of this attempted assassination is that people believed that it was staged or a political stunt. First of all, there wouldn’t be two innocent bystanders losing their life over a false flag. Also, when innocent people get hurt, you increase the risk in the “conspiratorial circle” that someone is going to defect and come clean. Additionally, for every person you add to the conspiracy, the risk of it falling apart are exponential. Why? Because there is a lot of money and fame that comes with being a whistleblower of a staged act such as this one. Anything more than a tight circle is going to fall apart. Now think of the number of people that would have been involved. C’mon, do you honestly think the entire crowd was in on the conspiracy? It’s impossible. Now put it to rest already.

  42. Such insane bullsh!t. These posters vilify Trump for playing golf because they heard it on the internet. ITS NOT TRUE. Do some research and stop listening to BS sources for your news. Stop watching The View and get back to being an American.
    Trump may not be "your candidate", but he's not Hitler. He's not an 'existential threat' to democracy. He's not an evil villan. He's a businessman who ran for office. He's not a politician.
    But when people say he must be stopped to save America, these things will eventually happen. Even MSNBC pulled Scarborough... Why? Maybe even they know it was way over the line and up until July 13, they got lucky pushing such made up propaganda and hate.

    1. Cut the crap with attempting to look at this from a higher moral ground. That man appeals to you because his WHITE. Because the harm and the rhetoric he spews consistently hurts marginalized groups. He knows what he’s doing and you’re complicit to all the violence that his followers enact on everyone that doesn’t conform to the interpretation of what an American civilian should be. Words matter and there are consequences to the fiery oratory he constantly says. Even he admittedly had to tone down his speech for today’s RNC convention because he knew it would hurt certain people. It’s all fun and games and laughter until the violence is perpetrated against your own. In simpler terms, he’s worst than hitler to a lot of us that don’t support him, your just complicit to it until it affects YOU. You’re a hypocrite.

    2. Roll eyes. Move on LOL. The crazies are out today. Taiba is that you?

    3. No, it’s not Taiba. Why does everyone that calls you out on your BS have to be a person of color? You got nothing because you know I’m right. Like I said, it’s all fun and games until a REPUBLICAN RIGHT-WING nut comes after your cult leader. You voted that AR-15 right into that boys hands, now you have to come up with conspiracy theories and blame the left for a situation that YOU created. Reap what you sow, YOU are why this happened.

    4. Pipe down now and go take your meds lol.

  43. Looks like one of the potential two Biden pardons is already not needed, as the judge just (rightly) tossed the classified docs case.

    If Biden is going to issue a pardon, he’d better do it quickly while he still can.

  44. You, as many others, are suddenly backtracking on nasty “Trump talk” as I’ll call it but it doesn’t matter now. Words were written/said and we all read them and heard them. Even “Morning Joe” was pulled from the air today. The documents case was thrown out today as God continues to move his mighty hand in protection of Donald Trump. I don’t believe for a minute that you would want Donald Trump dead, Bernie, but you certainly don’t wish him well.

  45. Pull up photos of the 20 year old who almost assassinated Trump.

    This person defeated a secret service detail assigned to protect a presidential candidate a few months before an election.


  46. You and this blog are an existential threat to democracy and our way of life. You are a threat to peace. You are a threat to honest elections and our democracy. You are a threat and should be taken seriously. We must be protected from you.

    1. Bernie is a threat to democracy! About as much of a threat as Trump. That means not much lol.

  47. Hey, @9:12am,

    You dumbass, there's NO WAY the secret service would let him leave his place AT the golf course two hours after getting shot. He wasn't PLAYING golf, numbnuts. Too much security concerns and would create too much of a scene. Wake Up

  48. So you've now called the brave firefighter and girl dad of two, a cultist? Wow. Get help.

  49. Well, Bernie, you made a necessary attempt to soothe matters with your feature this morning. But, you couldn’t quite get there, so to speak. By all means, stand by your negative opinions of this man. Someone you’ve never met, who you’ve continually maligned as an evil being. You are sadly uninformed about what actually went down that January 6 afternoon. You have made great efforts to censor discussion of election fixing. I am convinced you are aware of the substantial evidence of such that deserved complete reveal but didn’t get one. But, hey, your side won!

    Despite your value as a resource for local political news, your continued obsession with bringing down Trump, particularly today, is off-putting. After participating here with scores of comments within stated guidelines, only to have several not appear, I have decided not to continue with posting as I have done for about 20 years. Regardless, I bid you good health.

    1. This is the best post on here. He does censure posts. Especially when he’s losing the discussion at hand. For local politics it’s a great blog, but don’t ever forget he’s a partisan democrat, and he hasn’t woken up to the fact the democrat party of 1980 is long gone. It’s a far left crazy fest now. I’m not thrilled with the Trumpers either, but now Trump is getting my vote.

  50. 11:49 -

    "..worst [sic] than hitler..."

    That's pretty exclusive company: Stalin, Mao, Trump. One of these is not like the others. Take a hike, jackass.

    1. Sure, because he’s not a Hitler to YOUR Lilly white ass, doesn’t mean his words doesn’t incite his followers to create a living HELL for people in marginalized groups. The problem with people living in your echo-chamber is that you don’t consider anyone outside YOUR past experiences. You simply don’t give a fuck if it’s not happening to you. But you’ll learn soon enough. And your inert insults don’t faze me, I’ve been called worst, try working out your anger by purchasing more .223 rounds for the upcoming imaginary “ReVOluooSion”. You dolt.

    2. To paraphrase a great American: It’s not that you’re ignorant, it’s that you know so much that isn’t so.

    3. lol. A wild eyed hysterical liberal brainwashed into permanent victimhood. Boo hoo poor baby.

    4. Isn’t so for who? This Lilly white world that has been specifically built for your white comfort? Just because YOU don’t experience it, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. You should try interacting with people outside the Lehigh valley.

    5. So how are we going to learn soon enough? That sounds like a threat, and you sound crazy! My guess is you’re part of the same group of hypocrites who constantly play the race card while at the same time are blatant anti semites. Race and gender issues permeate every fiber of your being. My advice to you is get some help, you seem to have a lot of hate in you. Concentrate on the good things in your life and be grateful.

    6. @11:07

      Aww, look at this. Another unconscious white male unable to be empathetic to any experiences that he doesn’t go through personally. If it doesn’t affect you personally, I guess it doesn’t exist. Typical ‘Merican.

      Always remember my ignorant friend, who make it about race first?

  51. No pardon. Trump broke the law and set us on this divisive course.

    Even at this late stage, Biden would have a chance if he shifted his "rhetoric" towards his and the Democrats' role in saving the economy, and focused on that.

    But if Biden was that smart, he would have never tried to run for re-election.

  52. One Trump trail done 3 to go all were witch hunts just like all the deferent ways the democrats tried to get the future President. Trump does not need pardons because he did nothing wrong all the indictments were dream up by left wing radial democrats. Everything the democrats do is always a failure.

  53. Another mass shooting by a white boy with a gun, nothing to really see here. It’s just another typical Saturday in the good ole US of A. Lol

  54. I’m sure that if the shooter was black or brown, none of ya would be talking about it being a false flag. Your racism is showing, even if you’re unconscious of it.

  55. The events on Saturday don’t diminish one bit that Trump and his rabid following are a disease infecting this country. I certainly don’t want to see anyone (especially Trump; dare he be a martyr) shot or killed, but the way he fought the Secret Service trying to get him off the stage said a lot about his respect towards others. He was going to shake that fist, despite the Secret Service trying to get his head and body lower. The man who shot Trump is said to have been a victim of bullying. I wonder if Trump’s incessant bullying and blowhard speeches were a trigger. Trump is a lunatic, but I believe Saturday made him invincible.

  56. It looks like they’re going to give Kennedy SS protection now. It was disgraceful that he didn’t have any.

  57. Well, Bernie, this is your party and your peeps. They can't control themselves. They are back to taking guns from legal law-abiding citizens. They want to see their pound of flesh from Trump. No trying to calm the waters. This is your democrat party.

    Social media is lit up. Not even twenty-four hours after the attempt on Trump, they were cackling online. Even one of your local officials on county council, she was joking about Trump wanting his shoes. I doubt they were ever in a high stress situation where they almost die. Others are claiming it was a set-up by Trump. This twenty-year-old kid with no formal training is trusted to hit Trumps ear?

    Your Party is now nothing but a tribe of progressive nut jobs. Ther normal democrat people and normal officials have no home in that party anymore.

    I see no difference between MAGA and Nutty Progressive liberals.

  58. Trump/Vance for the win!

  59. Anonymous 3:03 (1st) -

    FDR's (FDR is a hero of the progressive left) Executive Order 9066 was closer to anything Hitler sanctioned than anything Trump, or any U.S. president since, has ever done. If you're going to compare a 20th/21st century U.S. president to Hitler, at least pick the right one.

  60. Couple white boy shootings but daily mass black boy shootings.

    1. “Ain’t no fuuuun, when the rabbits got the guuun….”

      Hopefully you eat your own and get rid of this MAGA infestation.

  61. As we've seen from the rightwing riots and looting across our major cities following the Trump assassination attempt, there's no difference between the tribes.

  62. Remember that time when god let a bunch of Palestinians kids die but then he saved Donald Trump from a bullet? This is what conservatives think, there’s no getting through to this mental incapability Bernie, they’re long gone into the depths of a cult.

  63. I have lost all respect for Joe Biden. This is the last straw. Disparaging a bronze star recipient who earned in battle, Rep Jason Crow (D) CO. Then invoking his son’s bronze star, earned pushing paper in the JSG Corp just like DeSantis. This guy has lost his mind!


  64. The head of the damn Teamsters spoke at the Republican convention. Wow!!!

  65. Biden is done! He has covid now…….. yeah sure he does lol. Bring on giggles Harris.

  66. No pardon necessary, you legal midget. He's off the hook on half the charges. The rest will be thrown out and all that time you wasted jerking off to impeachment porn will only be worth filthy tube socks and hairy palms. Start begging for your boy Biden's pardon. He's going to need it.

  67. Biden supposedly has Covid. He gets off the plane and not one mask in sight! These are the same ppl who made our kids suffer unnecessarily with the damn masks. What a fraud!

  68. Asking him to step aside after he swept through state by state primaries and garnered almost all delegates is election denial. Your wish that the results be denied is anti-American and threatening to democracy. Your statements are dangerous. You criticize election denial, and immediately begin doing it. While that's right on brand for you, it should be noted to the non-hypocrites who might stop here.

  69. One of the most ironic scenarios that came out of this attempted assassination was that when Trump was grazed by that bullet, he was carrying on about his imaginary and dangerous “border crisis” only to almost be taken out by the biggest REAL threat to American civilians, and that being gun violence. Specifically, white people with guns. The call is coming from inside the house. And yall don’t even realize it.

  70. Biden stepping down this weekend according to axios. We’ll see. If true democrats are ruthless back stabbers, especially Obama. I admire that George Bush stays out of all this shit, Obama still calling the shots. It’s not right.


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